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Član JosipJankovic







OD 14.01.2018.

Once again, The Benevolent & Graceful Baba [12 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Sai-Deepak Daswani included below]

Sai Ram Beloved ones on this forum:

Sai Ram, voljeni , na ovome forumu...

Please excuse me for the rather long message, but what happened was very amazing and I would like to narrate everything about that day, as far as I can remember.

Molim, oprostite na malo podužem mailu, no ono što se dogodilo začuđujuće je i želim sa vama podijeliti i najmanji detalj o proteklome danu koliko god se budem mogao prisjetiti.

On December 29, 2012 being my birthday, I am usually in Parthi, but this year it was different.

29.12.2012. moj je rođendan i obično sam u Parhiju,no ove je godine bilo drugačije.

On, Thursday December 27, 2012,  when I took the Samadhi Cloth to have it blessed, I told the devotee in whose house the prayer room and altar is, the reason why I said that I would like to come on Saturday, is, because it is my birthday.  She replied that she had to be away because of some family commitments starting next week.  However, she did say that if she was at her place on Saturday, she would call me and let me know.

U četvrtak, 27.12.2012. kada sam uzeo tkaninu na blagoslov, rekao sam poklonici u čijoj kući se nalazi soba za molitvu i oltar, razlog zašto sam želio doći u subotu - jer je tog dana moj rođenan.Ona mi je odgovorila da je neće biti toga dana zbog obiteljskih obveza koje počinju sljedeći tjedan.No, rekla mi je ako se vrati u subotu, javit će mi telefonom.

I had decided that if on Saturday by 11:00am there was no call from the devotee, I would go to Parthi.  At 10:45am I called her to see if she would be present at the residence, she answered the phone and told me that she was out but she would be returning back home later and she would call me when she was back.  Waiting until 12:00am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 4:00pm, 5:00pm, no call.  All these hours, all sorts of thoughts kept passing my head, so I decided to call the devotee, her phone was ringing but no answer, I pressed redial on my phone immediately and her phone was switched-off.  I began to wonder so many things like maybe they are away for their family function and do not want to be disturbed.  By this time I even started wondering what a terrible way to spend a birthday, just waiting so many hours in anticipation.  I even anticipated going to Brindavan in Whitefield, just as a consolation, to be with Swami & have his Darshan.

Odlučio sam da ako mi do subote u 11sati ne stigne telefonski poziv, ići ću u Parthi.U 10.45 nazvao sam je da vidim hoće li biti kod kuće. javila mi se i rekla da će se kasnije vratiti te da će me onda nazvati. Tako sam čekao 12 sati, 13h,14, 15h,...17h, ali poziva nije bilo.Kroz to vrijeme, glavom su mi prolazile svakakve misli pa sam odlučio nazvati je.Telefon je zvonio, ali odgovora nije bilo.Ponovno sam je nazvao,a njen je telefon sada bio isključen. PO glavi su mi se počele rojiti svakakve misli poput- možda je odsutna zbog obiteljskih obveza do da možda ne želi da joj se smeta.Do tada sam se počeo pitati kakav je ovo grozan način provođenja rođendana - iščekivanje satima.Čak sam mislio ići u brindavan u Whitefield, samo radi utjehe kako bih bio sa Svamijem i imao Njegov darshan.

Meanwhile, earlier in the morning at around 11:30am I went to the Ganesh Temple near to my house and had good darshan.  When I returned home, a driver was waiting and had brought a gift of a Ganesha from a wonderful friend of mine, and also a birthday cake from another friend of mine.  At 1:30pm my friend who had sent the cake called me and asked me how was the cake, did I like it?  I told her that the cake was still in it’s box and kept inside the fridge & that it will be opened later.

U međuvremenu, ujutro oko 11.30 pošao sam do Ganeše pokraj moje kuće i imao lijep darshan. Kada sam se vratio kući, čekao me i donio mi poklon od Ganeše od  mog dobrog prijatelja i tortu te me pozvao i pitao kako mi se sviđa torta?Rekao sam joj da je torta još u kutiji i u hladnjaku i da ću je kasnije otvoriti.

