Sai inspiriše – 04.09.2009.
Reduce the luggage you carry about when on the journey of life. Remember, all that is not "you" is luggage. You are not the body, so the body is an item of luggage. The mind, the senses, the intelligence, the imagination, the desires, the plans, the prejudices, the discontent, the distress, etc. are all items of luggage. Jettison them soon, so as to make your travel lighter, safer and more comfortable.
- Sathya Sai govori, Vol. 7.
Smanjite prtljag koji nosite na životnom putovanju. Sjetite se, sve ono što niste ’vi’ jeste prtljag. Vi niste tijelo, prema tome tijelo je dio prtljaga. Um, čula, inteligencija, imaginacija, želje, planovi, predrasude, nezadovoljstvo, ogorčenost, itd., sve su to dijelovi prtljaga. Odbacite taj teret brzo, kako bi vaše putovanje bilo lakše, sigurnije i udobnije.
Man minus desire is God.
Čovjek minus želja jednako je Bog. - Baba