Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član bglavac








Misli kao cjelina, budi cjelina i pokaži cjelinu u svom životu. Da bi bio potpuna osoba, moraš poznavati sebe, znati kamo ideš i što činiš i onda ići naprijed s pouzdanjem, cjelovit, veličanstven i pun života. Nikad ne sumnjaj u sebe ili svoje sposobnosti da budeš cjelina.

Vodič za 05.ožujka

         Misli kao cjelina, budi cjelina i pokaži cjelinu u svom životu. Da bi bio potpuna osoba, moraš poznavati sebe, znati kamo ideš i što činiš i onda ići naprijed s pouzdanjem, cjelovit, veličanstven i pun života. Nikad ne sumnjaj u sebe ili svoje sposobnosti da budeš cjelina. Sumnje, strahovi i brige te sprečavaju u gradnji cjeline i stoga prestani brinuti i otjeraj sve strahove i sumnje spoznajom da sam Ja uvijek s tobom i da su sa Mnom sve stvari moguće. Ali upamti:neka tvoja vjera i povjerenje bude u Meni, Gospodinu tvom Bogu, božanstvu u tebi. Hodaj sa Mnom rukom u ruci, savjetuj se sa Mnom u svako doba i dopusti da te vodim i upravljam tobom. Ja sam u tebi, stoga se ništa izvana ne može umiješati u naš direktni kontakt. Osjećaj se sigurnim i mirnim. Kad je tvoja sigurnost u Meni, sve je zaista vrlo, vrlo dobro.




  • 06.03.2024. 07:27h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Nešto "cjelovitije"..........

    ........a "cjelivati" je kao ljubiti s time da je naša "ljubav" samo izljev egomanije tako da kad neki reknu "volim te" oni bi nas mogli i pojesti !?

    *"Riječ postaje potrošena kada dobije konotacije koje slabe njenu bit i skreću njenu namjeru tako da više nije besprijekorna i više nije prikladna kao afirmacija ratnika. Ratnici izbjegavaju govoriti takve riječi ili fraze. Ratnici znaju da su riječi izravno povezane s namjerom i da ih stoga treba koristiti sa svrhom, zbog čega pažljivo razmatraju sve što izlazi iz njihovih usta. Ima svježih i jakih riječi, a ima i starih i izlizanih. Kad riječ izgubi snagu, treba je zamijeniti. Riječ 'ljubav', primjerice, postala je toliko komercijalizirana da je gotovo izgubila značenje. Ipak, oni koji istinski vole znaju što se krije iza te riječi; znaju da to podrazumijeva napuštanje ega.*

    Word u Worldu - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCZ84F_l0J0

    *Učimo da svijet stvaramo pažnjom i održavamo ga stabilnim pomoću volje. Kažemo da stvari stoje ovakve ili onakve, vjerujemo u ovo ili ono i time osiguravamo da su stvari ovakve ili onakve. Čarobnjaci kažu da time određujemo svijet, postavljamo njegove parametre.

     “Morate biti jako oprezni kada dekretirate, jer djeluje u oba smjera. Ljubav i mržnja su propisane jednakim intenzitetom, kao i oprost i osveta. Oni koji biraju zlo sami sebe osuđuju jer smo vezani za svoje zapovijedi, a što god odredimo dolazi nam kasnije. Ne radi se o tome da postoje dvije vrste namjere, nego kontinuitet koji se određuje.*

