U Bosanski i Engleski (In Bosnian and English)
Evropa na mapi u Visokom
Najveća mapa Zemlje, kilometarskih razmjera, nalazi se u gradu Visokom u Bosni. Već sam objavio neke dijelove te mape, a u ovom članku je na red došla Evropa. Izgled Evrope, u ta davna vremena, kad je mapa oslikana na tlu Visokog, je vrlo sličan sa izgledom Evrope danas.
Dakle, na tlu Visokog oslikana je mapa Zemlje i to je najveća mapa na svijetu.
Neka slike pričaju.
Lokacija Evrope na mapi u Visokom:
Karta Evrope je oslikana u mjestu Taukčići u Visokom i jednim dijelom, u mjestu Kalotići (Visoko).
Na Mapi svijeta koju mi koristimo, Evropa izgleda ovako:
Idemo sad sa usporedbom:
Mapa Evrope u Visokom:
Standardna mapa Evrope:
Nevjerojatno je ...ali istinito. U Visokom se nalazi najveća mapa svijeta, na svijetu.
Mapa Zemlje u Visokom je oslikana vrlo davno, u vrijeme kad su pravljene i piramide u Visokom. Još je zanimljivo što mapa nije samo oslikana, ona je i trodimenzionalna. Piramide u visokom su dio mape svijeta. Sve je to fantastično i toliko zanimljivo da sam prvo mislio da napišem knjigu o tome. Međutim, takvo znanje ne može čekati, pa ga evo dijelim sa članovima Magicusa.
Molim one koji pročitaju ovaj članak, a imaju kontakt sa Semirom Osmanagićem (pronalazač piramida u Visokom), da ga obavijeste o ovom otkriću, i da ga upute na Magicus i ove članke o Visokom.
Volio bih sa Semirom popričati, jer imam još puno zanimljivih stvari koje sam otkrio.
Budite mi zdravi i veseli.
Pozdrav svim članovima Magicusa.
(Friends of English: Google Translator translates "Visoko" as "high" -- you should almost always read "high" as "Visoko) smile emotikon
The biggest map of the Earth, the kilometer scale, is located in Visoko in Bosnia. I have already published some parts of the map, and in this article came the Europe. Appearance of Europe, in the old days, when the map painted on the ground High, is very similar to the appearance of Europe today.
So, on the ground of the High-painted map of the Earth and it is the largest map of the world.
Let the pictures speak.
Location of Europe on the map in Visoko:
Map of Europe is painted in Taukčići in Visoko and in part, in Kalotici (high).
On the map of the world that we use, Europe looks like this:
Now let's go with a comparison:
Map of Europe in Visoko:
The standard map of Europe:
It's amazing ... but true. The High is the largest map of the world, in the world.
Map of Earth in Visoko was painted a long time ago, at the time of the taking of the pyramids in Visoko. More interesting is that the map is not just painted, it is three-dimensional. The pyramids on the ground are part of the world map. Everything was fantastic and so interesting that I first thought of writing a book about it. However, such knowledge can not wait, so here I share it with members magicus.
I beg those who read this article, and have contact with Semir Osmanagic (discoverer of the pyramids in Visoko), to inform him of the discovery, and that the instructions on Magicus and these articles on High.
I'd like to talk with Semir, because I have a lot of interesting things I discovered.
Be healthy and happy.
Hello all members magicus.
Evropa na mapi u Visokom - Magicus.info magazin
Evropa na mapi u Visokom.Magicus - Alternativa u najširem smislu riječi
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