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Član mlabos







OD 14.01.2018.

Dogodilo sena današnji dan...24. veljače 1304.

Dogodilo sena današnji dan...24. veljače 1304.
Ibn Battuta - istaknuti arapski (marokanski) brijač, putnik i istraživač

Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Al Lawati Al Tanji Ibn Battuta

(arapski: أبو عبد الله محمد بن بطوطة)


Ibn Battuta

(24. veljače 1304. do 1368. do 1377., godina smrti nepouzdana), istaknuti arapski (marokanski) brijač, putnik i istraživač

Muhammad Ibn Battut

Rodio se u berberskoj obitelji u Tangeru, Maroko 703. godine po islamskom kalendaru tijekom vladavine Merinidskog Sultanata.

Bio je sunitski učenjak i pravnik iz malikitskog medheba (škola Fiqha ili sunitskog zakona), te povremeno kadija ili sudac.

Najpoznatiji je ipak kao dalekosežan putnik i istraživač čiji iskaz dokumentira putovanja i sporedne izlete tijekom razdoblja od gotovo trideset godina koji pokrivaju oko 120,000 km.

Putovanja su pokrila gotovo čitav poznati islamski svijet, a proširivala su se i na današnju Indiju, Maldive, Šri Lanku, Jugoistočnu Aziju i Kinu, udaljenost kojom je lako nadmašio svoga prethodnika, bliskog suvremenika i putnika Marka Pola.

Njegovo se ime može pronaći i kao ibn Batuta, ibn Batuda ili ibn Battutah. Poznat je također po nazivu Shams ad-Din, tj. tituli ili riječi poštovanja koja se svojedobno davala imenima učenjaka posebice na islamskom Istoku, a značila je "Sunce religije".

Njegov je puni naslov i ime glasio Shams ad-Din Abu Abdulah Muhamed ibn Abdulah ibn Muhamed ibn Ibrahim Ibn Battuta al-Lawati al-Tanji.

Nekoliko godina nakon povratka Ibn Battuta je na nagovor sultana od Maroka, Abu Inana Farisa, izdiktirao iskaz svojih putovanja učenjaku Ibn Juzaiju, kojega je upoznao u Granadi.

Taj iskaz, kojega je zapisao Ibn Juzai i protkao vlastitim komentarima, primarni je izvor informacija Battutinih doživljaja.

Naslov tog prvotnog rukopisa može se prevesti kao Dar onima koji promišljaju o čudesima gradova i divotama putovanja, ali se često naziva Rihla ili "Putovanja". Bez obzira na očitu fikciju u mjestima, Rihla ipak pruža potpun iskaz postojanja nekih dijelova svijeta u 14. stoljeću.

Gotovo sve što se zna o Ibn Battutinu životu dolazi iz jednog izvora – Ibn Battute samog (preko Ibn Juzaija). Stvari u mjestima za koje tvrdi da ih je vidio ili učinio vjerojatno su fantastična, dok se u mnogim drugima ne može nikako saznati da li izvještava ili prepričava.

Nakon objavljivanja Rihle malo se zna o Ibn Battutinu životu. Moguće je da je bio imenovan kadijom u Maroku. Ibn Battuta je umro u Maroku između 1368. i 1377. godine.

Stoljećima je njegova knjiga bila skrivena od drugih, čak i unutar muslimanskog svijeta. Ta je nepravda ispravljena 1800-ih kada je nanovo otkrivena i prevedena na nekoliko europskih jezika. Od tada Ibn Battuti raste slava, pa je danas on dobro poznata ličnost na Srednjem istoku…

Ilustracije iz knjige Putovanja.

The Mongol sack of Baghdad lay almost seven decades in the past when Ibn Battuta first visited the city, and he noted that large sections of it were still “for the most part in ruins,” and most of its madrasas closed. In the city once famed for the globe-spanning inventory of the Bayt al-Hikma, or “House of Wisdom,” there were few libraries left for Ibn Battuta to visit. Yet he also recorded that “there still remain of [Baghdad] 13 quarters, each quarter like a city in itself, with two or three bath-houses, and in eight of them there are congregational mosques.”