    **The Power of the Word
    Apart from our work as apprentice healers, we were taught and trained in the way of the warrior.
    The healers called that path Xiuhyollotl ohtli, meaning the path of wisdom, or the path of the
    heart. Regardless of the terminology used, however, the goal is the same: the connection to the
    The modern man has renounced the magical world in favour of reason, and in so doing
    "was cast out of paradise": he has lost his connection with intent.
    The first step one needs take to return to the natural state is therefore to wholeheartedly
    desire such a return. Then, step by step, through warrior’s training, one begins cleaning one’s
    connecting link with intent and bringing it back to life.
    Energy is cumulative. Each act that exercises the will, every instance of choosing to
    behave impeccably helps the next act and makes it easier. Making the connecting link
    operational again is the way to achieve integration.
    We learn that we create the world by attention and keep it stable by means of will. We
    say that things are like this or like that, we believe in this or in that and thus ensure that things
    are in this or that way. Sorcerers say that by doing so we decree the world, we set its
    Doña Silvia clarified this point for us, saying:
    "Decreeing is like sowing seeds of intent so that they germinate later.”
    What she meant was that if we put our intent into a certain thing it later becomes reality,
    which is why we need to be careful with our thoughts and the words that come out of our
    mouths, because, unless we have control, the intent coming to us will be blind.
    She advised:
    “You must be very careful when you decree, because it works in both directions. Love
    and hate are decreed with equal intensity, and so are forgiveness and revenge. Those who
    choose evil condemn themselves because we are bound to our commands, and whatever we
    decree comes to us later.
    It’s not that there are two kinds of intent, but rather the continuity that one decrees. To
    decree the future deliberately is to decree what will happen next. One does it by activating
    intent. For that purpose sorcerers generally use gestures and words concealed within other
    techniques. What really matters here is that, having set up intent, the warrior maintains inner
    silence and patiently hopes. The results will happen.
    By being attached to one’s habits, addictions, and emotions, one unconsciously decrees
    their continuity. The only way to break away from that chain is to decree the opposite."
    One of the assistants asked, “Can you give us a concrete example of a decree?”
    She replied, "To decree is more than just tell yourself mechanically that something is this
    or that. To decree is to give yourself an order, and do everything possible and impossible to
    execute it. At first it may be difficult, but as you keep to your decision time and time again, there
    will come a moment when your command will become law.
    Giving yourself an order means giving yourself a command. A command is not a
    promise, it isn’t trying or testing. It is an order, something that must be obeyed. It is something
    much deeper than mere desire.
    Once the word has been spoken, once the commitment has been made, forces are
    unleashed that forge and mould the world, and thereby we engage our will with that of others.
    Now, if for any reason we go back on our word, we weaken our will and cloud our link with
    To walk a path, your feet must be on it. There is no substitute for that. Take yourself as
    an example,” doña Silvia said to the assistant who had asked her the question. “You live
    complaining that you can’t enter dreaming when all you need do is give yourself an order,
    convince yourself that you are a dreamer, that you are already there.
    We are what we say we are. That works for the good things and for bad. If we want to
    change something in ourselves, we must begin by repeating again and again the desired
    change. Even if at first the affirmations we utter aren’t entirely true, it is not a big deal, because
    in time they will become so. Our command will become the Eagle’s command.
    We decree at every moment, and in every decision we make, whether we like it or not. A
    sorcerer therefore asks himself, ‘If I have to decree anyway, why not do it consciously, and
    select whatever suits me most?’ The sorcerers thus effectively eradicate from their vocabulary
    all the negative or destructive thoughts, words and ideas that delay or harm their progress
    along the path.
    When we make a decision, however small, imponderable forces are unleashed, forces
    that might well lead to our death. Any and every decision counts, because in a world where
    death stalks, nothing is more important than anything else. Your sense of being impeccable will
    come from knowing what decision to make, and when to make them."
    It so happened that one of the assistants felt the need to say something to an absent
    colleague that evening but had no way of communicating with him. Doña Silvia said:
    “Come with me for a moment.”
    She went out of the house, and gave a shrill whistle. I thought she had used a device to
    produce the sound because of the way she had put her hands to her mouth, but then noticed
    that she was not holding anything. She whistled repeatedly, then went back in and said, "Now
    we just have to wait."
    We looked at each other questioningly, and she explained:
    "Healers work their tricks at crossroads, which means that we apply our will at the very
    point of a decisive juncture. That is how we manage to do many things, including healing
    I asked, “What are you talking about?”
    "To answer that, I have to explain the art of interference," she replied and called
    everyone to gather around her again.
    "I must warn you that what I am about to explain is of such huge importance that great
    responsibility comes with this knowledge. Some people feel that it ought to be kept secret, but
    we have learned that only those who manage to accumulate enough power are able to make
    use of what I’ll tell you now.
    "Once we’ve understood that we are connected to everything around us, we humbly take
    our place within the creation. Then we observe carefully where the link between one point and
