Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član mlabos







OD 14.01.2018.

Dogodilo se na današnji dan...9. srpnja 1409.

Dogodilo se na današnji dan...9. srpnja 1409.



Nakon višemjesečnog cjenkanja sa Mlečanima oko prodaje Dalmacije, u kojoj je gubio utjecaj i vlast, Ladislav Napuljski je išao "spasiti što se spasiti dâ" i prodati zemlju, odnosno dignuti novce za posjed za kojeg je bilo izgledno da će ga izgubiti u ratovima.

Ladislav Napuljski

Poraz pristaša Ladislava Napuljskog u Bosni od strane Žigmunda Luksemburškog je snažno demoralizirao kralja Ladislava. Posljedica je bila da je isti koncem prosinca 1408., preko sudca Panella, ponudio Mlečanima svoj dijel Dalmacije za 300.000 dukata.

12. prosinca je Ladislav dobio mletački odgovor, kojim mu ovi izjavljuju da je rečeno ozemlje opustilo od rata, da dugo neće davati prihoda, a radi njega će morati u skupo ratovanje, pa iskazuju spremnost ponuditi samo 100.000 dukata, u četiri obroka, od kojih prvi bi dospio na naplatu odmah, a ostali kroz tri godine.

30. siječnja 1409. je započelo sramno cjenkanje: Ladislav je tada zatražio 200.000 dukata od Mlečana.

4. veljače je kralj Ladislav spustio cijenu, ponudivši Dalmaciju za 150.000 dukata.

Mlečani su tada spustili cijenu na 60.000, možebitno 70.000 dukata, i to u tri obroka. Pretpostavka je da je to bilo zbog imenovanja za bana Karla Kurjakovića, što je povećalo nesigurnost posjeda Dalmacije (danas bi se to reklo da domaće stanovništvo širi duh nesigurnosti među stranim investitorima koji će ulagati u turizam i da bježi od integracija sa zapadom, op.a.).

Ladislav Napuljski je bio također toga svjestan, pa je preselio tijekom travnja 1409. svoju plovu u sigurniji dio Dalmacije, odnosno u onaj dio koji je bio još pod njegovom vlašću, za ga braniti.


Konačno, 9. srpnja, u Mletcima, u crkvi sv. Silvestra se sklopilo ugovor. Dužd Mihovil Steno i Mletci su za 100.000 dukata od ugarskoga kralja Ladislava kupili sav njegov posjed kojeg je imao u Dalmaciji, točnije grad Zadar s tvrđavom i kotarom, Novigrad, Vranu i otok Pag, sa svim pravima ne samo ovo područje, nego i na čitavu Dalmaciju.


Porta nelle Mura Veneziane di Zara


Već 29. srpnja na zadarskom gradskom zidu je zavihoren mletački barjak. Ironija je u tome što je prije šest godina, u istom gradu, na ustrajanje hrvatske strane, baš u Zadru okrunjen Ladislav Napuljski za hrvatskog kralja, a pritom je još i dao riječ da će "braniti cjelokupnost Dalmacije, Hrvatske i Slavonije".




  • 09.07.2015. 01:42h

    Član emilioMerlin2

    A neki su se rodili i pod Mlečanima....

    Recimo da su se neki tamo naši preci Rodili u Spili i Umrli u Spilji?

    Pa su se neki rodili u Kuči i umrli u kuči?

    Pa su onda neki rođeni u Neboderu i umrli u Neboderu?

    Neki se rode na Brodu i umru na Brodu?

    Ima i marinaca koji se rode na Nosaču aviona i umiru za Nosač aviona?

    A biti če i onih koji če se roditi na Svemirskom brodu i umrijeti u Svemirskom brodu??


    Ono što se može zapaziti nije da "stvari s vremenom postaju mnje a otvori veči" nego da su nam s vremenom Brodovi veči a Kabine manje?

    Kao imamo utisak/dojam ili privid da napredujemo a zapravo stagniramo,stojimo u mjestu.... pa čak i nazadujemo?

