Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član bglavac








     Neka snaga Duha teče u tebi i kroz tebe. Otvori se beskonačnoj snazi i spoznaj njezinu pravu tajnu koja leži u održavanju bliskog kontakta sa Mnom, u crpljenju iz beskonačnog, vječnog izvora.

Vodič za 23. kolovoza

          Neka snaga Duha teče u tebi i kroz tebe. Otvori se beskonačnoj snazi i spoznaj njezinu pravu tajnu koja leži u održavanju bliskog kontakta sa Mnom, u crpljenju iz beskonačnog, vječnog izvora. On je uvijek tu da bi iz njega crpile sve duše spremne to iskoristiti za dobrobit cjeline. Moraš biti spreman, moraš zatražiti prije nego dobiješ.   Neće ti se nametnuti prije nego budeš pripremljen.Vjeruješ li da je sa Mnom sve moguće? Prihvaćaš li to kao činjenicu ili dopuštaš da sumnje i strahovi pokvare savršenstvo tvog života? U cijelom životu postoji savršen ritam i kad si u ritmu, tečeš sa životom bez napora i u tome nalaziš radost i uzdizanje. Zašto ne uđeš u ritam, uskladiš se i potpuno uživaš u životu?




  • 23.08.2024. 13:16h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Kada žene zabadaju.......

    ........tojest otvorenih usta !?

    To je kao i kad "RTL - Direkt" ne može direktnije od = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNsfxtsJlXQ&t=25s

    Zašto bi naprimjer Mojmira čitala sa Blesimetra ako može i direktnije osiječati ili Maternicom odnosno zar nije i Šprajc filozofirajuči o Plenkoviću ojačao njegovu društvenu ulogu pa i kao njegov protivnik !0'0!

    Dakle krenimo od "Institucionalizovanog Pokvarenjaštva" i Strukturalne Jedinstvenosti u dezintegrisanju Čovjeka a kao tobože Božanske perspektive ili i po "Svemirskom Programu" a koji kao što i "vidimo" gleda samo Profit iliti i isisavanje Energije i "konzervaciju" ?

