Sai inspiriše – 05.01.2010. godine
In this created world, wisdom is enveloped in ignorance. So long as the lamp is burning, there will be a shadow beneath it. That is just inevitable. So too, when the flame of illusion is burning, the shadow of ignorance persists, right underneath! However, the Knowledge of Self destroys the ignorance, and wisdom does shine, just as Sunrise illumines the whole world and there is peace. To attain this result of peace, effort is super critical. The mind is conditioned to good or bad, by the environment. The reformers of today do not strive to transform the qualities of people. They are trying to bring about equality in economic matters, in outer life. Improving economic status alone will not bring about lasting peace. Lasting Peace can only be obtained, when character is moulded and developed. There is an urgent need to reform the character through the Knowledge of the Self. This reform alone will bear fruit - the fruit of peace and eternal bliss.
- Božanski govor, Prasanthi Vahini
Na ovom stvorenom svijetu, mudrost je obavijena neznanjem. Sve dok lampa gori, ispod nje će se nalaziti sjenka. To je jednostavno neizbježno. Isto tako, dok gori plamen iluzije, sjenka neznanja opstaje, upravo ispod nje! Međutim, Znanje o Sebi uništava neznanje, i mudrost sija baš kao što izlazak sunca osvjetljava čitav svijet i tu je mir. Da bi se ostvario ovaj rezultujući mir, napor je od kritičnog značaja. Um je uslovljen na dobro ili loše, zahvaljujući okolini. Reformatori današnjice ne teže da transformišu osobine ljudi. Oni pokušavaju da obezbijede jednakost u ekonomskim uslovima, u spoljašnjem životu. Samo poboljšavanje ekonomskog stanja neće donijeti trajni mir. Trajni mir se može steći jedino onda kada se karakter oblikuje i razvije. Postoji hitna potreba da se reformiše karakter kroz Znanje o Sebi. Samo ova reforma će uroditi plodom – plodom mira i vječnoga blaženstva.
Love gives and forgives. Self gets and forgets. Love is God, Live in Love.
Ljubav daje i oprašta. Ego uzima i zaboravlja. Ljubav je Bog, živite u Ljubavi. - Baba