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Član PrirodnaMedicina







OD 14.01.2018.

Konačno pobijeđena malarija - Malaria Finally Defeated (05-06-2013)

Povod ovom pismu je angažman jednog od funkcionera Crvenog Križa, g. Klaasa Proesmansa, da se konačno zaključi jednom za svagda je li MMS istinski iskorjenitelj malarije u svijetu ili još samo jedna olako ispričana priča. I napravljena je klinička studija u Ugandi gdje je dokazano da je od 154 oboljela od malarije, 143 izlječeno sa samo jednom dozom MMS-a (vrijednosti 50 lipa), a dodatnih 11 osoba koje nisu izliječene prvog dana, bile su izliječene nakon drugog dana i druge primljene doze. To je 100% učinak s maksimalno dvije doze MMS-a!

Konačno pobijeđena malarija - Malaria Finally Defeated (05-06-2013)


vjerojatno već i ptice na grani pjevaju kako oksidacijski plin klorov dioksid liječi mnoge bolesti ubijajući bakterije, viruse, gljivice i parazite koji ne bi smjeli biti u ljudskom (ili životinjskom) tijelu ako želimo biti zdravi. Istovremeno se tom oksidacijom vrši i izbacivanje toksina iz tijela, a zna se da su oni podloga za većinu bolesti.


Pokret za priznavanje primjene klorovog dioksida u zdravstvene svrhe predvodi Jim Humble, altruist i istinski borac za zdravlje koje treba biti dostupno svima, bez obzira na financijsku, obrazovnu, spolnu, narodnu ili pak rasnu pripadnost. Sve o MMS-u, kako ga je nazvao Humble, možete saznati na njegovim stranicama koje su nabrojene na kraju ovog pisma.


Povod ovom pismu je angažman jednog od funkcionera Crvenog Križa, g. Klaasa Proesmansa, da se konačno zaključi jednom za svagda je li MMS istinski iskorjenitelj malarije u svijetu ili još samo jedna olako ispričana priča. I napravljena je klinička studija u Ugandi gdje je dokazano da je od 154 oboljela od malarije, 143 izlječeno sa samo jednom dozom MMS-a (vrijednosti 50 lipa), a dodatnih 11 osoba koje nisu izliječene prvog dana, bile su izliječene nakon drugog dana i druge primljene doze. To je 100% učinak s maksimalno dvije doze MMS-a!


Sve to možete vidjeti i na  videu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jY2yab0uLc čiji je narator Andreas Kalcker, koji je zajedno s doktoricom Kerri Rivera objasnio koji je uzrok autizma i kako se pomoću MMS-a može izliječiti: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/28893496.


Što ovakvo istraživanje znači za 80 milijuna oboljelih od malarije u Africi može se samo zamisliti. Zbog toga slobodno i vi pošaljite dalje ovaj e-mail, tko zna možda dođe i do nekog tko je aktivno uključen u borbu protiv bolesti u Africi.


Želim vam svako dobro,

Darko Vujnović, www.prirodna-medicina.hr


Slijedi originalno pismo od Jima Humble (na engleskom):


Malaria Finally Defeated

The worst disease of mankind, malaria, a disease that has killed more humans than all the wars of mankind, was finally defeated and the defeat was proven a fact by the Red Cross on the 16th of December 2012. The location was Africa, in the country of Uganda, Luuka District.

The test was conducted by the International Red Cross, the Uganda Red Cross, the local health authorities, and other Ugandan scientists and laboratories. Total scientific testing was maintained throughout the 4-day operation. There were doctors to sign off on the blood tests, malaria test strips to show malaria, and official microscope technicians to even verify the number of malaria parasites present in each malaria victim. The microscope technicians have officially identified malaria parasites on a daily basis. Other personnel present were nurses to help the doctors, video technicians, people to serve as observers and various other personnel.

Klaas Proesmans, a prominent Red Cross figure and CEO of the Water Reference Center of the International Red Cross, told me that he had wondered if there might be some truth in the claim by the Genesis 2 Church that MMS (chlorine dioxide) actually killed malaria and returned health to malaria victims. He finally decided to personally finance a full scale malaria clinical trial in the jungle on actual malaria victims rather than laboratory rats.