    *jedno od važnih područja koje je zanimalo
    šamane što su živjeli u drevnom Meksiku bilo ono što su nazivali oslo
    bađanjem maternice. Objasnio je da to oslobađanje znači buđenje njezine
    sekundarne uloge, a budući da je primarna uloga, u normalnim okolno
    stima, reprodukcija, ti su se čarobnjaci zanimali isključivo za ono što su
    smatrali njezinom sekundarnom funkcijom - evolucijom. Evolucija je, u
    slučaju utrobe, za njih značila buđenje i potpuno iskorištavanje sposob¬
    nosti maternice da prerađuje izravno znanje - to jest, mogućnost prima¬
    nja osjetilnih podataka i njihovo izravno tumačenje, bez pomoći uobiča¬
    jenog procesa tumačenja.
    Za šamane, trenutak kad se čovjek preobrazi iz bića koje se socijali¬
    zacijom naučilo reproducirati u biće sposobno za evoluciju jest trenutak
    kad postane svjestan viđenja energije kako teče svemirom. Prema mišlje¬
    nju šamana, žene lakše izravno vide energiju nego muškarci zbog utjeca¬
    ja maternice. Nadalje, prema njihovom mišljenju, pod normalnim okolno¬
    stima ni muškarcima ni ženama, bez obzira na njihovu maternicu, gotovo
    nije moguće postati namjerno svjesni da mogu izravno vidjeti energiju.
    Razlog za to jest nešto što šamani smatraju travestijom: naime, činjenica
    da nema nikoga tko bi ljudskim bićima rekao kako je prirodno izravno
    Šamani drže da su žene, zato što imaju maternicu, tako višestrane i
    individualne u svojoj sposobnosti da izravno vide energiju da se to po¬
    stignuće, koje bi se moglo smatrati trijumfom ljudskog duha, uzima zdra¬
    vo za gotovo. Žene nikad nisu svjesne te svoje sposobnosti. U tom su smi
    slu muškarci u prednosti. Budući da im je teže izravno vidjeti energiju,
    kad to postignu, ne uzimaju svoje postignuće zdravo za gotovo. Zato su
    upravo muškarci postavili parametre za izravnu percepciju energije i po¬
    kušali je opisati.
    - Glavna premisa čarobnjaštva - rekao mi je jednom don Juan - koju
    su otkrili šamani moje loze koji su živjeli u drevnom Meksiku jest to da
    smo mi bića koja percipiraju. Ljudsko je tijelo instrument percepcije. Ali,
    dominantnost našeg vida daje percepciji opći ugođaj očiju. Taj je ugođaj,
    prema mišljenju drevnih čarobnjaka, samo posljedica razdoblja u kojem
    smo bili grabežljiva. - Cilj drevnih čarobnjaka, koji traje i danas - nastavio je don Juan
    jest to da nadvladaju granice oka grabežljivca. Smatrali su oko grabežljiv
    ca vizualnim par excellence, a područje izvan njegovih granica smatali su
    područjem čiste percepcije, koja nije vizualno usmjerena.
    Drugom zgodom rekao je kako su čarobnjaci drevnog Meksika bili
    nezadovoljni zbog toga što žene, koje imaju organski preduvjet - mater
    nicu, koja im olakšava ulazak u područje čiste percepcije, za to ne pokazu¬
    ju nikakvo zanimanje. Smatrali su ženskim paradoksom to da im je dostu¬
    pna bezgranična moć, a ne pokazuju nikakvu želju da se njome posluže.
    Ali, don Juan je bio posve uvjeren u to da to pomanjkanje želje nije pri¬
    rodno, nego je naučeno.
    Cilj je magičnih pokreta za maternicu da ženama koje se bave tense
    gritetom dade slutnju, koja mora biti više od intelektualnog zanimanja, o
    mogućnosti poništavanja utjecaja socijalizacije zbog koje su žene ravno¬
    dušne. Unatoč tome, potrebno je upozorenje: don Juan Matus savjetovao
    je svojim učenicama da budu oprezne pri izvođenju tih magičnih pokreta.
    Magični pokreti za maternicu pokreti su koji potiču buđenje sekundarnih
    funkcija maternice i jajnika, a te su sekundarne funkcije primanje osjetil
    nih podataka i njihovo tumačenje.
    Don Juan je maternicu nazivao prijamnom kutijom. Bio je uvjeren,
    kao i drugi čarobnjaci njegove loze, da maternica i jajnici, ako se izvuku
    iz reproduktivnog ciklusa, mogu postati oruđima percepcije i postati pra¬
    vim epicentrom evolucije. Držao je da je prvi korak evolucije prihvaćanje
    premise da je čovjek biće koje percipira. Neprestano je tvrdio kako to
    treba učiniti prije svega ostalog. - Već znamo da smo bića koja percipiraju. Što bismo drugo i mogli
    biti? - rekao bih buneći se svaki put kad bi mi to ponovio. - Razmisli o tome! - odgovorio bi. - Percepcija ima vrlo malenu ulo¬
    gu u našem životu, iako je jedino sigurno da smo bića koja percipiraju.
    Čovjek prima energiju i pretvara je u osjetilne podatke. Zatim njih tumači
    i pretvara u svijet svakodnevice. To je tumačenje ono što mi nazivamo per
    cepcijom. - Šamani drevnog Meksika bili su - nastavio je - kako znaš, uvjereni
    da se to tumačenje događa u vrlo blistavoj točki, točki sastavljanja, koju
