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Polaže Fata vozački.

Pita je instruktor: "Fato kad podigneš desnu nogu šta se dešava?"

"Pa pustiću gas" kaže Fata.
A kad podigneš levu nogu?"
"Pustiću kvačilo" kaže Fata."
"A kad digneš obe noge?"
"E onda ću položit vozački" kaže Fata.




  • 20.03.2018. 06:27h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    *Opening up to people.....

    ......has a very high price.*

    Kada bi riješavač problema bio i oličenje problema tada bismo to sijali radi žetve i odašiljali radi privlačenja a ako problem nije riješiv onda mi nestajemo?

    Kada bi bilo tako tada bi "čuvaj se onih iz kojih lije ljubav i razumijevanje" bilo kao "jer to svijet sam sebe prilagođava sebi"?

    Kada bi pak normalno bilo isto što i ludo tada bi Čerćilovo "sve jedan prokletnik za drugim" bilo nalik "več hiljadama godina kada je čvječanstvo umijesto da koristi misao palo u njen posijed"?

    **warned me about the dangers of fame and fortune. He
    said it was important to watch out lest my intention to help others should become the ultimate
    objective of my path.
    “Many betray the intent of freedom,” he said, “for hope of wealth or desire to be famous,
    loved and admired by others.
    The real warrior has an insatiable thirst for freedom and infinite curiosity about
    everything; he is thus always experimenting and learning. That keeps him on the straight path
    and makes him humble before this splendour in which we are immersed.
    Even when sharing his achievements with others, the warrior does not get bogged down
    in the mire of personal importance, simply because he has no time to lose. He knows very well
    that Death is at his heels, urging him to keep experimenting and enjoying the world.”
    He also told me I had to be extremely detached if I was planning on facing that
    challenge, and charged me never to reveal the identities of my companions in my writings.
    “Opening up to people has a very high price.” he said, and gave me Carlos as an
    example. “Although he was a formidable warrior, he paid with his own life and perhaps even
    with his freedom for having become accessible.”
    He made that comment because, according to some seers who had been in contact with
    him in the other world, Carlos had adopted ‘the emergency plan’. Once the deterioration of his
    physical body had begun, he joined the other seers of his lineage in the graveyard of the

    ***To je osobna stvar ", odgovorio je. "Svaka linija ima svoje vlastite ciljeve
    metode njihova postizanja. Postoje čarobnjaci koji su se pretvorili u stabla ili
    pokopali su se živi kako bi se suprotstavili smrti; druge skupine vjeruju da je tijelo prepreka,
    zbog čega se oslobađaju svoje fizičke uloge u trenutku odlaska. Don Juan i
    njegova stranka nije ostavila ni svoj pepeo; napustili su sve i svoje sandale. U
    najelitnijeg načina, rastvorili su se u tanki zrak.
    Ratnici ukupne slobode, s druge strane, spajaju se s emanations u velikim i
    nestane zauvijek, konzumira vatrom iznutra. Nikad ih više nitko nije čuo; Njihov je doista a
    putovanje bez povratka.
    Neki od njih vjeruju da je i dalje moguće očuvati osjećaj individualnosti u tome
    stanje. Drugi misle da, umjesto da budu totalna sloboda, spajaju se s emanations u cjelini
    znači ukupno smrt i ništa više. Nitko ne zna što se stvarno događa. Postoji nekoliko priča
    o ratnicima koji su se odlučili za taj konačni manevar. Nagual Julian Osorio bio je jedan od njih.
    No, velika većina odabire druge, manje konačne opcije, kao što je pridruživanje svijetu
    npr. anorganskim bićima, iako dobro znaju da njihov izbor ozbiljno znači
    jer u tom svijetu, kao u našem, pojedinac služi kolektivu i završava
    razmjenjujući mogućnost da ostanu svjesni ropstva.***

