Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član Larisa







OD 14.01.2018.


with Love - V


Just as many are called and few are chosen, likewise, many who read this book will neither understand nor receive the information. But those special souls for whom it is intended will rejoice in its guidance and accept its timely and imperative revelation.

This information is not entertainment! It is comparable to 'sealed orders' given to dedicated volunteers on a strategic mission. It is dispersed to them, compiled for them and will be cherished by them. It is neither defended nor justified. It is data recorded as given and passed on to those for whom it is intended.

We are pleased to welcome to these· pages in a sharing experience, the words of other beloved messengers who serve the Intergalactic Fleets. The many informative and clarifying contributions of 'Lucien' (Lucy Colson), Johnnie Prochaska, 'Lyara', and Winfield Brownell, are deeply appreciated in filling out the theme.

If your inner truth identifies you as a volunteer from another realm or world on an assignment to Earth, these words are for you! If you are persuaded you are one of the 'Star People,' you will read this volume with awareness and clarity. If you are a disciple or initiate of the Higher Revelation, you will discern and perceive the purpose of this message from other dimensions of being. If you are a growing, glowing Christian, just beginning to look up and outward beyond the walls of manmade divisions of Earthly ecclesiastical hierarchies, your heart will witness to these things. If you are not consciously any of these, read not to scoff, but to hold these revelations in your heart while you "wait and see. "

As Elisha prayed that other eyes might be opened to see - and eyes were opened, 'To behold the mountains filled with horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha - so do I fervently call that your vision, as well, be lifted up and expanded, as if by a miracle, to perceive that our planet is 'encompassed about with such a great cloud of witnesses.'



“There must be peace on Earth. There must be an end to wars and hatred between brothers. The millions that come from other worlds, from far-off galaxies to assist in bringing Peace upon Earth, have My staunch support and backing for all of their endeavors. They have come in My Name and they serve under My Banner, as Lord of this Planet. They come not as intruders nor usurpers of My Authority, but in loving subjection to the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Solar System, and the Divine Plan for mankind, the deliverance from bondage that has long held Humanity in subjection to darkness and sorrow.

“This shall be no more, for these come as My Angels, to reap that which has been sown, to divide and set asunder the tares from the wheat, to gather the wheat into My Barn. For I AM the householder who cometh at the end of the day for an account from His Servants, and to give to all men justly in the manner given by them to Me. So judgment must come; divisions and sorrows must come, but the Earth shall survive all of its totterings. The Just shall inherit the New Earth and the Meek shall know the joy therein.

“I am SANANDA, known to you as JESUS THE CHRIST. I speak in the Authority of My Name and My Office, and I say to you that in the multitudes of the people of the Earth there shall be found that Remnant who can steadfastly be faithful to those right principles of my teaching. Those who come In My Name go from heart to heart, sealing them against that day and marking them for deliverance and safety from all that would destroy. But you shall NOT be taken out of your physical forms, but you shall be spared to live on in those days that follow. So, I shall call unto those who follow Me, to listen to the voices of these who come from other worlds, and harden not your hearts against their words nor practices. Rather, lift up LOVE unto them and desire for their coming, for They are the Angels of the Harvest!

I am SANANDA, and this is My Message to the World.

INTRODUCTION by the Ashtar Command

In time of war upon the Earth, a shrill siren is used to alert the populace that danger is approaching and that they should retire themselves to a place of shelter immediately. We of the Interplanetary Alliance and Space Commands of this hemisphere, known collectively as the Ashtar Command, do now, with the sending forth of this book, sound the siren of warning to mankind.

Danger is upon you. Drop everything and prepare yourselves. It is time to run toward the shelter of Divine Love and Guidance and to take with you only that which you can carry within the inner citadel of being. The early times of this decade will see the fulfillment of all the prophecies that have been released to the world.

