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Član edin.kecanovic







Testirati se ili ne?

Testirati se ili ne?
U toku je "pandemija" Korone. Tako kažu neki "stručnjaci". Riječi koje se danas najviše koriste su i "testiranje na Koronu" i "vakcine". A šta kažu nezavisni ljekari?




  • 27.08.2020. 21:51h

    Član iridaMerlin42

    Pa ja stalno pitam: "Da li ih testiraju ili ih inficiraju"?

  • 28.08.2020. 06:20h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Svatko može biti i potpuno/vrhunski školovan i totalno glup u isto vijeme ?

    Nitko ne može biti i svijestan i nesvijestan istovremeno ?

    Promijena mora doči iznutra pa čak i kad nam spasitelj dolazi spolja jer i ne mijenjam te ja nego Tvoja vjera u Mene ?

    Ego-samosvijest je ono što nam preostane nakon što nam spoljašnji tupoglavci utuve svoju pamet i monopolizuju našu energiju ?

    Grijeh strukture ili kada se neopazivi krije u strukturi tada je struktura ustvari ogledalo (kokoš) u kojemu se reflektira naša jezgra (jaje) i na to je Martinus mislia rekavši da na vrhu je odraz dna (naše zvijezde kao tamničarke) ?

    Bilo koja ovca koja postane svijesna da je ovca više nije ovca i zato ovce i ne žele znati da su ovce a pogotovo one sa pedigreom ?

    Bogataši su oni koji su dobili na vremenu tojest su i puni samopouzdanja ali ne mogu bez tuđih vlakana iliti i žele da ih obožavamo ali nas i preziru (kao kada i mi sa nostalgijom gledamo na prošlost ali je se i stidimo) ?

    Kako stvari stoje i ako želimo ozdraviti Corona če nas morati suočiti i sa najosnovnijim pitanjem "prije svega tko sam Ja" ?

    Ako crkva po propist treba biti odvojena od države onda bi država predstavljala kraljevstvo od ovoga svijeta ?

    Kako je moguče da u zdravom tijelu je i zdrav duh a mi smo i dalje "objekti među obijektima" a ne "energetske sonde" odnosno jesmo li mi onda zdravo-bolesni ?

    Šta kada ti jedan uskračuje respiratora a drugi te ostavlja bez daha a u najboljoj namijeri -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p32SX9Dg3fQ  ?

    Kada nam i ide ali i nikuda ne idemo tada stojimo u mijestu a vijeme če nas pregaziti ?

    Biti svijestan = "Nagual svakoga od nas nije ništa drugo nego odraz te neopisive praznine u kojoj je sve sadržano (kao lice samorefleksije u ogledalu bekraja i ovce koje pasu na toj pustoj visoravni) !?

    Dakle je pitanje i što Kostović misli o Tesli ako je Tesla mislio na "seciranje mozga" rekavši:Nije mi krivo da su mi ukrali moga nego mi je žao da nisu imali svoga !

    U praksi je to uvijek na dijelu i veoma je prosto ili kao da neprimjetno bacimo bombu a onda i transparento prvi dođemo na uviđaj....... i jer "to je neuhvatljivi život jer svijest koja traga za njime jeste on" ??

    I' sad zaustavljanje unutrašnjeg dijaloga jedini je način da ga-se riješimo odašiljanja i privlačenja...... ali opasnosti su opasne jer radi se i o zaustavljanju svijeta ???

  • 28.08.2020. 06:31h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Jebote ili ne.......

    *Koga god da sretnete, govorite s njim/a kao da je to poslednji put da imate tu priliku. To će transformisati vaš život. #sadhguru #citat*

    .......pa ovo je identično sa:* Suština smrti je zaprepašćujuća, ona obnavlja istinske vrednosti života.” *  "!O'O!"


  • 28.08.2020. 06:42h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0


    Dakle mi stalno padamo na testu/ispitu jer i nismo u stanju prihvatiti stvari kakve jesu i svemir nam ne dopušta da nastavimo........

