Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član Larisa







OD 14.01.2018.




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During the research in Utah in cooperation with Eve Carney, an interesting bit of information came through. After a long pause in the Silence, she suddenly remarked, "One of the Astral Heavens has been closed! I'm seeing seven Astral levels. The door of one has been totally shut off. Whoever is there is certainly going to remain there for awhile. They are there now and will need to remain there another 26,000 year span and then they will be given another opportunity toward evolution. I see that the next Astral level is also going to be closed so that the complete cleansing of the planet can be thoroughly accomplished. That second level corresponds to the dark influences and resultant problems. With the sealing off of these two levels, the mission of the Special Volunteers will proceed smoothly."

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There have been scattered and random reports in the past concerning great landings, even en mass, of Mother Ships, here and there and yonder. World Teacher Kuthumi has clarified this conjecture and requested that it be included here:

"The Space Confederation has announced that the coming evacuation will not necessarily involve landings except in rare isolated areas. They have measured the hostility factor within the center core of your protective forces, your local and national military stands throughout the planet. It was determined that in most cases, a large majority of these forces would openly attack us and fire upon us in the event of our appearing. This they would do even in disastrous circumstances, and disrupt rescue, thinking it to be some form of invasion.

We are therefore forced to forsake almost all landings that had been planned and to resort to the invisible levitation plan. This means that those who are calling for our assistance will need to believe that we are there. Those with the vision to see us, our ships and those who are being lifted, will be of great benefit to those who do not see. It is still hoped throughout the Confederation that this material will fall into many hands who are a part of these policing groups and military reinforcements, and that this information will gentle the hostile spirit when these events do come to pass. For to openly offer our rescue assistance would be far less complicated than to enter your atmosphere incognito and invisible. Please place this appeal within your text, and trust that it may change the attitude of some who do not understand. I am Kuthumi, speaking for the Alliance for Peace in the Universe. Thank you."

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Personally, I have greatly appreciated the words of Commander Jycondria, Assistant to Ashtar, as they have been given to us through spiritual messenger Lyara. Again, we share his words:

"As the scenario reaches its final stages it will be experienced as a great time warp. Time will appear to stand still in some experiences and in others, to feel like entire lifetimes in hours, moments, or days. If you waste your precious energy in reflecting upon the past, it will only further confuse the Mental Body, which has no references but previous Earth tapes, and cause more tension and anxiety in the emotional body. To live in anticipation of tomorrow and the days to come is equally unfair, because as always, the preparations, understanding, and endurance will be given when you need it!

Some of you are now being given foresight or foreknowledge. It is appropriate as a preparation and conditioning, so that you are given both understanding and emotional growth processes to soften the shock and be more effective to share your processes with others during actual impact times. Much of this preparation is unconscious and for some, conscious. Each of you will be experiencing a magnification of unresolved energies now-through the physical, emotional vehicles for complete release."

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PHASE I of the Great Exodus of souls from the planet will take place at a moment's notice when it is determined that the inhabitants are in danger. The very second the great computers show that needle has gone across a certain point, every satellite and participating craft, already in readiness, will swing into action. If it is not global in nature, but local areas of great danger, persons may be lifted only until the danger subsides and just as suddenly returned without recall. (In the former gatherings of the Earthean Eagles, most all will be permitted recall, being of a spiritual nature that permits it). The decisive events that trigger Phase I depend upon man and his actions and activities.

PHASE I of the global evacuation will come as the twinkling of an eye, with no time for any prewarning of any significance. It will be a secret taking away of spiritual leaders and teachers of the Light workers, but not those of the Special Legion who will remain until the last phase is completed. Phase I participants will be momentarily alerted at the time of any threat to the planet or its crust. Some may be notified where to go and when. In this covert rescue they will be invisibly levitated by beam to smaller ships that wait, on which they will be transported to the great Mother Ships anchored high in the atmosphere. Again it was repeated for emphasis, Phase I will remove all of the Earth Volunteers on assignment except those of the Special Legion who remain, highly protected, till all evacuation is completed .

It was stressed that it was impossible for them to state or give a figure of how many will participate in any of the removals because of the constant fluctuating population of the planet through death or intervention of Human Will, and the opening of the chakras of the new ones.

