Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član bglavac








      Kako je lako riječima napadati situaciju u svijetu i žaliti se na nju, okrivljujući zbog toga svakog osim sebe. Lako je reći: "Zašto n e naprave nešto u vezi s tim"? A kako bi bilo da ti napraviš nešto u vezi s tim?.

Vodič za 15. travnja

      Kako je lako riječima napadati situaciju u svijetu i žaliti se na nju, okrivljujući zbog toga svakog osim sebe. Lako je reći: "Zašto n e naprave nešto u vezi s tim"? A kako bi bilo da ti napraviš nešto u vezi s tim?. Nikad ne budi u pozadini i ne osjećaj se bespomoćnim i ne misli da nikako ne možeš pomoći. Moraš pomoći i možeš početi pomagati, upravo sada. Za početak možeš pospremiti vlastitu kuću. Možeš izgladiti sva nerazumijevanja i pokušati ispraviti greške. Možeš proširiti svoju svijest tako da život sagledaš iz različitog i šireg kuta. Možeš naučiti biti tolerantniji, otvoreniji s više ljubavi i znati vidjeti obje strane medalje. Možeš odmah početi zaboravljati svu gorčinu, kritičke zamjerke i negativnosti u svom razmišljanju. Kad budeš obavio svoj dio, pomoći ćeš cjelini. Ako to ne možeš učiniti sam od sebe , učini to s Mojoj pomoći.




  • 15.04.2019. 10:21h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Mogao bih i bolje.......

    .....lagati ali nemam motivacije!?
    Bob Lazar:"Uvijek smo tražili odgovore s neba umijesto da ih potražimo u nama samima"

    *"I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conClusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives." --Leo Tolstoy*

    *Brige savremenog čoveka su iste kao i one koje brinu neku životinju: Iskorišćavanje, posedovanje, kontrola. Ali, ta životinja je pripitomljena i dirigovana da živi unutar materijalnog popisa. Dokle god svaku od tih stvari koristi kao kontinuirano nasleđe, savremeni čovek provodi svoj život izgubljen unutar svojih sopstvenih tvorevina.”

    “Nasuprot tome, ono čemu su težili drevni vidovnjaci je bio odnos između kosmosa i bića koje će umreti. Oni su bili sposobni da prevaziđu svoje sopstveno mišljenje. Oni se nisu zaustavili na usputnoj stanici i zaboravili da su putnici.” *

    *“Drevni su počeli sa shvatanjem da smo prolazni, ali su sebi dopustili da ih iskvare zavodljive ideje opstanka. Kao rezultat toga, ispunili su se samovažnošću i skrenuli u ekskluzivnost. Oni su bili poput piramida koje su gradili: Vidljivi i privlačni isto toliko koliko su bili tajanstveni i nepristupačni. Radije su se držali odvojeno od običnih ljudi koje su smatrali bezvrednim i neznalicama. Ali, u isto vreme, nisu mogli bez mase sledbenika. Ta kontradikcija je izazvala dugačke ratove za kontrolu nad podanicima i uništila je veliki deo istinskog znanja.”

    “Samovažnost i njeni neprijatni rođaci tajanstvenost i ekskluzivnost, hrane se fiksacijom skupne tačke. Zbog toga su drevni imali veliko interesovanje da stvaraju rigidne tradicije sa ciljem da postignu maksimalnu stabilnost u središtu svojih društava. U stvarnosti, njihove težnje ka duhu su bile veoma pomešane sa njihovim ambicijama za zemaljskom moći.”

    “Novi vidovnjaci su prekinuli sa tim dajući najveći prioritet fluidnosti skupne tačke. Oni su primetili da čim se ta tačka pokrene, ideja tajnosti se menja u idiotizam zato što u svetu energije ne postoje čvrste granice između svesnih bića. Posledica toga je bila da im je postalo najvažnije da se otarase svih nagađanja i naglase praktičnu stranu puta. “

    “Međutim, uskoro su se suočili sa gorkom stvarnošću da ih obični ljudi ne razumeju; nasuprot tome, bili su uplašeni i pokušavali su da ih unište kad god bi ih spazili. Tajanstvenost novih vidovnjaka nije bila motivisana osećanjem superiornosti koje je pokretalo njihove prethodnike, već je usvojena iz strateških razloga. Morali su da pretrpe ekstremno proganjanje i bili su prisiljeni da se zaštite.”

