Sai inspiriše – 02.04.2009. godine
The culture of the country is marked with guidelines for achieving eternal bliss, which is the consummation of all sweetness, all joy and fulfillment of all desires. But today, each one is struggling to achieve petty things, paltry joys and low desires. When you seek God, you must not be misled into bypaths and mirages. The seeker of the gold must cast away brass and other yellow metals that may distract him. Like the river which leaps over precipices, creeps through bush and briar, flows round hills, seeps through sand, but keeps the goal always in view, one should march untiringly towards God.
- Božanski govor, 01.04.1975.
Kultura zemlje se cijeni prema uputstvima za dostizanje vječnog blaženstva, koje predstavlja vrhunac sve slatkoće, sve radosti i ispunjenje svih želja. Ali danas, svako se bori da ostvari sitne stvari, beznačajne radosti i niske želje. Ako tražite Boga, ne smijete biti zavedeni sporednim stazama i optičkim varkama. Tragač za zlatom treba odbaciti mesing i druge žute metale koji ga mogu zbuniti. Poput rijeke koja preskače litice, puzi kroz žbunje i trnje, teče oko brda, curi kroz pijesak, ali uvijek drži cilj pred očima, čovjek bi trebao neumorno koračati ka Bogu.
If you have the inclination to do good work, God will give you the time to do good things.
Ako imate nagon da činite dobra djela, Bog će vam dati vrijeme da činite dobre stvari. - Baba