    *“The Universe charges us tax through flyers, the predatory aspect of cosmic energy. We are like chickens for them; they see us exactly as we see cattle: as a source of food. Just like we take advantage of other species, we are milked and eaten without compassion by the flyers. Do you ever wonder why people have emotional ups and downs, or difficulty remembering their dreams and sometimes even the details of the previous day’s events? That is the work of the predator who extracts our very best from us.”*

    .......to ti je kad na vrijeme poludiš pa ti život u veselju prodje ?!

    Or:"Hvali svakoga a ako nekoga ne možeš hvaliti onda ga/nju pusti iz svoga života"

    A kada kritikujemo ili one spolja pa mi i sebi škodimo iznutra .

    *Ljutiti se na ljude znači pridavati važnost njihovim djelima.Veoma je važno da se sa takvim osječanjima prekine.Ljudska djela ne mogu da budu dovoljno važna da nadjačaju našu jedinu zdravu alternativu:naše stalno suočavanje sa vječnošču.

    `Njegova odluka da ostane na tom putu ili da ga napusti mora biti oslobođena straha i ambicije.

    Dali ovaj put ima srce?

    Svi putevi su isti:ne vode nikud.Ipak put bez srca nikada nije prijatan.S druge strane put sa srcem je lak- ne tjera nas da ga volimo;predstavlja veselo putovanje...* "Toćakkkkh"

  • 28.08.2020. 07:51h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Jer kada kažem "jebo - te" tada i ne mislim "mehanički" nego "pro'kreativno" ???

    *one must start with the principle that everything is energy, because otherwise we will always be stopped by the hardness of the physical world*

    Znači na nama je samo da razlikujemo onu koja nas zarobljava od one koja nas čini slobodnima ??

  • 28.08.2020. 08:10h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Si vidija koliki su moji postoli........

    *»Ali po čemu se viđenje razlikuje od toga?«
    »Kad jednom progledaš i vidiš, onda ti više ništa
    na svetu nije poznato. Sve je novo. Sve što se dešava,
    nije se desilo nikada ranije. Svet je neverovatan!«
    »Zašto kažeš da je neverovatan, don Huane? Po
    čemu je neverovatan?«
    »Ništa više ne poznaješ. Sve u što gledaš rastače
    se u ništavilo.
    »Da li predmeti iščezavaju? Kako prelaze u ništavilo?
    »Ne iščezavaju. Ne gube se, ako si na to mislio;
    prosto nisu više ništa, iako su i dalje tu.«


    »Veruješ to zato što misliš. Razmišljaš o životu«,
    reče don Huan, a oči mu blesnuše. »Ti ne vidiš.«
    »Da li bih drukčije mislio kad bih video?« upitah.
    »Kad čovek jednom nauči da vidi, ostaje na svetu
    potpuno sam, bez ičega osim ludosti«, reče don Huan
    Ućuta časak pa me pogleda kao da ga zanima kako
    su njegove reči delovale na mene.
    »Tvoji postupci, kao i postupci drugih ljudi uop-
    šte, tebi se čine važni zato što si naučio da misliš kako
    su važni.«
    Izgovorio je reč »naučio« naglasivši je toliko da
    sam morao da ga pitam šta hoće tim da kaže.
    On ostavi one trave pa pogleda u mene.
    »Mi naučimo o svemu da mislimo«, reče, »a onda
    izvežbamo oči tako da vide ono što gledaju onako kako
    mi mislimo o tome što gledamo. Gledamo sebe već
    uvereni da smo važni. I zato moramo i da se osećamo
    važnim! Ali kad čovek nauči da vidi, uviđa da više ne
    može da misli o stvarima koje gleda, a kad ne može
    da misli o tome u šta gleda, onda mu sve postaje nevažno.«


    . Da bi
    se uvježbala obuzdana ludost — jer nije riječ o
    izrugivanju ili kažnjavanju ljudi, niti dominaciji
    nad njima — čovjek mora biti kadar nasmijati
    se samome sebi. Jedan od rezultata detaljne
    rekapitulacije, rekla je Florinda, jest neobuzdani
    smijeh prilikom suočavanja s dosadnim
    ponavljanjem svog samopoštovanja, koji je u
    srži svih ljudskih dodira.


