Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

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Član gemini1







OD 14.01.2018.

I feel Thunder in my Heart - poetry

Standing here alone with you
Wondiring what it is that Im supposed to do
And there you are with the love light in your eye
The bridges are burnt down
Your arms are open wide
Am I in too deep or should I swim to the shore
Is this the real thing?
I dont know but Ive never been here before

And I feel a thunder in my heart that I cant control
I feel a thunder in my heart
Should I walk away or follow my soul?
I feel a thunder in my heart
Where it comes from I just dont know
Oh no, oh no

Theres a storm ragin deep in my soul
Theres a howlin wind that I just cant control
Theresa fire inside me I cant explain
Every time you touch me my love falls like rain
Ive only known you for an hour or more
The time is standin still
Your love has opened up the door

I feel a thunder in my heart
It takes my breath away
I feel a thunder in my heart
Will I ever be the same?
I feel a thunder in my heart
Its telling me youre here to stay
Oh no, oh no

Theres a thunder in my heart
Theres a thunder in my heart
Theres a thunder in my heart
Theres a thunder in my heart

Take me baby Im all yours
Do just what you wanna do with my love
Lets not let the night overtake us
cos whats happening right now may make or break us
Do you feel the way I do?
Open up your heart now baby
Im comin through

I feel a thunder in my heart
Takin my breath away
I feel a thunder in my heart
Since I met you Ill never be the same
I feel a thunder in my heart
I know youre here to stay

/Leo Sayer / Tom Snow/

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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i sretan vikend!

    08.02.2025. 08:04h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi! Ovu subotu bilo bi lijepo i dobro da provedemo u prirodi, a ne u šopingu. Lp

    25.01.2025. 06:30h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro magicusi, opet nam je malo došla zima, kod mene padaju krpe snijega...:-)

    10.01.2025. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
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