Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

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Član bglavac







Stiže energetski val koji preplavljuje čitavu planetu: Prepoznajte simptome „uzdizanja“!

Stiže energetski val koji preplavljuje čitavu planetu: Prepoznajte simptome „uzdizanja“!
Sada nije vrijeme da ograničavate svoj emotivni izraz Sada je vrijeme da budete slobodni Slobodni da se krećete s plimom

Živimo u društvu koje zahtjeva da gutamo emocije, bile one pozitivne ili negativne. Uvjetovani smo i programirani da kontroliramo i ograničimo taj naš aspekt, koji bi trebao biti slobodan i neobuzdan. Naučeni smo od malih nogu da su emocije na neki način loše, da ih treba držati ispod tepiha i ne otkrivati ih u njihovom punom izražaju. Kao djeca smo učeni da da budemo mirni kad želimo vikati, čak i kad je iz veselja. Rečeno nam je da veliki dečki ne plaču i da se male curice uvijek trebaju pristojno ponašati. Kao rezultat toga, sada kad smo odrasli, izgubili smo sposobnost da odgovaramo na život, na slobodan i autentičan način. Naučeni smo kako ne osjećati.

Ljutnja je percipirana kao pogrešna, strah kao ništa drugo nego kukavičluk (posebno kod muškaraca); tuga je samo druga riječ za depresiju kojoj su potrebni medikamenti. Doktor nam daje pilulu koja sprečava proces koji je prirodan; važan dio iscjeljivanja emotivnog tijela je zaustavljen u korijenu. Živimo u svijetu gdje naše nerealizirane želje postaju ovisnosti; uhvaćeni smo u igru njihanja naprijed-nazad, od negiranja do pretjerivanja. Potisnute emocije u nama trunu i fermentiraju i, kada ih zidovi naše uvjetovanosti i ograničenja ne mogu više zadržavati, one probiju na nasilan i destruktivan način. Tako samo jačajući vjeru da su emocije loše, zle i treba ih potisnuti. Slijepi smo za vidjeti da upravo represija i restrikcija ovih emocija dovodi do kaosa i destrukcije.

Naučeni smo živjeti čudan poluživot u kojem odgurujemo naše emotivno izražavanje. Naučeni smo biti racionalni roboti, živeći samo u našim glavama. Racionalan um – bezbroj njegovih pravila, propisa i ograničenja po pitanju izražavanja našeg bića – u moderno doba postao je bog. Postoje neki ljudi koji ne mogu osjećati nikakve emocije. Radim s ljudima i njihovim emotivnim iscjeljenjem godinama; šokiran sam iznova i iznova da neki ljudi uopće ne mogu procijeniti što osjećaju iz trenutka u trenutak. Toliko su odsječeni od vlastitih emocija da su nesvjesni stanja svog emotivnog bića. To je poluživot koji se živi samo u glavi.

Emocije su voda života, bez njih smo suhi.

Nemamo životne sile, energije,

Nismo ništa nego organski roboti koji čekaju smrt.

Emocije su poput vode, uvijek će naći put manjeg otpora, kako bi tekle. Naći će pukotine u psihi, rupe u osobnosti i slabosti u obrani. Na ovaj ili onaj način će uvijek naći način da prsnu van. Nema veze koliko mislite da ih možete kontrolirati, one će naći način kako da se oslobode. Ako ne mogu biti izražene u svojoj izvornoj i čistoj formi, izrazit će se kao bolesti, mentalni slomoovi ili ozbiljne depresije. Brana će puknuti na bilo koji način.

Krećemo se kroz naše dane u emotivnom zatvoru. Koliko često se ugrizemo za jezik, iznutra uvrijeđeni nečijim grubim riječima, ali u strahu da to izgovorimo i zahtijevamo da se drugačije prema nama ponaša? Otvrdnuli smo naše vanjske ljuske i oklope, tako da drugi uopće ne mogu vidjeti kako smo povrijeđeni. To smo naučili kao oblik zaštite, jer mislimo da je opasno pokazati drugima našu ranjivost. Postoji oni tamo vani koji će iskoristiti slabost u našem oklopu. Stoga progutamo suze, strahove, reakcije prema tuđoj negativnosti, agresiji i sebičnosti. Kroz ignoriranje nečega što je nepravda, pristajemo na generalni koncenzus da je takvo ponašanje ok. Stoga se ništa ne mijenja.

