Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član mlabos







OD 14.01.2018.

JEDNOST - Što kaže Osho?

JEDNOST - Što kaže Osho?
Vani i unutra - to su samo lažne podjele, kao što su sve podjele lažne. No one su potrebne jer teško je razgovarati bez riječi. Ali tada shvatite da postoji samo jedno, a za to jedno ne postoji pojam ni unutra ni vani. Ono je jedno, a to jedno ste vi

Ova jednost je izražena u izreci upanišada:“Ono što si ti.!“

Ono znači izvanjsko, ti znači unutarnje.

Ta dva pojma povezana su mostom.

Ono postaje ti, a ti postaje ono. Iznenada nema više nikakvih podjela.

 Nema podjela – smrt je život, život je smrt.

Sve podjele postoje zato jer je um nesposoban vidjeti da ono što je kontradiktorno može biti jedno.

Zbog svoje logike um ne može vidjeti kako jedna stvar može biti i jedno i drugo.

Um misli: ili ovo ili ono.

A život je oboje, postojanje je oboje zajedno.

Zato nije ispravno reći da je postojanje i jedno i drugo, već je ono jedna silna jednost.


 Rad s Osho tarot simbolima, jedna je od najučikovitijih metoda otkrivanja nesvjesnih (potisnutih) obrazaca, kroz 'razgovor' sa samim sobom...dokazano mojim dugogodišnjim radom kroz vlastito iskustvo i iskustvo ostalih sudionika!




Prijave i info:

Maja Cvjetanović Laboš


 098/953 7245

Grupni i inividaulni tečaj OSHO ZEN TAROTA!

(za one izvan Zagreba, i one koji to žele, također i  putem skype-a!)





  • 11.04.2020. 22:08h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Sa drugim možeš kad možeš i bez njega ?

    Reci mi kakva ti je voda,kakav ti je zrak i kakva ti je hrana pa ču ti reči kakav si ?

    Kad se imenuješ tad se i izdvajaš iz sile bez imena ?

    Čim si pogriješio tim si i povezan sa onim u čemu griješiš ?

    Sve je povezano kao jedan život i odavde do vječnosti ?

    Onaj koji nema veze taj je i bez veze ?

    To je nezamislivo daleko i toliko blizu jer smo uvijek u tome ?

    Kada jači kvači kriv je onaj koji se povija ?

    Kada umom savijaš žlicu tada se ne savija žlica nego ti ?

    Kada nogom dotakneš zemlju tada to nogom osiječaš nogu ?

    Kada za nekoga kažemo da je normalan on je "sveznalica" ?

    Kada je netko poremečen on je puko i govori "šta sve OvO znači" !?

  • 11.04.2020. 23:33h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    "we need to cut off" & "100%" !?

    Teistima protiv Corone pomaže Molitva tojest i ako se ne mole svojoj samorefleksiji ?

    Ateisti bi se pak morali snalaziti kako znaju i umiju pa i pod izgovorom da čudni su putevi gospodnji !o'o!


    Florinda claimed that one night, when she was a student in Los Angeles, she was driving Castaneda¡¯s VW Microbus [note: this must have been before she was barred by Old Florinda from driving], waiting for a light to change on a dark street. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye she saw a woman dressed in black grab her driver's side door handle. The woman's eyes were wild. She grinned dementedly at Florinda, her expression distorted by enormous protruding teeth. The strange woman's hair was black, and Florinda had the idea, or "knew," that it was dyed (which she attributed to "our insistence and tendency, even in the face of the unknown, to judge and explain everything"). Frightened, Florinda screamed and jammed her foot on the gas pedal. She took off down the road, but the woman ran alongside, keeping up with her. Now terrified, Florinda sped up, accelerating to 80 miles per hour. The woman kept pace, running and holding onto the door handle for a long time, until Florinda finally looked again, and she was gone.

    Florinda immediately went to see don Juan [an episode not mentioned in Being-in-Dreaming]. She told him about the woman and what had happened. Don Juan seemed concerned. He thought for awhile, and then, in a serious voice asked, "Was the woman farting?" Florinda was stunned. She made don Juan repeat his question. He asked again if the woman had been farting. Florinda claimed she was not only unhinged by the question, she was greatly annoyed with don Juan for not taking her very serious situation seriously. "No, no," don Juan insisted with a straight face, "A woman running that fast must have been farting." No matter how annoyed Florinda became with him, even shouting that he was a senile old man, don Juan persisted in questioning whether the woman had been farting. Eventually, Florinda gave up and told don Juan that if he wasn't going to take her situation seriously then neither was she. "Good," said don Juan. "When confronted by the unfathomable, a warrior either makes a joke about it or he takes it seriously, and it destroys him."

