Quantum theory of gravity, loop quantum gravity could potentially solve one of the
biggest problems in physics: reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics・c1
• Relative Effects of Primary and Tertiary Structure on Helix Formation in Myoglobin and alpha-Lactalbumin
• Protein Denaturation and Aggregation Cellular Responses to Denatured and Aggregated Proteins
• Mutant Let's do the twist: Spiral proteins are efficient gene delivery agents
• Differential regulation of basic helix-loop-helix factors Mash1 and Olig2 by accelerates both differentiation and death of cultured neural stem/progenitor cells.
• Genome-Wide Analysis of Basic/Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor Family in Rice and Arabidopsis2
cruzi (nametnik)
ribbon or tape,Mutation protein spiral loop
portal.groupkos.com/index.php?title=Electroma. Toroidal Transformer Poynting Vector by constant314
Ejection. Comparison of the leftward velocity vector changes in motion (Siemens Acuson System) observed in the lateral wall and upper septum during later ejection (left) with the muscular architecture of the left- and right-handed helices of the ascending and descending segments of the apical loop (right).
The assembly of protein strands into fibrils
Researchers at ETHZ Zurich, EPFL Lausanne and at the University of Fribourg evidenced a basic general mechanism describing how filamentous proteins assemble into ribbon like structures, the so-called Amyloid fibrils. Combining experiments and theory, they could explain how denatured milk proteins assemble into ribbon like structures composed of up to five filaments. These findings are shining a surprisingly new light on the
assembly of these proteins.
When an electron moves through a special type of magnetic texture called a skyrmion,
its magnetic moment (spin) twists to adjust to the skyrmion's local spin structure
(ribbon-like pattern). This twisting changes the electron's direction of travel and pushes
the electron and the skyrmion in opposite directions (not shown)
www.nature.com/.../n7300/fig_tab/465880a_F1.htmSpiral orientational order in quantum Hall skyrmion lattices
Viktor Schauberger
superhelical axis of the indicated six-helix bundles
Toroidal supercoils from proteins ("restrained" supercoils)
Collective excitations of quantum spin liquids
quantum spin liquids
zig-zag charge novel kinds of order, magnetism and superconductivity.
We show that molecular motion can be controlled in
dynamically assembled systems through segregation of the
disassembly process and internal translation to time scales that
differ by four orders of magnitude. Helical molecular tapes
were designed to slowly wind around rod-like guests and then
to rapidly slide along them. The winding process requires helix
unfolding and refolding, as well as a strict match between helix
length and anchor points on the rods. This modular design and
dynamic assembly open up promising capabilities in molecular machinery.

Right handed
supercoiling = negative supercoiling (underwinding)
www.jeol.com/.../tabid/752/Default.aspxNecrosis is defined as focal death along with degradation of tissue by hydrolytic enzymes
which are liberated by the cells. Necrosis may be caused by various agents such as
hypoxia, physical and chemical factors, microbial agents and immunological injury.
Irreversible cell injury can be caused by -
1. Cell digestion by lytic enzymes
2. Denaturation of proteins
These changes can be particularly seen by changes in the nuclear and cytoplasmic
characteristics. The cytoplasm appears homogenous and eosinophilic. The nuclear
changes may be condensation of nuclear chromatin(pyknosis), may undergo
dissolution(karyolysis) or fragmentation(karyorrhexis)
Morphologically there are 5 types of necrosis seen in humans, which include:
1. Coagulative necrosis ・ The most common type of necrosis with irreversible focal
injury, mostly caused by sudden cessation of blood, generally Ischaemia. Less commonly
by bacterial and chemical agents. The organs which are very commonly affected by
coagulative necrosis are heart, spleen and kidney.
2. Liquefaction necrosis ・ Also called as Colliquative necrosis, is commonly due to
ischaemic injury and bacterial or fungal infections. Thsi occurs due to degradation of
tissues by the action of powerful hydrolytic enzymes. The places where liquefaction
necrosis is commonly seen are Infarct brain and abscess cavity.
3. Caseous necrosis ・ This type of necrosis is found in the center of foci of the
tuberculous infections. This necrosis has the combined features of both coagulative and
liquefaction necrosis.
4. Fat necrosis ・ Fat necrosis is a special form of cell death that is caused at two
anatomically different locations, and morphologically similar lesions. These lesions are -
Acute pancreatic necrosis and Traumatic fat necrosis. And this is commmonly seen in
In case of pancreas, there is liberation of pancreatic lipases, from the inflammed or
injured tissues that results in necrosis of the pancreas and also on the fat deposits
throughout the peritoneal cavity. This sometimes also affects the extra-abdominal
adipose tissue.
5. Fibrinoid necrosis ・ Fibrinoid degeneration is characterised by deposition of fibrin-like
material which has the staining properties of fibrin. This can be seen in various cases like
immunological tissue injury, hypertension of arterioles, peptic ulcer etc.
• necrotic cell-death machinery www.nature.com/uidfinder/10.1038/ncb0311-197
• nephrotoxic agents
spiralni virusi
spiral spin-liquid in frustrated diamond-lattice antiferromagnets
Protein iz krvi može signalizirati rizik od smrti u starijih osoba 31.08.2011.
