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Član diasti







Izazov prihvaćen

Izazov prihvaćen
To je samo faza.

Eh, korona, korona ...... Toliko se pisalo o njoj da bi voljela da je tema mjeseca ipak nešto drugo ....

Nema veze, prihvaćam izazov !

Moje stajalište je, čini se, ponešto drukčije od većine. To me ne čudi jer se često nađem na suprostavljenoj strani. Dozvoljavam sebi svoje mišljenje, nepomućeno informacijama i dezinformacijama stručnjaka i nestručnjaka, te onih koji sebe tako nazivaju ....

Eto, meni ova izolacija ni najmanje ne pada teško. Možda će netko pomisliti da sam introvertna, a ne, nisam vuk samotnjak. Volim se katkad osamiti, uživam u tišini i u njoj se jako dobro osjećam. Možda je to zbog posla koji traži neprestanu konekciju s ljudima, možda. Ali, volim se i družiti. Moram priznati da ne volim voditi prazne razgovore s osobama s kojima nemam ništa zajedničko. Imam uzak krug prijatelja i to su ljudi s kojima dugi niz godina imam neiscrpan izvor radosti i zadovoljstva. Sad nam se pružila prilika da više vremena provodimo zajedno. Ono, kad na pragu, nakon dva sata kaže - Ah, zaboravila sam ti reći ..... Smijeh ...

Nakon dugo vremena mogu uživati u kuhanju, obožavam kuhati, kreirati nove recepte, isprobavati nešto novo ..... a za fini ručak treba srce i .... vrijeme. Moji dečki uživaju i pravi su gurmani .... Nagrađuju me svojim oduševljenjem i motiviraju da sutra smislim još nešto bolje !

Budući da su kafići zatvoreni, muž svakog dana dolazi kući na kavu i od toga smo stvorili pravi mali ritual. Njemu je otkriće "turska" kava i stvarno uživa u njoj.

Lijepo je vrijeme, odlazim u prirodu i konačno primjećujem proljeće. Toliko puta je prošlo mimo mene zbog trke na posao, s posla. Promatram te boje, oduševljavaju me rascvjetali maslačci, bijele krošnje divljih cimbura i dišem, upijam te mirise bilja i zemlje ....

I čitam .... čitam sve ono što sam htjela pročitati, a nisam ....

Korone se ne bojim, ni najmanje. Nikad nisam stavila masku, niti rukavice, ni neću ..... Ne pratim one brojke koliko bolesnih, ozdravljenih ..... Ne stvaram otpor prema ovoj situaciji. Prihvaćam je i uzimam od nje ono najbolje ....

A, zašto i ne bi ! Ovo je samo faza iza koje dolazi opet neka, bolja ili gora, druga faza .... E pa, neka, o tome ću razmišljati kad dođe vrijeme i opet iz nje izvući najviše što mogu .... 




  • 19.04.2020. 13:02h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Za života brate....

    Ako bi pošli odatle ili da "život je največa škola" na šta bi nam se onda i svodilo u konačnici ili i "maturalno putovanje" !?

    Tojest i u "znanstvenom" kontekstu jer i nisu svi i "vjeronaučni" ?

