Illness is caused by the malnutrition of the mind than of body. Doctors speak of vitamin deficiency; I will call it the deficiency of 'Vitamin G' and I will recommend the repetition of the Name of God with accompanying contemplation of the glory and grace of God. That is the 'Vitamin G'. That is the medicine. Regulated life and habits are two-thirds of the treatment, while the medicine is only one-third.
- Božanski govor, 28.04.1975.
Bolest nastaje kao posljedica loše ishrane prvo uma a onda tijela. Doktori govore o nedostatku vitamina; Ja bih to nazvao nedostatkom 'Vitamina B' i preporučio bih ponavljanje Božjeg Imena uz kontempliranje na slavu i milost Boga. To je 'Vitamin B'. To je lijek. Uredan život i navike čine dvije trećine liječenja, dok lijek čini samo jednu trećinu.
Do not reduce spiritual effort to a mere daily routine.
Ne svodite duhovni napor na prostu dnevnu rutinu. - Baba