FILE PHOTO: Facebook logotip prikazan je na pametnom telefonu na ovoj slici snimljenoj 6. siječnja 2020. REUTERS / Dado Ruvic
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebookov šef sigurnosti rekao je u utorak da je bug odgovoran za postove na teme među kojima je koronavirus pogrešno označen kao neželjena pošta, što je izazvalo široke pritužbe korisnika i njegove vodeće aplikacije i Instagram aplikacije za dijeljenje fotografija.
"Ovo je greška u sustavu za zaštitu od neželjene pošte, nema veze s bilo kakvom promjenom radne snage našeg moderatora sadržaja", izjavio je na Twitteru Guy Rosen, potpredsjednik Facebooka za integritet.
"Obnovili smo sve pogrešno uklonjene postove, uključujući i komentare o svim temama - ne samo one koji se odnose na COVID-19. To je bio problem s automatiziranim sustavom koji uklanja veze do zloupotrebljivih web stranica, ali je također pogrešno uklonio i mnoštvo drugih postova ", rekao je.
Facebook users shared screenshots with Reuters of notifications they had received saying articles from prominent news organizations including Axios and The Atlantic had violated the company’s community guidelines.
One user said she received a message saying “link is not allowed” after attempting to post a Vox article about the coronavirus in her Instagram profile.
The issue arose a day after Facebook announced that it was sending home for public health reasons all contract workers who perform content review services for the social media giant, which mostly outsources the work to independent companies.
“We believe the investments we’ve made over the past three years have prepared us for this situation,” Facebook wrote in a blog post announcing the move, adding it would increase its reliance on “proactive detection” to remove violating content.
“That said, there may be some limitations to this approach and we may see some longer response times and make more mistakes as a result,” the post said.
Izvještavanje Katie Paul; Montaža Kenneth Maxwell
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