    “Ironija istorije je da je, uprkos opravdanosti njihovih motiva, strategija novih vidovnjaka vremenom dala iste efekte kao i arogancija onih starih. Nakon vekova tajnosti, sva njihova energija je otišla na skrivanje znanja i mnogi su završili zaboravljajući šta je ono što su skrivali.”

    “U sadašnjosti, običaji našeg vremena se brzo menjaju; posledica toga je da se još nešto što se činilo nepromenljivim, takođe menja: Način na koji se prenosi znanje. Danas su naguali prinuđeni da pronalaze nove kanale za energiju, čak i ako to znači iskorenjivanje većine ustaljenih običaja.”

    “Zašto se dešava ta promena?”

    “Zato što su se okolnosti pomerile izvan tradicije. Održati znanje skrivenim nije više životno pitanje. Postoje neki koji će te kritikovati zato što ga otkrivaš, ali niko te neće ubiti zbog toga. Zato je nastavljanje sa praksom skrivanja delova znanja postalo katastrofalno za totalni cilj čarobnjaštva, zato što ti delovi fermentiraju u nama i služe kao hrana duboko smeštenom osećanju važnosti.”

    “Moj prvi zadatak kao naguala je bio da okončam tajnost mojih prethodnika. Izbor savremenog ratnika je sloboda. Danas možemo da kažemo sve što poželimo, dajući našim slušaocima izbor da to prihvate ili ne prihvate*

    *Carlos maintained that a ferocious war over awareness was waged throughout the cosmos, in some ways comparable to the petty wars we in our world fought over food and material goods. He said that this tremendous battle to evolve and to prevail raged on all the levels of existence with equal savage intensity. We ourselves fought one another in that selfsame battle at that very moment. “Aware of the situation, the warrior plans the strategy of his life in the best possible way to avoid wear and tear. By staying alert, the warrior avoids falling victim to attacks, considerably enlarging his energy at the same time.” On that occasion I asked Carlos to explain to me in more detail the concept he called the sorcerers’ option. From his books I had understood that those who did not achieve total freedom were consumed by the Eagle when they died and that was the end of their story. He replied: “In fact, a large scale of possibilities exists for those who die, ranging from instant loss of awareness at the moment of transition to maintaining the memory of self for a certain period of time. Like life, death touches us all but it is not the same for all. Through their investigations, sorcerers discovered ways of extending the duration of individual awareness to its maximum.” “Does that mean that they became immortal?” “Not at all. What I’m saying is that sorcerers managed to find a way of suspending death, not of cancelling it. For them, to die does not have the same meaning it has for ordinary people. For them, the opposite of dying is not immortality, but continued existence. The trick lies in understanding that to be alive does not necessarily mean being an organism; rather, it means being aware. Seers throughout the ages have always been hugely interested in this topic because it has to do with the real purpose of our existence. The ancients used their seeing to investigate it and discovered that energy initially took physical form in order to evolve. Next, the sorcerers observed that, although biological life lasted a limited period of time after which it ceased to exist, the energy that animated matter was eternal. They saw that it was possible, by means of discipline and self-determination, to train that bundle of energy that forms us to become aware of itself. Joining their two discoveries together, those sorcerers-seers proposed to remain aware forever. That is what they referred to when they spoke of attaining freedom: what they were really trying to do was prolong the individuality of awareness as much as they could. Theirs is a phenomenal battle, with the flame of awareness bravely and unceasingly struggling to stay alight. Indeed it is as it has been said, the light of a candle against the glare of a billion stars.”*