Klaas Proesmans came to our seminar in Mexico that teaches the use of chlorine dioxide to cure diseases. He arrived here in Mexico about 2 months before the actual clinical trial of the 4 days that was from the 11th to the 16th of December, 2012, in Uganda. He said to me at that time that he really didn’t think chlorine dioxide worked to cure diseases but he felt it was his job to prove it one way or the other. At the time of this clinical trial many diseases were treated, but the disease of interest was malaria.  And 154 cases of malaria were given doses of MMS which, of course, was chlorine dioxide. All 154 cases were free of malaria within 24 hours of taking the dose, with only 11 cases requiring a second dose. This was all recorded on DVD and on paper with signatures of doctors and technicians. There was no chance of mistake. One hundred and fifty-four cases of malaria were made well. We have the original DVD’s, plus copies of the DVD’s, copies of the signatures or even actual signatures, as well as copies of all papers and signatures of those who were cured. All of this will be recorded on YouTube with the exception of the signatures of the malaria victims, as that takes individual permission, but the signatures are available for use in court if needed.

There was some worry about possible side effects to people taking MMS, but since chlorine dioxide is used to purify water in thousands of municipal water purification systems and used for treating vegetables around the world, there are numerous tests showing the safety of ingesting chlorine dioxide. Millions of people have been ingesting chlorine dioxide for nearly a hundred years. At this time as many as 10 million people have used chlorine dioxide to overcome diseases. For the 15 years since I first began to treat people for diseases there have been no recorded deaths or permanent damage to a single human being.

Some further details: I can’t praise Klaas Proesmans enough for his forward-looking, personal responsibility towards the human race. That he would personally arrange this malaria clinical trial by first insisting and then financing the clinical trial itself is monumental. If the information gets used, Klaas will have saved thousands of lives, many thousands, even millions of lives. These malaria victims, children and adults, who are at this moment dying, are no less valuable than all the other people of the world. Who knows, one of them might grow up to save the human race. We can save them so why don’t we?

The greatest cause of poverty in Africa is malaria.  The millions of sick people are needed to work in the fields.  Without malaria poverty will be almost non-existent.  Imagine if there were 80 million people sick with malaria in the US.  We could easily soon have the same poverty rampant in America.  So we need to save those lives.

But to save lives we need your help: We must get this information out to the world. If you never help ever again, this time humanity needs your help. Mankind must know about this development. This is one time that what you personally do will have a direct effect on saving lives, not theoretically, actually. It is so important that we get this information to our friends, magazines, newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, web radio stations, and government officials such as Mayors and Governors because thousands of lives depend upon it.

More than 3000 children die from malaria every day. Science has proven again and again that it can solve any problem presented to it. The idea that we need to allow our children to suffer to their death because there are too many people on Earth is totally repugnant, but there are people who suggest it. I know that there are medical people who would spend years testing MMS while children and adults die from malaria, but ask any one of those who are dying if they would rather die than maybe have some minor side effect that has not yet shown up. And of course you will find that no one wants that.  So since I have already tested it for 15 years, are we going to go ahead and save those 3000 who die each day or do we spend another year testing while more than 1 million die from malaria?

You know the answer to that. We have to save all that we can save right now.

But the real question is, WHAT IS THE RED CROSS GOING TO DO?

I’m not going to say a lot right now because we want to give the Red Cross time to do the “right thing.”

Let me ask you again but a little more to the point. Please, please, send this NEWSLETTER out to as many people as you can. This is one of those few times that what you do will make a difference. No matter who you are or where you are, if you will send out this newsletter to friends and just anyone, the chances are 99% that you will affect at least one life in Africa. They could be saved and that would be at least one person who no longer need suffer. And chances are very high it would be a lot more. And maybe, just maybe, the letter you send out will go to the right person and it will cause a million lives to be saved.

Please understand. Right now we are dealing in human lives. This NEWSLETTER is dealing in lives. What you do now will determine how many live and how many die. And I mean you. Of course, I know there are thousands of others besides you, but you will still have a direct effect. I am not begging for a few dollars, or a couple of dimes. I am asking you for someone’s life that will cost you only a few moments of your time. THE RED CROSS HAS HAD THE ANSWER TO SAVING THOSE LIVES FOR 5 MONTHS NOW AND NOT A SINGLE LIFE SAVED SINCE THE TESTING. If enough people learn about this, a voice will go up loud enough to get something done, and there will be people who want to do things themselves to help. If you have never sent any kind of a humanitarian letter anywhere, and if you have never given a beggar a dime, or helped an old lady across the street, and you will never do a thing in the future in a humanitarian way, now is the time to do just this one thing. Do something; send this letter out to as many people as you can. That’s all I am asking, send this letter out, please.

This is a link to the “Malaria Finally Defeated” video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jY2yab0uLc



Archbishop Jim Humble
Founder of the Genesis 2 Church of Health and Healing – Serving Mankind



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi! Ovu subotu bilo bi lijepo i dobro da provedemo u prirodi, a ne u šopingu. Lp

    25.01.2025. 06:30h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro magicusi, opet nam je malo došla zima, kod mene padaju krpe snijega...:-)

    10.01.2025. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
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