Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član gemini1







OD 14.01.2018.

Važna kanalizirana poruka vezano za UFO iz Norveške! ! !

Nešto važno će se dogoditi 7. 1. u četvrtak! Tko želi može se priključiti Internetom! Energije, za prijenos i meditativne vizualizacije će se dogoditi tijekom jednog sata, u četvrtak 7. siječanj 8-9 [CET vremenska zona, koristiti www.timeanddate.com za pretvaranje u vrem. zonu]. Vi ste dobrodošli da učestvujete puni sat ili samo dio njega, drugim riječima, ukoliko jedino želite sudjelovati 15 minuta, to je u redu. Ovo će biti prvi službeno kolektivno ozdravljenje sjednici između dviju različitih civilizacija u modernoj povijesti čovječanstva. Molimo vas proširite ovu poruku što je više moguće!

Željeli bismo Vam dati dar. Naš dar je vrlo posebne vrste. On nije fizičke prirode, ne možete ga dirati, a ne možete ga vidjeti sa svojim fizičkim očima u 3 D stvarnosti. Mi ćemo napraviti kolektivno ozdravljenje na  sjednici, gdje će svi članovi naše civilizacije istodobno poslati izlječenje čovječanstvu i svojoj planeti. To će biti ogroman prijenos energije, gdje ćemo vam dati energije koje imamo i za koje mislimo da ćete poduzeti kao dio procesa prema ovom važnom koraku.

Pozivamo sve vas koji ste primili ovu poruku za sudjelovanje tako što imate više sluha za naše energije, te da povežete  svoju svijest za taj naš trenutak. Osim toga, poslat ćemo vam unutarnje slike i vizije kako bi vam pomogli vizualizirati novo duhovno doba da uđete u razdoblje ljubavi, mira i harmonije. Želimo vas potaknuti da sudjelujete u ovom vizualiziranju novog svijeta na zemlji, jer je to vrlo snažan način za stvaranje željene budućnosti.

Energije za prijenos i meditativne vizualizacije će se dogoditi tijekom jednog sata, u četvrtak 7. siječanj 8-9 [po CET vremenskoj zoni, koristiti www.timeanddate.com kod pretvorbe u zonu]. Dobrodošli ste sudjelovati puni sat ili samo dio njega, drugim riječima, ukoliko jedini žele sudjelovati i 15 minuta, to je u redu. Ovo će biti prvi službeno kolektivno  ozdravljenje sjednice između dviju različitih civilizacija u modernoj povijesti čovječanstva.

Molimo vas proširite ovu poruku na što je više moguće adresa!

    - Čak i u nozemstvo?


    - Možete li nam dati sve upute za ozdravljenje na sjednici?

    Pripremite se kao da se pripremate za normalne meditacije ili prijenos energije. Zamislite da radite sami, prijemljivi za liječenje i otvaranje svoje srčane čakre. Vizualizirajte novo doba kao duhovni svijet pun ljubavi, mira i harmonije. Fokusiranje se potpuno u tijekom cijele sjednice.

    Nadamo se da ćemo stvoriti suradnju između naše civilizacije na razvoju trajnog prijateljstva između nas, kao razmjenu iskustava i mudrosti, na nježan način te uvođenje u kozmičko zajedništvo.

    Želimo završiti riječima da smo uvijek s vama, slijedeći vaš uzbudljiv razvoj. Vrlo rado ćemo pomoći koliko god možemo u ovom posljednjem izazovnom vremenu u prolazu u New Age i novi svijet.

    Šaljemo vam našu ljubav i razumijevanje, te uvijek znajte da imate našu podršku.

    Hvala za slušanje.

    [Dibarak stavlja svoje ruke ispred prsa i čini ponizni luk, i jaka svjetlost sja između njegovih dlanova.]


