Sai Inspires - 10th July 2009
You must realize that the divine current that flows and functions in every living being is the One Universal Entity. When you desire to enter the Mansion of God, you are confronted by two closed doors: The desire to praise yourself and the desire to defame others. The doors are bolted by envy and there is also the huge lock of egoism preventing entry. So if you are earnest, you have to resort to the key of love and open the lock. Then remove the bolt and the doors are wide open. The education you receive must train you to be successful in this difficult operation.
- Božanski govor, 25.12.1976.
Trebate shvatiti da je božanska energija koja teče i djeluje u svakom živom biću Jedan Univerzalni Entitet. Kada poželite da uđete u Božiju Kuću, vi nailazite na dvoja zatvorena vrata: želju da hvalite sami sebe i želju da klevećete druge. Vrata su zatvorena rezom zavisti a takođe je tu i ogromna brava egoizma koja sprečava ulaz. Prema tome, ako ste ozbiljni, trebate iskoristiti ključ ljubavi i otključati bravu. Zatim uklonite rezu i vrata će se širom otvoriti. Obrazovanje koje primite treba vas obučiti da budete uspješni u ovoj složenoj operaciji.
Desire is an insubstantial shadow; turn desire inward towards
spiritual treasure and it will yield substantial results. Želja je neopipljiva sjenka; usmjerite želju unutra ka duhovnom blagu i ona će dati opipljive rezultate. - Baba