10. svibnja 2015.
It is an arduous process for people to become aware of the ‘One’ that is their core. The gross body is the product of the food consumed. But within, there is a subtler force, an inner vibration named vital air (prana).The mind (manas) within is subtler still, and deeper and subtler than the mind is the intellect (vijnana). Beyond the intellect, people have in them the subtlest sheath of spiritual bliss (ananda). When one delves into this region of spiritual bliss, the reality, the Brahman or the One can be experienced. That awareness is indeed the most desirable. In the Taittiriya Upanishad, while teaching his son Bhrigu the Brahmanphenomenon, Varuna says, “Son! Brahman cannot be seen through the eyes. Know that Brahman is that which enables the eyes to see and the ears to hear. He can be known only through extreme yearning in a cleansed mind and concentrated thought. No other means can help.”
(Sutra Vahini, Drugo poglavlje)
When the mind is pure, unselfish and unwavering, the Divine appears in all His purity and fullness. - Baba |
Ljudi da postanu svjesni „Jednog“ koji je njihova jezgra, prolaze kroz težak proces. Fizičko tijelo je proizvod konzumirane hrane. Ali unutra nalazi se suptilnija snaga, unutarnja vibracija zvana vitalni dah (prana). Um (manas) u tom suptilnijem tijelu je miran, dubok i suptilniji nego što je um - intelekt (vijnana). Iznad intelekta ljudi imaju u sebi suptilni omotač duhovnog blaženstva (ananda). Kada osoba boravi u tom području duhovnog blaženstva, stvarnosti, može doživjeti Brahmana ili Jednoga. Ta stvarnost je uistinu najpoželjnija. U Taittiriya upanišadi, dok podučava svog sina Bhrigu fenomenu Brahmana, Varuna govori, “Sine! Brahman ne možeš vidjeti kroz svoje oči. Znaj da Brahman je taj koji omogućava očima da vide i ušima da čuju. Njega se može spoznati jedino kroz jaku žudnju u čistom umu i koncentriranoj misli. Ne postoji drugi način.”
(Sutra Vahini, Drugo poglavlje)
Kad um je čist, nesebičan i nepokolebljiv, Bog se pojavljuje u svoj Njegovoj čistoći i punini. - Baba |