Živimo u ludom svijetu

Gledajući situaciju takvom kakva jest, lako možemo pasti u očaj ili depresiju. Ali nema potrebe za tim, jer je na pomolu velika transformacija; mentalna, fizička i najviše emotivna.

Već mnogo godina Veliko Centralno Sunce šalje valove energije, ti valovi služe kao katalizatori velike dimenzionalne promjene u svjesnosti. Vremena, ona se mijenjaju; uskoro će postati nemoguće kontrolirati poplavu emocija. Da bismo se promijenili i transformirali, potrebno je znati kako se kretati s emotivnim plimnim valom koji poplavljuje čitavu planetu.

Mnogi od nas počinju imati simptome „uzačašća“; to su čudni tjelesni osjećaji te nagle promjene psihe i svjesnosti. Sada dolazimo u stadij čišćenja emotivnog tijela. Vrijeme je da se emotivno tijelo transformira. To će biti naš najveći izazov!

Kada visoka vibracija dođe u dodir s niskom vibracijom, one ne mogu skupa egzistirati na istom mjestu i u isto vrijeme. Visoka energija poništava nisku energiju. Veliko Centralno Sunce zrači intenzivne valove visoke energije u univerzum, ti valovi sada dolaze do vanjskog ruba svjesnosti naše Zemlje. Kada dođu, obasjat će sve što nije istina i to će biti izvedeno napolje da bi bilo iscjeljeno i transmutirano. U stvari, mi smo svi zadivljujući, prekrasni, inteligentni aspekti i djelići Univerzalnog Sanjača. U drugim dijelovima univerzuma mi nismo ograničeni ni na koji način u našoj ekspresiji, to se zbiva samo ovdje u granicama treće dimenzije. Ovdje možemo imati iskustvo ograničenja i emotivnog zatvora. To će uskoro biti promijenjeno.

Kako valovi energije počnu obasjavati vanjsku atmosferu naše planete, to će izazvati lančanu reakciju u emotivnom tijelu planete Zemlje. Mi smo naučeni da je planeta beživotna forma bez svjesnosti i inteligencije. Zemlja upravo poput nas ima fizičko tijelo (sfera), mentalno tijelo, i iznad svih, emotivno tijelo. Stanje njenog emotivnog tijela je izraženo u vremenskim uzorcima oceana, vjetrova, vulkana i oluja. Kako i vidimo u zadnje vrijeme, njeno emotivno tijelo je u procesu transformacije. Svjedoci smo rekorda po pitanju potresa, uragana i temperaturnih oscilacija.

Gaya (sanskrt – Zemlja), se mijenja i iscjeljuje svoje emotivno tijelo kroz ove neobične i jake vremenske fenomene. Kao i mi, i ona je bila ograničena u svom emotivnom izrazu. Ona isto ima emocije, temperament i raspoloženja koja mora izražavati. Količina energije koja dolazi će stvarati sve veće vremenske oscilacije. Gaya treba to izražavanje, treba se olakšati i treba biti slobodna, baš kao i svatko od nas.

Majka, braća i sestre

Naše emotivno tijelo nije nešto što je izolirano od drugih ljudi ili same planete. Ono je dio gigantskog kolektiva. Nismo odvojeni od emotivnog tijela Zemlje; svi smo povezani u veliko emotivno biće. Kako Zemlja aktivira svoje vulkane, i mi možemo osjetiti oslobađanje velikog bijesa. Ovaj bijes, neizražen i stoga pohranjen u stanice našeg tijela, treba biti oslobođen. Za nas individualno je nemoguće da to napravimo, zbog restrikcija koje nam nameće društvo, stoga Gaya to mora napraviti za nas. U ljudskoj obitelji raste količina neizraženih emocija i tako raste količina jakih vremenskih nepogoda, kao refleksija našeg emotivnog stanja.