    ****hen one learns to intend in dreaming, the possibilities are limitless. We wish to create
    a place in the other world, free of inorganic beings and unburdened by the old sorcerers’
    tradition. We look forward to establishing a more democratic place, with fewer ritualistic
    procedures; a place where individual rights are respected, and most importantly, where no one
    is anyone’s slave.
    We believe it is possible to create a modern version of what the ancient sorcerers
    accomplished, but according to our own rules. Florinda and the other witches working together
    are capable of creating what we call the ‘cosmic vagina’, an opening in space-time. Our plan is
    to leave the world through that passageway.
    Many scholars laugh when I say this, just as, in his time, they laughed at Christopher
    Columbus when he said that the world was round and that unknown civilizations existed on the
    other side of the ocean.
    It is true that the price is high, both in energy and in dispensing with rationality. Yet it is
    not impossible to pay, so that sorcerers’ experience is placed within everyone’s reach. All that
    is required is unbending intent of what one seeks.
    I know it is supreme audacity on our part, trying to send thousands of warriors to the
    other world. What a stir that would cause today, with the modern means of communication! Can
    you imagine? Yes, my critics would believe me then!
    Don Juan taught, and I have personally been able to corroborate, that the universe is
    composed of many layers, or dimensions, if you prefer to call them that. Many possibilities exist.
    It is truly a shame to waste our entire lives on a single and exclusive world view. There are
    whole worlds waiting to be explored by the Columbuses of our time, and there are many that
    are infinite.****

    U svijetlu navedenih pametnosti "Kardashian & J'Lo dupence" ispada smiješno...... a ostali su na rubu suza!?

    Srečom je svakom normalnom čovjeku i Prostorna dimenzija apsolutno nepoznata za života...... i otuda naša "društvenost"?!

    Tojest se i smijemo na tuđi račun ili djelimično ali dok ne puknemo od smijeha bit če da smo i smrtno ozbiljni ili "single-exkluzivni".... rekao bi Mujo?

  • 20.03.2018. 08:27h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    *One is What One Eats.....

    ....... One day I accompanied doña Silvia to town, to the market where some friends had a stall with
    medicinal herbs. While she chatted with people there, I took the opportunity of buying a soft
    drink and cookies. I was about to start eating them, when doña Silvia noticed and immediately
    came over, chiding in an angry tone:
    “You motherfucking bastard!"
    I looked at her in amazement, not understanding the reason for her anger. I noticed that
    the people around me were laughing.
    Pointing at my food, she went on:
    "You’re poisoning yourself! You are still in the recovery stage, and you are not allowed
    to eat that shit."
    She urged me to throw it all into the dustbin. A minute later, we were walking from the
    market to the square in front of the church. I was still stunned from her rebuke, but she spoke to
    me kindly, introducing me to what she called "a healthy way of eating."
    "Healers can eat anything,” doña Silvia said, answering one of my questions, “but they
    avoid processed foods whenever they can. How much energy can there be in food processed
    by machines and never touched by human hands? Today, people are guided by what they see
    on telly. They feed on crap, which is why they are always unwell.
    If, after a food advert, they have to advise you to eat fruit and vegetables, it means that
    the advertised food is harmful. It is the same type of advert as the ones where they are obliged
    by law to state that their product may cause cancer or contains a chemical of some kind.
    For us, food has to be fresh and freshly cut; either beef or chicken butchered on the day,
    or freshly picked fruit. Not that frozen junk or animal carcasses dead for who knows how long."
    Her face showed a strange smile that made me shudder. With shining eyes, and lowering her
    voice, she added:
    "If they can, the witches drink the blood of sacrificed animals. They try to take the best
    possible advantage of the gift of the life that has been extinguished."
    I felt a slight twitch in the pit of my stomach as I imagined myself having to drink animal
    blood. But doña Silvia’s stern voice brought me back.
    "And you don’t need to stuff your belly like a desperate son of a whore who only lives to
    eat. There are assholes who transfer all their frustrations, fears, and other emotional states to
    food, then remain fixated on the food and, even when they’re not hungry, still keep gobbling
    and gobbling it down, like pigs with nothing else to do.
    You need to give your guts a break from time to time. Occasionally you have to spend a
    few days on water alone, without any food. Now, for a more thorough cleansing of the stomach,
    one occasionally needs emetics and enemas.
    After such cleansing, one must be careful and start eating not for the taste, not because
    one is hungry, but to feed on the energy of the things you eat."
    She discreetly pointed out a group of people milling before a stand with barbecued pork.
    "Did you see the amount of fat that people ingest with their food?"
    I had to agree, with some guilt, that in effect, the people were accustomed to eating
    whatever was before them.
    She imperceptibly pointed at a man and said:
    "Look! He looks like a pig that gobbles up everything it is thrown." She was referring to a
    fat gentleman walking on the other side of the park right in front of us. A fat lady came by from
    the opposite direction, carrying a paper bag full of bread loaves under her arm. The man
    greeted her as she walked by with difficulty, her enormous buttocks wobbling.
    Shaking her head and clicking her tongue in disapproval, doña Silvia murmured:
    "I can’t look at her anymore! And then she doesn’t understand why she’s so fat and has
    such high blood pressure. People abuse bread and pastry to the point where they get ill, and
    then come crying to us to cure them."
    I asked:
    "But we eat tortillas; isn’t that the same thing?"
    "No!” she replied categorically. “Our tortillas are made with corn ground there and then,
    by the hands that prepare them, so they preserve their energy level very well. The same applies
    to all the other food we eat. All of it is chosen and selected to produce maximum yield and
    She explained that food fell into the categories of cold, hot, or neutral, and that those
    were in their turn classified according to their energy levels. Once she had explained the
    difference between one food and another, she took me to various food stalls in the area and, to
    test my understanding, ordered me to classify the food they served according to the energy
    scheme she had explained. I could see that, with rare exception, there was little quality in the
    food the people ate there.
    From then on, I started paying more attention to what I ate, so much so that my body
    learned to demand exactly what it needed, when it needed it and in the necessary quantity.
    I also learned from the healers how to maintain a daily exercise regime. Once I felt
    better, I began joining in their morning exercises. That kind of activity made me feel good for the
    rest of the day.
    Exercise keeps one alert and healthy; it makes one capable of making hard decisions. It
    is particularly important that intellectual people who spend all day sitting down implement a
    daily keep fit practice as otherwise that type of person is doomed to disease and rheumatic
    pains. *