    Mijenja se Ambijenti i Stanari ali ne i "Muzika"!?


    To je upravo ono što kaže Osho:Um zgrabi i oboji Budine riječi......... pa onda i nakon stotina godina i miliona budista nigdje živog Bude??


    A u 3000 godina 5000 ratova je Fi=1,6?

    Ili ako je trebalo 100 godina da se Zemlja zaorbitira oko Sunca a prosječna starosna dob je 60 godina onda je prodefilirala 1,6 generacija?

    Puž ide puževim korakom a kučica po 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55...

    Bilo je i na milione neznanih ljudskih sudbina,konja,pasa,mačaka,ovaca............... i sve je to samo prohujalo u vremenu baš kao što i mi sada samo prolazimo?

    Iako imamo umišljaj vječnosti!?

    A mogli smo se ukrcati u tu "kočiju" da nas Povijest nije poučavala.... Životu.

    1:42 9 predkolovoza 20015-e

  • 09.07.2016. 07:08h

    Član emilioMerlin2

    exactly as we see cattle

    But watch out! Because the energy can also be spent until nothing remains.” Carlos explained that energy can be exhausted unconsciously, as it generally happens to people in the pitiless hands of the ego, who spend all their time firing off their emotions in interactions they maintain. “Instead of spending their life dissipating their personal power in sterile relationships, sorcerers have discovered that it is possible to gather personal power through acts of sobriety and impeccability. They use the art of stalking to stalk themselves, not to deceive others.” He said that with a touch of sarcasm, aware of my own feeble attempts in that direction. He went on: “For seers, awareness has the appearance of a very bright, sticky, transparent elastic shell forming a cloak around the luminous egg. It is like an enveloping brilliance. Even though it should be abundant, that luminescence is almost absent in our species. That is so because awareness generated by the experience of being alive gets constantly obliterated by the quotidian, by our routines. That is the price the predatory Universe charges for giving us life." As I gazed at him, hungry for more, Carlos continued: “The Universe charges us tax through flyers, the predatory aspect of cosmic energy. We are like chickens for them; they see us exactly as we see cattle: as a source of food. Just like we take advantage of other species, we are milked and eaten without compassion by the flyers. Do you ever wonder why people have emotional ups and downs, or difficulty remembering their dreams and sometimes even the details of the previous day’s events? That is the work of the predator who extracts our very best from us.” I asked him how much energy a person had left after being thus “milked.” He replied: “What we have seen is that the level of awareness in people generally doesn't grow above the height of the big toe. We can measure the energy level of a person by the amount of time they can keep their attention fixed. You can verify this yourself. Observe those around you and you will see that hardly anybody manages to concentrate for any length of time. That’s how fucked we are as a species! Even if someone does try to be more attentive, he can only manage to do so with difficulty, because the awareness accumulated by the process of being alive is constantly cut back by the flyers; consequently, the sheen of awareness never gets to develop, because the flyers do not let it. Our mind is actually the flyer advising us minute-by-minute to behave as imbeciles. That's why we spend our life wasting our energy on self-indulgence and useless outbursts of ego. Why do you think almost nobody manages to stop the internal dialogue? This shouldn’t be so difficult for an aware species like ours; however, the predator that consumes us leaves us only just enough awareness to keep us alive.” “And how do they consume us?” I asked with a lump in my throat. Imitating the constrained tone of my voice, he replied jokingly: “They eat us with a knife and fork.” He laughed heartily, and then added in a more serious tone: “They consume our energy whenever it is dissipated in the form of feelings and emotions.” “Any type of emotion?” I asked. “Sure. Emotions act as ejectors of energy and there is always a flyer around, ready to