Ibn Battuta described landing at Mogadishu, “a town of enormous size”: “When a vessel reaches the anchorage, the sambuqs, which are small boats, come out to it. In each sambuq there are a number of young men of the town, each one of whom brings a covered platter containing food, and presents it to one of the merchants on the ship saying, ‘This is my guest.’...The merchant, on disembarking, goes only to the house of his host.... The latter sells his goods for him and buys for him.... This practice is a profitable one for them.”


The seasonal winds of the northeast monsoon facilitated Muslim trade far down the East African coast, and the southernmost extent of Ibn Battuta’s sailing was Kilwa, now a small coastal city in southeastern Tanzania. In 1329, however, it had recently become a very prosperous city with a local monopoly of the gold trade, and its merchant clans, which included the ruling family, lived in substantial houses, wore silk and jewelry, and ate from Chinese porcelain. Ibn Battuta found the sultan, Abu al-Muzaffar Hasan, to be pious and generous, and “a man of great humility; he sits with poor brethren, and eats with them, and greatly respects men of religion and noble descent.”

Istočnoafrička obala


Recalling the court of Muhammad Özbeg Khan, one of the two Mongol sultans who, between them, controlled most of Central Asia, Ibn Battuta wrote: “His territories are vast.... He observes, in his [public] sittings, his journeys, and his affairs in general, a marvelous and magnificent ceremonial. It is his custom to sit every Friday, after prayers, in a pavilion, magnificently decorated, called the Gold Pavilion. It is constructed of wooden rods covered with plaques of gold, and in the center of it is a wooden couch covered with plaques of silver gilt.... The sultan sits on the throne...[and] afterward the great amirs come and their chairs are placed for them left and right.... Then the [rest of the] people are admitted to make their salute, in their degrees of precedence.” 

Dvor Muhammad Özbeg Khana - Mongolski sultan - Centralna Azija

“From [Kabul] we rode to Karmash, which is a fortress between two mountains, where the Afghans intercept travelers. During our passage of the defile we had an engagement with them.... We entered the great desert...[and] our company arrived safely (praise be to God Most High) at Banj Ab, which is the water of Sind [the Indus River].” Although Ibn Battuta’s descriptions of this leg of his journey are vivid, his geography is vague, and scholars still debate his route across the mountains to the Indus River Valley.

Karmash - Afganistan


Ibn Battuta arrived in Delhi the year of his 30th birthday, and, though he fully expected to be given some position at the court of Sultan Muhammad ibn Tughluq, he was nonetheless taken aback by the high level of his appointment: “The sultan said to me, ‘Do not think that the office of qadi of Delhi is one of the minor functions; it is the highest of functions in our estimation.’ I said to him ‘Oh Master, I belong to the Maliki school [of Islamic jurisprudence] and these people are Hanafis, and I do not know the language.’ He replied, ‘I have appointed [two men] to be your substitutes; they will be guided by your advice and you will be the one who signs all the documents, for you are in the place of a son to us.’ The salary Ibn Battuta received for his services was enormous, and soon after his appointment he married into the royal family.

Delhi - Indija


Ibn Battuta’s visit to a religious teacher who was later suspected of treasonous sentiments put him on the wrong side of the sultan, a ruler “most addicted to the making of gifts and the shedding of blood.” Imprisoned, Ibn Battuta “fasted five days on end, reciting the Qur’an cover to cover each day.” Though the sultan received him back and appointed him ambassador to China, the episode marked the end of the traveler’s hopes for a permanent sinecure in India, and the beginning of the most tumultuous years of his travels.

Sultan iz Kalkute


“Now it is usual for this sea to become stormy every day in the late afternoon.... We spent the Friday night on the seashore.... That night the sea struck the junk which carried the sultan’s present, and all on board died.... When those on the kakam saw what had happened to the junk they spread their sails and went off, with all my goods and slave-boys and slave-girls on board, leaving me alone on the beach with but one slave whom I had freed. When he saw what had befallen me he deserted me, and I had nothing left with me at all except the 10 dinars that the yogi had given me, and the carpet.”  

Luka Hanovar, Indija


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi sretno vam Valentinovo!

    14.02.2025. 06:57h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i sretan vikend!

    08.02.2025. 08:04h
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Dogodilo se na današnji dan...23. veljače 1883. Dogodilo se na današnji dan...25. veljače 1867.