Down through many cultures, and century after century, we have permitted our Highest and Brightest of souls to come to you and walk amongst you, to teach, to lift and become your friends. You have been taught many things, shown many things, awakened step by step to a higher way of life, an elevated approach to life, and a better way of existence. Precept upon precept, we have lifted you from one level to another.

Many have benefited and have arisen from their darkness and followed that Light. These have intuitively known that the summons was a call to know themselves and thereby, to undertake that refining of themselves that would reveal the inner divinity. Others have turned their interest elsewhere, ignored the outstretched hand of God, and lifetime after lifetime of opportunity has been squandered by detrimental choices.

Now it is time to separate these groups in keeping with their choices, and let those who refuse the advancement of their being remain together according to their own desires. The few who have burned within their hearts to find the Ultimate Reality will be permitted to follow these aspirations in the setting of a New World, cleansed and made bright by Universal action.

Increasingly, we have noticed the tendency of the planet and its people to pull toward an influence designed to destroy the function of free thinking and freedom of man in making his own choices, governing himself, and managing his national affairs. This diabolical influence has penetrated wholly within every phase of Human life and every avenue of world diplomacy and world statesmanship. Predictably, day by day, the freedom of Humanity has been infiltrated with that kind of propaganda which ultimately leads mankind away from their pure heritage as sonS of God.

The resulting effects are seen not only in the lives of men, but within the asteroid belt and the planet itself. When Humanity stands free, in the full Light of God's Universal Law, all government will be 'of the people and for the people and by the people.' But when the heritage of freedom is destroyed, mankind becomes as puppets on Strings, stripped of honor, life, strength, forthrightness and glory!

The Heavenly Father has placed within the burning center of Man that likeness of Himself which enables Man to govern himself in righteousness and peace. The destruction of this center has been the goal of the Destroyer. Now the forces of Light and Righteousness must rise in the defense of Humanity before it is too late. This is the primary action taking place behind the visible scene surrounding all of life.

Now, all levels of life will be highly raised in frequency, and all manifestations of lower life will wither and dissolve and be removed from the visible scene, to reconstruct the Father's Plan for this beautiful planet. A new fresh start for Man is in the making! The Astral Belts will be purged, the Heavens will be cleared, the Nature Kingdom will find its true destiny and Humanity will be glorified in keeping with the Father's design. This is corning to pass in your generation. There is no time left to dally and consider. The hour of decision for a planet is not only come, it is almost gone.

So it is, the 'siren sounds' for Mankind, and there is silence in Heaven for that moment that now is, when this great separation shall take place. You who read are versed in the spiritual verities involved. This book will clarify Human consciousness concerning the future on your octave. Read ... and understand.

The Ashtar Command.


The Seven Secret Councils

Chapter 1: The New Strategy

It was very late. The day had ended. Silently the darkness crept in and overshadowed us with its coolness and peace. I gazed, spellbound, at the brilliance of the heaven world, loathe to remove myself from the inner fullness of the moment. I was overcome with a deep love for my friends of outer space.

Suddenly my head was magnetically turned to the right. I sensed someone standing there. Then my head was again magnetically pulled upward to measure the great height of the Being at my side. He requested that I give him my hand, and I did. My hand tingled as if asleep or touching something electrically charged. I began to sense the presence of Many other Beings surrounding me. Their heads were bowed in prayer. I realized they were standing very close together, actually forming a circle. I then became aware that they were holding both of my hands and that I was a part of the closely-knit circle. Together we all became a glorious beam of white-golden Light. When the prayer ended, someone appeared in the circle standing directly in front of me with hands extended in blessing. The Being before me was in a jump-suit type of garment, in shiny metallic-like material with a type of hood that fits close to the head. His eyes were clear blue, and it seemed he was smiling at me.

