Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član magdalena13







OD 14.01.2018.

Otkriven gen koji otežava prestanak pušenja

Otkriven gen koji otežava prestanak pušenja
Iako ženi njezino genetsko nasljeđe čini težim prestati pušiti, to nikako ne znači da je to nemoguće.


Prema nekim istraživanjima dio žena koje se bore s prestankom pušenja u trudnoći nosi gen koji odustajanje od te opasne navike čini težim.

S.C. Foto:

Prema najnovijem istraživanju, žene koje ne mogu prestati pušiti usprkos tomu što su trudne mogu  za to barem djelomice okriviti gene, prenosi MailOnline.

Pušenje u vrijeme trudnoće je vrlo štetno za plod te može dovesti do niza komplikacija. Iako je razdoblje trudnoće najpogodnije za većinu žena koje puše da prestanu, njih čak 80 posto ustrajat će u svojoj navici. Znanstvenici također naglašavaju da buduće majke ne bi trebale koristiti svoje gene kao izgovor za nastavka pušenja. Iako ženi njezino genetsko nasljeđe čini težim prestati pušiti, to nikako ne znači da je to nemoguće.

Zbog jačeg pritiska okoline je teže prestati

DNK testovi pokazuju da trećina žena nosi gen za koji se pouzdano zna da potiče ljude na pušenje, a sada se zna da i stvara mnogo poteškoća oko prestanaka. U prva tri mjeseca trudnoće 31 posto žena koje ne nose sporan gen uspijeva prestati pušiti za razliku od 21 posto žena koje imaju gen. Za vrijeme trudnoće žene su pod jakim socijalnim pritiskom da prestanu pušiti, a prestanak u takvim okolnostima uvjetovan je brojnim faktorima kao što su dob žene, okolina i stupanj obrazovanja. No, znanstvenici nikako ne žele da se ovo istraživanje koristi kao izgovor za nemogućnost odustajanja od cigarete za vrijeme trudnoće.

Također je vrlo vjerojatno da geni utječu na sposobnost obiju spolova da prestanu pušiti tijekom cijelog života.  





  • 01.02.2021. 20:27h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Ja sam "genialan" or "Ja Jesam Život"

    Najvjerovatnije da do sada nitko i u nijednoj teretani još nikada nije podigao ikakav koristan teret ali je i moguče da su i sve teretane zaslužne za skidanje napetosti ili i rasterečenja !?




    Ako ni Tito nije znao "šta sve ovo znači" a ni Krleža "praznina što je to" onda su i oni bili "genetski uvijetovani" ?!

    Ali ako bismo taj "gen" posmatrali u kontekstu da "i neodabir je odabir" tojest i da tek "kada imamo zašta umrijeti tada imamo i za što živjeti" to bi bilo kao da i ne idemo na "genetske modifikacije" nego se samo trebamo "transformirati u svijesti" ???

    Mi smo uvijek bili Heliocentrični a samo nam neki gen nije dao da prestanemo "pušiti" geocentrično ??

    Baš kao i kada "sve je energija" ali nas ona i istovremeno zarobljava umijesto da oslobodi ?

    I tu onda:*"Ovako bebe dišu," rekla je." Zapamti taj osećaj kada ti stomak skače, da bi mogla da ga ponoviš, bilo kada pešačiš ili vežbaš ili samo ležiš i ništa ne radiš. Verovatno mi nećeš verovati ali previše smo civilizovani da bi mogli ponovo da naučimo da ispravno dišemo."
    Sklonila je ruke sa mojih grudi i leda. "Sada pusti da ti se dah penje i napuni pluća," govorila mi je šta da radim. "Ali nemoj da dopustiš da ti ude u glavu."
    "Ne postoji način da mi vazduh uđe u glavu," nasmejala sam se.
    "Nemoj da me shvataš bukvalno," prekorila me je. "Kada kažem vazduh, u stvari mislim na energiju koja potiče iz daha i koja ulazi u abdomen, grudi i konačno u glavu."
    "Disanje uznemirene osobe," reče naginjući se bliže prema meni, "ubrzano je i plitko i lokalizovano je u grudima ili glavi. Disanje opuštene osobe spušta se u abdomen."