At 6:00pm I got a call from the devotee and she told me that I can come to her place and that there was a Study Circle class to take place.  Immediately I took the Samadhi Cloth, Cake & Ganesh that was gifted to me in the morning.  I reached the house at around 6:30pm and sure enough there was a Study Class taking place and the subject matter was from Swami’s book Sandeha Nivarini.  There was present this devotee, her huband and 10 other people in the study class & it was taking place in the sitting room.  First thing she did was to show me her mobile phone which showed that she had made a call to me at 4:30pm, and I showed her my mobile phone which did not show any incoming call at 4:30pm or any time near then, very strange !  Anways, I asked the devotee if I could once again place the Samadhi Cloth in front of the Altar in the prayer room, and also place the Ganesh & the Birthday Cake.  She got up from the study class and came together with me in the prayer room to assist me in placing the things in front of the Altar.  Placed the Cake right in the front and she even placed a plastic cake-cutting knife on the box. Then, the both of us went out and joined the study class in the sitting room.

U 18h stigao je telefonski poziv od poklonice koja mi je rekla da mogu doći k njoj i da održavaju studijski kružok.Odmah sam uzeo tkaninu sa samaddhija, tortu i kip ganeše kojeg sam dobio jutros na dar.K njenoj kući stigao sam oko 18.30, a studijski kružek već je trajao.Tema je bila iz Svamijeve knjige Sandeha Nivarini. Prisutni su bili poklonica i njen suprug, i još desetak ljudi i bili smo smješteni u sobi. Prvo što mi je pokazala bio je njen mobitel koji je pokazivao da me zvala oko 16.30,a ja sam joj pokazao svoj mobitel na kojem u to vrijeme nije bilo zabilježenih dolaznih poziva.Vrlo čudno!I tako, upitao sam poklonicu smijem li još jednom staviti tkaninu sa samadhija na oltar u sobi za molitvu zajedno sa tortom i kipom Ganeše.Napustila je studijski kružok i zajedno smo te stvari stavili na oltar.Stavili smo tortu na oltar, stavila je čak i plastični nož na kutiju sa tortom.Oboje smo tada napustili sobu za molitvu i ponovno se pridružili studijskom kružoku.

The moment I joined the Study Class, the subject matter being discussed was about the Mind and they ways to control it.  When I was asked to speak, I just poured out to all of them the way my mind had played it’s tricks with me on that very day, it seemed like as if I was completely it’s slave, where-as Swami says that we must make the mind our slave !

Kada sam se pridružio studijskom kružoku, tema je bila o umu o načinima njegove kontrole. Kada je došao red na mene da kažem nešto, jednostavno mi je izletjelo sve ono što mi se jutros događalo i na koji je način moj um se jutros igrao sa mnom, tako da se činilo da sam u potpunsti njegov rob - a Svami bi rekao da mi moramo um učiniti svojim robom!

After returning to the prayer room 45 minutes later, this is what we saw, and it’s being outlined in the following photos:

Nakon povratka u sobu za molitvu 45 minuta kasnije, evo što smo vidjeli,a što je pokazano na sljedećim fotografijama...

Photo 1~2   Ganesh before Vibhuti/kip Ganeše prije vibhutija

Photo 01 - Ganesh Before

Photo 01 - Ganesh Before

Photo 3       Ganesh after Vibhuti/kip Ganeše nakon vibhutija

Photo 4       Ganesh after Vibhuti (close-up)./kip - krupni plan

Photo 5       Cake cut by Swami & blessed with Vibhuti. Top slightly right./Svami zarezao tortu i vibhuti

Photo 6       Cake cut by Swami & blessed with Vibhuti. Top.

Photo 7       Samadhi Cloth blessed with Little Vibhuti & reminence of Vibhuti from 27/12/2012./tkanina sa samadhija blagoslovljena sa malo vibhutija i uspomena od 27/12/2012.

Photo 8       Samadhi Cloth with more Vibhuti, in front of several devotees./tkanina sa samadhija sa još više vibhutija i nekoliko poklonika


Photo 9       Samadhi Cloth blessed with more Vibhuti (close-up)./tkanina sa samadhija blagoslovljena sa još više vibhutija (izbliza)

Photo 10     Samadhi Cloth blessed with more Vibhuti (Long Position).