    "I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conClusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives."

    --Leo Tolstoy*

    **Reći ću ti sad možda najveću mudrost koju je iko ikad mogao izreći«, reče on. »Hajde da vidim šta možeš da učiniš s njom.»Da li znaš da si baš ovog časa okružen večnošću?I znaš li da tu večnost možeš da iskoristiš ako to želiš?«
    , ja rekoh da ne razumem o čemu govori.»Tamo! Večnost je tamo!« reče on pokazujući ka horizontu.Onda je pokazao ka zenitu. »Ili tamo, ili možda možemo reći da je večnost poput njih.« Raširio je ruke da označi istok i zapad..Nisam znao šta da kažem.»Znaš li da se možeš zauvek rasprostreti u bilo kom od pravaca koje sam ti pokazao?« nastavi on. »Znaš li da i jedan tren može biti večnost? To nije zagonetka; to je činjenica, ali samo onda ako se vineš do tog trenutka i iskoristiš ga da zauvek ponese tvoju sveukupnost u bilo kom pravcu.«Gledao me je netremice.»To ranije nisi znao«, reče smešeći se. »Sad znaš.Otkrio sam ti to, što tebi ama baš ništa ne znači, jer nemaš dovoljno lične snage da korisno upotrebiš moje otkriće. Ali, kad bi je imao, same moje reči bi ti poslužile kao sredstvo da prikupiš svoju sveukupnost i njen presudan deo izneseš van granica u kojima je ona sadržana.«

    Željeni je rezultat ono što su stari vračevi nazivali zaustavljanjem svijeta,trenutak kada sve oko nas prestaje biti ono što je oduvijek bilo.«
    »Taj je trenutak za vrača povratak istinskoj prirodi čovjeka«, nastavi don Juan. »Stari su vračevi to također nazivali potpunom slobodom.
    To je trenutak kada čovjek rob postaje čovjek slobodno biće,sposobno za pothvate opažanja koji nadilaze našu linearnu maštu.« to je trenutak u kojemu spoznaja prestaje biti sila koja, uobičajenom primjenom i ponavljanjem, određuje prirodu svijeta.

    Udubio sam se u proučavanje knjiga o mitovima i legendama.Čitajući te knjige, otkrio sam nešto što nikad prije nisam primijetio: Ono što je bilo zajedničko svim tim piscima nije toliko bila ista tema, koliko potreba da je iskoriste za sebe. Nikad to prije nisam primijetio.**

    ***Warriors of total freedom, on the other hand, merge with the emanations at large and disappear forever, consumed by fire from within. They are never heard of again; theirs is truly a journey of no return. Some of them believe that it is still possible to preserve the sense of individuality in that condition. Others think that, instead of being total freedom, merging with emanations at large means total death and nothing more. No one knows what really happens. There are few stories about warriors who opted for that final manoeuvre. The Nagual Julian Osorio was one of them. But the vast majority chooses other, less definitive options, like joining the world of the inorganic beings for example, while knowing full well that their choice implies serious disadvantages, since in that world, like in ours, the individual serves the collective and ends up exchanging the chance of remaining aware for slavery. Another option, of course, is what I‘ve already told you: to try and reach the Dome of the Naguals. Those who took that option are still alive, but the moment will come when they will have to relinquish awareness and return all the experience they’d acquired to its original owner. That is why they call the Dome the graveyard of the Naguals: because regardless of how long they manage to survive, one day they will have to die.”