    another lies. Once we’ve discovered that, the rest is easy: all one has to do is apply one’s will
    to that spot to interfere with its operation. Some people use ritual to keep their attention focused
    for long periods of time, but over the time, with practice, ritual becomes unnecessary. One
    decrees continuity. To interfere with anything, one must decree first."
    Doña Silvia watched us for a while to see our reaction, then went on: "I will teach you a
    magic verse, a formula to learn and repeat every night, like ‘Hail Mary’."
    She put her hands together as if for prayer and said, “It goes like this:
    "I set upon my will
    An unbending intent:
    That, once I make a decision,
    I shall carry it out to the end
    If it costs me my life.
    I shall never commit to what is not my will.”
    Doña Silvia finished her incantation by making the sign of the cross, then continued:
    “When spoken with purpose and intent, words carry great power. The main reason why
    ordinary people are excluded from the world of power is because they never keep their word.
    Warriors know that words are directly linked to intent and should therefore be used with
    purpose, which is why they carefully consider everything that comes out of their mouths.
    Ordinary people speak without thinking, and in so doing they expose themselves.
    Using the same techniques that turn ordinary people into idiots, a warrior saves himself
    from that predicament. He creates his own commands and instead of unconsciously repeating
    set phrases, he deliberately chooses which commands he wishes to emphasize. A warrior
    never lends himself to harmful displays of envy, hatred, resentment, and so on. He drowns them
    in his silence and lets them die slowly away."
    “What does that mean?”
    "It means that a warrior avoids uttering sentences with connotations contrary to his
    interest, like, for example, ‘I hate this or that’ or ‘I cannot stand this.’ By avoiding those and
    similar comments, a warrior is cleansed and cured of debilitating concepts.
    Observe that the idea here is to reinforce the positive and reduce the negative. Even
    when saying, ‘DON’T do this or that’ one actually suggests that YES, it can be done. Such is
    human nature. It is therefore important to cultivate the ideas of strength and beauty in the mind,
    because they are the filter through which we look at the world. If we learn a word, its meaning
    becomes an active part of our possibilities. It is therefore wise to deliberately choose strong,
    commanding words that will help us build a character suitable for the hard struggle of warriors.
    For that purpose, healers deliberately choose fortifying affirmations which they
    incorporate into their everyday vocabulary: words of good humour, happiness, health and
    vitality; words that make them feel good about themselves.”
    Once, while doing my chores, I absentmindedly hummed a popular song. Doña Silvia
    drew my attention to the words of the song so that I would understand how we constantly give
    ourselves commands we are not even aware of.
    "A word becomes spent when it acquires connotations that weaken its essence and
    divert its intention so that it is no longer impeccable and no longer suitable as a warrior’s
    affirmation. Warriors avoid speaking such words or phrases.
    There are fresh and strong words and there are old and worn-out ones. When a word
    loses its force, it needs to be replaced. The word ‘love’, for example, has become so
    commercialized it has almost lost its meaning. Yet those who truly love know what is behind
    that word; they know it implies the abandonment of the ego. As a general rule, one must use
    words with great care if one wants to preserve one’s power, and must never fail intent."
    As an exercise, Doña Silvia told us to make a list of words we unconsciously repeated
    so that we would become aware of them. Then she instructed us to substitute positive words or
    reaffirm positively the negative aspects of words we dragged along, so that they would be
    We first of all need to become aware of our automatic repetitions and why we are making
    them. We must understand what the word used without intent has turned into and what damage
    it can cause. When, for example, someone innocently says that something is killing him, or
    even that this or that makes him sick, one is self-programming the fulfilment of that statement.
    The fact that I was creating my list alongside my fellow apprentices turned out to be very
    useful, as other people notice our repetitions more readily than we do.
    Following doña Silvia’s programme, we devoted ourselves to the task of becoming
    aware that we did have a repetition habit. We then took every word or phrase that we were in
    the habit of repeating and gave it a healing treatment. By meditating on it and then repeating it
    many times in a sequence, sometimes even in a mocking tone, we made those words lose
    completely their basic meaning and with it their suggestive power. By bathing them in attention,
    we offloaded the burden of their subconscious meaning.
    Another interesting exercise we practised, one which produced excellent results, was to
    assign arbitrary values to words. Yet another one was to make lists of important words that
    needed examining and pin them up where we could see them.
    Some words, however, represent conglomerates of values deeply rooted in us and it is
    difficult for us to break our fixation on them. Those are best dealt with as memories of
    experiences to be examined during recapitulation.
    There is a common saying among the healers: “Our life is the sum of our intent. It is as you
    decree it.”
    “Words are so powerful,” doña Silvia went on, “that, all by themselves, they have the
    power to move the assemblage points of people. That is what happens when charismatic
    leaders who are gifted speakers influence crowds. It is mass hypnosis.
    Being happy is the supreme accomplishment that warriors can achieve, which is why
    they cultivate good humour and the art of not taking themselves seriously. They learn how to
    apply the power of words in pursuit of happiness, laughter, and good living.
    Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by the absent apprentice’s arrival. Doña
    Silvia commented with a huge smile:
    “It never fails."***