    O Mother Earth MREŽI

    Maria Bertram - duhovni vodič i iscjelitelj - prometuje u mreži Majke Zemlje zajedno s Manne Lindberg-om koji je odgovoran za informacije i komunikacije. Mreža, koja se danas sastoji od nekoliko stotina članova u Švedskoj, a njegov je glavni cilj za slanje udaljenosti liječenja (prema uputama kanalizirati) na Zemlji zajedno svaki puni mjesec. Naša vizija je povezivanje sa drugim mrežama i pojedincima da se stvore globalne mreže za simultano iscjeljivanje za vrijeme sjednice za Zemlju. Mi smo također naučili tehnike za sebe da možemo dati Majci Zemlji iscjeljivanje (iz channelinga), i Maria drži predavanja s kanaliziranjima Božanske Svijesti u kombinaciji s velikim ljekovitim sjednicama za Zemlju. Sve naše aktivnosti su besplatne. Mi surađujemo s drugim civilizacijama u kosmosu, majstorima u duhovnom svijetu, prirodi duhova i još više, kroz telepatski kontakt. Ako ste zainteresirani za uključenje na mrežu, pošaljite svoj e-mail adresu na moderjordnatverket@gmail.com i mi ćemo Vam poslati naš newsletter s informacijama o našim ljekovitim sjednicama za Majku Zemlju, te upute kako sudjelovati i kako se kanal Majka Zemlja - ozdravljenja za sebe, otvara kao vrlo moćan alat za duhovni razvoj.

    Nadamo se da ste bili toliko inspirirani Dibarak porukom koju  imamo! Cijenimo ako bi nam pomogli u širenju ove grupe što je više moguće, i slobodno zalijepite ovu poruku i širite ju putem e-mail, ili objavite na web stranice i blogove (mi bismo rado primiti e-mail sa linkom). U Facebook grupi ćete pronaći izbor slika i videa vezanih za fenomen. Slobodno podijelite svoje misli i osjećaje, kako bi o tome razgovarali s drugima. Ako imate nešto posebno za vrijeme meditacije na 7. siječnja, mi bismo zahvalni ako želite podijeliti svoju priču na e-mail ili nam se priključite u ovoj grupi.

    Sa svjetlosti, energijom i ljubavi,

    Manne & Maria (zimski solsticij, 21. prosinca 2009)

(kanalizirana poruka sa www.facebook.com)

(Može se priložiti bolji prijevod)