    "Bebe uzimaju ogromnu količinu vazduha za svoju veličinu," reče Klara. "Medutim, kako postajemo stariji, postajemo sve stisnutiji, posebno u predelu pluća i primamo manje vazduha."
    Klara je duboko udahnula pre nego što je nastavila da govori. "Pošto su emocije u direktnoj vezi sa dahom," rekla je," dobar način da se čovek smiri je da reguliše disanje. Na primer, možemo da se uvežbamo da primimo više energije tako što ćemo namerno produžiti svaki udisaj."

    "Žvakanje i gutanje dovodi izvesnu energiju koja se nalazi u glavi do stomaka i time smanjuje opterećenje u mozgu," reče uz prigušeni smeh. "U tvom slučaju, biće neophodno da izvodiš često ovu vežbu."

    "Kako se sada osećaš, rekapitulirajući sve te uspomene"
    "Imam potrebu da ih sve izudaram, uključujući i majku. Nikako ne mogu da joj oprostim."

    "Većina ljudi jedino zna da se brine samo o sebi. "Mada im to ne ide baš najbolje od ruke. Zbog ovog preovlađujućeg davanja značaja sebi, lićnost se izobličuje i obiluje nečuvenim zahtevima."

    "Zamisli da si suncokret." šalila se. " Uvek kada dišeš drži lice okrenuto u pravcu sunca. Sunčeva svetlost puni dah energijom. Zato obavezno udahni vazduh punim plućima. Uradi ovo tri puta."*

    A možemo li "udahnuti" i kao "ulje na platnu"... rekao bi Van Gogh koji je dakako slikao u Prirodi !o'o!

    Ili kada bi "genetička inžinjerija" popušila "lulu mira" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaNXuSZI7eY&t=523s ---- ovo bi u praksi bilo luđe od ičega što možemo i sanjati u najluđim snovima pa je stoga i rečeno "sjeti se onoga što si bio prije rođenja" iliti i ako ne želiš "post mortem" ?!?


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_o2iOavxYI  !?!

  • 01.02.2021. 21:30h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Bremeniti prošlošču......

    Postoji "teorija i praksa" ?

    Kao "teoretičari i praktičari Zavijere" ?

    * Filozofi ne mogu uticati na svet koji tako dobro poznaju i objašnjavaju, osim na kulturno prihvatljiv način. Filozofi dodaju znanje jednoj već postojećoj masi znanja. Oni inteipretiraju i reinterpretiraju postojeće filozofske tekstove. Nove ideje i misli koje proizilaze kao rezultat tog intenzivnog učenja ne menjaju ih, osim možda u psihološkom smislu. Mogu postati prijatniji, bolje razumevati ljude ili pak suprotno od toga. Činjenica je da ništa od svega što budu radili u domenu filozofije neće promeniti njihovo čulno opažanje sveta jer filozofi rade unutar društvenog uređenja. Oni podržavaju društveno uređenje čak i kada se intelektualno sa njime ne slažu*

    **Podučavao nas je pragmatičnom činu pomoću kojeg svako od nas može da percipira energiju. Po njegovom shvatanju, neophodno je da se oslobodimo svoje uobičajene sposobnosti percepcije da bi se energija percipirala na ovaj način. Oslobađanje i neposredna percepcija energije predstavljali su zadatak koji je zaokupio sve naše sposobnosti. Koncepcija podrazumeva da su parametri uobičajene percepcije nametnuti kao deo socijalizacije, ne u potpunosti
     svojevoljno već i pod prinudom. Jedno vidjenje ovih prinudnih parametara je sistem tumačenja koji čulne podatke prerađuju u smislene jedinice i ureduje odnose među Ijudima u vidu strukture tumačenja. Naša normalna percepcija unutar uredenih društvenih odnosa zahteva slepu i vernu povezanost sa svim predmetima percepcije, od kojih ni jedan ne pruža mogućnost za neposrednom percepcijom energije.  Da bi se ostvario poduhvat uzdizanja percepcije, potrebna nam je unutrašnja energija. Stoga, problem da se unutrašnja energija učini dostupnom za postizanje ovakvog cilja postaje ključno pitanje**

    ***One of the most intense of the wastes of energy is courtship. We waste an inconceivable quantity in courtship… What would happen if we reduce it by 5 percent? But what happens is that we give 100 percent, when we are pending all the time on a companion. What would happen if we cut this impulse? In that moment we would be sold an enormous earnings of energy, the dreams would begin to become clearer, and from lucid dreaming to controlled dreaming is one step, always when we leave to one side the defense of the personal I, because if not, from where are we going to draw the energy? The brain, that poor organ is very tired because we don’t have drive; its trapped in stupidity.***