    *The next time I had the opportunity to speak to Carlos, I said that, having considered what he had told me the last time, I had new questions. He looked at me inquisitively, and arched his eyebrows as if to say “let’s hear them”. My curiosity had to do with the way of life and the activities of those who had transformed themselves into inorganic entities. I asked Carlos how they had achieved the transformation. “That is a personal matter,” he replied. “Each lineage has its own goals and its own methods of achieving them. There are sorcerers who have transformed themselves into trees or have buried themselves alive to defy death; other groups believe that body is an obstacle, which is why they free themselves of their physical part at the moment of leaving. Don Juan and his party did not leave even their ashes behind; they left with everything and their sandals. In a most elegant way, they dissolved into thin air. Warriors of total freedom, on the other hand, merge with the emanations at large and disappear forever, consumed by fire from within. They are never heard of again; theirs is truly a journey of no return. Some of them believe that it is still possible to preserve the sense of individuality in that condition. Others think that, instead of being total freedom, merging with emanations at large means total death and nothing more. No one knows what really happens. There are few stories about warriors who opted for that final manoeuvre. The Nagual Julian Osorio was one of them. But the vast majority chooses other, less definitive options, like joining the world of the inorganic beings for example, while knowing full well that their choice implies serious disadvantages, since in that world, like in ours, the individual serves the collective and ends up exchanging the chance of remaining aware for slavery. Another option, of course, is what I‘ve already told you: to try and reach the Dome of the Naguals. Those who took that option are still alive, but the moment will come when they will have to relinquish awareness and return all the experience they’d acquired to its original owner. That is why they call the Dome the graveyard of the Naguals: because regardless of how long they manage to survive, one day they will have to die.”*

    *During one of our final meetings, Carlos confessed he was feeling a bit sick. Jokingly, he said he was still waiting for the potion I had gone to fetch him years ago. We both had a good laugh, especially when he told me that, at the time he’d phoned me to ask me to get it, he had not even been in Mexico. Taking advantage of the rare opportunity to talk to him privately, I asked him why he charged for his seminars, knowing full well that he had no need of money. I was aware that even though it was not always apparent, the Nagual had a purpose behind everything he did. He replied: "As you know, in the past, Naguals like me helped entire cities pass to the other side where they still exist today. I didn’t want to make an open commitment to the public, but our goal is to prepare as many warriors, in as short a period of time as possible, to make the crossing. You are the witness, Armando, that for many years I offered my knowledge freely, without charging a fee. However, the circumstances have now changed. The Nagual is a provider, and it is his duty to ensure that the members of his party do not lack anything. On the other hand, there is the decision we made, following omens, to teach don Juan’s legacy of freedom to everyone. That is why currently we charge for the seminars. When one learns to intend in dreaming, the possibilities are limitless. We wish to create a place in the other world, free of inorganic beings and unburdened by the old sorcerers’ tradition. We look forward to establishing a more democratic place, with fewer ritualistic procedures; a place where individual rights are respected, and most importantly, where no one is anyone’s slave. We believe it is possible to create a modern version of what the ancient sorcerers accomplished, but according to our own rules. Florinda and the other witches working together are capable of creating what we call the ‘cosmic vagina’, an opening in space-time. Our plan is to leave the world through that passageway. Many scholars laugh when I say this, just as, in his time, they laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said that the world was round and that unknown civilizations existed on the other side of the ocean. It is true that the price is high, both in energy and in dispensing with rationality. Yet it is not impossible to pay, so that sorcerers’ experience is placed within everyone’s reach. All that is required is unbending intent of what one seeks. I know it is supreme audacity on our part, trying to send thousands of warriors to the other world. What a stir that would cause today, with the modern means of communication! Can you imagine? Yes, my critics would believe me then! Don Juan taught, and I have personally been able to corroborate, that the universe is composed of many layers, or dimensions, if you prefer to call them that. Many possibilities exist. It is truly a shame to waste our entire lives on a single and exclusive world view. There are whole worlds waiting to be explored by the Columbuses of our time, and there are many that are infinite.”*

    *“Masovno praktikovanje je naš sigurnosni ventil. Možete prevariti ljudske umove, zato što na kraju krajeva njihovi umovi nisu u njihovoj vlasti. Ali ne možete zbuniti svetleću masu stotina hiljada namera kolektivno usmerenih na cilj slobode.” *