dobiveno mailom




  • 03.01.2010. 16:01h

    Član gemini1Merlin3 Prilažem english original: A CHANNELED MESSAGE FROM AN ASCENDED CIVILIZATION A few days after Maria was contacted, we sat down and she prepared to recieve their message, while Manne took notes. Maria sees inner images of what they look like: They look very much like humans, but taller. They are tall, handsome, proud, respectable and emanate enormous dignity, integrity, honor and strength. They have long hair, both males and females, as a symbol of their strength. The hair reaches far down on their backs and is arranged in different imaginative hairdos. They have pale skin and blondish hair with strains of dark brown and gray in different shades. The leader of the civilisation shows himself. He is tall, solid, and broad-shouldered. He wears a long simple vanilla white caftan that reaches down to his feet. It has a round neck and a he wears a rope around his waist and across his chest as a symbol for his leadership. The caftan is sewn of a soft, pliable cloth of high quality. He has big gray-blueish intensive eyes that are completely present in the now, and with a full focus. He has high cheekbones and no beard. Despite his marked male traits he also emanates a soft femininity. He is totally present in the now. He starts speaking with a deep gentle voice: My name is Dibarak, and I am coming from a civilization called ?The Invincibles?. We are a great warrior people, known for our courage, strength and spiritual power. The wars and the fighting we have long ago left behind us, and today we are spiritual warriors in the service of the highest good. Our main purpose today as an ascended civilization is to help other civilizations on their way towards spiritual transformation and ascendence. -Where is your planet localized? In the First World, the oldest part of cosmos where the central sun is situated. [According to earlier channellings, our cosmos consists of nine ?worlds?, of which every world contains millions of galaxies. The Milky Way and earth is situated in the Second World.] -Does ?ascended civilization? imply that you are non-physical? Yes, that is correct, even if we earlier existed in physical form. We have actually met in person when you [Maria and Manne] lived in this part of the cosmos in a previous incarnation, and we have had a very beneficial cooperation. -In which dimension do you reside? We are multidimensional, which means that we don\'t reside in any specific dimension. Our civilization has had a long history of wars, hardship and unspeakable suffering, and we have gone through very hard times and difficult experiences on our way towards spiritual transcendence and enlightenment. There was a time when our fighting, pride and unreasonable attitude almost blew our civilization to pieces. But we rose out of the ruins of a great war that almost destroyed all of our planet, to create a new world in the spirit of love. Our spiritual awakening happened very abruptly and was filled with conflicts and suffering. It was a question of the survival of our civilization. In a short period of time we had to travel a very long way on our spiritual journey and go through big spiritual transformations to reach the level of consciousness we needed to create a new peaceful civilization on our planet. We understand and sympathize with the enormous pain and the great challenges that humanity is going through today. We recognize ourself in the way many human beings bang their heads bloody against the wall without any apparent signs of development. You don\'t see the intolerable situation of your race, and that you are literally killing yourself. Your blindness and selfdestructiveness reminds very much of our previous behavior and what we went through before the Great War that almost wiped out all life forms on our planet. We come to you with a message of peace and freedom. We come to you with love in our hearts. We understand and empathize with your situation and your blindness. We want to ask you to look beyond the illusions of daily struggle and to see what is happening on your planet. Just like we once were, you are now about to kill yourself as a race. You are in the eleventh hour, where major changes have to take place to stop this development that leads straight towards a future disaster. Do not despair, it is not too late! You still have the possibility to stop this process, create change, and choose a new way just like we did. You are a grand race, creators of your own destiny. You have access to the force and the light to create your own future, but you have to start opening your eyes and acknowledge your own capacity and your own greatness. You are not victims of outer circumstances being forced upon you. Just the way you have created the situation that you are now in, you can choose a different way. Instead of lack, greed and conflict thinking you can choose a way of love, peace and harmony. All development happens in the form of spirals, and you have to go full circle to move to the next level. But when the leap does happen it goes very fast. You are now about to take one of these deciding leaps in the development of your consciousness where you have to learn to leave your fighting and dualism behind you, to reach oneness thinking. This critical leap must happen quick, the cosmic clock is ticking and you are right now in a transition stage to the new age, where powerful energies gradually are flowing with increasing strength over your planet, changing the conditions of life on earth. We are reaching out our hand to you from the higher dimensions, and we have sent you a greeting in your physical threedimensional world. A greeting in form of light, color and form. This is to welcome you into the cosmic communion. The cosmic quarantine that earth has been under for a very long time is finally to be lifted. You will notice this through an increasing presence of extraterrestrial civilizations on and around the earth. This process has already begun, and during the year to come you will see a further escalation. The light projection we created for you symbolizes your spiritual development as a spiral, and that you are now in a deciding moment where you take a leap towards the next level of consciousness. The blue color symbolizes intuition and creativity, and we want to inspire you all to open up your intuition and to free your creativity since you have an enormous potential as divine co-creators of your own reality. We want to encourage you to open up to the healing powers of colors, forms and light. -Why did you choose Norway? The energy conditions were right. There was also a thought behind doing it simultaneously as Obama was visiting Norway to recieve the Peace Price, and that it was near the climate negotiations in Denmark. Humanity is making many important decisions right now and we want to inspire you. -So it was a light projection that people saw, not an actual space craft? Yes, it was a light projection from another dimension. It\'s like crop circles, which are made by ascended civilizations. They perform the creation of the crop circles by reaching you from another dimension, and not by being present physically. But other civilizations will visit you in physical crafts. -Was it you that also created the strong orange and white light flashes outside our apartment, that lit up the whole backyard the other night? Yes, that was us. -Do the colors you used on our backyard symbolize anything? We used the lights and colors that were already present on the spot [for example the orange lights from the lampposts] and multiplied the intensity of the light to create the flashes. It\'s also us who have created similar light phenomena outside of your apartment at earlier occasions, to show you that we are present with you. Do know that the human race are not alone in the cosmos and that there are many other civilizations at your service helping you in the challenges you are now facing. Countless