1/2 kg kuhanog krumpira
10 dag majoneze
2 dl kiselog vrhnja
4 tvrdo kuhana jaja
25 dag šunke
25 dag sira trapista
Sitno naribajte krumpir, jaja, sir i šunku. U zdjelu slažite red po red: krupmir koji poslite i popaprite, pola majoneze, jaja, vrhnje, šunku, drugu polovicu majoneze i sir. Salatu možete ukrasiti po želji.
Dobar tek!
This creamy salad can be found in most of the households in Serbia served during parties, birthdays, patron saint day, New Years and in many occasions. Even though it is rich and creamy it is also addictive and seems light when eaten. Remember that I have warned you that it is addictive before you finish the last bite.
2 large potatoes boiled in skins
4 hard boiled eggs
300g of ham
300g of feta
200ml of mayonnaise
360g of sour cream
lemon juice
In a large glass bowl (mine was 1.5l) layer in this order. One boiled chilled potato shredded, then 2 hard boiled eggs shredded. Over the eggs half of the feta shredded.
Repeat layers and lightly press with hand. Mix mayonnaise and sour cream with a bit of lemon juice and salt to taste, pour over and decorate.