    *"There is nothing wrong with feeling,” don Berna went on. “On the contrary, you’d have to be dead not to feel anything. But when you use your memory to recall what you should feel, then you are not feeling at all. What you perceive in that case is a second-hand feeling that has been sullied by passing through the sieve of the mind. “But how can I control my emotions?” I asked, knowing we all suffered emotional assaults from time to time. He replied, "By being deliberate, and not giving in to your vices. It is also most important to have a definite purpose in everything you do. Only idiots go through life reacting to their environment without the slightest control over themselves. They are like marionettes that let themselves be manipulated by every ‘hook’ they encounter. I asked what he meant by hooks. "By hooks I mean the lures of modern life. In the consumer society in which we live, it is hard to go anywhere without someone trying to sell you something, or trying to take advantage of you, or grab something from you. In the city it is hard to look anywhere without seeing an advertisement. All this is designed to get people to react to the environment. That is the way the powers-that-be hold people by the balls. To achieve emotional freedom one must be crystal-clear. When you feel a rush of emotion overtaking you, you must pull at the reins of that wild horse. By doing so you can save huge amounts of energy." I understood don Berna’s lesson. He was right. Most of the time, when talking to myself, I would evoke the feelings that corresponded to the course of my thoughts. I realized that the amount of energy I spent in doing that was indeed exorbitant.*???

    *"What is the healers’ view on the matter of the three-pronged Nagual?" I asked Don Melchor replied: “Three-pronged Naguals are a necessary anomaly within the cycle of the Naguals of the Holy Cross. They appear only rarely, but when one does appear it is because the cycle his party belongs to is about to fulfil its destiny." “What do you mean?” "Well, according to the Rule, all parties have a riddle. Just as each warrior receives a task to fulfil as part of his individual path to freedom, each party and each lineage has its own riddle to solve. A warrior’s riddles must be solved in his lifetime or he’ll perish in the attempt. The same goes for a party of warriors. Their opportunity to solve the riddle of their existence lasts as long as their time on earth. A party of warriors makes it as a group only if each of its members has been able to solve his or her own riddles. And as for deciphering the riddle of a lineage, the lifespan of lineages is fifty-two generations of warrior’s parties. A lineage attains holiness, however, only if all the parties that
    constitute it achieve their objective; if not, the chain breaks and they are obliged to start all over again. So when a lineage is about to reach its peak, a three-pronged Nagual appears, not to continue the lineage as would normally be the case, but to dissolve it, closing a chapter before opening a new one. During that process, the teachings spread out. In the past, such dissemination was extremely dangerous because the Naguals and their parties were hunted down and killed. Now however, the circumstances are different. Through spreading of formerly secret knowledge, new lineages may arise, re-starting the process.*??

    *For that reason, they would have seen my task as something truly devastating because it had to do with giving sorcery to people, or rather bringing people to nagual, and not just in small groups, but in great masses. Of course, for modern seers, there’s nothing nefarious about my task. It is a natural occurrence in the flow of energy. They know that times of change need to be faced with renewed spirit.”*?

    ***Kad čovjek sjedi jedan sat s lijepom djevojkom, to vam se čini kao minuta. Ali neka sjedi jednu minutu na vrućoj peći – to je duže od jednog sata: To je relativnost.***!

