Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član gemini







OD 14.01.2018.

Crying at the discoteque - Poetry

Ljetni hit proteklih godina (povećeno najboljoj zabavi moje mladosti, discu). Tko god može, neka ide plesati. (I danas me zovu u Best - petkom je noć 80-ih)

Downtown's been caught by the hysteria
People scream and shout
A generation's on the move
When disco spreads like a bacteria
These lonely days are right
Welcome the passion of the groove
The golden years
The silver tears
You wore a tie like Richard Gere
I wanna get down
You spin me around
I stand on the borderline
Crying at the discoteque
Crying at the discoteque
I saw you crying
I saw you crying at the discoteque
I saw you crying
I saw you crying at the discoteque
Tonight's the night at the danceteria
The joining of the tribe
The speakers blasting clear and loud
The way you dance is our criteria
The DJ takes you high
Let tears of joy baptize the crowd
The golden years
The silver tears
You wore a tie like Richard Gere
I wanna get down
You spin me around
I stand on the borderline
Crying at the discoteque
Crying at the discoteque
I saw you crying
I saw you crying at the discoteque
I saw you crying
I saw you crying at the discoteque
The passion of the groove
Generation on the move
Joining of the disco tribe
Let the music take you high
The golden years
The silver tears
You wore a tie like Richard Gere
I wanna get down
You spin me around
I stand on the borderline
Crying at the discoteque
Crying at the discoteque
I saw you crying
I saw you crying at the discoteque


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro magicusi, opet nam je malo došla zima, kod mene padaju krpe snijega...:-)

    10.01.2025. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    dragi moji, nadam se da vam je ova godina dobro krenula, ja imam prvi smrtni slučaj u široj obitelji ove godine...

    08.01.2025. 13:41h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
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