    su našli kad su vidjeli ljudsko tijelo kao konglomerat energetskih polja
    koje nalikuje svjetlosnoj kugli. Žene imaju prednost zato što mogu preni
    jeti ulogu tumačenja točke sastavljanja na maternicu. Rezultat tog prije¬
    nosa je nešto o čemu se ne može govoriti, ne zato što je zabranjeno, nego
    zato što je neopisivo. - Maternica je u stanju kaosa - nastavio je - zbog te prikrivene spo¬
    sobnosti koja latentno postoji od rođenja do smrti, a nikad se ne koristi.
    Ta funkcija tumačenja nikad ne prestaje djelovati, a ipak nikad nije dove¬
    dena do razine pune svijesti.
    Don Juan je bio uvjeren da su šamani drevnog Meksika s pomoću ma¬
    gičnih pokreta kod sljedbenica sposobnost tumačenja maternice podigli
    na razinu svijesti i time uveli evolucijsku promjenu. Drugim riječima, ma¬
    ternicu su iz organa reprodukcije pretvorili u oruđe evolucije.
    Evolucija se u suvremenom svijetu definira kao sposobnost različitih
    vrsta da se, s pomoću procesa prirodnog odabira ili prenošenja osobina,
    mijenjaju dok ne uspiju prenijeti na potomstvo promjene koje su se do¬
    godile u njima.
    Evolucijska teorija koja traje do danas, od dana kad je sročena prije
    stotinjak godina govori da nova vrsta životinje ili biljke nastaje i produ
    žava se procesom prirodnog odabira, koji daje prednost opstanku pojedi¬
    naca koji su zbog svojih osobina najbolje prilagođeni okolini, a evolucija
    nastaje međuodnosom triju čimbenika: prvo, nasljeđivanjem, silom koja
    prenosi slične organske oblike s naraštaja na naraštaj; drugo, varijacijom,
    tj. razlikama koje postoje u svim živim oblicima, i treće, borbom za opsta¬
    nak koja određuje koje varijacije imaju prednost u nekoj okolini. Posljed
    nje je načelo rodilo frazu koja se i dalje često koristi - »opstanak najspo
    Evolucija kao teorija ima povelike rupe i ostavlja mnogo prostora za
    sumnju. U najboljem slučaju to je proces s otvorenim svršetkom za koji su
    znanstvenici razvili klasifikacijske sheme. Stvorili su cijeli niz taksonomi
    ja. Ali, činjenica je da je ta teorija puna rupa. Ono što znamo o evoluciji
    ne može nam odgovoriti na pitanje što je evolucija.
    Don Juan Matus vjerovao je da je evolucija proizvod nakane na vrlo
    dubokoj razini. U slučaju čarobnjaka, tu duboku razinu karakterizira ono
    što je on nazvao unutarnjom šutnjom. - Primjerice, čarobnjaci su sigurni da su dinosauri letjeli - rekao je
    kad mi je objašnjavao tu pojavu - zato što su nakanili letjeti. Ali, teško je
    shvatiti i prihvatiti da su krila samo jedno rješenje za let, u ovom slučaju
    rješenje dinosaura. No to nije jedino moguće rješenje. Samo je jedino koje
    možemo oponašati. Naši zrakoplovi lete s pomoću krila i oponašaju dino¬
    saure, možda zato poslije njih nitko nije nakanio let. Možda su krila pri¬
    hvaćena zato što su bila najlakše rješenje.
    Prema don Juanovom mišljenju, kad bismo sad nakanili letjeti, ne
    možemo znati kakve bi se druge mogućnosti za let pojavile. Tvrdio je da,
    budući da je nakana beskrajna, nema logičnog načina na koji um, slijedeći
    postupak dedukcije ili indukcije, može proračunati ili odrediti koje bi se
    mogućnosti za let pojavile.
    Magični pokreti niza za maternicu vrlo su moćni i treba ih štedljivo
    izvoditi. U drevna vremena muškarci ih nisu smjeli izvoditi. U novija vre¬
    mena čarobnjaci su im dali općenitiji oblik i tako se pojavila mogućnost
    da posluže i muškarcima. No, ta je mogućnost vrlo delikatna i zahtijeva
    oprez, duboko usredotočenje i odlučnost.
    Muškarci koji se bave tensegritetom i poučavaju magične pokrete
    odlučili su ih izvoditi, zbog njihove moći, tako da energiju samo lagano
    utrljaju u područje spolnih organa. To je dovoljno za stvaranje korisnog
    učinka bez dubljih ili štetnih posljedica.
    Don Juan je objasnio da su čarobnjaci njegove loze u određenom tre¬
    nutku dopustili muškarcima da izvode te magične pokrete zbog moguć¬
    nosti da energija koja se tako stvara probudi sekundarnu funkciju muških
    spolnih organa. Smatrali su da sekundarna funkcija muških spolnih orga¬
    na uopće nije slična funkciji maternice. Tu ne može biti tumačenja osjetil
    nih podataka jer muški spolni organi vise izvan tjelesne šupljine. Zbog
    ;oga su zaključili da je sekundarna funkcija muških organa nešto što su
    nazvali potporom evoluciji - neka vrsta odskočne daske koja omogućuje
    muškarcima izvođenje izvanrednih pothvata onoga što su čarobnjaci
    drevnog Meksika nazivali nepokolebljivom nakanom ili jasnom svrhovitoš
    ću i usredotočenošću. *