    Florinda related other manifestations, instances of perceiving awarenesses "that crossed somehow into this realm." One was that of a creature that looked like a cat but had a rabbit¡¯s back end and big teeth. She joked about her tendency to see things with big teeth.

    Florinda described the motivating force behind the behavior of people in don Juan's group, and now in Carlos's. She called it a "blank check of sheer affection" that they had given to each other. She recalled Carlos describing don Juan as "always giving 100% of his attention to anyone who talked with him--more, Carlos pointed out, than anyone in the social world ever gives to anyone else." The reason that sorcerers can give this intensity is because they have retained a greater amount of abstract awareness than ordinary people, who usually are preoccupied only with themselves. Issuing such a check is also "a tremendous warrior's challenge." Florinda declared that she had given Taisha her check of sheer affection but, "although Taisha was beautiful and brilliant, she had a horrendous side to her personality and was not the easiest person to get along with." She mentioned that don Juan and Genaro were so focused that when one was not there, they didn't know you existed, which used to make her mad before she knew that don Juan was "energetically so hard." She realized that to trust the Nagual meant "to trust him with one's life totally." Given the chance to do it again, she said that, certainly, she would do it again, only "with more discipline."*

    *Florinda says: "According to don Juan, he said, illness and disease didn't really exist in his world because it is basically . . . I don't want to say it's self inflicted because that's going too far, but we do make ourselves sick with stress. And the stress basically comes because the ego cannot deal with the world outside." Ely follows up with, "Is there any particular portion of the body where we store these energy blows?" Florinda responds: "Well it depends. Usually we store those energy blows in our weakest part . . . . For instance, if you’re under stress, let’s say you feel certain pains, or you feel drained, you get a cold, I mean you know your body better than anyone else. Well, that is exactly where the blow is going. [It] varies person to person. For instance, I have very weak bronchitis, whenever I get drained, I start coughing very, very badly so whether it is just something physically or I really got stressed out, you know, I start coughing."

    Florinda describes growing up blond and cute in South America: "I was the greatest thing that ever lived, I mean, the world validated my idea of the self. I grew up in South America, I had advantages just by the mere fact of the way I looked. Children know how to manipulate that extremely well; I was President in my elementary school from kindergarten until sixth grade. I was in Venezuelan schools . . . there were very few blond children. I mean, I was treated like a little goddess and I believed that that was my inherent right."

    She asserts, "We have not retreated from the world but we are not in the world in the sense that whatever makes us react like our fellow man, we have curtailed this to the minimum. It doesn't really matter what they do to us anymore. How they bang us." As to other philosophical systems, Florinda says: "In terms of what we know from the sorcerers of the lineage of don Juan, it’s only one line what we know, you see? I am sure there are many other systems of knowledge that express, let's say the terminology; the vocabulary is different, but ultimately the intent is the same. It is not that the different systems of knowledge . . . this system of knowledge is extremely pragmatic. It truly gives us the way, if you are interested, to follow certain . . . I don't want to say rules and regulations, because there are none, but does give us a very pragmatic way of trying to implement something that in other traditions we can only read about."

    Florinda responds to a question about her relationship with her family: "Actually I think I am the only one that has any kind of relationship with the family because of my circumstances. When I first entered, if there is such a thing, entered into the sorcerers world, I cut myself off, purposefully, from most people that I knew including my parents of course. My parents did not know for about ten, twelve years whether I was dead or alive. It was a very calculated move, because of the sorcerers?point of view is that for us to change, for us to be able to change, we need to cut off from the people who know us so well because, not that they do it maliciously, but they prevent us from changing because they already know what we are and nothing that we do will make them change their mind. . . . . [Old] Florinda at one time said "Look, it doesn't matter, why not just go and see your parents?" and at that time, you know, I had been working, you know I was doing . . . I was an anthropologist, actually I was in contact with one brother and from time to time I would let him know--I just wanted to at least re-assure them that I was not dead. I said I was involved in something that I had to cut myself off. Personally, I had parents who were extremely understanding and let’s say, at least from my perspective, it went very well. When I, let’s say, re-established contact with my parents, it was extremely interesting to see that my relationship with my parents was much more loving and understanding than it had ever been before."*

    A ima i onih koji nas "fragmentišu sa ogromnom pažljivošču" ?

    A još su i pobožni pa im se i ne može pobijati dogma ?

    A ako smo zagovornici vlastite autonomije to je automatski i nacionalna ugroza ?

    A pa imamo mi i jedinstvenu šarenicu oka pored jedinstvenog otiska i deenka'a ?

    E sad ili kad podamo caru carevo i bogu božje ostade nam "nothingness for everything" ?!


Član mlabosMerlin14 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana mlabos dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragim mališanima želim puno darova u čizmicama!

    06.12.2024. 08:39h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Lijep pozdrav Edin. Drago mi je da si svratio .

    30.11.2024. 18:08h
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