    ****Naočigled esencijalne neslobode i izrabljivanja kojem podležemo, možemo i aktuelnu diskusiju o primerenom uzgoju domaćih životinja da pogledamo u novom svetlu. Jer mi životinjama činimo samo ono što "Oni" nama čine - kao učeni robovi svojih gospodara besramno ih izrabljujemo: muzemo ih, sisamo i koljemo, krademo njihova jaja i povrh toga činimo ih poslušnima na najrazličitije načine. Vezujemo ih, trpamo u kaveze, podrezujemo im krila, rogove, kandže i kljunove, dresiramo ih, činimo zavisnima i ubijamo u njima agresivnost i prirodan nagon za slobodom.

    Naše celokupno ponašanje je prožeto time, jer mi ne samo da izrabljujemo domaće životinje, nego i celokupnu živu i neživu prirodu – uključujući ljude oko nas. Uprkos ukidanju ropstva i opštem načelu modernog sveta, koje propagira slobodu, jednakost i bratstvo, ti uslovi vrede tek za one retke, koji su u socijalnom sistemu izborili gornje položaje. Većina još uvek živi i radi u zavisničkim odnosima, u kojima su manje ili više dobrovoljni robovi, iako danas više ne nose lanac oko vrata. Njihova jedina uteha leži najčešće u činjenici da postoji neko ko je još niže na hijerarhijskoj lestvici, koga mogu da izrabljuju i ugnjetavaju, sasvim u stilu bicikliste: gore pognut, dole gazi.****

    *****By recapitulating and cancelling undesirable commands, it is possible to modify our basic structure and shape our character at will. It is the only way we can rid ourselves of unconscious repetitions, the only way we can prevent the onslaught of diseases and other conditions that may have been programmed into the heritage we got from our ancestors.*****

    ......a po onom da "tko biježi taj je kriv" najviše bi krivudali upravo "svijetski prvaci" !?

    Ali ako po tom pitanju i "mi ništa ne možemo da činimo" onda smo i  "činjenice po Činiocima" ?!

    Svejedno je da li ideološki posmatramo Goli otok ili i duhovno raspetoga Isusa isti nam je "tonal" ili *Nagual
    je neizrecivo.Sva moguća osećanja, bića, mi sami, sve to u njemu pluta poput barki, pluta mirno, nepromenljivo, zauvek.Spona života vezuje neka od njih.Kad spona života poveže ta osećanja, stvara se jedno biće, biće koje gubi svoju pravu prirodu i postaje zaslepljeno sjajem i bukom oblasti u kojoj bića lebde,tonalom.* ??

    ??? Almodomios - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3h5zc8YA4Y 

  • 01.02.2021. 21:47h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    ......"elixir into the brain"

    Ovo je još i teža pušiona ?

    *“Kako je moguće da se sve to dešava a da mi to ne shvatamo?”

    “Zato što mi nasleđujemo razmenu sa tim bićima skoro kao genetsku okolnost, i to osećamo kao nešto prirodno. Kada se neko rodi, majka ga nudi kao hranu, ne shvatajući šta čini, jer je njen um takođe pod kontrolom.*

    **Everyone of us can 'see' energy - even now - but you are no longer aware of it. Infants on the other hand perceive energy directly. However, as they get older the 'Usher' introduces them to the world of ordinary reality. Instead of seeing amorphous energy, the infant one day will assemble the energy configuration into...a table. A toy. A dog. A tree. Each time the transformation comes from the Usher.