U tijeku slijedećih nekoliko godina vidjet ćemo sve više takvih vremenskih uzoraka globalno ukoliko ne oslovimo naša potisnuta fermentirajuća emotivna stanja. Imperativno je da nađemo način da oslobodimo naše emocije na zdrav i, iznad svega, slobodan način. Ako mi ne preuzmemo odgovornost i to učinimo, Zemlja će to napraviti za nas. Naša refleksija će nam pokazati koliko su potisnute emocije destruktivne i opasne po život!

Tijekom godina koje dolaze, dat će nam se prilika da očistimo naše emotivno tijelo. Posebno tijekom vremena punog mjeseca, to je vrijeme velikih promjena razine vode u oceanima, ali i razine naših emocija. U tom periodu je moguće ući u komunikaciju sa samom Zemljom, putem emotivnog tijela. Možete ući u sinergiju sa samom Gayom.

Mnogi od vas će iskusiti duboku tugu i žalost koji će nadirati naizgled niotkud. Jednu minutu ste dobro, smireno. Slijedeću minutu ste preplavljeni emocijama. Među nama ima onih koji su u kontaktu sa Zemljom i odabrali smo prije ovog rođenja da na taj način čistimo Zemlju, kao službu cijelom čovječanstvu i planeti. To je jedan od razloga zašto smo ovdje. Osim čišćenja, donosimo energije Svijetla na Zemlju, koje pomažu ljudima da otope svoje ljušture i oklope i dođu u kontakt sa svojim pravim Srcem te ponovo upoznaju i sretnu sami sebe nakon dugo vremena. Uzimamo niske energije zarobljene u planeti i koristimo naša tijela kako bismo ih oslobodili te visoke energije kako bismo ih transmutirali ili dezintegrirali.

Stanice našeg tijela su kao hard-disk u kompjuteru; one skladište informacije u obliku emotivnih energija. Sve što vam se desilo u ovom i prošlim životima je pohranjeno kao emocija u stanicama. Niže emocije poput bijesa, tuge, žalosti, ako nisu iscjeljenje tijekom života, nakon smrti se pohranjuju u samoj planeti i tamo fermentiraju. Pošto do sada nismo znali kako iscjeliti ove energije, Gaya ih skladišti za nas. To će se promjeniti. Više nije voljna pohranjivati masivne količine negativne energije; stoga ih mora osloboditi za nas i jedini način njenog izražavanja je kroz njeno emotivno tijelo putem uragana, tornada, poplava, potresa, itd.

Vaša je odgovornost da iscjelite svoje emotivno tijelo, kao što sam rekao- svi smo povezani na tom nivou. Kako čistimo kod sebe, čistimo kod drugih. Vaše iscjeljenje, samostalno ili uz pomoć iscjelitelja, kanala, svjetlosnih radnika, vodiča, anđela…. utječe na cijelu planetu i čovječanstvo. Ako uspješno oslobađamo emocije ili ih transmutiramo višim energijama, lako ćemo prebroditi nadolazeće promjene.

Je li bitno što mislimo o tome?

Važno je zapamtiti da nam racionalni um neće pomoći u ovom procesu. Ne analizirajte svoje emotivno stanje. Nemojte trčati doktorima misleći da pucate, ili ste u depresiji; lijekovi će samo potisnuti proces. Koji god proces koristili, čistite, budite ljubazni prema sebi i iznad svega dozvolite svim emocijama da izviru. Postoje mnoge korisne metode, nađite neku koja vama odgovara.