    ***Doña Lucrecia One night, doña Lucrecia came to visit. She belonged to a group of healers that lived in another village. In the middle of the conversation she started telling us about the war of the sorcerers and how I was the result of it. I immediately became curious and wanted to know the details, but noticed don Melchor giving doña Lucrecia an imperceptible sign to be silent. She changed the subject with natural ease. Doña Lucrecia fitted the classic description of a witch. Her face was fearsome. Crosseyed, she also had a wart on her nose, and some of her teeth were missing. The other assistants had warned me about her, saying that she was crazy and very eccentric. One of the oddities they commented on was that she habitually went to every funeral in her village, and sometimes even to internments in nearby towns. When asked why she did it, she explained that she had had the ability to speak with the dead since childhood, and she liked to chat with them while they were still fresh. One of the assistants asked why she bothered with the dead. “And why shouldn’t I?” doña Lucrecia replied with a menacing air. “Because the living are more important? The discarnate ones have a great potential to prolong the continuation of their awareness in the other world, just like us. Unfortunately, just like the everyday world clouds our awareness, they are weighed down by memories of their experiences. When the dead are told of their chances, they ignore the advice, entangled in their memories, and are gradually consumed until nothing is left. I have helped hundreds find their way to the light. Most of them are like headless chicken when they first arrive, lost and confused. Nothing makes sense to them. Some arrive badly and don’t even know who they were or where they came from. Others set off in search of their fantasies straight away." “What fantasies do you mean?” we asked. She replied: “When people die, they sometimes have a hard time letting go of the world of the living, and will always cling to things. They’re full of ideas and fantasies of what is – or what should be – on the other side. So when they get there, that is exactly what they find. People who die see what they expect to find on the other side. The seers who visit that place see them as they really are: paralysed, staring into nothingness.” Doña Lucrecia said that in that place multitudes of awarenesses remained as motionless as zombies. Seers say that they are reliving their memories, recounting their experiences for one last time. They claim that this is what it is like when they are in the process of being consumed by the Eagle. That night doña Lucrecia told us about one of her terrible encounters with the dead. She said that many of them returned if they could and interfered in the everyday world of the living. She told us the story of a young man killed in a motorcycle accident. He had loved a girl madly. "When I was at the funeral,” she said, “I saw the young man wandering among the mourners. He was still wearing his black leather jacket. Nobody else saw him, but I noticed that whenever he approached someone, that person would become uncomfortable and move away. I watched him for a while. When the young man noticed I could see him, he came over to talk to me. For a moment I pretended not to hear, but then found a more secluded spot and asked him what it was he wanted. He begged me to contact his girlfriend and tell her he loved her. I was vexed and said that even death hadn’t rid him of his foolishness. We talked for a long time and became friends. I then began telling him about sorcerers and how they used their knowledge to continue their existence on another level of awareness. I spent several years with
    him, teaching him what was necessary for increasing his survival chances on his journey through the cruel world out there on the other side." One of the women inquired about Anita, and doña Lucrecia told her that she was fine and still increasing her abilities. We wanted to know who Anita was. Doña Lucrecia replied that it was her little girl, her daughter, but not one that had come out of her womb. She explained: “I found her at a wake, and it surprised me that she, too, could see the departed. As I talked to her, I could see that she was gifted. Her perception was very fluid. I asked her if she needed help since she appeared to be lost. The little girl told me she’d left her home following a spirit, and had ended up in that place. It is very common for evil spirits to entice children away in order to hurt them or even kill them but fortunately, this time, it had not been the case. She told me her name was Anita. I asked if she knew her way home. The little one lowered her head, and shrugged her shoulders as if to say, ‘Who knows?’ or ‘Who cares?’ I took her to my house that night, hoping to return her to her family the next day. I actually asked around the town but no one knew her or anything about her. I even went to the police but they knew even less than the others. She now lives with me. I am helping her develop her skills, and she is becoming a very powerful little sorceress." On a more convenient occasion, curious, I asked doña Lucrecia about the war of the sorcerers. She replied that if I visited her at home, she’d tell me everything. I never did. **

    **In the course of another conversation, doña Lucrecia said, "Like the wise virgins in the parable who got ready for the arrival of their Lord, healers prepare for the greatest of all events: the pending appointment we have with our Death. "To deal with Death,” she said, “you have to reach an extreme state, beyond attachment to this world." She stated that Saint Death[16] was the only counsellor who always told the truth, and that we could all perceive Death if we focused our attention on her. She said that even ordinary people could sense her now and then. "Doctors in hospitals usually know that a person is about to 'kick the bucket' when he or she begins to see dead relatives and friends. That is normal. The proximity of Death breaks their fixation on the quotidian, and even those less prepared can perceive the other world. Our ancestors symbolically represented the passage to the other world by placing a jade bead representing a replica of their lives into the mouths of their dead. Those who had no money to give to the Hound of Hell would have to cross the River of Oblivion by themselves and would never manage to reach the other bank."
    Doña Lucrecia explained that this custom, based on the practice of sorcerers, served to remind the living that dying means sinking into the dark sea of awareness. To escape this fate, one must pay one’s debt to the spirit. Our life experience is what we owe, and the payment consists in unravelling every feeling, and every emotion we’ve had in our lifetime. That can be achieved by means of impeccable and thorough recapitulation. She said: “Instead of collectively remembering the dead one day a year as ordinary people do, sorcerers evoke the day on which they are going to die. That day, which is as real as any other, is much more memorable than any other date one might celebrate. To flow with Death means to become one with it, learn to accept it in such a way that it becomes a friend, so that, when the moment comes for us to set off for the valley of shadows, there will be no fear in us because we’ll know how cross the River of Oblivion. That is the only way to conquer Death. Smiling wickedly, doña Lucrecia glared at us with the eyes of the devil and said in a terrible voice: "I’ve come to take you." We all laughed: the healers with total abandon, and the rest of us with total apprehension.* ???