    "We are forced to maintain a world of everyday life until we die.**

    THAT DAY, DON JUAN AMBLED OUT INTO THE patio rubbing his cheeks and jaws with his large hands, as if suppressing a big smile. He had on his straw hat to hide the mischievous glint in his eyes and I knew that I was in for it. I decided that the only way to survive was to be open about my feelings. “I must admit that I’m a bit apprehensive about our time together this afternoon, don Juan,” I said with a smile, half joking and at the same time quite serious. He burst out laughing, which was the first and the last thing I needed. “Why?” he asked with mock concern. “You don’t think I’m going to talk dirty to you, do you?” I heard Chon’s cackling from the kitchen. “Come on, Merlina. You know me better than that,” he joked. “I’m not so sure,” I replied. “Some of your stories can get pretty wild.” Chon continued his guffawing and stuck his head out from the kitchen to wink at me. “Now that you remind me,” don Juan pondered, stroking his lower jaw, “I do have just the perfect tale.” He feigned amazement as though an ingenious idea had just dawned on him out of nowhere. “We’d better take a ride in the desert,” he advised. “I don’t want to burn Chon’s ears. And I promise I won’t start talking until we get there. Otherwise, you might crash the car and kill us both!” He held his side as he struggled to hold back his laughter. It was hopeless and I knew it. Chon was hysterical and don Juan just stood there grinning at me. He extended his arm to me and there was nothing I could do but oblige and go with him, or perhaps hide in my room, in which case I was sure I’d be served up for supper. I accepted my fate. He slapped me between the shoulder blades and bade me welcome. “Don’t worry, Merlina, you won’t be in the least prudish by the time I get through with you. Even if you think that you’re already in the know, I’m going to tell you how sorcerers satisfy their women! I may even show you!”
    At that, I heard something non-breakable hit the floor in the kitchen. No doubt Chon was doubled over with laughter until well after we had driven away. The ride into the desert proved to be no consolation, especially when don Juan began to entertain me with maxims like, “I have always felt women are rather like cats who don’t want to be bothered unless they come nosing around.” The truth of the matter is that I doubted my ability to discern when he was being serious and when he was offering one of his keen parodies of human behavior. I guessed that I would just have to pray and trust my power. Perhaps to settle me, don Juan asked me to drive in a southerly direction through the Sonoran desert until we reached the Gulf of Santa Clara, some fifty kilometers from San Luis. We both loved the Gulf, with its warm, clean, calm waters and mysteriously deep tides, some of the most extreme on Earth, retreating in places almost a mile from the high mark. The Gulf of Santa Clara is essentially pristine and almost completely deserted, surrounded by desert terrain, cacti and salt water-loving mesquite. It is the northerly starting point of the Sea of Cortez, the waters of which are teaming with four species of whale during the winter season, giant sea turtles, marlin, and giant blue prawns, which rank among the most delicious in the world. I was quite exhilarated by the time we arrived, having long forgotten any nervousness, and was looking forward to spending a day at the beach. We parked the jeep on a solitary stretch of beautiful shoreline and unloaded two straw mats that don Juan had stowed in the back. After a short walk we found the perfect spot to relax and unrolled the mats on the soft sand. The sun was quite mild, so we took off our hats, rolled up our slacks and walked in silence for a quarter mile or so. Don Juan enjoyed walking silently at the shore; whenever we went to nearby beaches, if we stayed overnight he would invariably rise before dawn in order to “receive the energy patterns of the new day,” and would then spend the first moments after sunup quietly raking them into the sand with a dry palm frond. We returned to our straw mats thoroughly refreshed after our walk, and relaxed back, putting our hats over our eyes. Don Juan began the discourse casually, with a matter-of-fact manner. “You’ve probably noticed that there are slightly fewer males born into the world than there are females,” he said lightheartedly. “Men have often misinterpreted this. Because we are slightly more scarce, we elevate our own importance. Increased value is not the reason for our reduced numbers, however.
    It only takes one good male to populate, providing that there are many women.” I snickered under my hat. “Women are the necessary element,” he went on. “They begin the whole process by bringing the male into existence. Diverse strong males and females mean a strong species. Males have a competitive streak, because, as I said, it takes good ones. We rank one another according to our own criteria for health, strength, courage, intelligence, and integrity. However, the criteria used by women are different and include not only these factors, but also others, not the least of which is sexual potency. Longevity, for example, is directly related to potency in males and is a highly desirable characteristic.” “So what you mean by potency in no way refers to sexual conquests. Am I right, don Juan?” I asked, relieved that I had my hat to cover my face. “Let me address that topic for you at length,” he laughed. “At our first peak, as very young men, we practically ulcerate for sexual attention and relations. I myself was strong and fit, and very foolhardy, I might add. I actually stole a young woman to be my bride from a neighboring tribe, which was a common practice among many Native groups during my youth. I was so obsessed by my desire that I didn’t even notice she had recently given birth until I had her with me. By the time I could return her, the infant had died. Naturally, being a forceful fellow I took the consequences of my actions very hard. I realized that there is powerful force behind sexual energy and sought to become wise regarding its uses. “One of my first mentors was a rattlesnake shaman. He taught me that, though the serpent will often bite, it does not always expel its venom, and that this in part accounts for its longevity and wisdom. Through observing rattlesnakes with my benefactor I learned how they enter into a relaxed trance state by rolling their eyes up into the back of their heads. By focusing on the top of my head in this fashion, and by pulling the sexual energies and fluids up through the body of the serpent, up through my spine, I was able to ascertain the secret of the ‘dry bite.’ “You see, for a man, the mouth of the serpent becomes the genitals and the head is the rattle. By sipping back on the sexual energies and fluids, using fire breath up the spine, accompanied by a roll of the eyes deep into the back of the head, rather than by expelling the energy, one increases the number of rattles on the tail; one increases longevity, always indicated by the length of the rattle, and wisdom, indicated by its shake, the stimulation. “Men do not have limitless sexual energies, despite what we may wish our