civilizations in cosmos are now following the earth in this critical moment. Since we have gone through a similar process, we feel that we have lot of experience to share. We will gladly assist you in the different ways you need. But do know that you have to take responsibility for your spiritual development yourselves. That task can not be handed over to anyone else. Beloved humans, it is time for you to wake up, to drowsily sit up in bed and look around you to realize what kind of world you have created for yourselves. There is no natural law saying that life has to consist of struggle, conflicts and hardship. It\'s possible to create a world of abundance and love, where everyone have their needs met according to the highest good. You all belong together. You are all parts of the same whole, and every missing link in the great cosmic web affects the whole. It\'s not until you reach the insight of this cosmic wisdom that all is one and build your civilization according to this principle that you are able to create a world of true abundance of love, creativity, material convenience and technological advancement. To survive in this new world that is coming into existence, it will not be possible to live according to the out-dated mindset of conflict and lack. When you are entering this new age, a new energy reality will come into existence in which the cosmic laws of like attracts like will manifest faster and more powerful than you are used to. We are referring to the law of cause and effect which imply that what you send out is what you recieve. This means that greed and conflict thinking will be met with the same energies. The only possibility for humanity to survive in this new energy reality is to choose the way of love, to live with open heart chakras and to become one with the cosmic flow of love. The way of love is the only way for humanity\'s survival. One thing we ask ourselves is why you have turned away from Gaia\'s [earth\'s] inner healing energies. You are standing on a goldmine that you have forgotten about, and even let it be weakened and almost fade away completely. The life force coming from inside Gaia is a condition for all life forms on earth, and without Gaia\'s inner energies you can not reach spiritual transformation! The life force inside Gaia helps you expanding your consciousness and reaching the insights and the energy levels needed to choose the way of love into your future. Your earth is suffering, and she needs your help! She goes through tremendous pain from the aggressive unbalanced technology present on the earth, and by how she is tormented every day. Gaia needs your help to rebalance her energies. Humans are fantastic channels for healing energies, both to heal yourselves and your planet. Open up your energy consciousness and let the healing energies flow through you to reach higher levels of consciousness. You need to clear your energy bodies from pollution and imbalances to reach your full potential. You are fantastic cosmic divine beings, only waiting to be awaken from your beauty sleep. But you have to take the first step yourselves, you have to wake yourselves up! Human beings have a free will and you can not be forced to do something against your will. Its up to you which decisions you make and which way you choose. We would like to give you a gift. Our gift is of a very special kind. It is not of physical nature, you can\'t touch it, and you can\'t see it with your physical eyes in your threedimensional reality. We will make a collective healing session where all members of our civilisation simultaneously will send healing to humanity and your planet. It will be a gigantic energy transmission where we give you the energies that we have and that we think you will need as a part of your process towards this important leap you are about to take. We are inviting all of you that are reached by this message to participate by making yourselves more receptive to our energies, and to link your consciousness to ours for a moment. Additionally, we will send you inner images and visions to help you visualizing the new spiritual age that you are entering as an age of love, peace and harmony. We want to encourage you to take part in this visualization of a new world on earth, since its a very powerful way to create a desired future. The energy transmission and the meditative visualization will happen during one hour, Thursday the 7th of January between 8 pm and 9 pm [CET Time Zone, use www.timeanddate.com to convert to your zone]. You are welcome to participate the full hour or just a part of it, in other words, if you only want to participate for 15 minutes, that\'s fine. This will be the first official collective healing session between two different civilizations in the modern history of mankind. Please spread this message to as many as possible! -Even internationally? Yes. -Can you give us any instructions for the healing session? Prepare yourself like you are preparing for a normal meditation or energy transmission. Visualize that you are making yourself receptive for the healing and opening up your heart chakra. Visualize the new spiritual age as a world full of love, peace and harmony. Focus on being completely present in the moment during the whole session. We are hoping to create a cooperation between our civilizations to develop a lasting friendship between us, and an exchange of experiences and wisdom, as a way of gently introducing you into the cosmic communion. We would like to finish up by saying that we are always with you and we are following your development with excitement. We are very eager to help you as much as we can in this last challenging time in the passage to the new age and the new world. We are sending you our love and understanding, and always know that you have our support. Thank you for listening. [Dibarak puts his hands together in front of his chest and makes a humble bow, and a strong light shines between his palms.] --- ABOUT THE MOTHER EARTH NETWORK Maria Bertram ? spiritual guide, medium and healer - runs the Mother Earth Network together with Manne Lindberg who is responsible for information and communication. The network, which today consists of a couple of hundred members in Sweden, has as its main purpose to send distance healing (according to channelled instructions) to the earth together at every full moon. Our vision is to connect with other networks and individuals to create a global network for simultaneous healing sessions to the earth. We also teach techniques to give yourself Mother Earth-healing (referred to in the channeling), and Maria holds lectures with channelings of the Divine Consciousness combined with big healing sessions to the earth. All our activities are for free. We are cooperating with other civilizations in cosmos, masters in the spirit world, nature spirits and more, through telepathic contact. If you\'re interested in the network, send your e-mail address to moderjordnatverket@gmail.com and we\'ll send you our newsletter with information about our healing sessions to Mother Earth, and instructions how to participate and how to channel Mother Earth-healing for yourself, a very powerful tool for your spiritual development. We hope that you\'ve been as much inspired by Dibarak\'s message as we have! We appreciate if you help us spreading this group to as many as possible, and feel free to paste this message and spread it through e-mail, or publish it on websites and blogs (we\'d be glad to recieve an e-mail with the link if you do). In this Facebook group you\'ll find a selection of images and videos related to the phenomenon. Feel free to share your thoughts and feelings, and to discuss with others. If you experience anything special during the meditation on the 7th of January, we\'d appreciate if you\'d share your story in an e-mail to us or in this group. With Light, Power and Love, /Manne & Maria (The winter solstice, December 21st, 2009)
  • 03.01.2010. 20:29h