As mentioned earlier, there will be no landing areas for Phase I. They will be overhead and none will land. The Scout Ships will come wherever these special persons are.

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Our Space Friends have explained that the Second Phase of the global evacuation are those who have followed the Leaders and Teachers of Light, and the children! This Second Phase will be as close to the first as time permits, with the Second immediately following the first. The Second Phase is vital, as we return for the children of all ages and races. The child does not have the power of choice in understanding nor personal accountability.

In Commander Jycondria's continuing message through Lyara, he also speaks of the children:

"The children will naturally be lifted before the final phase of evacuation. Some of you will assist young souls of children and will be instruments in both entertainment and love until they are safely removed. Many will move up with them during evacuation so that they may pass up with the least amount of trauma possible.

Naturally most children will be boarded asleep - suspended animation - for the trauma of events would be too strenuous until they are to be awakened. The children will be initiated also, and as their 'veils' are lifted, they will appear as wise, mature adults in young bodies with very worthy assignments of service and education like the rest of you. Nurturing assignments which you as parents have received will be ended, as you rejoice in the graduation and beauty of these souls. Through the unlimited application of love, you will always be able to communicate with others. Telepathy, tele-vision, and teleportation will be among your unlimited abilities that you are awakening to. Be not concerned about the children, for they will be lovingly provided for."

Andromeda Rex has also given me these comforting words:

"In this phase the children will be attended to first, and special great ships of paramount love vibration are especially prepared, with those of great love to be in attendance upon these children. Your children will not be lost from you. There are tracers within our complicated equipment which can locate every soul. You can request and will be given this information to comfort your hearts while you tarry with us."

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Captain Avalon has added this bit of information to the whole:

"There has been discussion of relocating medical personnel. This is an emergency contingency that is not necessarily a part of global evacuation. In times of great stress and truly phenomenal needs in a certain area, that is not a threat to the planet, then those members of the Special Legion who do have the necessary vocational attributes will agree to be approached in emergencies for these relocations.

If only a portion of the planet or certain sections are in danger or peril, a mass of persons may be relocated to another safer area. This would not constitute sufficient reason for evacuation, but mercy would permit a relocation for them. In that case, expertise and abilities of the Special Volunteers would accompany them to organize and care for them. Our ships are assigned to pick up persons of specific groupings. Those assigned to medical personnel would disperse them and supplies to the neediest areas of the planet, for the needs throughout the planet will be diversified, and the ability to meet those needs must be balanced. Thus, much of the lifting of these medically trained persons will be for relocating them where great need is present. This kind of emergency action would fall into the activities of Phase II. There could be much reshuffling of masses of persons to areas safer, cooler, warmer, drier, or whatever is vital at that moment of time, yet not threatening planetary annihilation.

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Enoch prophesied the returning Lord would have an entourage of at least ten thousand saints (Jude 14), but from the information we now have, that figure could be updated to many millions. Various Commanders of the Ashtar Command have explained to me that in whatever time remains, the sky will be filled with ships extending an invitation to rescue whosoever is without fear and whose vibratory frequency is sufficient to bear the Levitation Beams. Due to the planetary turbulence at the time, there will be only limited landings for this mass evacuation. This final removal takes place as time permits and in accordance with whatever disaster is prevalent.

"This will be a mass hovering in the skies for whoever is unafraid to join with us to be rescued. The ultimate destination of these will be determined later. The moment at hand will require only that they be without fear and of sufficient vibratory frequency to withstand the levitating beam around them. Phase III makes up the invitation to the multitudes to welcome whomsoever can withstand the activities of rescue and accept our call, in whatever few moments are left, for we cannot linger in your atmosphere when the turbulence gets underway. This final lift-off will, of course, also include those faithful Earth Commanders who have borne the heavy responsibility of Earth details in preparation for our coming. These are the kinds of things that will be discussed with them at their briefings in the Secret Councils."

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Important instruction from Lytton through Lyara should be included here:

"Energies must be totally cohesed in the moment of each day, with a total commitment to the energies. Many are now called for the magnitude of work to transpire. Few will be ready for this committed level of service. The wheat is being separated from the chaff. Each Light Worker will be given multiple hats - roles of service - as they have been given multiple talents. It is most important in maintaining balance with these responsibilities to separate your energies from yesterday's or tomorrow's or anything unrelated to each exact moment and project. Then, as the Holy Spirit descends upon you, perfect direction and action will transpire with phenomenal and unprecedented levels of service.