    partners to believe. One way to tell if a male is endowed with abundant sexual energy is, of course, to have intercourse with him, but a woman should never allow herself to conceive, if pregnancy is her desire, until after she has ascertained this, among other aspects of her criteria. “A male with ample energies will be able to demonstrate them all night, without expelling the energies. The next day he will be energized, even though he has not slept. Neither will he fall into a death slumber afterwards, if the energies are released for conception, and when they are, conception will almost invariably occur if the couple is mindful of all the essentials. The act will be pleasurable and always evolve, exploring new territory. It will not become dull and repetitive. “For these reasons, when a man is in young adulthood it is wiser if he views these energies to be the treasures that they are. We are given a limited quantity for a reason, to focus upon quality. The fact that a male can discharge power during intercourse, rather than exclusively generate power, as with the orgasmic female, should cause him to be mindful. Like females, who can be endowed with much natural wisdom in these areas, the adult male should concentrate upon generating and circulating the sexual energy, for passion and pleasure, vigorous longevity, and vital wellbeing. “Doña Celestina has told you that a woman need not engage in sexual relations with a human partner in order to have pleasure and circulate the energies. Rather, she may engage energies directly . . . fire, steaming water, the wind. Once a male has aged and practiced rattlesnake wisdom sufficiently, like an old serpent, he may snort the energies up into his spine, to the top of his head, without engaging in any type of human intercourse or stimulation. This is his second peak. He may also engage external energies directly, providing he has practiced sufficiently and understands the difference between energetic union and penile penetration. “We’ll discuss that topic at more length another time, but for now let me point out that it is possible to have energetic intercourse.” “Is that anything like ritual intercourse, or like a shaman and his sacred cave?” I asked, intrigued. “Not like the first, but somewhat like the second,” don Juan replied, chuckling softly. I knew I was in for a story. “Do you remember how a sorceress determines her affinity with a particular direction of the wind?” he asked in a coy tone.
    How could I forget! In this ceremony, practiced by Sonoran desert shamans, the initiate, in this case a female, hikes to a deserted spot on a completely windless day. This spot must be frequented by wind from all four directions, and not have one or more directions that are predominant. There she strips naked and lies spread-eagle on a smooth boulder, face up. She must remain until a wind is excited and blows over her. The direction from which the wind comes is her most favorable direction, and if a small twister kicks up, then she has an affinity with all four, which was my case. After approximately four hours of lying exposed on a rather fresh desert afternoon some years ago, with don Juan waiting about a quarter-mile away, politely out of sight, I experienced the whirlwind coming to me. I had undertaken the ceremony so that don Juan could convince me of its effectiveness. After the response from the wind, which included sensations of it tickling my stomach and actually trying to get into my body, I must admit I was completely convinced. “Yes . . .” I replied, somewhat suspicious of the theme. “Well,” he said. “In order to do what I’m going to tell you about, in addition to knowing a woman’s winds one must have the double, the energy body, and be able to move it at will, without configuring it into a form. Some practitioners choose to move their energy bodies as wind.” “What?” I exclaimed. “I knew a sorcerer who could perform such a maneuver,” don Juan justified with a nod of his head. “He had a reputation for terrorizing his female apprentices, but no one could really figure out how he was doing it, since the girls had always been alone, before running into town half-naked screaming with fright.” “Go on,” I coaxed him. “This sorcerer, whose name was Melquior Ángelo, would characteristically present each one of his ‘winds,’ young female apprentices he would attract, with a blanket, handwoven, each one distinctive. The women always accepted such a valuable and useful gift as a sign of prestige, and as a covenant between sorcerer and apprentice. Melquior would counsel them that if they wished to be imbued with power, they need only lie and sleep naked upon the blanket. “Naturally, each one greedily tried it, hoping to be converted instantly into a sorceress of renown, or a deity of beauty and power. What happened next was a mystery, but they always experienced fear afterwards, and would quickly leave
    the village, sometimes disappearing within weeks. No villager could figure out what was happening to the women after receiving the blanket, or imagine how this gift could possibly terrify them so or cause them to run away. Yet it was always afterwards that the girls vanished. No bodies were ever found, so Melquior could not really be accused of anything, and still young women clamored for this sorcerer’s attentions, since of course his reputation was rapidly growing. “Finally one day, a young woman came running into town naked after having received a blanket. She was screaming at the top of her lungs.” “How did she explain herself?” I asked. “She screamed that she was being fucked by the wind,” don Juan said dramatically. “Her family and friends grabbed her and tried to calm her down and put some clothes on her. Together they all walked back to her house, where they found nothing unusual but Melquior’s blanket spread out on the floor of her altar room.” “Hmm! Well . . . what happened to the girl?” I asked with great curiosity, sitting up and lifting my hat from my face. “Oh, she moved away to live with her aunt in another village. Like the others, she turned up elsewhere later,” don Juan remarked casually. “No, don Juan. You can’t leave it like that! I mean what ‘happened’ to her. What did she experience?” I insisted. “Why Melquior, of course,” he said covering a large smirk on his face by readjusting his hat and then folding his hands over his chest as he continued to recline. “His energy body was attached to those blankets, like a breeze blowing around it, and when the women unrolled the blankets and lay down upon them naked, well . . . I don’t think I need to elaborate more.” I laughed out loud at the audacity of the maneuver. “And what pleasure could he possibly get from that, assuming that he terrified them all half to death?” “Oh . . . excitation, and just good sport,” don Juan chuckled knowingly. “Ideally, though, he would have found someone who enjoyed it and could harness the energy.” I covered a smirk on my face with my hand. “Oh. Yes, ideally so. Well, I knew I was in for wild stories with you, don Juan, but I have to admit this one exceeds my expectations,” I teased. “Never give someone only what they expect,” he remarked in a tantalizing
    voice. “What satisfaction is there in that?”
    1. This breath is another variation of fire breath, which pulls the energy up the spine and into the top of the head. It may be used by men for seminal retention, or by women and men for longevity and wisdom. Visualize an openmouthed rattlesnake. The mouth is your genital area; the body, your spine. The rattle is rooted in your inner eye and, as the serpent ages, it will lengthen. (In advanced practitioners the rattle will sometimes emerge from an opening at the central top of the forehead, near the hairline.)

