Sai inspiriše – 15.09.2009. godine
Try as far as possible within your means, to satisfy the needs of the poor, who are really the Lord in the form of the poor. Share with them whatever food you have and make them happy at least at that moment. Do not allow anything that will destroy your eagerness and enthusiasm for God to come near you. Lack of eagerness will cause the decay of your strength. Do not get swelled up when people praise you. Do not feel dejected when people blame you.
- Sandeha Nivarini
Pokušajte što je više u vašoj mogućnosti da zadovoljite potrebe siromašnih, koji su zapravo Gospod u formi siromašnog. Dijelite sa njima kakvu god hranu da imate i usrećite ih barem na tren. Ne dozvolite da vam se približi bilo šta što će uništiti vašu žudnju i entuzijazam za Bogom. Nedostatak žudnje će izazvati opadanje vaše snage. Ne rastite kada vas ljudi hvale. Nemojte se osjećati obeshrabrenima kada vas ljudi prekorijevaju.
God alone can confer love and peace. Samo Bog može podariti ljubav i mir. - Baba