Sai inspiriše – 15.08.2009.
The arishadvargas (six inner enemies - desire, anger, greed, infatuation, pride and jealousy) are responsible for one's misconduct and suffering. If one behaves in the same way as animals, in what way is one superior to them? When one makes proper use of intellect, one will not suffer. All matters relating to the world are like passing clouds. When God is present in everyone and everywhere, how is that one faces hardship and misery? The reason is that one has filled their heart with bestial tendencies. One has to drive them out and cleanse the heart. For instance, in a tumbler filled with water, if you want to fill it with milk, the water has to be poured out. Similarly in order to fill your heart with noble feelings, you have to get rid of the evil qualities.
- Božanski govor, 10.10.2002.
Šest unutrašnjih neprijatelja – želja, ljutnja, pohlepa, zaluđenost, ponos i ljubomora (arishadvargas) odgovorni su za čovjekovo loše ponašanje i patnju. Ako se neko ponaša na isti način kao i životinje, na koji način je superiorniji od njih? Kada čovjek koristi intelekt na ispravan način, on neće patiti. Sve stvari koje se odnose na svijet su poput prolaznih oblaka. Kada je Bog prisutan u svakom i na svakom mjestu, kako to da se bilo ko suočava sa poteškoćama i bijedom? Razlog je u tome što je čovjek ispunio svoje srce životinjskim nagonima. On ih treba ukloniti i pročistiti srce. Na primjer, ukoliko želite nasuti milijeko u čašu ispunjenu vodom, prvo se treba prosuti voda. Slično, da biste ispunili svoje srce plemenitim osjećanjima, trebte se riješiti loših osobina.
Where there is purity, there is Divinity.
Gdje je čistota, tu je i Božansko. - Baba
Sai inspiriše – 16.08.2009.
Any number of examples can be given to prove the existence of Divinity. Who made the chillies hot and spicy? Who is the cause of bitterness in Neem and fragrance in flowers? These are simple examples for the manifestation and expression of Divinity. Every object in the world has a unique attribute which proves the existence of Divinity as its very life principle. You do not need to undertake any particular Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) in order to visualize Divinity. When you understand the Divine Principle in full, you can worship God in true sense. You can worship God in each and every atom and in each cell of the creation. Purify your heart and try to know your own Divine Nature. Make efforts to visualize and experience this oneness.
- Božanski govor, 11.10.2002.
Moguće je navesti koliko hoćete primjera da se dokaže postojanje Boga. Ko je napravio čili paprike ljutima i začinjenima? Ko je uzrok gorčine u nimu i mirisa u cvijeću? Ovo su jednostavni primjeri manifestacije i ispoljavanja Božanskog. Svaki objekat na svijetu ima jedinstvenu osobinu koja dokazuje postojanje Božanskog kao njegovog osnovnog životnog principa. Nema potrebe da preduzimate bilo kakvu posebnu duhovnu vježbu (Sadhana) da biste vizuelizirali Božansko. Kada u potpunosti shvatite Božanski Princip, moći ćete štovati Boga u pravom smislu te riječi. Možete obožavati Boga u svakom svakcatom atomu i u svakoj ćeliji kreacije. Pročistite svoje srce i pokušajte spoznati svoju vlastitu Božansku Prirodu. Potrudite se da zamislite i iskusite ovu jednotu.
Service done to a suffering being reaches the Lord.
Služenje koje se ponudi biću koje pati doseže do Gospoda. - Baba
Sai inspiriše – 08.08.2009.
What you need today is unwavering faith in God. Faith in God alone can protect you. Under all circumstances, at all times, consider God as the basis of your life. Give up evil qualities like anger, greed, jealousy, etc. Anger is a fire that always keeps burning. Desire is the cause of one's downfall. Hence, eradicate desire and anger within you. Develop Love for the Divine, learn the language of the heart.
-Božanski govor, 09.10.2002.
Ono što vam je danas potrebno jeste nepokolebljiva vjera u Boga. Sama vjera u Boga vas može zaštititi. Pod svim okolnostima, svo vrijeme, smatrajte Boga osnovom svog života. Odbacite loše osobine poput ljutnje, pohlepe, ljubomore, itd. Ljutnja je vatra koja uvijek gori. Želja je uzrok čovjekovog pada. Stoga, iskorijenite želju i ljutnju koji su u vama. Razvijte ljubav prema Bogu, naučite jezik srca.
Love is God, Live in Love. With Love, you can achieve anything.
Ljubav je Bog, živite u Ljubavi.
Sai inspiriše – 09.08.2009.
You must endeavor to understand the principle of Divinity. Nobody in this world can help you in the ways God rushes to your help. Hence surrender yourself to God, and pray for His help. Also devotion to God safeguards your ancient culture. People get haunted by misery and grief when they forget God. Control your emotions. Do not entertain evil thoughts. Develop Love. Love all and all will love you. Sing the glory of God. In doing so, you would have rendered a great help to the whole world. Chant God's Name and make your heart sacred.
- Božanski govor, 09.10.2002.
There is nothing sweeter in the world than Divine Name.
Ne postoji na svijetu ništa slađe od Imena Božijeg. - Baba