Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član bglavac








Zapamti, kad znaš što je ispravno i odabereš ići vlastitim putem, tvoja odgovornost je čak veća jer se ne možeš pozivati na neznanje. Nikad se ne opravdavaj činjenicom da ima mnogo posla, da nema vremena da bi se sve uskladilo. Uvjeravam te da će vremena biti za sve, ako staviš prave stvari na pravo mjesto.

Vodič za 27 kolovoza

              Naučiti staviti pravu stvar na pravo mjesto vrlo je važno, jer samo kad je prava stvar stavljena na pravo mjesto, sve će se savršeno ostvariti. Istraži svoje srce i vidi što ti stavljaš na prvo mjesto. Jesi li to ti sam i tvoja dobrobit? Je li to tvoj posao i tvoje materijalne prilike? Je si li zadovoljan kad ideš kroz život potpuno nesvjestan Mene, uvjeren da možeš izlaziti na kraj bez Moje pomoći  i da ti Ja ne trebam?

          Ti si potpuno slobodan prihvatiti stav koji želiš. Nitko te neće zaustaviti. Ali moraš biti spreman snositi posljedice kad nešto ide naopako. Zapamti, kad znaš što je ispravno i odabereš ići vlastitim putem, tvoja odgovornost je čak veća jer se ne možeš pozivati na neznanje. Nikad se ne opravdavaj činjenicom da ima mnogo posla, da nema vremena da bi se sve uskladilo. Uvjeravam te da će vremena biti za sve, ako staviš prave stvari na pravo mjesto.




  • 27.08.2023. 20:18h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Stvarno je nestvarno.....

    ......tojest, naša stvanost je samo jedan opis/mjehurić u Stvarnosti a je ili nametnut ili sporazumno usvojen pa kao takvi postajemo zarobljenici vlastite "genijalnosti" !?

    "Ako budemo šutjeli i kamenje če govoriti"......... e pa bogami neče da nas "kamenuju" ?!


    Do you really believe rocks can talk?" I asked. "Isn't that a

    bit farfetched?"

    "Don't take my word tor it," don Juan replied. "Find out for

    yourself whether or not it's true."

    He pointed to a hill not tar from where we were. "Let's hike to

    the top ot that mound. That's the best spot to listen to rocks."



    "What causes this condition of being out of step?" I asked.

    "Having lost our connection with our double," he said.

    'I don't understand? Can you explain what you mean?"

    "1 mean that when we are born we are intrinsically connected to

    ) our other side. The lines of communication with the broader picture,

    so to speak, are open. But as we grow, we gradually cut off that

    connection and we live with only half our being. Therefore we are

    always unbalanced and have the feeling we are missing something."

    Don Juan.paused for a moment as if wondering whether or not to

    continue. "There is something else," he said. "It has to do with the

    way a person is conceived."

    "The offspring of any love making will be full of energy and will

    have the power to live in the moment only if both parents were

    sexually excited. If only one parent had an outburst of excitation,


    , the child's energetic nature will be imbalanced and a part of him will

    21 6

    always lag behind. If neither of the parents telt very excited, which

    is usually the case after many years of living with someone, the child

    will be what we call a bored conception, and he will not be capable of

    energetically grasping life's flow."

     hat's a dismal scenario," I said. "Isn't there anything one

    can do about it. After all we aren't responsible for what happened

    during the moment of our conception."

    "Of course there are other factors besides the initial energetic

    thrust, and that's the challenge of reestablishing the link with the

    double. Any one can do that, no matter how lethargically one was

    conceived ."

    "How can one reestablish a link with the double?" I asked.

    'By curtailing self importance. By not being concerned with the

    concreteness of things. By becoming abstract in one's thinking and

    behavior. By treating everything as manifestations of energy, and not

    as objective reality. Focusing on the self takes energy that one

    needs to act efficiently. For example, to regret past actions or to

    be too involved or concerned with the outcome of anything, weight a

    person down so that he cannot act efficiently, spontaneously, and with

    the proper timing."

    "What if you just don't know what to do or when to do it?" I said

    in a complaining tone.

    "You must stop and wait, until you catch the motion of things,"

    don Juan replied. "And listen for the omens; watch the indications

    emitted from the world around you. They act directly on your energetic

    body. Of course, for that, you have to be absolutely fluid and have

    . to reduce your desires to nothing. You must feel no hurry and have. no

    need to control or manipulate things. Then you can listen to the

    world's whispers.


    It took me a long time to quiet my thoughm. I was angry with my

    mother tor not having been sexually excited when she made me.

    Although Nelida had told me from her seeing that my father had been

    besides himself with passion, my mother had not liked him and had

    barely felt a thing. I blamed her for my deficiencies, for being

    dependent on others for my weli being, which I was wellaware, was a

    disastrous situation. As I was mulling this over in my mind, my eye

    was caught by a shiny object about twenty feet in font of me. The sun

    was reflected on a piece of glass, or perhaps it was obsidian, or even

    a piece of metal. As I gazed a t i t , my internal dialogue gradually



    I scanned the ground until I found what I was looking for. A rock

    +" that was near the shiny object, seemed to beacon me. I picked up the

    , rock and looked at it. It was an ordinary piece of lava, light and

    porous, but somehow, I developed a rapport with it. It may sound

    strange to form a sympathetic bond with an inanimate object, but that

    rock had movement inside it. I gazed at it; it was smooth and round

    and had yellow specks shooting off its black surface. I followed the

    lines with my eyes. Then I saw the glow around it, a bright buff

    color that seemed friendly and yet awesome at the same time in its


    Following an inner directive, I held the rock to my abdomen. I

    didn't expect to hear anything, for I was not listened with my ears,

    and don Juan hadn't specified what I had to do. But surprisingly, the

    amorphous chunk of lava began to tell me things. I assured myself

    that I was merely imagining it, but. it didn't matter; I listened


    anyway. It was a kind of game I was playing to humor don Juan so I

    would have something to report to him later. Mentally, I asked the

    rock from where it came, and I immediately received a strong tingling

    sensation in my womb, and I instantly knew things about the rock that

    to the rational mind would have been absurd.