    Acupuncture is certainly one of the most valuable resources healers use to help patients. The strange thing is that modern medicine does recognize acupuncture as a bona fide practice, not because it wants to but because its results cannot be denied. Modern medicine cannot explain how acupuncture works because it refuses to recognise the human being as conglomerate of energy channels invisible and undetectable to its instruments. Glorious will be the day when medical science puts aside their prejudices and benefits from the knowledge of the healers! But that will only be possible through a cultural revolution which alone can make ‘doctorates in energy studies’ acceptable to our universities. Unfortunately, as long as huge economic interests are involved, that revolution will not happen. Large pharmaceutical laboratories that commercialise medicines are the real villains. It is they who sponsor doctors, they who toy with the public health. Not only do they make medicines, they also create diseases for which they subsequently sell us cures. There is no denying that much good has been done by pharmaceutical products: they do help the sick recover. The same results, however, can be achieved much more simply and costeffectively by using natural means which do not have contraindications: plants, salts, massages, cleansing, and energetic balancing. It is simply the matter of choosing the most suitable treatment for each patient. Once people have learned to take care of themselves, everything will be different.
    People will be aware of themselves, and then there’ll be no need for doctors because everyone will know how to cure themselves. In fact, there will be very few diseases because people will know how to prevent them in the first place: how to avoid harmful habits, adopt a balanced diet and appropriate physical activities. That will be a true revolution, like the introduction of latrines, personal hygiene and regular washing of hands were in their time. It would be really great if schools, instead of endlessly teaching useless things, taught students about the functioning and the maintenance of the body as their basic subject. A simple action of this kind could prevent countless diseases. Self-healing is a matter of self-awareness. As our awareness increases, our energy increases with it, and so does our ability to act upon ourselves. That in turn further increases our energy and consequently our self-awareness, thus closing the circle.

    Recapitulation brings many advantages, from improving memory to enhancing selfawareness and awareness of the environment. It can get to the bottom of the energy attacks one may suffer and recover whatever energy has been snatched away. Sexual abuse of children is actually responsible for great many diseases and psychological deviations in adults. The only thing one can do about this problem is struggle to raise the educational level of the population so that they can take responsibility for their actions and thereby break the chain that has existed for millennia: that of an abused child inevitably growing up to become an abusing adult.

    "’Honour thy father and thy mother.’ Unfortunately there are those who hate and deny their very source – their parents – and then extend their grudge against all that exists, including the very earth that gives them shelter. This original resentment is the cause of many diseases. A warrior is aware of the tremendous price that was paid for his life, and in the most detached manner honours and respects those who gave him existence. Only then can he fly free." We continued with the lessons through a number of sessions in order to learn the true meaning behind every Commandment so as to be able to understand what they really referred to. This made it much easier for me to commit to the work of religious conversion. I remember that doña Silvia gave us the task of hanging the Ten Commandments up on the wall in a visible place in our sleeping quarters, and learning them by heart. I thought I already knew them, but when I tried to write them down I realized I did not know them all that well, so I copied them down on a sheet of paper after checking the source. 1. Love the Lord thy God above all things. 2. Do not take God’s name in vain. 3. Keep the Sabbath holy. 4. Honour thy father and thy mother. 5. Do not kill. 6. Do not commit adultery. 7. Do not steal. 8. Do not bear false witness. 9. Do not suffer impure thoughts and desires. 10. Do not covet the possessions of another.
    Exodus (20,1-17) and Deuteronomy (5,6-21) In addition to the above, we were later given to learn the list of the seven deadly sins against which one must constantly be on guard. They are: Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Arrogance, Pride, Vanity and Envy[20]. *** In one of our meetings, the lecturer spoke at length about the modern man’s situation, saying that the society had lost its way and that evil had taken root in the hearts of people. Dark forces were seeking to stop human evolution, and those enemy forces worked tirelessly to cloud people’s minds and to change the purpose for which humans had been created in such a way that the old commandments based on morality and justice got swapped for those of the man in the street that go something like this: * First me, and next I. * Love thy possessions and cling unto them. * Lie and cheat to achieve thy goals. * Satisfy thy desires by any means. * Obtain profit at any cost. * Always seek pleasure and personal gain. * Take advantage of others. * Crush the weak. * Destroy that which thou canst not get. * If thou canst not accomplish something, do not let others accomplish it either. *** Part of that topic was the study of how the healers saw the world and what their Ten Commandments were. For that lesson, we walked up to some monumental caves the interior of which bore a strong resemblance to the vaults of Gothic churches. There, we were instructed in the commandments of energy or the Ten Commandments of the healers, which are: * Be good. * Be honest. * Be moral. * Be true. * Be impeccable. * Be patient. * Be detached. * Do good. * Cultivate energy. * Cultivate Silence. Here, don Melchor said: “The commandments of the healers are like a map to help us save energy.”