    Član shantiMerlin3


    ufo, ili nlo je jedno te isto. U tekstu se ni ne spominju. Daj malo pazi :-)) Za kaznu :-)) izracunaj kad je to po nasem vremenu.
  • 03.01.2010. 20:51h

    Član gemini1Merlin3 E sad kao da ja ne znam što je nlo i ufo. Ali ove osobe su povezane s tekstom o viđenom nlo u Norveškoj. A ja istražujem. U svakom slučaju, ovdje vam je mail adresa na kojoj možete zatražiti da vam se pošalje newsletter tj obavijesti o kako sam ja razumjela gigantskoj transmisiji svjetlosti, energije, kojom bi se Zemlja nahranila, a koju bi mi vidjeli 3-dimenz.; pri tome treba otvoriti srčanu čakru; oni gore sa uzbuđenjem prate naš razvoj; često se vidi narančasto ili bijelo svjetlo u stanu, to je njihova prisutnost; suosjećaju s našim problemima i sljepoćom da si pomognemo; ne smijemo biti žrtve okolnosti, nego uzeti sudbinu u svoje ruke; mi smo jaka rasa koja treba preživjeti; razvoj se događa spiralno, a treba se događati u punom krugu; umjesto pohlepe i konflikta trebamo se razvijati u ljubavi i miru; ljudi imaju fantastične energije izliječenja za sebe i za Zemlju; mnoge civilizacije žele nam svojim služenjem pomoći da podignemo svoje svijesti. Od 20-21h će trajati transmisija u četvrtak, 7. 1. (ako je to Europa, primjerice, Oslo, Norveška, isto je vrijeme u HR, primjerice.) Ako ste u drugom gradu u Europi ili u svijetu, potražite na www.timeanddate.com u koliko se trebate dakle opustiti i skoncentrirati na srčanu čakru! Sretno uzdizanje! Mr. Spock, dođi već jednom!
  • 03.01.2010. 20:54h

    Član kajaMerlin5 ... \" u New Age... \" ???
  • 03.01.2010. 21:06h

    Član kajaMerlin5 ... pitam se, kakve, taj Novi svijet, ima veze sa Babinim Zlatnim dobom, odnosno Kristovim Kraljevstvom !?
  • 03.01.2010. 22:02h

    Član gemini1Merlin3 Pa svatko priča svoje, već sam navikla. Meni Zlatno doba New Age odgovara. A sad svatko ima svoje ime za Boga.
  • 03.01.2010. 22:17h

    Član kajaMerlin5 ... ja mojoj djeci kad neznam kako bi im naglasila razlike... obično ponudim neka zamjene wc školjke sa tanjurom ...
  • 04.01.2010. 07:26h

    Član gemini1Merlin3 Ali stvarno bih više voljela da prestanete raditi razlike između Boga kako god ga nazivali imenom; niti bi to htjeli uzvišeni Majstori da u 21. st. postoje stupidne podjele ili nedajbože prepucavanja zašto netko ima Boga Budu netko Krishnu, netko Isusa?! Pa sam Baba stalno piše o Isusu! Pa zar se mi uzdižemo ili nazadujemo?! Daj čovječe tolerancije i slobode svakome! Neka si stavi ako hoće Anubisa ili Manitua na zid i klanja mu se! Pa zar smo na inkvizitorskoj razini KC po kojoj su svi drugi u zabludi i ići će u pakao?
  • 04.01.2010. 08:49h