    doña Celestina’s home. When no one returned by dinner, I heated some
    chicken tamales and served them smothered with pumpkin seed mole sauce. I
    felt that everyone was intentionally giving me some time to be alone, so after
    dinner I listened to Mozart on a National Public Radio broadcast from Yuma and
    then went to bed.
    I was awakened by a knock at my bedroom door at about 4 in the morning.
    Having turned in early the previous night, I was not at all startled by the knock. I
    ran my fingers through my hair and opened the door to find doña Celestina
    standing there, fully dressed.
    “Put on your robe and come to my garden,” she whispered.
    I slipped a dusk-colored silk dressing gown over my nightgown and followed
    her through the passageway, turning right down the little hall before reaching the
    waiting area of her consultation room. She unlocked a wooden door at the end of
    the small hallway and I saw that it opened onto her enclosed private garden. A
    very fragrant night-blooming flower abounded there. The air was heady with
    large white trumpeting blossoms opened to the moonlight, which she called
    I was also immediately aware of the presence of many huge flying moths.
    They flitted and sputtered everywhere. We tiptoed along a tiny path that led to a
    mesh nursery of sorts, larger than a bird house but smaller than a dovecote,
    where, thanks to the moonlight, I could make out many cocoons in various
    stages of development attached to the sides of the mesh. There were quite a few
    large, moist, partially chewed leaves at the bottom of the construction, which
    appeared to have served as food for the larvae or the emerging adult. I
    remembered having read that many moths like nightshade and I looked around to
    see if any was about, noticing only the florifundio. I also noticed that something
    which looked very like honey had been applied to some leaves that were stuck
    into the mesh, and also to some of those sitting half-eaten at the bottom of the
    “What kind of moths are they?” I asked.
    “Come and have a look,” she whispered and led me to a bush where a very
    large moth sat resting, wings opened.
    It was glorious—beautiful buttery vanilla ice cream with caramel swirls for
    colors, and large eye designs on the wings, which when opened were as massive
    as the palm of my hand. I crooned.
    “She’s letting you get very close,” doña Celestina said. “See if you can touch
    her, but not on the wings. Touch her underside. That’s what she’ll like.”
    I extended the tip of my ring finger to softly stroke her furry, bulbous
    underbody. Her hair was thick and soft, like shaved ermine. The touch seemed
    pleasurable to her and she moved her body rhythmically back and forth to meet
    the tip of my finger.
    “That’s enough,” doña Celestina said. “We don’t want to bother her. We just
    want to say hello.”
    “This garden is beautiful at night,” I remarked in earnest praise, drinking in the
    luminosity of the silvery, milky light that seemed to rest like dew on the surface
    of every living thing within it.
    “I thought you would appreciate it,” doña Celestina whispered. “This is my
    private place, where I come for a recharge.”
    “It’s magical!” I exclaimed, almost wanting to dance among the flowers, the
    moths, and the moonlight.
    “I brought you here because healing work, although it circulates and feeds the
    sexual energies, can sometimes sap them a bit. I want to teach you some
    personal practices that are very private, sensual, abundant, and sublime like my
    garden here, practices that are just for women.”
    Doña Celestina motioned toward a place on the ground where I could see fired
    clay tiles, creating a space large enough for sitting, set not far from a simple
    earthen bird basin and many flowering florifundio. We sat cross-legged on the
    tiles facing each other, and folding our garments underneath us.
    “I’m going to speak candidly,” she began.
    “Very well,” I said.
    “I’m a grown woman. I’ve no time for prudery. We’re going to deepen the
    topic of the female orgasm.”
    “What, do you mean Chon didn’t want to teach me this?” I giggled.
    She smiled back in her sly way, teeth glinting in the moonlight. “You just wait.
    Juan is going to talk with you about the men.”
    I gulped. That got to me. The mood was not one of whispered secrets in the
    wee hours. I humbly realized that I did not even know everything about my own