"I will speak with you now, Tuella. I am Ashtar. I will remove my hood so that you may perceive my appearance. (His shoulder length light blonde hair fell straight back from the forehead and down.) Yes, I am smiling at you, Tuella, in my love for your spiritual being. You are glowing tonight because of the love you have been feeling. Because of this shedding forth and giving out of the love within, you have created a shining vortex surrounding you, and I am standing within it in a projection of my Being. This is done mentally, just as my words are beamed to you mentally. Hold the projection of my appearance before you as I continue with my message for this evening."

Thus began the various discourses which make up this text.

Ashtar is a Beloved Christian Commander and a very beautiful Being. He is highly evolved in the upper worlds, very influential, and has a great benefactoring influence upon those he leads. The momentum of the vibrations from these Great Space Beings, or Commanders, as they call themselves, is equal to and often beyond the forcefield even of Ascended Masters, for many have come who are Lords on their own planet, or persons of highest repute in their own galaxies and dimensions. We must realize that the fact that a Being as a participating Commander within the Confederation of Planets does not lessen in any way his or her spiritual evolvement and ascension within his or her own lifestream. Ashtar and those who serve with him are as real as you or I. In the Alliance of the Space Confederation, Commander Ashtar is the highest in authority for our hemisphere. He is also the Commander of the Star Ship upon which our Beloved Lord and Great Commander, Jesus-Sananda, spends so much of His time. He has the authority to clear any channel and interrupt and take over any communication from any source at any time, upon our planet; yet he is gentle, loving, devout, and totally inspiring as a great Leader.

I was told that this book will trigger into action Many who are yet outside of this awareness and that the Intergalactic Fleets would take up the work from that momentum in establishing these key souls on their pathway and personal mission. Further, that 'all emissaries now in embodiment will be assisted immediately to fulfill the divine plan for their lives.' Many who will read the book are 'Ambassadors' from the far-flung vistas of outer space, having volunteered to endure the limitations of fleshly existence that they might in some way aid the coming of Light upon this planet. It was explained to me that within the vast army of volunteers, there is an inner circle of souls on very special missions of great responsibility to the others, like a circle within a circle. In cosmic circles, these are referred to as the 'Intergalactic Legion of Special Volunteers.'

It seems that Mankind must make a new adjustment of attitude toward these intermediaries between Earth and Heaven. The Commands plead for Mankind to accept them, their existence, their presence, their dedication and loyalty to the Confederation and devotion to Earth, that the Kingdom of God shall come and that Earth shall become a beautiful Sun and part of the united Heavens. They are telling us now that, 'our special representatives must be lifted, taught, and prepared to fulfill their part in the plan for rescuing the planet and its people.'

The opening message goes as follows:

"I am Ashtar, the Commander of ten million men of my Command surrounding this hemisphere in the protective force within the Alliance for Peace in the Intergalactic Council. We have called upon this Messenger to compile this book for this point in Earth time that Mankind might consider and understand the details of those things that could come to pass, for Our Father doeth nothing except first He warneth His prophets.

There is method and great organization in a detailed plan already near completion for the purpose of removing souls from this planet, in the event of catastrophic events making a rescue necessary. We watch diligently, the threat of a polar shift for the planet in your generation. Such a development would create a planetary situation through which none could survive. This would necessitate an evacuation such as I have referred to.

Another Manifestation necessitating global rescue would be the collision of an asteroid within your own magnetic field, or the bypass of another large Heavenly body. This would so disrupt and disturb your own grid system and energy field that all of the inhabitants of the planet would face extinction. The negativity of Man could magnetize these things to himself. Detailed scientific data accumulated over long periods of monitoring the actions of the bodies within the solar system indicates these events are within the realm of possibility.

This book is not intended to frighten anyone, but on the contrary, to hold out the hope and confidence of our presence with you for any time of trouble. The dangers to the planet are very real. The resulting tragedy to Humanity would be unavoidable. However, our presence surrounding you of the total thirty-five million members of the Intergalactic Federation will assist you, lift you up and rescue you, and hold you in safety.