Photo 11     Vibhuti on back left side of my head./vibhuti na stražnjoj lijevoj strani moje glave

Photo 12     Vibhuti  on left side of my head./vibhuti na lijevoj strani moje glave

Photo 11&12 shows Vibhuti which appeared on the left side of my head.  After I finished folding the Samadhi Cloth & putting it back in it’s box, I was saying Sai Ram & bye to all the other devotees, when all of a sudden I felt something hit me hard on the left side of my head & I said “Ouch”, when they asked what happened, I said someone has wacked me on the left side of my head, but the devotes were on the opposite side of me, so it could not be any devotee that wacked me.  When they came close to me they were surprised & happy to see that it was Vibhuti that has wacked me, and I immediately requested them to click pictures so I could see it too. 

Fotografije 11 i 12pokazuju vibhuti koji se pojavio sa lijeve strane moje glave. Nakon što sam završio  umatanje tkanine sa samadhija i njeno vraćanje u kutiju, govorio sam "sai ram" i "zbogom" kada sam odjednom osjetio snažan udarac na lijevoj strani moje glave i glasno sam rekao"joooj!!".Kada su me upitali što se dogodilo, rekao sam da me nešto udarilo na lijevoj strani glave. Poklonici su stajali na suprotnoj strani od mene tako nije mogao biti nitko od njih. Kada su mi prišli bili su iznenađeni i sretni vidjevši da me to vibhuti pogodio,a ja sam odmah tražio neka se to fotografira kako bih i ja to mogao vidjeti.

Wow, My Dearest Baba, celebrating a birthday couldn’t get any better.  Thank you, Thank you & Thank you.  I also feel that the good wishes of all my family, relatives, friends & devotees, compelled Swami to make this day so special for me.

Eh, Moj Dragi Baba, proslava mog rođendana nije mogla biti bolja.Hvala, ti, hvala i hvala Ti.Osjećam da dobre želje moje obitelji, rođaka i prijatelja i poklonika natjerale su Svmaija da ovaj dan učine tako posebnim za mene.

I Pray that Bhagavan Baba’s Love, Grace & Benedictions be showered on you & family on every single day of 2013.  Happiest New Year.

Molim neka Bhagavanova ljubav, milost i blagoslov se izlije na vas i vaše obitelji svakoga dana u 2013.. najsretnijoj godini.

Sai Ram & Sai Love

Sai-Deepak     Bangalore    December.31.2012++


Attachment(s) from Sai-Deepak Daswani

10 of 12 Photo(s) (View all Photos)

Photo 01 - Ganesh Before.jpg

Photo 01 - Ganesh Before.jpg

Photo 02 - Ganesh Before.jpg

Photo 02 - Ganesh Before.jpg

Photo 03- Ganesh After.jpg

Photo 03- Ganesh After.jpg

Photo 04 - Ganesh After (close-up).jpg

Photo 04 - Ganesh After (close-up).jpg

Photo 05 - B'day Cake (Top Tilted).jpg

Photo 05 - B'day Cake (Top Tilted).jpg

Photo 06 - B'day Cake (Top).jpg

Photo 06 - B'day Cake (Top).jpg

Photo 07 - Samadhi Cloth, little Vibhuti.jpg

Photo 07 - Samadhi Cloth, little Vibhuti.jpg

Photo 08 - Samadhi Cloth, more Vibhuti.jpg

Photo 08 - Samadhi Cloth, more Vibhuti.jpg

Photo 09 - Samadhi Cloth, more Vibhuti (close-up).jpg

Photo 09 - Samadhi Cloth, more Vibhuti (close-up).jpg

Photo 10 - Samadhi Cloth, more Vibhuti, long.jpg

Photo 10 - Samadhi Cloth, more Vibhuti, long.jpg

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  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro magicusi, opet nam je malo došla zima, kod mene padaju krpe snijega...:-)

    10.01.2025. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
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