    body’s responses, much less the capabilities of another gender, and that I was
    about to acquire life knowledge.
    “Women are different from men,” doña Celestina said, “not just by virtue of
    the womb, but also in that they are capable of a series of multiple climaxes,
    without losing the energy from one to the next. If a woman knows what she is
    doing, she can pull on an energetic column within the center of her being and the
    sensations of energy will move upward, like going up a flight of stairs. It is
    possible for them to continue upward until they reach and fountain out of the top
    of her head, only to be recirculated again at the bottom of her pool of energy,
    and sent back up to the top.
    “The waters of a woman’s womb, as I told you in my altar room, are present if
    the woman has the capacity for orgasmic response. If she has lost that capacity,
    we say she is ‘cracked,’ like a broken vessel, because this energy center leaks. It
    is dried up, strained, and weak. Women must explore their own bodies and work
    through emotional traumas to rekindle their ability to reach climaxes of pleasure,
    if this possibility has been lost in them. As Chon has often told you, joy is
    soothing, balancing, and life-affirming. It strengthens the body for what it must
    endure, be it childbirth, hardship, old age, whatever. Many women who have lost
    their capacity for pleasure, and have lost the waters of the womb, instead reach
    climaxes of pain, which are life-denying and destructive, weakening to the
    forces, since they are unnecessary.
    “A woman must recover her capacity for orgasm, not only once but
    consecutively. Too often we look to the men for our examples. In this case it
    should be the other way around. Once this multiple capacity has been found, a
    woman may then go on to what I will share with you now.”
    “Before you do, doña, what are the key points in working through emotional
    traumas? You are always able to concentrate issues into their essence.” I was
    keenly interested in advice that she might have for women.
    “First of all,” she said, “recognize that male energy can be indolent. Some
    individuals just want to expel the sexual energies to relieve themselves of
    pressure. This angers the serpent in both males and females and can cause
    trauma. The serpent will shed skins and, over time, will turn such uses of male
    energy into a fat ogre or a wasted weakling, as it ages. On the other hand, many
    females withhold orgasmic responses out of manipulation, anger, or fear. This
    only cheats them, and with no waters they begin to shrivel from the inside out, or
    perhaps they remain emotional children. It would be far better for all to
    recognize these scenarios, end these relationships, and explore the pure nature of
    sexual energies, but often people remain in unfulfilling or even dangerous
    situations, in the hopes of material benefit, companionship, or protection. Their
    own strength and resourcefulness would be better served as their protector,
    provider, and companion, but perhaps they lack courage. They seek someone
    else to fulfill them. You have seen for yourself in my consultation where these
    situations can lead.
    “To compound that, we now live in a male dominator society throughout most
    of the world and this also works its ills on both males, females, and their
    offspring. Couple that with the repression implemented by organized religions
    and government exploitation and you have a real mess. There are many steps to
    “So, as with other practices of shamanism, in this day and age, the key is that
    we almost unlearn some of what we have learned and begin afresh,” I
    paraphrased. “Surviving in non-conventional circumstances will strengthen and
    purify us, and deepens our wisdom, generating energy for us and allowing us to
    function in life through a healthy alternative.”
    “Exactly,” the doña nodded, “but it’s not always necessary to throw the baby
    out with the bath water. Some people, like shamans and wise women, never
    really agree with the status quo. Perhaps because of it they would not even
    survive, if not for some unseen power. That makes them desirable in times of
    need. They never totally buy into the world order, hook, line and sinker. You are
    one of those people, Merlina, and that is why you have so much freed energy to
    work with. You are not entangled in believing in a system, nor are you locked
    into rebelling against one. You have tremendous energy, and fortunately for you