    *Rekao je, da mu je malo stalo do sudbine
    čovječanstvo, da je jedino važno naše
    individualnu sudbinu kao svjetlećih bića, ali da:
    – Ići tamo, pokušavajući spasiti druge,
    kao naš prijatelj, – rekao je pokazujući na jednu od
    Carlosove knjige.
    – To je nešto što definitivno nije u mom
    Ispričao mi je kako mu je nagual Juan Matus rekao
    upozorio 'Carlitosa' na opasnost od stupanja u kontakt
    doseg mase. Rekao mu je da treba biti zadovoljan
    samo s knjigama, a da se ne izlaže
    držeći predavanja uokolo. Ali jeste li ga poslušali?
    – Kad se kačiš s ljudima, utoneš u a
    more interakcija od kojih je vrlo teško
    maknuti se Masa, sigurno, može generirati energiju,
    ali te i vuče, kvari.*

    *Oni poremećaji, koji već počinju biti
    masivan, stvara sve veći pritisak, uključuje
    sve u aktivnostima koje su, hladno gledano, djela
    lude grupe. To je začarani krug, teško se može
    – To se događa, kad dopustimo
    intersubjektivnost, isprepliće našu percepciju o
    To jadno stanje možemo nazvati 'normalnim',
    ali to je daleko od dobrovoljnog zdravog razuma
    ratnik. Za vještice je ljudska rasa
    sastavljena od pojedinaca u različitim stupnjevima
    Prema tom kriteriju, što više predmet
    odgovara kolektivnom opisu, to je luđe. U
    ti uvjeti,
    fenomen inter-subjektivnosti: svojstvo koje
    ljudsko biće ima, izgraditi stvarnost
    konsenzus, iznad svijeta osjetila.
    Kada se osoba ne slaže s
    počiva na onome što opaža, kaže se da jest
    halucinantno, kada halucinira cijelo društvo u isto vrijeme
    vrijeme, oni ga zovu 'stvarni svijet'.
    – Fiksnost sabirne točke je intimna
    povezan sa sintaksom, na takav način da se
    odgovarajući niz riječi, možete pretvoriti
    fiksnost u toku. To koriste liječnici
    umu da pomogne svojim bolesnicima.
    “Trik vještica je u tome što ponovno kanaliziraju


    Treba biti u dobrim odnosima sa obje strane ili i vjerovati u Boga ali i pribojavati se Vraga i "in same time" !o'o!

    A nadati se možemo i u to da če neko zrnce  "proklijati" u toj pustari...... tojest da smo i pali za slobodu ?

    P.S:*Čarobnjaci rekapitulaciju shvaćaju ozbiljno, jer ona ne samo da pomaže da se riješimo tereta koje
    nam nameće svakodnevni život, već također može preokrenuti stigmu istočnog grijeha, a to je rođenje bez
    Tako nam ponovno praćenje puta pomaže na vrlo dubok način, utječući na promjene na temeljnoj
    razini. Nismo samo ono što svjesno i nesvjesno odredimo. Rođenjem stječemo nasljeđe generacija koje su
    nam prethodile*

    "A good recapitulation has no limits. It can take you back to the moment of your birth, and
    Since, for couples, sexual intercourse often turns into a mandatory event which must be
    performed regardless, it tends to become an ordinary, boring act in which the fire of passion has
    died, leaving daily routine in its place. The ones who pay the greatest price for this
    transformation are the children, born with an energy level so low that they are like old people
    from the day they are born."
    That is why Carlos once said of one person in the group that he was fortunate to have
    been a bastard. He explained that, in that type of relationship, there was at least a chance of
    there being enough passion during the act of procreation. It was doubtlessly due to this that the
    energy level of the person in question was higher than normal.**

    A kada predugo ili i odužimo to nas može i skratiti......... strašno??

    Recimo da naš imaginarni sagovornik može biti i "kolektivni um" ili i da komuniciramo pod pritiskom a onda če i sve što reknemo biti upotrijebljeno protiv nas i to ne od strane nekog drugog nego čemo se sami spetljati ako:*Naša normalna percepcija unutar uređenih društvenih odnosa
    zahteva slepu i vernu povezanost sa svim predmetima percepcije, od
    kojih ni jedan ne pruža mogućnost za neposrednom percepcijom energije* ???

  • 06.03.2024. 12:16h

    Član iridaMerlin42

    Emiliov prijedlog

  • 06.03.2024. 12:16h

    Član iridaMerlin42

    Emiliov prijedlog


Član bglavacMerlin23 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana bglavac dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
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