Racionalni um ne zna ništa o emotivnom biću. U terapeutskom radu nalazim da ljudi analiziraju i pokušavaju shvaćati poruke emocija, tijela i viših bića racionalnim umom. To je nepotrebno. On nije dizajniran da zna išta o tim stvarima. Općenito nalazim da su i žene i muškarci još uvijek podsvjesno ili svjesno pod utjecajem patrijarhata, tog očitovanja nezrele muške energije prošlosti. Ona nas je generacijama učila kako uspješno staviti iluzorne oklope oko srčane čakre, kako bismo ju zatvorili i kako naizgled ne bi patili od tih zločestih emocija i prikazali se jakima. No, tako smo se uspješno zatvorili od samog života i postali bića lijeve strane mozga i intelekta.

No, srce odašilje daleko jaču energiju nego mozak. Potrebno je ponovo doći do našeg unutarnjeg djeteta koje je zakopano pod tim oklopima. Potrebno je koristiti frekvencije i energije i metode koje transformiraju traume iz prošlosti pohranjene u nama i posljedične impresije i programe za koje se ti oklopi „drže“. Tako dolazimo do srca, tako dolazimo do Ja. Nakon dugo vremena se razumijemo i volimo. Nismo očistili samo sebe, već i čitava obiteljska stabla, druge ljude s kojima smo povezani i planetu Zemlju.

Naučite komunicirati sa samom Gayom, kroz medij vašeg emotivnog tijela. Pogledajte kroz prozor, jeli sunce, kiša ili oluja? To je sve odraz nas samih. Naučite razumijevati Zemlju, prirodu i učite od nje tijekom njenih promjena i transformacija. Kišni dani su dobri dani da se isplaču sve one suze koje smo potiskivali tijekom godina. Vjetroviti dani i oluje su dobre da dođemo u dodir s našim bijesom. Budite kao vjetar, jaki i bijesni. Ploveći s vremenom, postat ćemo sve više i više autentični s našim emotivnim izrazom.

Saša Momić


Preuzeto sa: atma.hr





  • 26.07.2018. 22:19h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Kada trljamo Ruke i pijemo Vodu.....

    .......*One basic movement that can be done by anyone is to energise one’s hands by rubbing them together. This movement generates heat: concentrated energy that can then be employed in different tasks or placed into a body part as required, such as energizing the eyes, ears or throat. It can also be used to cure, relieve pain and fatigue, among other possible benefits. The sorcerers’ secret is that, while rubbing their hands, they silently intend to achieve what they’ve set out to do. That is how they transform the rubbing of hands into a magical act. Among the healers, I have learned that one of the most effective vehicles of healing is water. When used in specific ways, it becomes not only a sacred medicine but also a vehicle for connecting one with the other world. I once asked don Gabinito about it. Although he suffered fits of madness, he was sane most of the time, and, to tell the truth, I felt most comfortable talking to him. Don Gabinito told me that knowledge of water and its properties were secrets of power,
    and that I should wait for the right time to learn about them. I saw his answer as a delicate and effective way of getting rid of me. I agreed to wait for the appropriate time, but only a few days later I betook myself to doña Silvia, asking her craftily to teach me the basic water techniques. She glanced at don Gabinito with a severity that made him shrink. Then she addressed me saying that she would teach me the first two manoeuvres with water. "You can use water as a source of health,” she said. “This procedure is available to everyone, and brings enormous benefits to the body. The treatment involves drinking a glass of energized water just before bedtime, and another one on waking up.*

