Sai inspiriše – 02.01.2010. godine
The blemishes of the heart have to be washed by leading moral life and doing one's duty. A time may come when you become tired or weak - If it is, then you should pray thus: "Oh Lord, things have gone beyond my capacity. I feel further effort is too great a strain. Please give me strength." At first, God stands at a distance, watching your efforts like the teacher who stands apart when the student writes the answer to his questions. Then, when you shed your attachment to enjoyment and take to good deeds and service, God comes encouragingly near. For, He is like the Sun God, who stands waiting outside a closed door. Like the servant who knows the rights of the master and his own limitations, God does not announce His presence or bang the door. He simply waits! When you open the door just a little, the Sun rushes and promptly drives out the darkness from within. So too, when God's help is asked for, He is present by your side, with his Hands extended to render assistance. All that is needed is the wisdom to remember Him and the discrimination to pray and ask Him.
- Božanski govor, Prema Vahini
Nedostaci srca se trebaju saprati tako što će se živjeti moralnim životom i izvršavati vlastita dužnost. Može doći vrijeme kada ćete postati umorni ili slabi. Ako se to desi, trebali biste se moliti ovako: “O Gospode, stvari su otišle izvan mojih sposobnosti. Osjećam da je dalji napor preveliko naprezanje. Molim Te daj mi snage.” U početku, Bog stoji na udaljenosti, posmatrajući vaše napore poput učitelja koji stoji po strani dok student piše odgovor na njegovo pitanje. Onda, kada odbacite svoju vezanost za uživanje i preduzmete dobra djela i služenje, Bog se ohrabrujuće približava. Jer, On je poput Boga Sunca, koji stoji čekajući iza zatvorenih vrata. Poput sluge koji poznaje prava gospodara i njegova vlastita ograničenja, Bog ne objavljuje Svoje prisustvo niti lupa na vrata. On jednostavno čeka! Kada samo malo otškrinete vrata, Sunce jurne i brzo otjera tamu koja je unutra. Isto tako, kada se zatraži pomoć od Boga, On je prisutan pored vas, sa svojim Rukama koje se protežu da ponude pomoć. Sve što je potrebno jeste mudrost da Ga se sjetite i moć razlikovanja da se pomolite i zamolite Ga.
Pleasure is an interval between two pains.
Zadovoljstvo je interval između dvije boli. - Baba