    2. Perform fire breath up the back, pulling the energy through all the spinal centers, using forceful inhales through the nostrils and abdominal contractions. Keep the body relaxed. Do not stiffen or tense the body in any way. (In men, bodily rigidity, especially in the legs, is often a precursor to ejaculation.) Use the sheer force of the inhales to move energy upward.

    3. As the energy reaches the heart area, roll the eyes up and back into the skull. Continue the inhales and abdominal contractions. Concentrate on inhaling with the back sinuses as the energy rises from the spine and floods the inner eye, located near the pineal gland.

    4. The energy will climax by becoming erect and vibrating or rattling the pineal, which will open the inner eye when you are ready. This shaking of the pineal releases pleasure, wellbeing, and a wisdom-enhancing elixir into the brain.***

  • 02.02.2021. 15:11h

    Član iridaMerlin42

    Emiliov prijedlog


Član magdalena13Merlin22 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana magdalena13 dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragim mališanima želim puno darova u čizmicama!

    06.12.2024. 08:39h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Lijep pozdrav Edin. Drago mi je da si svratio .

    30.11.2024. 18:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Hvala Bglavac, također.

    30.11.2024. 15:30h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i sretan vikend. Lp

    30.11.2024. 07:56h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi magicusi, danas je Međunarodni dan borbe protiv nasilja nad ženama. Učinimo sve da ih zaštitimo i nasilje već jednom prestane. Lp

    25.11.2024. 08:13h
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