Sai inspiriše – 03.10.2009. godine
Progress in devotion or meditation means the attainment of concentration. Never lose the sight of the Divine Form which you have pictured for yourself. Don't allow the mind to wander on distractions. Be convinced that the distractions of sight and sound are designed to scatter your attention away from the Divine Form. Be on your guard, do not be deluded and never forget the auspicious form. Picture in yourself the Divine Lord, in whom is immersed all creation. What you will experience and when depends upon His Grace. Your mission is to practice one-pointed concentration on Him. It does not depend upon the length of time, or the number of births you have taken. Some may realize the goal even in a few days. It completely depends upon your dedication, devotion and relentless practice. The time cannot be calculated or reasoned out. It is all His Grace.
- Sandeha Nivarini.
Napredovanje u predanosti ili meditaciji podrazumijeva postizanje koncentracije. Nikada ne gubite iz vida Božanski Oblik koji ste sebi zacrtali. Ne dopustite umu da se skita po zabavama. Budite ubijeđeni da su zabave za vid i sluh osmišljene kako bi odvratile vašu pažnju od Božanskog Oblika. Budite na oprezu, ne budite obmanuti i nikada ne zaboravite srećni lik. Naslikajte u sebi Božanskog Gospoda, u kog je uronjena čitava kreacija. Ono što ćete doživjeti i kada zavisi od Njegove Milosti. Vaš je zadatak da uvježbate jednousmjerenu koncentraciju na Njega. Ona ne zavisi od vremenskog trajanja ili broja rođenja koja ste imali. Neki mogu ostvariti cilj za par dana. To u potpunosti zavisi od vaše posvećenosti, predanosti i neprekidne vježbe. Vrijeme se ne može izračunati ili pojmiti. Sve je to Njegova Milost.
For the deeds done in ignorance, repentance is the way to make amends and to earn pardon.
Not to repeat the same deed is the sign of the morally strong.
Za djela počinjena u neznanju, pokajanje je način da se popravi greška i zasluži oprost. Ne ponoviti isto djelo oznaka je moralno snažnih ljudi. - Baba
Sai inspiriše – 04.10.2009. godine
You have boarded a train to reach a village. You have heard that you need to get down at a station to go to the village. Many a station of the same type come during the journey and the train halts in each one of them. Just because the train halts, you do not get down at any of them with all your luggage, do you? If you get down, you will not be able to reach your destination; you will miss your goal and suffer many hardships, not to speak of delay. The wiser course is to note even before the start of the journey, the list of intermediate stations and the alighting station by approaching some persons who have travelled on the same route before. A Guru (Spiritual Teacher) shows the path and teaches what is beneficial and leads you to the destination. He should be shown respect and gratitude.
- Sandeha Nivarini.
Da bi ste stigli do sela, ukrcali ste se na voz. Čuli ste da morate sići na stanici da biste došli do sela. Tokom putovanja nailazite na mnoge stanice istog tipa i voz se zaustavlja u svakoj od njih. Vi ne silazite na svakoj od njih sa svojim prtljagom, samo zato što se voz zaustavlja, zar ne? Ako siđete, nećete moći stići na svoje odredište; propustićete da stignete na cilj i proćićete kroz mnoge poteškoće, a da ne spominjemo kašnjenje. Mudriji način jeste da pribilježite sebi, prije nego što i krenete na put, spisak među-stanica i krajnju stanicu tako što ćete se obratiti nekim osobama koje su već ranije proputovale istim putem. Guru (Duhovni učitelj) pokazuje put i uči vas onome što je korisno i što vas vodi ka odredištu. Njemu se treba odati poštovanje i zahvalnost.
The mind, the word and the act, all three must be filled with the belief that all is His Play. That is the genuine path.
Um, riječ i čin, svo troje trebaju biti ispunjeni vjerovanjem da je sve Njegova Igra. To je istinska staza. - Baba
Sai inspiriše – 05.10.2009. godine
Human beings are essentially Divine. However, one believes oneself to be an individual, limited and temporary. They are entangled in the characteristics of the five elements, namely sound, touch, form, taste and smell. This error brings about joy and grief, good and bad, birth and death. To escape from this association with the elements, to rid oneself of the pulls of their characteristics is the sign of liberation. It is also called in Sanskrit as Kaivalya, Moksha or Mukthi. Names may change, but the achievement is the same.
-Božanski govor, Upanishad Vahini.
Ljudska bića su u suštini Božanska. Međutim, čovjek vjeruje da je on individua, da je ograničen i privremen. Ljudi su upleteni u osobine pet elemenata, odnosno zvuka, dodira, oblika, ukusa i mirisa. Ova greška donosi radost i žalost, dobro i loše, rođenje i smrt. Oslobođenje znači riješiti se povezanosti sa elementima i otarasiti se privlačnosti njihovih osobina. Ono se, takođe, na sanskritu zove Kaivalya, Moksha ili Mukthi. Imena se mogu mijenjati, ali je dostignuće jedno te isto.
Your heart has room for only one. Seat God firmly in your heart.
U vašem srcu ima mjesta samo za jednoga. Čvrsto ustoličite Boga u svom srcu. - Baba