Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član gemini1







OD 14.01.2018.

Bilderberzi u Ateni

Koga je Joe Biden posjetio prije odlaska za Beograd? Hotel Westin Astir Palace u Ateni trenutno je vjerojatno čuvaniji od glavnog zapovjednog mjesta američke vojske u Iraku, jer je oko njega nekoliko koncentričnih krugova vidljive i nevidljive zaštite. Razlog? Sastanak Bilderberg grupe, najjavnije tajne organizacije na svijetu. Tajne iz samo jednog razloga - novinari nisu pozvani niti dobrodošli, osim u nekim slučajevima. Naravno, radi se o članovima grupe, a tu su glavni urednik Economista, jedan od glavnih anchormana na CNN-u i štogod naizgled nepoznatih.


Bilderberzi sastanče kraj Atene uz nevjerojatno osiguranje

Ovogodišnja konferencija navodno bi se trebala 'pozabaviti' svjetskom gospodarskom krizom.

Westin Astir Palace je mjesto najčuvanijeg svjetskog sastanka. Bilderberška skupina, neformalna, polutajna organizacija koja svake godine okuplja utjecajnu elitu iz svijeta politike, poduzetništva i bankarstva, otvorila je u četvrtak svoju dvodnevnu konferenciju u palači blizu Atene, zaštićenoj iznimnim sigurnosnim mjerama.

Oko palače Westin Astir, luksuznog hotela u predgrađu ljetovališta Vuliagmeni, gdje se na godišnjem okupljanju sastaju članovi Bilderberške skupine, mnogobrojne su policijske ophodnje, a pristup zdanju zabranjen je za javnost i novinare.

Patrolni brod grčke mornarice kao i brodovi s elitnim roniocima mogli su se vidjeti na nekoliko metara od obale na kojoj se nalazi hotel.

Po pisanju grčkog tiska, organizatori sastanka uvijek okruženog diskrecijom koja pothranjuje brojne teorije zavjere oko Bilderberške skupine, zatražili su da ih čuvaju obalni čuvari, ronioci, dvije letjelice F16 i policijski helikopter.

Po pisanju novina, na tu su konferenciju pozvani američki ministar financija Timothy Geithner, predsjednik Svjetske banke Robert Zoelick, američki izaslanik za Pakistan i Afganistan Richard Hoolbroke, nizozemska kraljica Beatrix, kao i Sofija od Španjolske, predsjednik Središnje europske banke Jean-Claude Trichet, predsjednik EK Jose Manuel Barosso i švedski ministar vanjskih poslova Carl Bildt.

Španjolski novinar Daniel Estulin, stručnjak za Bilderberške konferencije, kazao je medijima da bi se ovogodišnja konferencija trebala pozabaviti svjetskom gospodarskom krizom.

Konferencije Bilderberške skupine okupljaju svake godine zapadne uglednike koji donose odluke i određuju javno mnijenje na nekoj vrsti tajnog svjetskog ekonomskog foruma, zabranjenog za javnost.

Prva konferencija održana je 1954. u Nizozemskoj, u hotelu Bilderberg u Oosterbeeku, čije ime je zadržala. (hina/metro-portal)

Web je preplavljen popisom ovogodišnjih sudionika sastanka, koji na prvi pogled ne izgledaju ni grozno ni opasno. Ipak, teoretičari zavjera sigurni su da je grupa posvećena svom cilju - one nation, one religion, one state.

Evo popisa, pa neka čitatelji sami procijene kolika opasnost prijeti od nabrojanih likova. Doduše, ovo više izgleda kao sastanak europske podružnice uz par glavešina iz SAD, no tko zna ....

Dutch Queen Beatrix
Queen Sofia of Spain
Prince Constantijn (Belgian Prince)
Prince Philippe Etienne Ntavinion, Belgium
Étienne, Viscount Davignon, Belgium (former vice-president of the European Commission)
Josef Ackermann (Swiss banker and CEO of Deutsche Bank)
Keith B. Alexander, United States (Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Director of the National Security Agency)
Roger Altman, United States (investment banker, former U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton)
Georgios A. Arapoglou, Greece (Governor of National Bank of Greece)
Ali Babaca, Turkey (Deputy Prime Minister responsible for economy)
Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Portugal (former Prime Minister of Portugal)
Nicholas Bavarez, France (economist and historian)
Franco Bernabè, Italy (Telecom Italia)
Xavier Bertrand, France (French politician connected to Nicolas Sarkozy)
Carl Bildt, Sweden (former Prime Minister of Sweden)
Jan Björklund, Sweden (Minister of Education)
Christoph Blocher, Switzerland (industrialist, Vice President of the Swiss People's Party)
Alexander Bompar, France 

Ana Patricia Botin, Spain, (President of Banco Banesto)
Henri de Castries, France (President of AXA, the French global insurance companies group)
Juan Luis Cebrián, Spain (journalist for Grupo PRISA; his father was a senior journalist in the fascist Franco regime)
W. Edmund Clark, Canada (CEO TD Bank Financial Group)
Kenneth Clarke, Great Britain (MP, Shadow Business Secretary)
Luc Cohen, Belgium