Put your quiet moments and spiritual growth as number I. Be not attached to planetary service. Only some will be facilitated for this service and they will be assisted with the combined efforts of many toward rapid and necessary projects. The major projects of the evolution of Mankind at a consciousness level will not occur until the interruption of life on the Planet. Then both those who exit on the Ships and those who drop their bodily vehicles will be taken into various schools and experiences for their further growth."

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Further informative and helpful details make up the conclusion of Commander Jycondria's message shared by Lyara:

"Some of you are to be gatherers of supplies and essentials for others that will come to you in the final moments ahead. Simplify your lives that you will not be burdened with extraneous material possessions. Many of your homes will become filled with your spiritual family before departure, and space will become a premium.

Besides the citizens of Earth, successful evacuation will be given to all the Spiritual Centers both in the Etheric and the Physical in the mountains and beneath the Earth's surface. Records, energy and healing devices, and all instruments of Brotherhoods, will be removed to be returned with life on Earth at a later day. Even today's plants and animal specimens (similar to the enactment of Noah's Ark) are being removed to various planets for successful hybridization to vibrationally prepare for their return. Nature spirits and plant and animal Devas are being removed to continue their evolution and return in greater forms and expressions. Ships which have been left within the Earth for this time will be reactivated, as they will be locally used and then lifted with the evacuation. The civilizations within Middle Earth which serve the Light will be evacuated as well as all life upon the surface. No life will be left for the cleansing cycle, in any dimension or expression.

You have been previously instructed as to the 'why's' - now you have received more instructions as to the ''how's.'' Trust the perfection, preciseness and experience of the Intergalactic Fleet. Many contingencies and details which you could not even fathom at this time have been allowed for. Remain calm, trust the process, and all will go smoothly with lift-off. We are not only manifesting the lights in the sky, but expanding the love and understanding in your heart. Trust our words! Our actions will speak for themselves. Welcome home. The reunion will soon be occurring aboard the ships. Bless you." - Jycondria (Assistant to Ashtar).

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In response to some questions asked of my Space Friends, I was told that the areas of Earth to be repopulated first will depend totally upon what nature of cataclysm has taken place upon the Planet. Some members of the Intergalactic Fleet will relocate with us for assistance in rehabilitating the survivors and introducing helpful advances to the Planet, as advisors in many fields such as education, art, government, horticulture, and spiritual guidance.

Commander Voltra, a leading Space Psychologist with the Commands, spoke to me of these blessings:

"I command a fleet of those who monitor the vibratory rate of Mankind, as well as the frequency changes in Nature and all manifest life upon the planet. It is a great joy to us when the data banks fill with good tidings of another soul, here and there, who has turned to the unfolding Light and awakened to truth in accordance with his own understanding of things. Such a soul, if it continues to seek, will ultimately find the uninhibited truth of all things and add his or her measure of Light to that already upon the Planet.

We have so much scientific data to share with Earth, and much benevolent knowledge to give you for your own well-being and blessing, but these must be withheld until that time when Hu-Man has evolved into Man and can be invested with great revelations. You will see many things upon our Ships that will astound you and truly electrify your understanding of the Laws of the Universe.

There is so much that you do not understand and upon which you are building false conclusions. Your concepts of gravity and energy are cause for much error in your approach to applied physics. The coming interplanetary fellowship will bring Men of Earth unheard of scientific enlightenment, under the New Order . Already many of those who will be given these formulas and concepts are born unto you and bring with them the capability of understanding new principles. These new thoughts will truly bring in a Golden Age of Enlightenment and Abundance.

When war is removed from your plane of existence and love prevails upon Earth, then all of the great blessings of other worlds will be shared freely with you in perfect love. Fret not for the changes that must come to make this possible. Think only of the great New Earth to come with deliverance, health and peace. I am Voltra, who speaks in the brightness of Our Radiant One. Vasu, Vasu. I amVoltra.”