    **Svijet neće upropastiti oni koji rade zlo, nego oni koji ga nastoje unaprijediti i oni koji ne rade ništa.**!!

    *Ne znam s kojim će se oružjem ratovati u trećem svjetskom ratu, ali u četvrtom svjetskom ratu ratovat će se grančicama i kamenjem.
    Albert Einstein
    Napredak tehnologije je poput sjekire u rukama pataloškog kriminalca.
    Albert Einstein
    Svijet je opasno mjesto. Ali ne zbog zlih i opasnih ljudi, već zbog ljudi koji po tom pitanju ne rade ništa.
    Albert Einstein
    Stavi ruku na površinu vrućeg štednjaka na minutu i činit će se kao da je tamo držiš sat vremena. Provedi sat vremena s lijepom djevojkom i činit će se kao minuta. To je relativnost.
    Albert Einstein
    Svijet je opasno mjesto za živjeti, ne zato što ima ljudi koji su zli, već zato što ima ljudi koji neće ništa učiniti u vezi s tim.
    Albert Einstein
    Ne činite nikada ništa što se protivi vašoj savjesti, čak ako to od vas i država traži.
    Albert Einstein
    Istinski znak inteligencije nije znanje nego mašta.
    Albert Einstein
    Ne nastojte ostvariti uspjeh, nego steći vrijednost.
    Albert Einstein
    Svijet neće biti uništen od strane zlih ljudi, već od strane onih koji ih gledaju i ništa ne poduzimaju.
    Albert Einstein
    Slabi ljudi uzvraćaju istom mjerom, jaki ljudi oproste. Inteligentni jednostavno ignoriraju.
    Albert Einstein
    Teže je razbiti predrasudu nego atom.
    Albert Einstein
    Život je kao vožnja bicikla. Da biste zadržali ravnotežu, morate se nastaviti kretati.
    Albert Einstein
    Nastoj postati ne uspješnim čovjekom, nego čovjekom koji vrijedi.
    Albert Einstein
    Sila je uvijek privlačila ljude niskog morala. Zbog toga vjerujem da, bez ikakvih izuzetaka, genijalne tirane nasljeđuju nitkovi.
    Albert Einstein
    Svijet koji smo stvorili dosadašnjim načinom razmišljanja sadrži probleme koji se ne mogu riješiti takvim razmišljanjem kakvim smo ih stvorili.
    Albert Einstein
    Jedini je smisao vremena u tome da se sve ne dogodi odjedanput.
    Albert Einstein
    Znanost je bez religije slaba i nemoćna; religija je bez znanosti slijepa.
    Albert Einstein
    Razlika između genija i budale je ta da genijalnost ima granica.
    Albert Einstein
    Neprijateljima treba neprekidno opraštati, jer je upravo to ono što ih najviše ljuti.
    Albert Einstein
    Sve bi trebalo napraviti što je moguće jednostavnije – no ne i jednostavnije od toga.
    Albert Einstein

    U neko doba života čitanje previše odvraća um od njegovih stvaralačkih mogućnosti. Svatko tko čita previše, a premalo koristi vlastiti mozak, u opasnosti je da se prepusti lijenoj navici razmišljanja.
    Albert Einstein
    Onaj koji nikad nije pogriješio nikada nije pokušao ništa novo.
    Albert Einstein
    Ja pričam sa svim ljudima na isti način, bili oni smetlari ili predsjednici sveučilišta.
    Albert Einstein
    Zagledaj se duboko, duboko u prirodu, i tada ćeš sve bolje razumjeti.
    Albert Einstein
    Najljepše što možete doživjeti je zagonetnost. Ona je izvor svake istine, umjetnosti i znanosti.
    Albert Einstein
    Da bi me kaznila zbog prijezira prema autoritetima, sudbina me i samog učinila autoritetom.
    Albert Einstein
    Svi mi koji želimo mir, trijumf razuma i pravdu moramo biti svjesni koliko mali utjecaj razum i poštenje imaju na političke događaje.
    Albert Einstein
    Onaj koji ne poznaje i koji više ne može osjećati čuđenje, jednak je mrtvom čovjeku ili ugašenoj svijeći.
    Albert Einstein
    Ja živim u obliku samoće koja je bolna u mladosti, ali ugodna u godinama zrelosti.
    Albert Einstein
    Mašta je važnija od znanja.
    Albert Einstein
    Bolje je vjerovati nego ne vjerovati, time sve činite mogućim.
    Albert Einstein
    Samo su dvije stvari beskonačne, svemir i ljudska glupost, a nisam siguran za ovo prvo.
    Albert Einstein
    Logika će vas odvesti od A do B. Mašta će vas odvesti gdje god to poželite.
    Albert Einstein
    Svaka inteligentna budala može napraviti stvari većima, kompleksnijima i nasilnijima, ali je potreban dodir genija i mnogo hrabrosti za pokrenuti stvari u suprotnom smjeru.
    Albert Einstein
    Kako se širi naše znanje, tako raste mračna periferija koja ga okružuje.
    Albert Einstein
    Mašta je najvažnija. Ona predstavlja uvid u buduće životne ljepote.*!!!

    & - Rat
    Rat se sastoji u tome da se ljudi, mada jedni druge ne poznaju, međusobno ubijaju na zapovijed ljudi koji se vrlo dobro poznaju, a uzajamno se ne ubijaju.
    ( https://www.antonija-horvatek.from.hr/duh-kut/izreke-autori/0-albert-einstein.htm )
    Znači i kada se Tv Kuce bore za svoju gledanost one se bore i za svoje gledatelje i to pomoču i lijepih Kućanica koje im plijene Pažnju i kradu dragocijeno vrijeme/energiju pa čak i navlače u ovisnosti i ropstvo?!
    A sve bi mogli ispraviti sa "ne čini drugome jer činiš i sebi" ili "ljubi drugoga kao svoje najmilije" ali bi mogli i staviti Isusa na "blesimetar" pa neka se usude otvoreno lagati/sapunjati.....+

    J.P:"»Otkud znaš da sam to shvatio?« upitao sam ga. »Jer si bio slobodan. Kad nestane strah, sve veze koje nas sputavaju nestaju«, rekao je."