    take advantage. This goes for any type of emotion we generate. Be it love, hate, repulsion or tenderness, the intensity of the energy is frontally ejected out of the fibres of the luminous egg in the form of waves. The expelled energy is what the flyers consume. Using our ego as front in our interactions with the world forces us to carry on exhausting our energy. Whenever someone throws a tantrum, you can be sure that there is a flyer around to take advantage of such a waste. The same happens when strong emotions arise during sports competitions, or when we go to the movies or the theatre where the feelings of fear, anxiety, love, tenderness, and so on arise within us. Those emotions, too, attract the eaters. That's why sorcerers recommend investment instead of entertainment. We are really under cross-fire. The society and the way we live are designed so that we can be constantly “milked”. Reacting to the world, we drain our luminous mass, our precious energy of self-awareness. Generally speaking, what is left barely suffices us to maintain our day-to-day life. That is why people live as they do. They are like automatons: they get up and go to work in order to sell the best time of their life to the highest bidder in exchange for the means to go on living with the sole goal of being able to carry on working to produce more energy for the benefit of the third party. It really is a terrible vicious circle, very hard to break.” In answer to my question whether it was possible for an ordinary person to realise the truth about their situation, Carlos confirmed that it was theoretically possible to reach the condition of emotional indifference towards oneself through reasoning and coming to conclusions regarding our energy priorities. In practice, however, there is no way a person embroiled within the context of luminosity deterioration can react in time. “One would never find sufficient energy. One would always be a step behind the necessary action,” he pointed out. “What can we do, then?” I mumbled. “Since we are left to our own resources, we have only one option: to preserve the energy we were born with. Impeccable warriors don’t need anyone to guide them, as saving energy becomes self-explanatory to those who are attempting to be more aware.” “Then the flyers do consume our basic energy?” I enquired. I wanted to know if the flyers’ predation irretrievably harmed our energy, or if we could reverse the process. He explained: “In normal circumstances, the process of energy predation can definitively be reversed so that we can recover our full luminosity. That is possible because what the flyers consume is not the basic energy as such, but the energy processed and transformed into feelings and emotions. That is what gets ejected out of our energy mass when we fire our emotions off. The basic energy remains within us like the root of the tree of life. As I have already said, that energy is sealed.” We remained silent for a few moments. My head was spinning; the implications of what Carlos was saying were astronomical. Anticipating my thoughts, he continued: “Energy is there to be used. It is like a fire whose flame, once ignited, can only be used or wasted. Impeccability means using the energy to generate more awareness. In that process, the warrior always chooses the path every step of which he enjoys, living intensely through every minute because he knows that the flame of life is not eternal. We are truly immersed in a world of mysteries, and the greatest of all pleasures is to unveil those mysteries one by one, like when one is a child and everything is new and vibrant. That is how saved energy enables us to make increasingly longer jumps each time, until we end up taking off and flying. The possibilities for those that manage to save energy are truly extraordinary, as they
    can get to the point where their awareness increases to levels inconceivable to the average man. It is in fact possible to reach total awareness this way.”



    Naravno da i ljubav prema hrani može biti i ljubav prema životu i ako to opet govori lovac a ne lovina!?

    Naravno da bi bilo i začuđujuče živjeti u sadašnjem trenutku a ne a nam se povijest ponavlja kao učiteljica života??

    Naravno da veliki put nije težak onima koji nemaju predubjeđenja i nikad nisu razočarani jer nemaju očekivanja??

    Naravno da dok smo dijeca život izgleda obečavajuče a onda postane naporan i završimo u dosadi??

    Naravno da sada možemo sagledati od čega je sve bila sazdana jugoslavija pa če se tako i ovo sada jednom razjasniti u nekom novom mulju??

    Naravno da su prijašnji direktori poduzeča postali privatni poduzetnici i vlasnici firmi??

    Naravno da kada se želimo dočepati tanjeg kraja batine mi to ne činimo zato da bismo poslije sebe debljim krajem tukli po glavi??

    Naravno da kada govorimo o mlečanima mi imamo samo predstavu o njima baš kao što su i kaubojci snimali filmove o indijancima!?

    Naravno da nam nije jasni ni zašto grci propadoše ako su imali Delfe i "primus maximus":SPOZNAJ SEBE!



Član mlabosMerlin14 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana mlabos dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
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