    Don Berna once told me, "Control your feelings and emotions and you’ll take control of your life. Only then will you be free." "Free from what?" I retorted belligerently, feeling threatened by the simple idea of suppressing my feelings, and I even snapped at him that I wasn’t interested in repressing what I felt. Don Berna just laughed, and said nothing. I spent a lot of time pondering the matter. The next time I saw him, I reopened the debate on mental freedom. He accused me of having a closed mind, and said I was extremely inflexible with my cherished concepts. Naturally, I started defending myself. I told him I considered myself a reasonable person, open-minded and willing to receive and learn new ideas. "See?” he said reproachfully. “You always twist everything. Freedom of mind is much more than willingness to learn new things. To achieve freedom of mind you need to be the master of your emotions and of your thoughts. Look at the mind as if it were a wild horse that has bolted. You can only say you’ve achieved freedom of mind when you’ve put reins on that horse and are controlling it as you please. If not, you’ll always be slave to your sentimentalism.” I told him, without much conviction, that I believed I was master of my feelings. He laughed heartily and said: "It is common for people to confuse the concept of feeling with their sentiments." I looked at him, bewildered, and said that for me those two words meant the same thing. Don Berna explained: “It is very important not to confuse the two concepts, because if you do you’ll fall into every trap laid by your mind, and your energy will drain away as if from a punctured hose. Feeling is inherent to being alive. All living things feel. You can verify that in animals and even insects. If threatened, they are afraid. If treated well they feel affection, or even love." “Then what are sentiments?” I asked, now really confused.
    “Sentiments, on the other hand, are the result of the mental process in which we use our memory to evoke certain moods." He regarded me as if waiting for a comment. As I had none, he went on: "So you can see that our sentiments are neither more nor less than mental masturbation. We wallow like pigs in our own excrement and call that sensitivity. I say it is not sensitive at all, but a shameful way to indulge in our vices." I was speechless because of the implications of what he said. I felt that he was referring directly to my weaknesses. I saw myself cornered and threatened by something that I could not clearly define. "There is nothing wrong with feeling,” don Berna went on. “On the contrary, you’d have to be dead not to feel anything. But when you use your memory to recall what you should feel, then you are not feeling at all. What you perceive in that case is a second-hand feeling that has been sullied by passing through the sieve of the mind. “But how can I control my emotions?” I asked, knowing we all suffered emotional assaults from time to time. He replied, "By being deliberate, and not giving in to your vices. It is also most important to have a definite purpose in everything you do. Only idiots go through life reacting to their environment without the slightest control over themselves. They are like marionettes that let themselves be manipulated by every ‘hook’ they encounter. I asked what he meant by hooks. "By hooks I mean the lures of modern life. In the consumer society in which we live, it is hard to go anywhere without someone trying to sell you something, or trying to take advantage of you, or grab something from you. In the city it is hard to look anywhere without seeing an advertisement. All this is designed to get people to react to the environment. That is the way the powers-that-be hold people by the balls. To achieve emotional freedom one must be crystal-clear. When you feel a rush of emotion overtaking you, you must pull at the reins of that wild horse. By doing so you can save huge amounts of energy." I understood don Berna’s lesson. He was right. Most of the time, when talking to myself, I would evoke the feelings that corresponded to the course of my thoughts. I realized that the amount of energy I spent in doing that was indeed exorbitant.*** ?

    .......i i kolike su babine cipele !

    Yess..... am dijede !!

    E onda ti je i sada jasno da je razlika između mene i babe među nogama !!?

  • 28.08.2020. 12:05h

    Član iridaMerlin42

    Emiliov prijedlog


Član edin.kecanovicMerlin5 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana edin.kecanovic dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
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