    For example, the rock told me about the depth of the earth from

    where it had come, saying it was like a womb. It was born, or rather

    spewed up by a tremendous force eons ago. It told me how it reckon

    time in terms of eons rather than years the way we did. And seen with

    in the limited temporal range we call history, our lives are insigni[1]ficant with respect to eons gone by. It told me about our blindness,

    that grave misconception that we operate under,that we think we

    manipulate nature and control it, ourselves and others. When actually

    this is only a mirage, a quality of self-reflection and most of all a

    scarcity of time.

    As I held the rock, I had a peculiar sense of seeing the broader

    picture, in which I was being controlled, driven by relentless forces

    to an inevitable destruction.

    I felt this in my midsection as a' series of soft ripples. It was

    a muttled movement coming from within the rock's core as I held it to

    my abdomen. I was absorbing the rock's essence until my entire body

    felt as if it were covered in layers of subtle vibration.


    Then a

    profound melancholy grasped me, as one existential question after

    another arose. Why am I alive? Who am I? What is the point Co all


    For a while I sat on the hilltop in the middle of nowhere,

    contemplating the futility of life, when a tremor when through me like

    the roll of thunder, that shook me to the core. I felt a release of

    feelings that I could not name or isolate. I remembered Clara's

    words; that there is no end to the wellsprings of man's indulgence.

    Instead of fighting or containing it, I let the shiver pass until all


    was still again.

    I telt exhausted, as if a volcano had erupted spilling forth

    mountains of clinging and concern. iixperiences that I had not

    thoroughly recapitulation gushed forth so suddenly that I could not

    stop to examine them; I didn't even have time to do the sweeping

    breath to breath the feelings away. I understood how the baggage of

    memory and experience had made me heavy, ponderous, encrusted with

    concerns about what I thought, felt, wanted to be, or didn't want to

    be.;=&?he$e mental tabrications had served only weigh me down so that I

    was forever out of synchronization with time and life.

    I wanted to let go of everything inside me, leave it ail behind,

    start with nothing, so I could be free, but something in me did not

    want to-let go. It clung to life and teared oblivion. Yet, the

    message of the lava rock was to leave things as they are; not to worry

    about trivialities, not to strive or interfere. Things will take care

    of themselves. Live for today, for the weight of all our yesterdays

    will drag us down, and thoughts of tomorrow will distract us from our

    present purpose. The rock told me there is a way of perceiving

    without possessing, and that was by simply allowing Lite to unfold,

    to be what it is, outside yet inextricable merged with the self at any

    particular moment.

    I Looked at the rock and thanked it for its messages. I was about

    to put it in my pocket to take it with me as a reminder of how

    important it is to let go when, I felt a tap on my right shoulder.

    "Haven't you learned anything from your gushing realizations?" I

    heard a voice say.

    Instantly I dropped the rock and looked up petrified, panting

    instead ot breathing. There in front of me was Nelida. I received

    such a jolt to my midsection that I feared I had to go to the bathroom

    on the spot. Nelida told me to immediately assume a halt sitting,

    half kneeling posture that sorcerers use in moments of great upheaval.

    She helped me tuck my right leg under the crutch with my right foot

    pressing the perineum; my Lett knee was bend and my thigh and calf

    were pressed to my body.

    "Use this posture of protection whenever you received a fright or

    jolt," she advised.

    I sat there tor a few moments to compose myself. I had the

    certainty that Nelida had manifested herself out of nowhere on the

    hillside like the apparition of a Virgin. Then I realized the

    absurdity ot this and told myself that probably Nelida had been

    waiting on the other side ot the hill and don Juan had told her where

    to find me.

    'I like the explanation ot the Virgin appearing out ot nowhere

    better," Nelida said with a laugh. "I could be the Virgin of the Lava.

    Let's build a grotto here on this spot. People would come from all

    over to venerate. As the saying goes, "Where there is veneration, even

    rocks emit light."***

    P.S:Prigožin je htio ugrabiti velike ovlasti a to je isto kao i kada bismo si mi uzeli za pravo na našu Slobodu i ateriramo naglavačke !o'o!

    Mogli bismo i simbol "Jin - Jang" staviti na mjesto koje simbolizuje Samorefleksiju Čovječanstva u analogiji sa "Vrijeme je u vašem Umu i vaš Um je okovan Vremenom ?

    Kao:"Koliko spolja toliko i iznutra" = "naš vlastiti odraz x 2" ??

    "Kokoš ili Jaje" a zaustavljanjem unutrašnjeg dijaloga se legu Pilići ???


Član bglavacMerlin23 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana bglavac dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
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