The magnetized solar flares now present around the Sun in its present position, in conjunction with the planetary alignment that is presently coming into its final position, combines to create a strong tendency to pull the Earth into untoward motion. The possible polar shift has been greatly lessened and gentled by the action of our scientific volunteers from many worlds. These are greatly learned men who understand these things, and whose services have gladly been given for the purpose of saving this beautiful planet. There are also tracking units with the Ashtar Command which continually trace the pathways of all asteroid action within this solar system and beyond. Any threatening approach of another Heavenly body can be strongly averted from its direction. This type of surveillance is constant.

Inner disturbances taking place within the planet itself are direct reflections of the aspirations and the attitudes and vibrations of those who dwell upon it. We have repeatedly attempted to turn the thoughts of Humanity toward the reality of Divine Truth and Principles. We have dared to lower our craft into your frequencies in a visible way. We have dared to expose ourselves in vulnerable situations in order to convince souls of Earth of our presence.

Now we take further steps, because of the shortness of time and the dangers that beset you and the pressure of coming events. We come to you once again with our call and our warning, but this time WE DARE to expose our most secret strategy to sound the alarm that this will soon indeed be the midnight hour. Now is the time to inventory the inner values. Therefore, we dare to expose within the pages of this book, our plans to come out into the open [the Galactic Federation program of 'First Contact'] and send proof of our presence and existence back to the Earth to silence forever arguments and denials of our overshadowing protection. This is the new strategy unveiled to you at this time in exposing our proposed gatherings of those who have come to walk among you as our representatives. They have to work in service to you, and we dare to reveal them and their identities, for no harm can come to them. We would simply remove them from your midst if you were to attempt to harm them in any way.

They are citizens of your planet, who have lived with you, suffered with you, walked with you and truly been one of you. Now we call them forth to admit their identity, to be gathered together to spend a brief time with us that they might return to you and share with you the facts and the proofs of our existence and the truth of our words.

The Ashtar Command now sends forth this book, that you, oh men of Earth, might be forewarned that these things shall take place. As these are gathered with us and returned once again into your midst, you will know that the events described in these councils are also true. You will know that global evacuation will take place. You will be helped and you will be rescued and by the proofs that are given our representatives who return to you, you will know that our promises are true.

We leave this book upon the planet for the few who will accept it. These words are not for the many, but for those to whom they are sent; more importantly, that later, those who remain behind will know why they have not been taken. Let all read and be quickened in the inner levels of being!" Ashtar.

* * * * * * * * *

Closely following the message from Ashtar, my own Teacher, The Ascended Master Kuthumi, also discussed these things:

"Those who have come to your world and taken upon themselves the garment of flesh to serve the Planet in Our Name, are approaching a time of crisis. These have chosen to be present upon Terra to serve in the great harvest of souls that now comes. To these, many instructions must be given, and many discussions sent to them to be assimilated within their guidance systems. Now is the hour when these special emissaries are to be temporarily removed from Terra for a brief moment of time, to receive specialized training instructions and personal directives, that they may be clothed in preparedness for the times that are at hand! The latter portion of the year could bring many upheavals and disturbances to the physical level of your planet.

Planetary changes have already taken place on inner levels within the auric field and the Astral Belt and surrounding regions. Soon, these emanations will penetrate the physical octave and those who dwell thereon. We have prepared the hearts and souls of incarnate Humanity in our own manner, for the coming events. It is imperative that our special emissaries under Hierarchal authority to participate in planetary evacuation, now receive our attention, by focusing our efforts toward their thorough preparation for the mission ahead.

Several million universal volunteers now walk the Earth! They are filled with Light, complete in their dedication and consecration to serve the Celestial Government, the Solar Hierarchy and the Intergalactic Confederation, in the salvation of a planet. The Highest Celestial Councils have decreed that those chosen ones shall be personally removed from Earth, to be temporarily placed in a higher frequency, within our domain, and there be prepared spiritually for the mission to be completed.