    it is not caught by things that do not work. This is an ideal situation. Such a
    position has much to offer female empowerment.”
    “Back to your practices,” I said thoughtfully, “How does a woman pull her
    sexual responses into higher energy centers, and what is the purpose, other than
    the circulation of the energy?” I asked.
    “Even if the purpose were only circulation, that would be enough,” doña
    Celestina answered. “As Chon has told you, circulating the energy is cleansing,
    healing, and restorative. It releases blocks, fills depletions, and balances the
    being. There is more to it, however. First of all, a woman not only circulates
    energy, she can actually generate energy with orgasm. Remember that this
    energy is not lost, being expelled from the body, as is the case for the male. A
    woman retains orgasmic energy within the body. She must pull the energy
    upwards so that all the energy centers, the entire energy body in fact, reap the
    benefits. Otherwise this energy is wasted in another way, through imbalance,
    which can cause problems. One center will overfill and the others will go
    wanting, doing the work but receiving no replenishment. That is how a woman
    can exhaust herself. So you see, she must shift her focus and address all her
    energy centers. That is why I shifted mine and brought you here into my garden.
    “This place has powerful sexual energy of a higher sort,” she continued. “It is
    silvery and placental in the moonlight. The earth is cool. The night flowers are
    open, fragrant and blooming. And the moths . . . just look at them, pulsating,
    buzzing with energy, so lush and sensual!”
    A very large Cecropia moth alighted near us.
    “Observe the body,” doña Celestina explained, pointing gently to the beautiful
    creature with a bent index finger.
    The moth was perched at the tip of a florifundio blossom. It spread its wings
    and appeared to be resting there.
    “Look at the wing span!” she whispered. “Her energy must fountain above the
    tips of her antennae and out to the sides, well beyond the breadth of her wings,
    and then return to her base to act as the generator for pumping those wings in
    flight. As a caterpillar she spun her cocoon from her lower sexual center,
    digesting leaves to feed it. Now she is purely highly sexual, the energy has been
    elevated. She eats less and the energy emerges from the higher centers rather
    than from the lower, to create her wings and flight!”
    Doña Celestina’s explanation of the life cycle of these moths was matchless. I
    was in awe observing them as they fluttered about in the light of the waning
    moon. “The woman’s internal energy column is like the silk cord of the moths,
    then?” I volunteered.
    “So it is!” she spoke emphatically. “They are speaking to you now. You have
    got a good dusting of their knowledge out here in these early hours. That same
    pulling and throbbing motion that a moth uses to emit her silken thread can also
    be used to pull the energy back in and up through the body, to come out of the
    head and fountain around our energetic wing span. Don Juan and Chon have
    already taught you the fire breath. For the orgasmic woman, the breath may be
    pulled up the central column rather than up the back. This is a difference present
    in the woman’s orgasmic breath. One powerful inward breath, combined with
    one abdominal contraction and an upward pull on all of the internal muscles
    originating in the inner thighs, through the vagina and upwards, will lift the
    energy generation one rung on the ladder.”
    “Wow!” I felt silly at my own lack of eloquence, but that sound just exploded
    from my lips.
    Doña Celestina controlled the desire to snicker at me. She demonstrated the
    breath and I followed her example, breathing energy up from the vaginal area
    with an inhale accompanied by an abdominal contraction, coupled with inner
    thigh, vaginal, and uterine contractions.
    “You may wonder how an old Indian woman comes across knowledge like
    this,” she smiled. “The fact is, as a young woman I first learned from a midwife.
    Many of the tools and magical implements that are on a witch’s altar can also be
    found among the midwife’s medicine bag, the knives, the water, the herbs, the
    knowledge of the time and place for various breaths, pushes, and muscle
    contractions . . . When I was a girl, Indian women in Mexico had to deliver