    " »Ne mogu ti lagati jer laž ne postoji«, rekao je izaslanik, prodirući u moje misli. »Mogu ti govoriti samo o onome što postoji. U mojem svijetu postoji samo namjera; laž iza sebe nema nikakve namjere; stoga nema niti postojanja.« Htio sam prigovoriti da namjera postoji i u pozadini laži, ali i prije no što sam mogao izgovoriti svoj prosvjed, izaslanik je rekao da u pozadini laži postoji namjera, ali ta namjera nije namjerna" OR "“one must
    start with the principle that everything is energy, because otherwise we will always be stopped
    by the hardness of the physical world."

    "Odjednom me je preplavio strah. Upitao sam don Juana imaju li i drveća takve odraze. »Imaju«, odvratio je. »Njihovi su odrazi, međutim, čak i manje prijateljski naklonjeni negoli odrazi anorganskih bića. Sanjači nikada ne tragaju za njima izuzev ako nisu u stanju duboke naklonjenosti drveću, što je vrlo teško dostizivo stanje.
    Na ovoj zemlji nemamo prijatelja, znaš.« Nasmijao se i dodao, »Nije tajna zašto.« »Za tebe možda i nije tajna, don Juan, ali za mene svakako jest.« »Destruktivni smo. Izazvali smo neprijateljstvo svakog živog bića na ovoj zemlji. To je razlog zbog kojeg nemamo prijatelja.« Osjetio sam takvu mučninu da sam poželio sasvim prekinuti razgovor".........#

    A _ E = Sila je uvijek privlačila ljude niskog morala. Zbog toga vjerujem da, bez ikakvih izuzetaka, genijalne tirane nasljeđuju nitkovI'

    P.S:Ako "svijet je oblik & um je maya" onda i ne možemo učiniti ništa ni za svijet i ni za ljude ako bi njihova pozitivna očekivanja značila i uvečavanje njihove samorefleksije!?

    A ako delamo suprotno očekivanjima onda im i ne činimo nego zločinimo i opet za ličnu korist jer i šta je to bezob'ličnost?!

    Kada sve obilježimo i definišemo tojest polarizujemo do besvijesti tada nema da se šmugne iliti i "pukotine u egu" a pogotovo po onima koji sijede na vrhuncima i u dvorcima?

    Naravno da je baza piramide uvijek na zemlji ili u narodu koji se prepoznaje po izrodu s time da bi mogao biti i indoktriniran ili i unaprijed isprogramiran u svojim izborima!

    Tojest ako bi uzeli u obzir iliti ako nam skladište dozvoljava takve upadice:*»Mi naučimo o svemu da mislimo«,
    a onda izvežbamo oči
    tako da vide ono što gledaju
    onako kako mi mislimo
    o tome što gledamo.
    Gledamo sebe već uvereni
    da smo važni.
    I zato moramo i
    da se osećamo važnim!
    Ali kad čovjek nauči da vidi,
    uviđa da više ne može da misli
    o tome u šta gleda,i
    onda mu sve postaje nevažno.«*

    "!O'O!" - Da li predmeti iščezavaju.. Kako prelaze u ništavilo.. - "?o'o"?
                      »Ne iščezavaju. Ne gube se, ako si na to mislio;
                          prosto nisu više ništa, iako su i dalje tu.«

    Ali kkkako je to moguče i "tko sam ja"....... nakon svega -O'O-

    Čekaj brale dokle "s neba"..... misliš po Adamu pa u rebra ???

  • 15.04.2019. 21:09h

    Član bglavacMerlin23

    Prijedlog od Emillia!

  • 15.04.2019. 21:10h

    Član bglavacMerlin23

    Prijedlog od Emilia1 Lp


Član bglavacMerlin23 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana bglavac dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
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