The planet Earth is tottering upon a crisis of many changes. The input of direct energies from many sources, now whirling in clockwise fashion around the globe, has been set into motion to offset a multitude of Inner Earth actions now racing toward chaos on the outer crust of the sphere. Because of these inner convulsions of energy within the orb of Terra that now press toward their destiny upon the crust, we must immediately organize our special training efforts for those assigned to these emergencies.

Therefore, I send forth this alert and summons to our Elect, to be ready for a sudden removal for a brief time to be spent in the presence of those who guard the planet. They will receive special instruction and directives to hide within their being. Many have been called, but few have been chosen, and to those a very special training now awaits. It is true that much teaching and much training and preparation has taken place before entering the Human manifestation. It is also true that these have proven their loyalty and love to the Father many times over. Every chosen disciple and initiate participating in this great rescue program must now consciously imbibe details, directions, and specifics through the Human consciousness. The summons may come through personal guidance, through the word of another, through this book, or through a lecture perhaps, but be assured your call will be given and heard. Then you must organize the details of your lives to be ready for withdrawal from your personal situations for a period of approximately 14 to 21 days for purposes I have outlined.

The interim of waiting for your summons should be a time of personal discipline, assimilating information, and bypassing worldly activities which rob one's spiritual strength and power. Saturate your inner being with the spiritual vibrations that interact with your own energy field. Meditate upon the needs of Humanity and the power of the Light of God to meet those needs. Let this interim be a time of great expectations, of deep soul searching and counting the cost.

You remain free to withdraw your original commitment to this mission, under the concept of free will. Beloved sons and daughters of the Light, the choice is still your own. You will receive reward and gratitude for work accomplished thus far. If that mind be in you to carry on and continue the battle against darkness through your dedication to the Legions of Light, your blessings shall be unlimited. You shall be highly protected and specially annointed with gifts such as are necessary for your personal service to Mankind.

I am Kuthumi, World Teacher, and my own emanations and vibrations surround every world volunteer at this hour. I cover you with my Golden Cloak, and I charge your being on inner levels to hold fast to your crown and to steadfastly remain faithful to your pledge. Realize that a great cloud of powerful Beings surrounds you and exalts your calling and giveth you grace equal to the task. Others who speak after me will introduce the details of our plan. I shed forth my love and blessing to all who have determined to serve as 'Ground Forces' in this tremendous undertaking. My beloved brothers and sisters, initiates of the Golden Light, not one of you shall fall; not one of you shall be lost; not one of you will be touched by the Destroyer! None shall fail in your choice to complete the Mission, and not one of you shall be plucked from the Father's Hand! Beloved ones, you are the Light of the World in its darkest hour for this cycle of time. Stand in our places. Stand firm in your consecration until the hour is come. Blessings be upon you in the Name of Our Radiant One. So be it."

* * * * * * * * *

As I considered these messages, I realized that the intimacy of the silence and its unspeakable fellowship helps us more and more to comprehend the Master's statement, 'It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given' Only because our 'Hall of Learning' is the inner citadel, the secret place of the Most High! I say, go inward, Man, in your quest of that which you cannot find in the churches of the world. If you are blind, let not the blind lead thee. He 'made us to have dominion over the works of His Hands, and hast put all things under our feet.' Believe it! Hold fast to your spiritual heritage as the begotten of God. In the days of Noah, eight close souls were saved because they had prepared an Ark of safety and listened within the inner citadel to the Voice of God. They believed His words and followed His instructions.