    Član kajaMerlin5 Mila moja Gemini, upravo je poanta u tome što ne postoji ?tamo? neki pakao. Pakao se nalazi ovdje na našoj Zemlji u kojemu iz priloženih naših života vidimo i živimo ga punim plućima. Pred skoro 15.g. kad smo došli živjeti ovdje na selo? jednog dana pogledavši kroz prozor ugledam dijete staro 2-3 godine kako stoji na sred prometne glavne ceste. Kako da Ti opišem moju reakciju? Bez i trunke kalkulacije, brzinom munje prešla sam tih nešto više od 200 m i zgrabila dijete ispred samog jurećeg auta? Dijete mi je pokazalo gdje je njezina kuća ? reakcija njezinog tate je bila; ? ne pogledavši mene, ne zahvalivši se, ne shvativši što sam učinila za njegovo dijete, okomio se je na njega sa batinama i špotancijom?. razumjela sam, bila je to reakcija iz silnog straha. Draga moja, ja naprosto ne mogu gledati da čovjek odlazi u svoju smrt, a da pri tome toga nije svjestan ? Istina je, da bi se toga trebala okaniti? I ako je volja čovječja da ostane živjeti u svome neznanju u svome putu prema smrti i životu u paklu ? da bi ga po njegovom pravu o Slobodi djelovanja trebala i pustiti? Ali, eto ? za sada sam takva? reagiram, pa što bude?. no, nadam se, ne više za dugo ? Tebi velika pusa i zagrljaj prijatelja
  • 04.01.2010. 09:33h

    Član gemini1Merlin3 Znaš da volim tebe i Babu zbilja; podsjetila si me na dvije stvari: prvo, da sam bila tako vojnički odgojena da isto nisam smjela reći da sam se udarila i sl., jer bi još dobila oštre špotancije, vojnički odgoj, ali mi je koristio u nekim stvarima. Ne kukam nikome jer svatko ionako ima svoje probleme, a mi ne znamo što se sve krije u svakom od nas. A drugo, bezbroj puta sam govorila, upućivala i pomogla kako sam znala, pa sam najčešće doživjela suprotno, kao i ti. I sad se lomim da li i dalje biti budala ili raditi samo na sebi jer mnogi nemaju uši ni oči. Svijest nije svakom dana na žalost, odnosno još trebaju do toga doći. I ja tebi šaljem prijateljski zagrljaj i pusu! Imam punu vreću vibhutija od Babe, s tim ću se posipat i meditirat!
  • 04.01.2010. 09:39h

    Član ivanaMerlin2


    ne smjeti reći da si se udarila je zaista tužno... evo ti jedan zagrljaj --O--
  • 04.01.2010. 09:50h

    Član kajaMerlin5 Draga moja Gem, jako Te volim ... samo hrabrno naprijed... Meditacija-tišina i Babin vibhuti puno pomažu da čovjeku neke stvari postanu jasne ...
  • 04.01.2010. 12:51h

    Član vajranMerlin5 :)))
  • 05.01.2010. 19:56h

    Član gemini1Merlin3 Gle Vaja kako se štiti sa 3 zagrade i dvotočkom! Al ništa ne štiti od mene!
  • 05.01.2010. 21:13h

    Član vajranMerlin5


    osmjeh zato što si lagala a ovi ti se smilili.... manipulirati takvim stvarima, to nije lijepo....
  • 01.12.2010. 11:16h

    Član kajaMerlin5 He ! Gemice moja, i jeli ti došao Mr. Spock !? Pusa, ma gdje jesi !


Član gemini1Merlin3 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana gemini1 dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


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  • Član iridairida

    Sretna Nova godina Magicusi...:-)

    01.01.2025. 11:22h
  • Član iridairida

    Hvala 2024 godini, od 2025 godine očekujemo više...:-)

    31.12.2024. 15:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Sretan ii blagoslovljen Božić dragi ljudi Lp

    25.12.2024. 08:44h
  • Član iridairida

    Sretan Božić svim ljudima dobre volje!

    25.12.2024. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Badnjak je danas neka vam je srce ispunjeno ljubavlju za svu Božju djecu ovog svijeta. Lp

    24.12.2024. 07:48h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je tužan dan. Molimo dragog Boga da se to više nikada ne dogodi. Anđele spavaj u miru. Roditeljima Bože daj snage da ovo izdrže. Iskrena sučut.!

    21.12.2024. 08:11h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i radostan dan. Neka vas svako zlo zaobiđe i neka vas prati samo sreća i ljubav. Lp

    12.12.2024. 06:42h
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