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Sunday, September 8, 2013
‘The Stage Has Been Set For Disclosure, NESARA and Announcements…’ – A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 6, 2013

Greetings! This is Lord Sananda reporting to you from 10 Forward on the New Jerusalem.

There has been underway a Great Consciousness Raising on Earth. Watching the dialogue unfold is a delight because it shows up on our displays as the opposite readings to 911 as we soon approach the 12th Anniversary of this mass psychological attack. On this day when so many were devastated by what they saw, the days which followed war cries were heard from ordinary people the world over to battle the perceived attackers. It has taken a very long time to heal from that Earth day.

Much has transpired in the last 12 years and the most significant development in humankind’s awakening is the ability to see past the veils and perceive the truth with all your senses. Humankind no longer takes the double speak from politicians and media at surface value. Truth is Truth.

After a full day of preparation in the Higher Realms from Earth, on August 25, 2013 the Stage was Set for the Announcement of NESARA Law which will come from my consort Lady Master Nada. With her there will be 19 others on stage sharing the news about Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA Law. Some of the presenters will be Galactic Humans and others will be Extraterrestrials. The nineteen presenters are: Lady Master Nada, Lord Sananda, Lady Master Athena, Lord Ashtar, Lady Master Diuja, Lord Lincor, Mother Sekhmet, Lord Alcyone, St. Germain, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, President Clinton, Stephen Bassett, Lord Haaton, Lord Korton, Lord Mon Ka, Lord Rama Arjuna.

A Group assembled for a series of meditations over three days. The New Jerusalem changed course leaving its usual station over Santa Fe, New Mexico to energetically support the efforts of this Group. The first day was a cleansing and a letting go of everything Old. A Blessing was given for each One on Earth to heal Mind, Body and Spirit. It is possible now, with purification and right intension, to ask for anything which needs healing, especially old wounds, in the Body, Mind, and Spirit to be completely healed now. Ask and it is Given.

The second day was a direct link up with the New Jerusalem. In the morning an energy grid was set up in the room where the Group meditated. Magnetic and Electric energy forces were embedded inside the room. Magnetic Energy is the Energy of Mother. From it flows Father’s Electric Energy. Magnetic Energy is the sound vibration and Electric Energy is the light vibration which form New Creation in the Dark Matter Universe. Together they can create anything. All things are created first from Mother as sound and joined in unity with love, Father’s energy of light added come into Form. In John 1:1 it says In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God(dess), and the Word was God (Form).This word was the word Om and it is the Formless becoming Form. As sound merges with light it comes into the manifest realm of Earth. Each One of You are a Creator God and have the ability to do this. You may have noticed lately you seem to be more receptive on all levels.

During the two Grand Sextile’s this season, the first on July 29 and the second August 25 massive High Energies not seen on Earth before flooded our cells right down to the DNA and sub atomic levels. With this activation of your DNA your gifts are returning. You may have also noticed body aches or health issues flaring up because these same High energies bring in so much light the Physical Form can become overwhelmed and it translates as pain or maladies. This is a healing and as time went on you more than likely integrated healings in these areas and noticed positive changes in your Form?

The Golden Age on Earth began right after December 21, 2013 when Galactic Center aligned to carry away the darkest energies still holding on to the old programs on Earth. As 5D anchored in over the next nine months Earth has had many growing pains. Now the Shift is over. New Earth has birthed since the second Grand Sextile.

On August 25, 2013 this energy was embedded and nurtured by the technology from the New Jerusalem for some hours. In the afternoon the Group returned and held a very important meditation. An energy grid of a spiral was anchored into the Core of Center Earth and it was extended out to the sky to where a tractor beam from the New Jerusalem connected with it and pulled the spiral energy right up to the base of the New Jerusalem. With this energy link it was possible to beam an elevator of sorts right into the room where the Group was mediating. As this continued then an elevator descended from the New Jerusalem. In the Causal Realm the Stage for NESARA Announcements was set. Each of the 19 Members who will be on stage that day stepped off the New Jerusalem with Lady Master Nada leading the Group. Each followed in the same order as noted above. Lady Master Nada took her place in front of the Podium and the others lined the Stage and had their comments ready as they follow her and all will share a portion of the Whole Story.