* * * * * * * * * *

Further insight into the new strategy of the Space Confederation came in a message from Andromeda Rex, one who will one day become a very familiar Ambassador of Light on television and radio, broadcasting warnings to the people. He states:

"The gathering of our Ground Commanders for these secret council meetings will begin a new way of doing things by the Confederation. Hitherto, we have had to be coy and careful and subdued in our activities. But now we are prepared to be more outward in Manifestation and bolder in our efforts to win the hearts of Mankind to our cause and purpose, which is really their own. This is why those who are taken up to these seven secret gatherings will be permitted to bring back with them so much evidential material. We will allow our participants to be interviewed and quizzed by the curious, because only in this way can we be heard and vindicated. This is a brave thing we ask of all of you. We are aware of the temptations involved to vaunt the self for such widespread attention. Yet we have chosen you well, and we believe none shall be spoiled by any of these developments but shall hold steady in the consecration previously made. All of you have been thoroughly scrutinized and monitored, down to the most minute detail of your inner being and personality traits. This was done before our final choices were made, to carry on and complete this program which began over one hundred years ago.

Soon, now, with much joy in our hearts, we will once again send back down into Earth those whom we have, by their own election, chosen to prepare the planet for its initiation into a new field of expression with the rest of the Solar System. In the annointing that is to be given at the inaugural ceremony, signs and wonders will be bestowed for convincing the world, each receiving in accordance with the mission, whatever is needed to complete it. We have designated certain areas of the ships where your cameras will operate successfully. Your tape recorders will also operate normally with batteries only. Primarily there will be many items of interest which can be brought back with you as evidences. These Councils, or gatherings, as you have begun to call them, are primarily for this purpose of sending back to Earth the concrete evidence which Earth has so long clamoured for. You will also have photographs to return with you which will show the views of Earth taken from our ships, taken upon our highly evolved technical equipment - photos which cannot be denied.

All of those who are summoned to these briefings will in some manner all be linked together to assist each other in the overall project of evidential presentation. Thus, there will be those from media, from commerce, from messenger work, and from church groups. Each will be a coordinated group, who will be made known to each other for coordinating your efforts toward convincing unbelievers of our existence and our good intentions. This program is designed for the purpose of convincing Mankind, as well as the training of those who attend. Thus, with the books that will be written and the efforts of higher echelons to protect those books and those writers, this will be an all-out onslaught against ignorance and bigotry as it pertains to us, our presence, and our mission.

The ranks of the officers will be revealed, specific missions will be assigned as this last phase of the transition period will be underway and soon to be completed. This legion of special volunteers will be the most active on inner levels to initiate the preparedness for our coming into Earth's atmosphere. Commander Ashtar and Many others will address the groups and explain the mission of each one present so that all can hear and know the direction that each individual will take. This program is a crucial step in our gearing down. All details for each personal life and its related problems or complications will be clearly discussed and dealt with in private council. Some of our guests will need much calming, for many will be lifted up rather suddenly from the midst of their affairs, creating some internal anxiety. It will be the work of all of you and us to calm such as these.

We are naturally tremendously thrilled over this coming fellowship, as well as our new policy and program. Our last effort of fifty years ago and later, did not succeed as we had hoped. It was to have culminated with our full and open appearance in your skies. This should have occurred in the sixties had our past programs proceeded as planned, but the hindrances and hostility of the governments of Earth totally thwarted our original plans.

We do not desire to force our presence upon you, and thereby feed the negative nature of those who would oppose us. This would gain us nothing toward Interplanetary Fellowship. We CANNOT, we WILL NOT make our appearance (in normal times) unless it is accepted by the Military and higher branches of your Governments. Therefore, this new policy of inner penetration into Human hearts will hopefully achieve that necessary change in the policies of Mankind which will build us a platform of goodwill upon which we may make our approach to uplift your way of life.

It must be done peacefully and lovingly, while it CAN be done in that manner. If circumstances develop danger to the Elect and danger to the Solar System before these negotiations are completed, then we will be forced circumstantially to intrude ourselves into Earth's forcefield for evacuation and intervention in the name of the Intergalactic Council governing the Universal Peace agreement.

I am Andromeda Rex, and I speak this message on behalf of the entire Space Confederation and the Council of Universal Masters who serve the Divine Government."

...nastavit ce se


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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