George David, United States (Chairman and former CEO of United Technologies Corporation, board member of Citigroup)
Richard Dearlove, Great Britain (former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service)
Mario Draghi, Italy (economist, governor of the Bank of Italy)
Eldrup Anders, Denmark (CEO Dong Energy)
John Elkann, Italy (Italian industrialist, grandson of the late Gianni Agnelli, and heir to the automaker Fiat)
Thomas Enders, Germany (CEO Airbus)
Niall Ferguson, United States (Professor of History at Harvard University and William Ziegler Professor at Harvard Business School)
Timothy Geithner, United States (Secretary of the Treasury)
Donald Graham, United States (CEO and chairman of the board of The Washington Post Company)
Victor Chalmperstant, Netherlands (Leiden University)
Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Netherlands (Dutch politician, minister of Justice in the fourth Balkenende cabinet, member of the Christian Democratic Appeal)
Richard Holbrooke, United States (Obama's special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan)
Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, Netherlands (Dutch politician and the current NATO Secretary General)
James Jones, United States (National Security Advisor to the White House)
Vernon Jordan, United States (lawyer, close adviser to President Bill Clinton)
Robert Kagan, United States (historian)
Girki Katainen, Finland

John Kerr (aka Baron Kerr of Kinlochard), Britain (Deputy Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell and an independent member of the House of Lords)
Mustafa Vehbi Koç, Turkey (President of industrial conglomerate Koç Holding)
Sami Cohen, Turkey (Journalist)

Henry Kissinger, United States
Marie Jose Kravis, United States (Hudson Institute)

Neelie Kroes, Netherlands (European Commissioner for Competition)
Odysseas Kyriakopoulos, Greece (Group S & B) (?)
Manuela Ferreira Leite, Portugal (Portuguese economist and politician)
Bernardino Leon Gross, Spain (Secretary General of the Presidency)
Jessica Matthews, United States (President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
Philippe Maystadt (President of the European Investment Bank)
Frank McKenna, Canada (Deputy Chairman of the Toronto-Dominion Bank)
John Micklethwait, Great Britain (Editor-in-chief of The Economist)
Thierry de Montbrial, France (founded the Department of Economics of the École Polytechnique and heads the Institut français des relations internationales)

Dimitrios Th.Papalexopoulo, Greece (Managing Director of Titan Cement Company SA)
Richard Perle, United States (American Enterprise Institute)
David Petraeus, United States (Commander, U.S. Central Command)
Manuel Pinho, Portugal (Minister of Economy and Innovation)

J. Robert S. Prichard, Canada (CEO of Torstar Corporation and president emeritus of the University of Toronto)
Romano Prodi, Italy (former Italian Prime Minister and former President of the European Commission)
Heather M. Reisman, Canada (co-founder of Indigo Books & Music Inc.).
Eivint Reitan, Norway (economist, corporate officer and politician for the Centre Party)
Michael Rintzier, Czech Republic

David Rockefeller, United States
Dennis Ross, United States (special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton)
Barnett R. Rubin, United States (Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International Cooperation)
Alberto Rouith-Gkalarthon, Spain

Guler Sabanci, President of Sabanci Holdings

Indira Samarasekera, Canada (President of University of Alberta, Board of Directors Scotiabank)
Jürgen E. Schrempp, Germany (CEO DaimlerChrysler)
Pedro Solbes Mira, Spain (economist, Socialist, Second Vice President and Minister of Economy and Finance)

Sanata Seketa, Canada (University of Canada)
Lawrence Summers, United States (economist, Director of the White House's National Economic Council)
Peter Sutherland, Ireland (Chairman, BP and Chairman of Goldman Sachs International)
Martin Taylor, United Kingdom (former chief executive of Barclays Bank, currently Chairman of Syngenta AG)
Peter Thiel, United States (Clarium Capital Management LCC, PayPal co-founder, Board of Directors, Facebook)
Matti Taneli Vanhanen, Finland, (Prime Minister)
Daniel L. Vasella, Switzerland (Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Novartis AG)
Jeroen van der Veer, Netherlands (CEO of Royal Dutch Shell)
Guy Verhofstadt, Belgium (former Prime Minister)
Paul Volcker, U.S. (former Federal Reserve director, Chair of Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board)
Jacob Wallenberg, Sweden (chairman of Investor AB and former chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken)
Marcus Wallenberg, Sweden (CEO of Investor AB, former chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken)
Nout Wellink, Netherlands (Chairman of De Nederlandsche Bank, Board of Directors, the Bank of International Settlements)
Hans Wijers, Netherlands (CEO of the multinational corporation AkzoNobel)
Martin Wolf, Great Britain (associate editor and chief economics commentator at the Financial Times)
James Wolfensohn, United States (former president of the World Bank)
Paul Wolfowitz, United States (for U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, President of the World Bank, currently AEI scholar)
Fareed Zakaria, United States (journalist, author, and CNN host)
Robert Zoellick, United States (former managing director of Goldman Sachs, President the World Bank)
Dora Bakoyannis, Greece (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Anna Diamantopoulou, Greece (Member of Parliament for the Panhellenic Socialist Movement)
Yannis Papathanasiou, Greece (Minister of Finance)
George Alogoskoufis, Greece (former Minister)
George A. David, Greece (businessman, president of Coca-Cola)

(dio popisa nedostaje iz tehn. razloga)





Pregled najnovijih komentara Osobne stranice svih članova kluba
MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi sretno vam Valentinovo!

    14.02.2025. 06:57h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i sretan vikend!

    08.02.2025. 08:04h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi! Ovu subotu bilo bi lijepo i dobro da provedemo u prirodi, a ne u šopingu. Lp

    25.01.2025. 06:30h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro magicusi, opet nam je malo došla zima, kod mene padaju krpe snijega...:-)

    10.01.2025. 08:44h
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