    IZVORNO:**The Healer’s Vows Stories are wonderful learning tools. They are the scouts, the instruments the spirit uses to prepare us for direct experience. In some ways they are like a wedge or a lever opening the way to a wider perception of the world for our awareness. Being able to act at the level of energy initially requires dynamic faith, similar to that of a farmer who plants a seed in the firm hope that he’ll see it sprout. That particular kind of faith forces one to fine-tune in order to be able to perceive directly the energy one is beginning to use. St. Augustine states that faith and understanding are complementary rather than in opposition, saying that one must “believe in order to understand and understand in order to believe”. It is the same kind of confidence a child has in the wind that helps fly his kite. Whether the wind will continue to blow or not is beyond the child’s control, yet he maintains the expectation it will do so. Just like dynamic faith, it is something that is in the realm of the spirit. All that is required of us is to do our part and trust the results will happen. For example, the standard energetic sensitisation of the patient, sometimes described as 'magnetization', begins with rapid hand movements from the head to the feet, always from the top to the bottom. After a dozen or more repetitions, one can start the prescribed treatment of the patient, be it an infusion, muscle massage, stretching, or any other relevant procedure. We are energy beings; to see ourselves as anything else goes against modern science itself, as the latter is already moving towards recognizing that we are more than just crude animated organic matter. Using special devices, science has even managed to photograph aspects of human emotions, revealed in the photos as a range of colours. It is true that science still has a long way to go, but it has already taken the first steps. There will always be curious researchers willing to set prejudice aside in order to investigate issues that have generally gone unnoticed, as when someone says, "Whatsisname had an incurable disease and all the doctors had given up on him, so he went to a healer and the healer cured him." Who has not heard something similar? The strange thing is that the healing incident will immediately fall under the same suspicion that haunts poetically inclined sorcerers when they make unusual claims in their stories. In that respect both situations are similar, because you can never satisfy the mind with a rational explanation of what happens in reality. The work of the healers, however, always has advantage over a sorcery story. Healers can show verifiable results to anyone willing to take the trouble to investigate. Like the discipline of the sorcerers, the healers’ way requires seriousness, commitment, discipline, and dedication to the objective they pursue. One basic movement that can be done by anyone is to energise one’s hands by rubbing them together. This movement generates heat: concentrated energy that can then be employed in different tasks or placed into a body part as required, such as energizing the eyes, ears or throat. It can also be used to cure, relieve pain and fatigue, among other possible benefits. The sorcerers’ secret is that, while rubbing their hands, they silently intend to achieve what they’ve set out to do. That is how they transform the rubbing of hands into a magical act. Among the healers, I have learned that one of the most effective vehicles of healing is water. When used in specific ways, it becomes not only a sacred medicine but also a vehicle for connecting one with the other world. I once asked don Gabinito about it. Although he suffered fits of madness, he was sane most of the time, and, to tell the truth, I felt most comfortable talking to him. Don Gabinito told me that knowledge of water and its properties were secrets of power,
    and that I should wait for the right time to learn about them. I saw his answer as a delicate and effective way of getting rid of me. I agreed to wait for the appropriate time, but only a few days later I betook myself to doña Silvia, asking her craftily to teach me the basic water techniques. She glanced at don Gabinito with a severity that made him shrink. Then she addressed me saying that she would teach me the first two manoeuvres with water. "You can use water as a source of health,” she said. “This procedure is available to everyone, and brings enormous benefits to the body. The treatment involves drinking a glass of energized water just before bedtime, and another one on waking up. The procedure is, as ever, simplicity itself: you fill a glass of water, rub your hands until hot, and put them on the water container. The water is thereby energized. If you wish, while the water is being energized, you can add a command such as, ‘I infuse this water with healing vibrations for such and such a complaint’ or ‘to help achieve such and such an objective’.” The other technique doña Silvia described involved putting coal, such as is used in a charcoal grill, into a glass of water and then give to the patient to drink. She said it was a miracle treatment that cured everything. At first I thought she was making fun of me but later realised that when using intent, anything was possible. The healers in fact offered patients the opportunity to hold on to something in order to effect their recovery. In the words of the Nagual Juan Matus: “one must start with the principle that everything is energy, because otherwise we will always be stopped by the hardness of the physical world.” To be able to carry out these simple exercises, it is therefore necessary to begin by mentally conceiving of energy one can feel, though not yet see. This first step is very important in the general scheme of acceptance and perception of energy, and it is exactly where the wedge and the lever are placed. All you need is the desire to use them for the results to be guaranteed. Those interested must give themselves the opportunity to connect with the ideas of sorcerers-healers through exposure to their stories and healing treatments. One should start with the premise that one is ill and needs healing, and then show oneself willing to devote time and resources to seeking that healing. In principle, good health comes first. When the physical body is a perfectly functional unit, the