Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član mlabos







OD 14.01.2018.

I to je život

I to je život
Jennifer i fotograf Angelo Merendino sreli su se, zaljubili i oženili u New York’s Central Park-u, u društvu svojih voljenih. Pet mjeseci kasnije Jen su dijagnosticirali rak dojke. Angelo je snimao u nadi da će jednog dana zajedno gledati ove fotografije i sjećati se ove životne epizode sa sretnim krajem....

The first time photographer Angelo Merendino met Jennifer, he knew she was the one. They fell in love and got married in New York’s Central Park, surrounded by family, friends, and loved ones.

Five months later Jen was diagnosed with breast cancer. From Angelo’s blog: “I remember the exact moment…Jen’s voice and the numb feeling that enveloped me. That feeling has never left. I’ll also never forget how we looked into each other’s eyes and held each other’s hands. ‘We are together, we’ll be ok.’”

Throughout her battle, Angelo decided to photograph it. He wanted to humanize  the face of cancer on the face of his wife. The photos speak for themselves.

01 - 5dEsy7s
Angelo Merendino
02 - zC1A5tb
Angelo Merendino
03 - BiOWnec
Angelo Merendino
04 - V4LichX
Angelo Merendino
05 - EuzamVt
Angelo Merendino
06 - aXhNN2H
Angelo Merendino
07 - lQV4MQI
Angelo Merendino
08 - nhBJjeD
Angelo Merendino
09 - O5tz0Lf
Angelo Merendino
10 - wAzfI3m
Angelo Merendino
11 - T86Pc6I
Angelo Merendino
12 - 3XSuqdU
Angelo Merendino
13 - bZckHye
Angelo Merendino
14 - EbHFRR9
Angelo Merendino
15 - c8n2d9d
Angelo Merendino
16 - ogZ90NU
Angelo Merendino
17 - YOMt8nY
Angelo Merendino
18 - ovItc24
Angelo Merendino
19 - tY0APdP
Angelo Merendino
20 - I2tE1Tk
Angelo Merendino
21 - GlBEPRY
Angelo Merendino
22 - rZIpEuG
Angelo Merendino
23 - gbLNHAQ
Angelo Merendino
24 - wy084WW
Angelo Merendino
25 - yt1cOUa
Angelo Merendino
26 - LeUG3OV
Angelo Merendino
27 - lcQWvKE
Angelo Merendino
28 - wMLWKim
Angelo Merendino
29 - v3OmRO0
Angelo Merendino
30 - i7Xfj9f
Angelo Merendino
31 - ETZMZeD
Angelo Merendino

Angelo and Jennifer’s story is tragic, but it’s in the face of a tragedy such as this that we rise above. In Angelo’s case, he has started an organization to help women with their financial struggles during their trials with breast cancer.

Please share this story with everyone you know to help Angelo’s story get out, scroll back up to the top and click the share button. Thank you.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/guys-wife-cancer-unforgettable-3-photos-destroyed-me/#Q8gPPvQLQ0okxpdb.99

The first time photographer Angelo Merendino met Jennifer, he knew she was the one. They fell in love and got married in New York’s Central Park, surrounded by family, friends, and loved ones.

Five months later Jen was diagnosed with breast cancer. From Angelo’s blog: “I remember the exact moment…Jen’s voice and the numb feeling that enveloped me. That feeling has never left. I’ll also never forget how we looked into each other’s eyes and held each other’s hands. ‘We are together, we’ll be ok.’”

Throughout her battle, Angelo decided to photograph it. He wanted to humanize  the face of cancer on the face of his wife. The photos speak for themselves.

01 - 5dEsy7s
Angelo Merendino
02 - zC1A5tb
Angelo Merendino
03 - BiOWnec
Angelo Merendino
04 - V4LichX
Angelo Merendino
05 - EuzamVt
Angelo Merendino
06 - aXhNN2H
Angelo Merendino
07 - lQV4MQI
Angelo Merendino
08 - nhBJjeD
Angelo Merendino
09 - O5tz0Lf
Angelo Merendino
10 - wAzfI3m
Angelo Merendino
11 - T86Pc6I
Angelo Merendino
12 - 3XSuqdU
Angelo Merendino
13 - bZckHye
Angelo Merendino
14 - EbHFRR9
Angelo Merendino
15 - c8n2d9d
Angelo Merendino
16 - ogZ90NU
Angelo Merendino
17 - YOMt8nY
Angelo Merendino
18 - ovItc24
Angelo Merendino
19 - tY0APdP
Angelo Merendino
20 - I2tE1Tk
Angelo Merendino
21 - GlBEPRY
Angelo Merendino
22 - rZIpEuG
Angelo Merendino
23 - gbLNHAQ
Angelo Merendino
24 - wy084WW
Angelo Merendino
25 - yt1cOUa
Angelo Merendino
26 - LeUG3OV
Angelo Merendino
27 - lcQWvKE
Angelo Merendino
28 - wMLWKim
Angelo Merendino
29 - v3OmRO0
Angelo Merendino
30 - i7Xfj9f
Angelo Merendino
31 - ETZMZeD
Angelo Merendino

Angelo and Jennifer’s story is tragic, but it’s in the face of a tragedy such as this that we rise above. In Angelo’s case, he has started an organization to help women with their financial struggles during their trials with breast cancer.

Please share this story with everyone you know to help Angelo’s story get out, scroll back up to the top and click the share button. Thank you.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/guys-wife-cancer-unforgettable-3-photos-destroyed-me/#Q8gPPvQLQ0okxpdb.99

01 - 5dEsy7s

02 - zC1A5tb

03 - BiOWnec

04 - V4LichX

05 - EuzamVt

06 - aXhNN2H

07 - lQV4MQI

08 - nhBJjeD

09 - O5tz0Lf

10 - wAzfI3m

11 - T86Pc6I

12 - 3XSuqdU

13 - bZckHye

14 - EbHFRR9

15 - c8n2d9d

16 - ogZ90NU

17 - YOMt8nY

18 - ovItc24

19 - tY0APdP

20 - I2tE1Tk

21 - GlBEPRY

22 - rZIpEuG

23 - gbLNHAQ

24 - wy084WW

25 - yt1cOUa

26 - LeUG3OV

27 - lcQWvKE

28 - wMLWKim

29 - v3OmRO0

30 - i7Xfj9f

31 - ETZMZeD

Angelo Merendino



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i sretan vikend!

    08.02.2025. 08:04h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi! Ovu subotu bilo bi lijepo i dobro da provedemo u prirodi, a ne u šopingu. Lp

    25.01.2025. 06:30h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro magicusi, opet nam je malo došla zima, kod mene padaju krpe snijega...:-)

    10.01.2025. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
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