Švedski znanstvenici otkrili su protein iz krvi koji bi mogao ukazivati na povećan rizik od
smrti u starijih osoba, naime ispitanici koji su imali povišenu razinu tog proteina bili su
izloženi 60 posto većem riziku od smrti. Radi se o proteinu katepsinu S koji je inače
povezan s upalnim procesima. U teoriji takav biomarker može pomoći u usmjeravanju
zdravstvene skrbi, no njegova primjena je još daleko. Prethodne studije otkrile su više
razine katepsina S u bolesnika koji su pretili ili imaju dijabetes ili srčanu bolest. Kod
bolesnika koji su smršavili zapažene su niže razine katepsina S. Jednako tako
znanstvenici su pretpostavljali da je katepsin S povezan s razvojem ateroskleroze te da
ima ulogu u nastanku i širenju karcinoma. Izvor: Journal of the American Medical
Katepsin D mogao bi biti važniji dijagnostički test zbog svoje specifičnosti ukarcinoma dojke
Proteoliza je složeni biokemijski proces u kojem se proteini
pod utjecajem endogenih enzima hidroliziraju u manje
jedinice - peptide i slobodne aminokiseline. Post-mortalna
razgradnja mišićnih proteina odvija se pod utjecajem mišićnih
proteaza odnosno endopeptidaza (kalpaini i katepsini) koje
sudjeluju u početnom omekšavanju mišićnog tkiva i
egzopeptidaza (peptidaze, aminopeptidaze i
karboksipeptidaze) koje učestvuju u kasnijim fazama
proteolize. Proteoliza u mišićima započinje oslobananjem
Ca2+ iona iz sarkoplazmatskog retikuluma i aktivacijom
kalpaina koji razlažu Z-membranu i regulatorne proteine, a
nastavlja se aktivacijom katepsina i hidrolizom glavnih
Postmortalna razgradnja proteina i porast pH mesa uz porast koncentracije soli uzrokuje
inaktivaciju kalpaina već 10 do 14 dana nakon klanja. (izvor: PROTEOLIZA MIŠIĆNOG
TKIVA TIJEKOM ZRENJA PRŠUTA hrcak.srce.hr/file/33530)
Cathepsins (Ancient Greek kata- "down" and hepsein "boil"; abbreviated CTS)
are proteases: proteins that break apart other proteins・c
Cysteine cathepsins: multifunctional enzymes in cancer Mona Mostafa Mohamed &
Bonnie F. Sloane www.nature.com/.../n10/fig_tab/nrc1949_F4.html
Helicases are a class of
enzymes vital to all living
organisms. They are
motor proteins that move
directionally along a
nucleic acid
backbone, separating
two annealed nucleic acid
strands (i.e., DNA, RNA, or RNA-DNA hybrid) using energy
derived from ATP hydrolysis.
The four helices may be arranged in a simple up-and-down topology
Structural basis of photosensitivity in a bacterial lightoxygen-
cytokines consist of four W-helices in a
The globin fold usually consists of eight WWhelices
Helix-helix packing
horseshoe Astbury
initially proposed a
kinked-chain structure for
the fibers. He later joined
other researchers
(notably the American
chemist Maurice Huggins) in proposing that:
* the unstretched protein molecules formed a
helix (which he called the α-form); and * the
stretching caused the helix to uncoil, forming an extended state (which he
called the β-form).
Twisted DNA-bundles
double helices
constrained to a honeycomb lattice.
DNA, F-actin, microtubules I am also interested in the self-assembly properties of
complex, amphiphilic molecular systems. In particular, my research has focused on how
such self-assembly can be cast in terms of frustration between purely geometric (model
independent) quantities.
1AV1 4-helix Closed
Epigenetics is a field of research that investigates
heritable information carried in the cell that is not
directly coded by DNA.
Double Helix Nebula is a gaseous nebula near thecenter of our galaxy, which is thought to have been
distorted by magnetic torsion into the shape of two
connected spirals, known popularly as a double helix,
akin to the shape of DNA
Spirala, simbolizam, okultizam, misticizam i religija
(also eternity): In
ancient India and Tibet, it represented perfection, dualism, and unity between male and
female. Ancient symbol of the goddess, the womb,
fertility, feminine serpent force, continual change,
and the evolution of the universe, earth-centered
or mystical faith in a blend of evolution and
devolution -- decay/renewal, life/death/rebirth,
spiritual/physical -- the back and forth flow of
earthly and cosmic changes. With its focus on the
unity of opposites, it resembles the Yin Yang,
unity, polarity, holism, and magic. Spiral as an
ancient goddess symbol of universal pattern of growth in nature. A
variation with three lines was used by some in the occult to represent
the number of the beast...666.
this is an altar depicted in
MesoamericaThis depiction is
from the Assyrian inscription The same serpent motion in Kundalini
Yoga is depicted-
spiral motion is the stuff of life, the vibrations, the music ofthe spheres, the motion of creation, and the
dance of life. When wesuperimpose the golden section and the spiraling Phi
spiral onto theEgyptian Hypocephalus in our Book of Abraham we find that they
both fit perfectly in proportion to the illustrations. Cosmos, with
energetic motions of circular and
spiral movements.spiraling magnetic
energy. (Vortex)
• perturbation Oscillation Turbulence Vortex helicity
• Integrated exploration of turbulent cross-helicity
They discovered that the tendril's natural curvature plays a crucial role in determining
the radius of the pole that it can climb.