    Nakon ovoga bi bilo i smiješno hvaliti se automatiziranom proizvodnjom osim ako "direktor coca-cole i njegova uža obitelj ne pije coca-colu""!?

    To je onda i potpuno sukladno onome da tko laže taj i krade ili da "tko na veliko truje taj se na malo ekološki hrani"?!

    I sada bi "Hrana" pod opčenito bila uzrok koječemu ili od govora mržnje do ekološkog zagađenja,pada nataliteta i sportskog duha.... ali bi možda i "Medij" bio najotrovniji ali se i možemo nasmijati iz dva razloga:

    1.*Fanaticism is a disease of the mind where the patient strives to carry on in the same
    direction. Self-importance and, even more, the shame of admitting one’s mistakes often compel
    one to act like an automaton that only sees what it is programmed to see.
    One of the noblest concepts modern science shares with nagualism is that both are able
    to admit to their mistakes and learn from them, the excitement of discovering the truth being as
    great as discovering its opposite.*

    2.**He told us he had said to the snake:
    "Lady Coatl, please help me cure a sick girl who needs a drop of your venom. But it must
    be a very small amount because, if you inject too much, she will die."
    The snake replied:
    "Don’t worry, old man. I know what I’m doing."And so, at the right moment, the snake injected enough of its venom to cure, but not kill the girl.
    Speaking of the healers, don Gabinito said jokingly, with a look of exaggerated
    disapproval: "And do our dear friends here recognize my achievement? No sir, they don’t! They
    say everything was pure coincidence, and that the girl was cured by potions they gave her. I
    can heal no worse than they, but no one takes me seriously."**

  • 20.03.2018. 08:34h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    "Seras-tu là.....

    ......dis-moi que oui"!

    But for seriously is - ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxwW392Z0ps

  • 20.03.2018. 15:48h

    Član iridaMerlin42


Član saraMerlin16 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana sara dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragim mališanima želim puno darova u čizmicama!

    06.12.2024. 08:39h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Lijep pozdrav Edin. Drago mi je da si svratio .

    30.11.2024. 18:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Hvala Bglavac, također.

    30.11.2024. 15:30h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i sretan vikend. Lp

    30.11.2024. 07:56h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi magicusi, danas je Međunarodni dan borbe protiv nasilja nad ženama. Učinimo sve da ih zaštitimo i nasilje već jednom prestane. Lp

    25.11.2024. 08:13h
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