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Xyletron, of the Intergalactic Fleet, speaking through Lyara, puts it bluntly:

"Earth - as a playground and educational institution - is closing down for a period. After a cleansing and remodeling has transpired, it will be reopened, but with a greater curriculum and staff to challenge the eager students of life into more preparations for even greater horizons that will challenge them after graduation. After successful preparations, those returning to Earth will know the Universal Laws and be prepared to live in harmony with them.”

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Lyara also shares these words from our Beloved Jesus:

"You are rapidly moving internally from an awareness of a possibility of these events to pass on to an absolute knowing that the accounting and recording must be activated now. The Trumpets will be soon sounded, and with the sounding, will come forth my children to be lifted up by the vibration each of your souls have achieved. Commitment to an Institution, Church, or Synagogue will not assure salvation. But those who have sincerely sought out the love of God in their hearts and then applied those higher principles of service and joy toward the higher development and service to others. Knowledge from book-learning will profit nothing. The gathering of knowledge and wisdom in thought and deed will count for everything.

“Woe, that I weep for the children who have not learned from Earth and will not be prepared to move into the Higher Worlds with me. They must suffer more experiences until they surrender to the loving Father who can cleanse their pain, dry their tears, and purify their hearts. Many are called, as always, but few have developed the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

“Let go immediately of any unresolved energies or emotions which are binding you to Earth, whether it is the sin of attachment to material possessions or the continual lustful thoughts of passion in your mind. Release your resentments, your fears, your needs to feed your ego. Forgive your neighbor, your friends, and even the bums in your community. Judge nothing as less than Divine, perfect in its own unique way. Accept everything equally as beautiful and good. Trust that life force/source to sustain you with all that you need now and in the days to come. All is God! Awaken to the glory of that joy as creation is spun from the illusion of separation into the Oneness of creation for all to witness that participate.

Oh, Father, bless and rejoice for each soul that moves forward with me. Bless those who are not ready, that their evolution be quickened.

My love constantly abides with all of you. Soon you will see me, as now you consciously feel me." - Jesus

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The spiritual designers of this volume have asked that I repeat a message that came some time earlier this year from the great Chohan, Hilarion. The message has already appeared in print in several places, but it is an appeal that is vital and bears repeating once again:

"I am Hilarion, thy Brother of the Emerald Ray. I have returned to you once again in order that my words might be broadcast to the people who serve the Light and the Manifesto of the Ascended Masters who guard and guide the planet Earth:

"It is imperative that now at this time the persons who are connected in any way with the Representation of the Spiritual Hierarchy shall begin to come together in Oneness and in Love and Tolerance of one another, in order that a great pink cloud of Love and Unity might float throughout the Land and bring blessing to its people. We look upon many divisions and many variations of the Great Truth, but we see within all and through all, a great lack of cohesion and inner Oneness designed toward a bringing together of the Souls who serve under many banners. I speak to you now, my Beloved Ones of the New Age understanding. I speak to those who are the Enlightened Ones. I speak to those who have found their way out from the coalitions of Darkness and Manmade hierarchies of bondage.

I speak to our Sons and Daughters of wisdom and deliverance. I call for a uniting of all those Light Beings in whatever Ray of Service you find yourselves, in whatever allegiance to whatever Master or Body of Revelation you serve in the Legions of Light.

I call for a setting aside of all attitudes of separateness within the fold of our Emissaries, to unite yourself as a Great Impenetrable Wall of Light against the strongholds of invasion from the Dark Emissaries who would seek to divide you and to conquer your Great Light. Take care that not one iota of interference from these shall be permitted nor tolerated within Thy fold. Hold fast to a stronghold of Blue Light around every Group, every Circle, every effort extended toward the ongoing enlightenment of this day. Let not any division be found among you, let not the imperfections of Human manifestation disturb your inner peace or your great stillness. Through these means much gain is lost, much victory is weakened by the internal strife of the personality!

This is that hour when the greatest of LOVE must prevail. The patience of Love must overshadow every joint undertaking and every combined effort for our great Hierarchal Program. Cleanse yourselves of all Human pettiness and lesser emotions that frustrate the action of Love in your midst. The time is come when Love must unite you in one solidified nucleus of purity. The Gates of Hell itself cannot prevail against Love in United Action within the body of our Lighted Ones.

My Blessing and my Benediction be upon each and every one of you who serve the Great Light in this day. The Light of God shall not fail. I am Hilarion, of the Emerald Ray.”

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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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