    ......ili dok nas smrt ne rastavi ??

    Sestrooooooooo.......................... !o'o!

  • 19.04.2020. 14:00h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    "Treče oko".....

    "Nezamislivo daleko a opet i tako blizu jer mi smo uvijek u Tome" !


    "Ako niste ukorijenjeni u Biću onda ste izgubljeni u svom umu" ?

    Smiren um + čisto srce + malo volje = izlaz iz nevolje !?

    A kada je Tito rekao "šta sve OvO znači" tada je on vidio i iza zova "petokrake" ???

    *Učenje čarobnjaka kaže da se percepcija odvija na mestu koje se nalazi van granica čulne oblasti. Čarobnjaci znaju da postoji nešto mnogo veće od onoga što smo se mi složili da naša čula mogu da opažaju. Percepcija se odvija u tačci izvan tela, izvan čula kažu oni. Ali nije dovoljno da neko poveruje u ovu premisu. Nije dovoljno da se od nekoga čuje ili pročita. Da bi se ovo prihvatilo, mora se iskusiti*

    U našoj svakodnevnoj stvarnosti a koju smo i primorani održavati sve do smrti se također "odluke donose izvan našeg vidnog polja" ??

    Tako da se možemo i generalizirati sa:To ti je isto kao i kad si Mlada samo što niš ne možeš ?!

    "Corona" je takodjer i na dobrom tragu ili ako u strahu su velike oči mi bi mogli i progledati i na svoje oči:*Njegova uvodna tema je bila ono što je nazvao “ne-rad”, aktivnost posebno sačinjena da ukloni svaki trag svakodnevnih navika iz naših života. Tvrdio je da je “ne – rad” najbolja vežba za učenike, zato što ih uvodi u čudesne okolnosti i stvara vrlo osvežavajuću pometnju u njihovoj energiji. Efekat toga na njihovu svest naziva se “zaustavljanje sveta”.

    Odgovarajući na neka pitanja, objasnio je da “ne-rad” ne može biti racionalizovan. Svaki napor ka njegovom razumevanju je u stvari interpretacija učenja – i automatski spada u oblast “rada”.

    “Za čarobnjake, pravilo postupanja sa ovom vrstom prakse je unutrašnja tišina i kvalitet tišine neophodan za nešto tako strašno kao što je “zaustavljanje sveta” može doći jedino u direktnom dodiru sa velikom istinom našeg postojanja: da smo svi mi na putu da umremo.”*

    Žene su dakako u prednosti ili i čitavim tijelom tojest ako su i P.... od glave do pete ? 

    ......odnosno "prst koji ukazuje na mjesec nije mjesec" baš kao što i prstom pročaćkamo uho da bi bolje čulo ?

    I zato muškarci pipaju a žene vrište dok prihvačaju izazov...............


Član diastiMerlin4 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana diasti dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragim mališanima želim puno darova u čizmicama!

    06.12.2024. 08:39h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Lijep pozdrav Edin. Drago mi je da si svratio .

    30.11.2024. 18:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Hvala Bglavac, također.

    30.11.2024. 15:30h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i sretan vikend. Lp

    30.11.2024. 07:56h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi magicusi, danas je Međunarodni dan borbe protiv nasilja nad ženama. Učinimo sve da ih zaštitimo i nasilje već jednom prestane. Lp

    25.11.2024. 08:13h
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