franjok 24.02.19..
Sretan rođendan franjok!
1. Da ne vide oči
igraju se leptiri
tu iza oltara.
The eyes wouldn’t see
the butterflies playing
behind the altar.
2. U sjeni ulice
napušten starac
i kora kruha.
In the street’s shadow
a forsaken old man
and a crust of bread.
3. Ptica u kavezu.
Zatvorena u tijelu
duša uzdiše.
A caged bird.
Closed in its feathers
its soul sighs.
4. Hladan zrak
i odškrinuta vrata.
Mačka na pragu.
Cold air
and a half open door.
Cat on the threshold.
5. Okretna meta
na puščanoj cijevi.
Trag leptira.
A rotation target
on the riffle barrel.
The trace of a butterfly.
6. Kad zvona zvone
ne mogu govoriti.
Tišina odzvanja.
When the bells ring
I can’t speak.
Silence resounds.
7. Slijedim te.
Dvije osamljenosti
hodaju putem.
I follow you.
Two lonelinesses
walking on the road.
8. Ulice grada.
Sunce se ponovo rađa
u lokvi vode.
The city streets.
Sun is being reborn
in a puddle.
9. U njedrima
plavetnila neba
igra orlova.
In the bosom
of the sky blueness
eagles playing.
10. Na kori bazge
u zamahu sjekire,
On the elder bark
in the swing of an axe,
a caterpillar.
11. Na pustoj obali
valovi tihnu.
U smiraj dana.
On deserted shore
the waves are quietening.
At nightfall.
12. Barke u luci
i svjetla jarbola
pred polazak.
Boats in the harbor
and glittering masts
before departure.
13. Niz pustu obalu
smiruju se valovi
kraj dana.
Along the deserted coast
- the waves are quietening down -
the end of the day.
14. Kap kiše
pade mi na dlan
pun mjesec.
A drop of rain
- fell on my palm –
a full moon.
15. Niz žaluzine
kapi jesenje kiše
klize u noć.
Down the blinds
drops of autumn rain
sliding into the night.
16. Velika soba
za malenog psića
traži kost.
A large room
- for a small puppy -
looking for a bone.
17. Regatu od
papirnatih brodica
puštam niz vodu.
Releasing the regatta
of paper boats
18. Blještavilo
mjeseca nad rijekom,
čamci na vezu.
Sparkling moon
over the river
moored boats.
19. Kišne kapi
asfaltom rominjaju
u dugu noć.
The raindrops
drizzle over the asphalt
into a long night.
20. Cvrčak
u mom šatoru.
Dere se noću!
A cricket
in my tent.
Screams all night!
Sretan rođendan franjok!