    without doctors. Most of the time they wouldn’t even allow us in the hospitals if
    we were dying. In those cases sometimes a doctor would come to us. Villages
    had to have curanderos [healers], shamans, midwives, witches and the like in
    order to survive the normal hazards of life. We really did learn things that people
    don’t seem to know today.
    “During a girl’s puberty initiation, for example, she would be taught not just
    about menstruation and reproduction but also about giving, receiving, and
    enhancing pleasure. She would then ingest either Datura or an alcohol extract of
    tobacco, and would sometimes also ingest a certain type of red ant that lives in
    these deserts. The initiate would experience visions and would have to bridge
    them, and if the women shamans present saw an omen about the girl, she would
    be taught female power and would apprentice with a healer, a midwife, or a
    witch. In my case I apprenticed at one time or another with all three. My special
    talent was, of course, for sorcery.”
    “Don Juan has told me about some of the male initiation sites in the area. Do
    the women still have sites as well, doña Celestina?” I asked with great curiosity.
    “Oh, yes. It is really too bad that you do not have this in your culture. Perhaps
    this is something the circle of women should begin. We do have sites,
    rattlesnake caves and pillar stones. I’ll even take you to one. There you’ll see the
    red handprints of many female initiates, red for the menstrual blood and power,
    and red rattlesnake motifs painted by young women such as myself, who
    succeeded in Seeing the rattlesnake spirit and received some of the power. Once
    we have finished your instruction, before we let you return to Yuma for a while,
    I’ll take you there myself. For now, though, we are going to saturate you with
    knowledge, while we have all three of your teachers in one place, staying here in
    my home. Do you have any questions about the women’s applications of fire
    “Can the woman’s breath be used at other times or only during sexual
    arousal?” I asked.
    “It is always used during arousal, but it’s important to know that arousal
    doesn’t necessarily mean human intercourse, or even some kind of consensual
    act between human partners. One may feel sexually aroused and potentiated by
    the forces of nature. Women, for example, can have intercourse with fire, or the
    steaming water of a cauldron, or with the wind. All that need be done is to
    breathe the energy in. Allow it to enter into the body. When sensations begin,
    when the serpent begins to awaken, fire up the energy with the breath and pull it
    upward, center by center. Women do not need men, or even acts of self
    excitation for their sexual satisfaction. The elements and forces will provide this
    if a woman is sensual enough. Also remember that sexual responses that are
    circulated through all the centers with the fire breath actually generate energy for
    the female. This is most important. She can increase and replenish her energy
    through her sexual response. That is the core of the message, but it must be
    accomplished properly and with the right intent. Simply engaging in wanton
    intercourse will not increase energy. It will only increase appetite.”
    I laughed.
    “The sun will be up soon,” doña Celestina said. “Perhaps you would like a
    steamy shower and a nice hot cup of ephedra before breakfast.”
    “Thank you for sharing your garden and your knowledge with me, doña,” I
    said, rising to go. “This is something I’ll never forget.”
    “I hope not,” she replied, “because Juan has some tall tales for you later today!
    If you practice the breath, Merlina, the energies will never forget you either.”
    I raised my eyebrows with interest, smiling at the thought, and pushed the
    wooden door open.**

    Dakle sada je i neosporno ono "odakle smo i kamo idemo" a samo je da još dokućimo "tko smo" ??

    Znači bi i trebali obaviti i mnogo bliskija istraživanja oliti dok nas drugi ne raščetvore po i "ge'nomenu" ???

    Kao što je rekao Freud:"Protiv pohvale smo bespomočni" & "glupani su bestidni";Aleksander i "kada je netko glup tada mu se to i ne može dokazati;a postoji i alternativa "protiv budale nema odbrane".....

  • 24.08.2024. 07:52h

    Član iridaMerlin42

    Emiliov prijedlog


Član bglavacMerlin23 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana bglavac dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
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