This will be a joint effort between the Extraterrestrials and Galactic Humans who are Members of both the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds and the Galactic Federation. Now that the scene has been set into the Casual Realm of Creation nothing, nothing can stop it from coming into the Physical Realm of Form. Each One of You Reading This were represented and present as your Higher Self was fully aware of this event as it occurred. You are the Solution, dear Light Soldier. All of your lifetimes spent preparing for this moment where we end time, whether you remember it now or not, are acknowledged by the Highest Forces of Light. The decision has been made that Awakened Humanity is at the moment where they receive the assistance from those Sisters and Brothers in the Goodly Company of Heaven. The Celestial Singers, also known as the Kumaras, the magnetic light energy merges now with the electric light energy bringing the changeover to New Earth.

On August 25, 2013 the stage was set in the Casual Realm. This is the first step necessary and a very big thrust forward. Humanity are Starseeds living a multidimensional life on Earth. Earth is the lowest vibration of all the realms. The Realms of Cause are where we create from. As we create on the Casual Realm then this reality will quickly descend down into the lower density of the Physical Realm of Earth and become manifest here. It is only the matter of a blink of an eye. All of what occurred had been planned a very long time and All Is In Divine Order. The Group of Souls physically present joined their consciousness with the Highest Beings of Light, also present in Form and the Formless and created an energy with the Highest Form of all Souls awakened and working for the light on Earth. That includes You. You have anchored in the long sought after changes for Humanity and Earth. What is next?

One prerequisite as we enter into mid September when the Atlantis energies are healed is to decide as a Collective Consciousness that We Want Peace on Earth. As the scales are tipped in favor of Peace the changes are ushered in. We have heard about the Earth Grid which is a magnetic electric crystalline grid connecting the Inner Earth crystals with the magnetic energy called Love. This is the energy of Attraction. The more you Be Love – the More you are Love In Action, the more you not allow fear into your Being, the faster we will as a Group, integrate in from the Causal Realm to the Physical Realm those changes that have been set. President Obama has been posing a question to the democracy of the United States representatives and other Countries representatives: Do You Want To Wage War? He never said he would strike. He said there will be accountability for the chemical attacks. The Black Ops did the chemical attacks and they will be arrested. He is simply posing a hypothetical question to the Citizens of Earth. Are you ready to change how we respond as a Collective Consciousness? Are you ready for PEACE? The majority of Souls, awakened or not, aware or not, are saying: We Will Not Bomb Humanity Anymore. President Obama is playing out his role perfectly bringing the few who wish to control the many into public attention to raise consciousness of all the 7.5 billion Souls on Earth. This is how we change things. Syria is where we crashed landed to Earth, long, long ago. All is healed now.

In mid September the energies of the Full Harvest Moon activate long sought after changes and we will celebrate as we renew the energies of the New Moon and on into the end of 2013 as New Earth integrates fully on the Physical Realm. You may feel the most important thing to do is to monitor for changes. That is not so.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do is to go into Service. Service to Yourself. Purify your Body so you may be a Beacon of Light. Be honest and make the changes your Body requires now. Your diet is very, very important. Service to Your Family. If there is even one person in your family who you have not made Peace with – you are accountable to Do So Now. What does it cost you? Would you rather Be right or Be Love? It costs you much more than you understand to continue to chose Being right. You Do Not Understand What You Do Not Understand. Only through vigorous and bluntly honest self-introspection will you stumble upon these Truths as you reveal them to

Yourself. Service to your Community. Volunteer! Put your spare time not into Netflix, but into those in Need! Go find them, be they animal companions, the hungry or the disenfranchised. Do All Your Conscious Will Allow to be responsible for the Karma of Your Community. Service to Your Country. Be a good citizen. Vote. Post. Raise Awareness. Support those in the Trenches through donations or through giving your time. The Citizens Hearing and the Disclosure Project are two very worthy causes utilizing Action Politics to bring the changes you seek. Service to Your Planet. Go Green on every level. Change how you are living and reduce your carbon footprint for the sake of Earth. Every time you put forth Love in Action, you tip the scales in the right direction. You are Your Brother’s Keeper and everything you do helps the Many. Call on Me for Guidance. I am always by your side. I am always with you. Walk in Harmony with Me. Take My Hand.

This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 6, 2013.© All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org


An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit http://ElizabethTrutwin.org/SanandaKumara Thank you for your ongoing support of my work. Donate. Please share this message and if you would like to be added to my list, or have any questions, feel free to email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com Namaste!



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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