Poštovani / Poštovane,
pozivamo Vas na otvorenje izložbe Petra Barišića
Otvorenje izložbe će se održati u nedjelju, 02.10. 2011. u 12 sati
Galerija Bačva
Dom hrvatskih likovnih umjetnika
Trg žrtava fašizma bb
10000 Zagreb
Izložbu možete pogledati do 23. listopada 2011.
radnim danom od 11-19 sati
vikendom od 10-14 sati
ponedjeljkom i praznikom zatvoreno
(...) Ako bih trebala izabrati samo jednu riječ i njome označiti bit
Barišićeve instalacije bila bi to riječ pokret. Pokret je u
esencijalnom odnosu s neperceptibilnim - zapisuju Deleuze i Guattari -
on je po prirodi neperceptibilan. Pokret koji Gluhim zvonom nije
reprezentiran, već prezentnim postaje u procesu djelatne rezonance,
nesvodiv je na značenja implicirana klasifikacijskim odrednicama iz
vokabulara discipline povijesti umjetnosti kao što su, primjerice,
kinetički objekt ili mobilna skulptura. Gluhim zvonom Barišić
konstruira perceptibilne amplitude kojima će u registru vidljivoga i
čujnoga označiti pokret koji je po prirodi neperceptibilan: pokret
živog tijela u vremenu, i obratno, pokret vremena u živom tijelu.
Formalno gledajući, instalaciju čini deset međusobno sinkroniziranih
elemenata. Gigantizirano trinaestmetarsko klatno konstruirano tankim
cijevima od visokopoliranog inoxa, usidreno u svod bazilike neprestano
njiše duž njezina središnjeg broda ispisujući golim okom nevidljivi,
ali potmulim basom čujni vremenski luk. Na zidove bočnih brodova i u
apside postavljeno je devet do visokog sjaja ispoliranih, rotirajućih
aluminijskih diskova - svaki u sebi sadrži pokretne elemente
različitih oblika koji pri rotaciji proizvode posve specifične zvukove
perkusije. Reflektirano iradirajuće svjetlo ispisuje pritom diskretni
kaleidoskopski tekst po bijelim zidovima bazilike, tekst koji
premošćuje granicu između slike i njezina vremena, između zvuka i
njegovog trajanja, između mirovanja i kretanja, između stanja stvari i
njihovih privida. (...)
iz predgovora Leonide Kovač
Dear Sir / Madam,
We are kindly inviting you to an exhibition opening
Petar Barišić: "DEAF BELL".
on Sunday, October 2nd, 2011, at 12pm
Barrel Gallery (Galerija Bačva)
Trg žrtava fašizma bb
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
The exhibition will be on view until October 23, 2011
every working day from 11 am to 7 pm,
at weekends from 10 am to 2 pm,
closed Mondays and public holidays.
(...) If I had to choose just one word with which to signify the
essence of Barišić's installation, it would be the word movement.
Movement is in an essential relationship with the imperceptible -
write Deleuze and Guattari - it is by its very nature imperceptible.
Movement that is not represented by the Deaf Bell, but becomes present
in the process of the effective resonance, is irreducible to the
meanings implied by classifying definitions from the vocabulary of the
discipline of art history, such as kinetic object or mobile sculpture.
With his Deaf Bell Barišić constructs perceptible amplitudes that, in
the register of the visible and the audible, signify movement that is
in its nature imperceptible: the movement of the live body in time and
vice versa the movement of time in the live body. In a formal sense,
the installation consists of ten synchronised elements. The vast
thirteen metre clapper constructed of thin tubes of highly polished
stainless steel, anchored in the vaulting of the basilica swings
without stop along its central nave, describing a temporal arc
invisible to the naked eye and yet audible with its dull bass.
Placed on the walls of the aisles and in the apse are nine highly
polished, shining, rotating aluminium disks. Each has within it moving
elements of various forms that in the rotation produce very
particularly percussive sounds. The reflected, irradiating light
describes a discreet kaleidoscopic text on the white walls of the
basilica, a text that bridges the boundary between the picture and its
time, between the sound and its duration, between quiescence and
movement, between the state of things and their semblances. (...)
Leonida Kovač
Trg žrtava fašizma bb, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
tel: 00385 1 4611-818; fax: 00385 1 4576-831
OD 14.01.2018.PUTA