4. studenog 2014.
Čovjek je vršio vjenčanja u selu. Zbog nedostatka posuda za kuhanje, netko je otišao do bogatog čovjeka da ih posudi od njih za to događanje. Bogati čovjek velikodušno im ih je posudio, posuđe je korišteno za kuhanje za proslavu i za služenje gostima koji su došli na vjenčanje. Nakon proslave, može li se vratiti prljavo posuđe vlasniku? Ne! Posuđe mora biti potpuno očišćeno iznutra i izvana i zatim vraćeno. To je također istina za posudu prisutnu u vama, posuđena vam je od Boga – vaše srce! Svi vi ste hodočasnici na putu života. Baš kao što ne možete zloupotrijebiti posuđenu posudu ili vratiti je nečistu, vaše srce mora biti očuvano i vraćeno neokaljano i čisto. Nemojte koristiti Božje darove, srce i udove za nesveta djela i uključivanje u nepotrebne odnose, sve više razvijajući vezanosti. Vodite čiste živote.
( Moji dragi studenti, 3.dio,17. poglavlje, 'Sri Adi Shankaracharya: Njegova poruka'.)
Kad je vaše srce ispunjeno s dobrim mislima i osjećajima, sve što dolazi od osjetila – vaš govor, vaša vizija i vaša djela – bit će čisto. - Baba
A man was performing a marriage in a village. Due to the insufficiency of cooking vessels, the person went to a rich man to borrow them for the occasion. The rich man generously loaned them and the vessels were used to cook a feast to serve the guests attending the wedding. After the function, can the dirty vessels be returned to the owner? No! The vessels must be cleaned inside and outside thoroughly and then be returned. This is true also for the vessel present within you, loaned by God - your heart! All of you are pilgrims in the journey of life. Just as you cannot misuse the borrowed vessel or return it unclean, your heart too must be maintained and returned pure and clean. Do not use the God-gifted heart and limbs to undertake unholy actions and get involved in unnecessary relationships, growing more in bondage. Lead a pure life.
( - My Dear Students, Vol 3, Ch 17, 'Sri Adi Shankaracharya: His Message'.)
When your heart is filled with good thoughts and feelings, all that comes out of the senses - your speech, your vision and your action - will all be pure. - Baba