Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član gemini1







OD 14.01.2018.


Candrama Vama pamayatnam Ayatanavan bhavati. Yascandra masa Ayatanam Veda Ayatanavan bhavati Apovai Candra masa Ayatanam Ayatanavan bhavati Ya Evam Veda Yo pamayatanam veda Ayatanavan bhavati Moon is the source of water, He who knows this, Becomes established in himself, Water is the source of moon, He who knows this, Becomes established in himself. He who knows the source of water, Becomes established in himself.


Mantra Pushpam

Lyrics & Meaning (From http://www.celextel.org/vedichymns/)


Yopam puspam veda
Puspavan prajavan pasuvan bhavati
Candramava Apam puspam
Puspavan, Prajavan pasuman bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanam bhavati.

He who understands the flowers of water,
He becomes the possessor of flowers, children and cattle.
Moon is the flower of the water,
He who understands this fact,
He becomes the possessor of flowers, children and cattle.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,

Agnirva Apamayatanam
Ayatanavan Bhavati
Yo agnerayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovagner ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati

Fire is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of fire,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,

Vayurva Apamaya tanam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Yova Yorayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati|
Apovai va yorayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Ya Evam veda
Yopamayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan Bhavati

Air is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of air,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,

Asowvai tapanna pamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yo musya tapata Ayatanan Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apova Amusyatapata Ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati

Scorching sun is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of scorching sun,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,

Candrama Vama pamayatnam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Yascandra masa Ayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai Candra masa Ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yo pamayatanam veda
Ayatanavan bhavati

Moon is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of moon,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,

Nakshtrani va Apamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yo Nakshtrana mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai Nakshtrana mayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ye evam Veda
Yopamaya tanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati

Stars are the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of stars,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,

Parjanyova apamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yah parjanyasya syayatinam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai parjanya Syayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ye Evam veda
Yopa maya tanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati

Clouds are the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of clouds,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,

Samvastaro Va Apamayatanam
Ayatavan bhavati
Yassavatsa rasyaya tanam Veda
Ayatavan bhavati.
Apovai samvasara ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam veda
Yopsu Navam pratistitam veda
Pratyeva tistati

Rainy season is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of rainy season,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows that there is a raft is available,
Becomes established in that raft.

This mantra is from Taithreeya Aranyakam of Yajur Veda

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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi magicusi, danas je Međunarodni dan borbe protiv nasilja nad ženama. Učinimo sve da ih zaštitimo i nasilje već jednom prestane. Lp

    25.11.2024. 08:13h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je Međunarodni dan tolerancije, pa poradimo malo na tome. Lp

    16.11.2024. 03:29h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je martinje povodom tog dana želimo sretan imendan svim Martinama I Martinima!

    11.11.2024. 08:14h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Vrijeme leti, sve je hladnije, želim vam ovu nedjelju toplu i radosnu. Lp

    10.11.2024. 09:09h
  • Član iridairida

    Edine, ti se tako rijetko pojaviš, pa ne zamjeri ako previdimo da si svratio, dobar ti dan!

    30.10.2024. 12:33h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobro veče.

    28.10.2024. 22:30h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Blagoslovljenu i sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    13.10.2024. 08:02h
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