- Božanski govor, 29.03.1976 .
Trebate se uvijek truditi da pročistite um i razbistrite intelekt. Trebate se osloboditi svih predrasuda i nerazumijevanja. Trebate govoriti nježno i ljubazno i pružiti svakome iskreno poštovanje i dužnu pažnju. Poniznost i tolerancija moraju karakterizirati vaše ponašanje kao poklonika. Kada vjetar uzburka mirnu vodu jezera, valići plešu čitavom njegovom površinom a hiljade Sunaca svjetluca. Kada se spusti tišina i voda je mirna, sjenka Sunca u jezeru je jedna potpuna slika.
You must be ever engaged in the process of purifying the mind and clarifying the intellect. You have to free yourself from all prejudices and misunderstandings. You must speak softly and sweetly and give everyone the respect and attention due to them sincerely. Humility and tolerance must characterize your behaviour as a devotee. When the wind agitates the serene waters of a lake, wavelets dance all over its face and a thousand Suns sparkle. When calm descends and the waters are still, the shadow of the Sun within the lake is one full image.
The Unseen is the basis of all that is Seen. Practise to see the Hand of God, everyday.
Ono neviđeno je osnova svega viđenog. Vježbajte, svakodnevno, da vidite Ruku Božiju. - Baba