ovo su neke male istine i neki mali dokumenti, srdacno iz adelaidea zlatan
Ovo su dokumenti koji dokazuju da radim kao raznosac reclama za 60 dolara na tjedan jer se nista za bolje nije naslo u adelaideu za mene, to je za sada dovoljo, a ja cu postaviti jos kardinalnih dokumenata samo mi treba malo vremena, imam dvije bocice jednoga lijeka koji su mi dali gdje sam mogao umrijeti od bradikardije onda mi je magicus savjetovao da to odnesem kod svoga lijecnika, a ona je hrvatica pa sam joj pisao danas da mi to vrati ili da mi slika pa cemo to onda isto objaviti, hvala irida pa cu vam se kasnije javiti, srdacno zlatan
Hi Zlatan, have assigned :) the area to you, your start date is 1st and it;s a big week .You should have received an email about the Ivehub portal you need to login and add your bank details also download the Ivehub app your distributor code is 91065194
which is your password for the first time. Have a read through of the guidelines on how to use the ivehub app .
You should receive your catalogues on Sunday (Monday if the driver is running late ). Then to you need to fold them together I suggest having a production line on the table .
Then once ready to go accept your contract on your ivehub app , press start walk when you’re walking the catalogues and then finish and validate once completed
You can walk it on multiple days ( doesn’t need to be done all at once)
The delivery day for the midweek are Tuesday and Wednesday if you’re running late just send me a message
Your midweek contract will be available to see Sunday mid-morning (to see how much you’re being paid)
You get paid Tuesday nights
If there are any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact me
Kindest regards elisha
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 5:29 PM <zlatan.g@adam.com.au> wrote:
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
yes dear elisha I am very interested in the job you offer me, I found and where is the area so I am pleased, please leave a leaflet in front of my house in bimini number 7, thank you , warmly from mawson lakes, zlatan
From: Elisha kenyon
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2020 10:38 AM
To: zlatan.g@adam.com.au
Subject: catalogue walking
Hi Zlatan, Elisha from the ive group here just seeing if you would be interested in walking catalogues in this area? There are 470 houses in this area and the average pay to walk and collate the catalogues is $59. This job is contract work so you are paid a certain amount to collate and walk the catalogues, not an hourly rate. On average there are 9 different types of catalogues ( such as coles , foodland woolworths) when there are more catalogues the pay is more and when there is less catalogues the pay is a little less. The catalogues are walked on a Tuesday or Wednesday and you don’t need to walk them all at once. The catalogues are dropped to your house and you do not have to be home when they arrive.
If you would like more information or to give this area a go please let me know
Kindest regards elisha