rest will come by itself. Prevention is the best remedy. The first thing thus is to reorganize one’s life, learning to be clean inside and outside. I know from experience how good and useful that is for the practitioner, not only for healing existing physical problems, but for the prevention of future conditions, perhaps even the genetically programmed ones. Experimenting with sorcerers’ techniques, the apprentice may feel inhibited at first: when trying to talk to plants for the first time, for example. That feeling can be overcome simply by perseverance. As one progresses, one acquires a strange self-confidence that grows and helps one develop through successive stages of the path. The first expectation prospective healers must fulfil is that their intention be sincere. Some call it charity or love for one’s neighbour. Although incorrect, those terms do describe the healers’ empathy with the suffering of others. There are many whose motivation is twisted; such people can never become healers. Charity is something you either have or you don’t. One can, of course, pretend to be charitable, but it is not the same thing, since what counts here is a hard-to-explain feeling which serves to connect one with the spirit. However, in the final analysis, selfishness can be successfully used when applying healing techniques on oneself, with excellent results. The next item in the healers’ code one needs consider is one’s predisposition; that is to say, one’s desire, dedication, and the commitment of one’s time to the path. Those who embark
    on the path by their own decision face the great challenge of keeping the flame of their awareness lit. The challenge is the same for the chosen ones, but the work it requires is much easier in their case. Practice is the third requirement of learning how to heal. Clearly, it implies study and training with the help of a master healer who is not an ordinary teacher keeping a student seated before him while he rabbits on for hours, but rather a living example for one to follow, teaching through practice as he works. Being an assistant, which is the healers’ term for an apprentice, is an honour for me and one of the greatest gifts of fortune I’ve had in my life. The practice of healing opened for me a world of possibilities I had not even imagined existed. Healers very often quote the biblical proverb that says: "Many are called but few are chosen". They say that because they are always open and willing to attend to the needs of anyone crossing their path, as a gesture to the spirit. They know that every being is a reflection of the creative force; helping another thus represents the minimum amount of impeccability for them. Deciding on who stays as an assistant and who must leave, however, lies outside the healers’ remit. That outcome is always decided by the power. Doña Silvia told me that there were some lineages of sorcerers that eschewed engagement, and would do nothing even if someone appeared to be dying. For healers, however, life is precious and must be preserved. Taking the healers’ vows is in its essence similar to the vows of poverty taken by some religious orders, but not quite the same, as rich people can be healers if they wish, though it is very difficult for a rich person to set own ambition aside and help others. That doesn’t mean that healers are beggars with shaved heads. On the contrary, they are engaged in various professions in the everyday world. When they undertake to cure someone, they treat the patient with enthusiasm, goodwill and without expectation of reward. One doesn’t charge a tired and thirsty traveller who knocks on the door asking for a glass of water. To do that would be unworthy of the human spirit. The same is the case with the power of healing one receives as a gift that should not be exploited for one’s personal gain. It is thus the fourth requirement of the healers’ code that one does not charge for consultation. The healer who charges is cursed and is a step away from becoming a black magician. Those who turn their charity into a business need to repent, because healing the sick, just like illumination coming from the spirit, must never serve commercial purposes. Healers who do so are cursed forever and will eventually lose the gifts they received, with nothing left them but their trickery. Many are those who have succumbed to the pressure of fame and fortune. It is easy for sorcerers to perform miracles and acquire devoted followers seeking their presence and their words, but one should know that those who combine their personal interests with matters of the spirit will be punished with terrible curses. To sum up, I warn as I myself was once warned: “If you feel that your ambition is greater than your love for others, you’d best abandon the sorcererhealer’s path, since any deviation from its purpose could bring about your own destruction.” The healers’ path must be pure from the beginning. It tolerates no hidden agenda and no diversion, because greed is like cancer that starts very small, but grows and grows, polluting the entire body. There are stories of people who requested to be trained in healing techniques; while externally displaying the best of attitudes, within they were putrid with lust and desire for recognition. One such story I heard tells of a certain Galindo Ornela, who for years faithfully followed the steps mandatory for becoming a healer. When he felt he had acquired enough knowledge, he became a peddler of healing and even opened a clinic in his home town. He
    received money and favours from the residents until one day he was brought down by a mysterious illness. The healer could not heal himself. One may be punished by many calamities, bad luck, illness and even death for breaking the sacred vows of the healers. But none of that is really bad compared to what is yet to come, as the ancients say: when the moment to disincarnate comes, the corrupt healer enters a vortex from which there is no escape. That is his punishment – his sentence – for trying to use the higher powers for personal gain. Each prospective apprentice is therefore repeatedly warned of the dangers they expose themselves to when they take the healer’s oath. If, on hearing those words, one still decides to proceed, one would better be sure one’s purpose is genuine, because if it is not, one would be better off leaving well alone.***

