Sai inspiriše – 27.02.2009. godine
When the mind of man is unattached to the ups and downs of life, but is able to maintain equanimity under all circumstances, good physical health will be assured. Illness is caused more by malnutrition of the mind than of the body. Doctors speak of vitamin deficiency; I will call it the deficiency of "Vitamin G", and I will recommend the repetition of the Name of God, contemplation of the Glory and Grace of God. That is the "Vitamin G" medicine. Medicine for ill-health is one third of the treatment. Regulated life and good habits are two-thirds.
- Božanski govor, 17.05.1965.
Kada je čovjekov um nevezan za životne uspone i podove, a sposoban je da održi smirenost pod svim okolnostima, dobro fizičko zdravlje će biti osigurano. Bolest se češće javlja zbog pothranjenosti uma nego tijela. Doktori govore o nedostatku vitamina; Ja ću to nazvati nedostatkom “vitamina B” i preporučiću ponavljanje Imena Božjeg, kontemplaciju na Božju Slavu i Milost. To je lijek “vitamin B”. Lijek za loše zdravlje je jedna trećina tretmana. Ispravan život i dobre navike su dvije trećine.
There is no austerity in this world, higher than fortitude.