Dragi naši (hrvatski, english below),
Danas sam potpisao peticiju "Protiv izgradnje nuklearne elektrane" u Erdutu, preko puta Nacionalnog parka Kopački rit. To je, zapravo, peticija, za "alternativne" izvore energije.
Kada smo Karmela i ja, zajedno s Rankom Bonom, predsjednikom nevladine udruge Motovun eko-grad, sudjelovali u motovunskoj "antigolf" kampanji, na tadašnjem potpisivanju peticije dobili smo podršku od preko 17000 osoba iz cijeloga Svijeta. To je veliki uspjeh, a predsjednik naše udruge Ranko Bon, znao ga je iskoristiti na najbolji mogući način.
Molim vas za solidarnost s kolegama u nevolji. Dajte im potporu potpisivanjem peticije na ovoj adresi:
Sve podatke i cijelu situaciju naći ćete potanko opisanu na toj web stranici. Molim vas da ovu poruku pošaljete svim vašim prijateljima i poznanicima koji mogu pripomoći svojim potpisom (uz napomenu da je potrebno upisati svoj MBG ili datum rođenja, što su podaci koji su potrebni da bi internetska peticija bila zakonski prihvatljiva).
Miroslav Kiš
Dear friends,
I signed the petition today, against construction of the Nuclear power plant in a small town Erdut, across the National park "Kopacki rit", where river Drava enters Danube. It is, actually, a petition FOR alternative sources of energy.
Two years ago, when Karmela and I, together with Ranko Bon, President of the Motovun Eco-Town NGO, took our role in Motovun's "anti-golf" campaign, we collected over 17000 signatures from people around the World. It was a tremendeous achievement, and it helped a lot.
I ask you to express your support and help our coleagues in trouble. Give them your support by signing the petition at:
All additional data you will find at the web-site above (unfortunately, in Croatian only). I ask you to forward this message to all your friends and the people you know that you feel willing to help by signing the petition. The sub-page where you can actually enter your data you will enter by clicking at the clip at the right-hand side, with two chimneys crossed with the red circular NO sign. (note that you will be asked to enter your MBG number (for Croatians only), or your date of birth (which will make your signature valid within the e-petition, according to Croatian law).
Miroslav Kiš