    A opet "home dome alone is excelent" jer greška je kada drugima solimo iz prazne soljenke... rekla bi i  G. Wurzburg?!

    #The first expectation prospective healers must fulfil is that their intention be sincere. Some call it charity or love for one’s neighbour. Although incorrect, those terms do describe the healers’ empathy with the suffering of others. There are many whose motivation is twisted; such people can never become healers. Charity is something you either have or you don’t. One can, of course, pretend to be charitable, but it is not the same thing, since what counts here is a hard-to-explain feeling which serves to connect one with the spirit. However, in the final analysis, selfishness can be successfully used when applying healing techniques on oneself, with excellent results.#

    Dakle je i previše toga rečeno i tko ne bude pružao otpora taj če i smanjiti pritisak............ i u tom bi smislu i Internet mogao otkupljivati grijehe svijeta umijesto da ih gomila pa i na račun Svetaca?!

    Ako jedna litra ulja može zagaditi hektolitar vode onda može i obrnuto ili kao da magnet privuče hrđu i kanalizuje ju u ništavilo a ostalo če več da se pretvori u zlato ???

  • 27.07.2018. 07:28h

    Član bglavacMerlin23

    Hvala Emillio. Lp

  • 27.07.2018. 09:33h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Ne talasaj.....

    Kada upremo u Zid tada i mi iznutra postajemo zidari,tvrdi ko kamen i napeti ko puška a ako pronađemo okamce/prozorče ili i vrata onda napetosti naše nestaju?

    Takva bi valjda mogla biti i naša stvarnost ili u pomankanju Prostorne perspektive?

    Mi smo zatrovali zemlju,vodu,zrak i eter a onda i konzumiramo otrove i rigamo vatru & to je onda - sada taj "very hard brek"?

    Ali sve to nebi i trajalo i u nedogled kada negdje nebi postojao i vrhovni Sponzor koji izigrava Svijest u Pozadini ili kao anti-svijest?

    Uzmemo li naprimjer lavandu i stavimo je u kotao i imamo kao objekt u objektu a onda založimo vatru i putem sistema cijevi i hlađenja tojest isparavanjem dobivamo ulje ili nektar naš bogovski?

    .....se može odnositi i na zabranu lamentiranja ili i kritikovanja pa i pogotovo HollyWood'ske Filmske Produkcije koja putem Horor drama,Love storya i Ratnih epopeja izaziva ekspanziju emocija a koje se onda povratno pretvaraju i u zarađeni novac ili energiju za sljedeče filmove koji če biti inspirirani pa i stvarnim događajima?

    No kako neki kažu ili između ostaloga je učinjena/nanesena i enormna energetska šteta??

    Što se tiče "Emilija" on bi bio kao neka srednja žalost jer svijet čula je u potpunosti u svakom pojedincu i osobno dok što se tiče pobuđivanja dobar je osiječaj kada nekoga usrečimo pa i jer smo Imali čime???

    Ali treba se kloniti posesivnih zasluga..... i opet radi samoga sebe?!


Član bglavacMerlin23 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana bglavac dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
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