Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član Larisa







OD 14.01.2018.



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A paragraph from beloved Joshua, through messenger Lucy Colson, seems a fitting summary with which to close this section:

"While plans are going ahead for planetary evacuation, they are going ahead on a 'crisis basis' only. Man, with his Free Will, has the option to stay the Hand of the Lord. While the hour is extremely late, we have not given up hope that Man will yet realize the immediacy of his peril, both to himself and his planet, and come into alignment with his Christ Being. However, should there be planetary warfare, then the Hand of God will be stayed no more, and we will have to rescue our Light Servers, for theirs is not the destiny to witness the full cleansing."

II – Chapter 3: The Cleansing Action

Earth's axis is influenced by the weight of the karma of Humanity. Man's inhumanity to Man and voluminous thought forms and feelings of negative emotions have tipped the axis of the planet. Electrons have weight - though very slight, singly, of tremendous heaviness in the aggregate. It has been pointed out that this has been concentrated mostly in the Northern Hemisphere and has bent the axis. This bend of the axis causes instability in Earth's revolving action.

Churchwood's books on the ancient civilisation of "Mu" graphically describe this tipping, producing colossal tidal waves of water, gravel, and ice, destroying all life in its pathway. Earth's proper climates can only be restored to normal in the arighting of the axis. In the Halls of Heaven we are told there are blueprints for planet Earth which present the original designed continental distribution of the Earth. Originally the seven continents encircled the globe at its greatest diameter, while water occupied the other two regions. To restore the original continental distribution will require tremendous cataclysmic activity, sinking certain continents beneath the seas and raising others. Following this, the barren Earth would need proper climate restoration and a new covering of foliage and vegetation.

Spiritual Light Being Lytton mentions this (through Lyara):

"The physical Earth is a living organism/consciousness, and is continuously being created by group consciousness. Solidified thought forms have densified into rocks, earth, institutions, and constructions, etc., which must be broken up to yield to new vibrations and new creations. From the higher vibration will emerge the new Heaven and the New Earth. The entire surface of the planet will be reconstructed."

Lytton has important things to say concerning acceleration also:

"The significant activity in the 1970's that had such an impact upon time was the atomic underground blasts! Each Human life form is composed of millions of atoms. It is the lowest visible, divisible structure to our physical world. Within the atom exists the exact counterpart of the outer universe - the inner universe. It is not visible by Human senses or instruments, for like its constituents, it can only be perceived by spiritual vision or, in some cases, by properties. The science of etherons is one application of the principles of the 'stuff' composing the atom.

The rate the atom vibrates in matter constitutes the uniqueness of the creation the thought form supports. For example, a rock vibrates quite slowly, whereas Man, depending upon his spiritual/soul development, can vibrate quite rapidly.

All on this planet share a common substance of space which surrounds the atoms. Through this space flows the life force which connects all creations on or within this planet. Now what do you imagine happens when man splits the atomic structure violently in one part of the surface of the planet, or within? The Life Force which flows through the ether (as rapidly as your thoughts are sent into the universe-instantly) and all atomic structures, begin to accelerate in their vibration, causing TIME, as vibration, to accelerate, putting us many years into the future! No more atomic blasting is allowed! You, as citizens of the Earth, have already spiraled this planet into the last years! As the Earth begins to yield to this pressure within and without, and the stars within the heavens exert their influences, rapid, imminent changes must occur. We, in the Fleet, could not prevent you from your destiny of bringing the planet into its final work, but we have now been allowed to oversee how you handle this. It is not allowed for you to blow up this planet, as Maldek and other planets have done when they developed nuclearly. We have given repeated warnings to your Leaders. They have been ignored.

Now we can only carefully monitor - assisting with as many awakening projects as you have given yourselves time for, and safely evacuate those who are ready to go home with us. Obviously the current vibrational frequency acceleration has a profound effect upon life on the planet. People intuitively feel changes. Many are opening to new dimensions, but they do not understand what is going on. These anxiety/fearful thought forms will accelerate air and ether pollution to the sensitive, causing them to leave the cities or live together for personal evolution and work.

It is the discordant conditions between these higher energies now hitting the planet and the fears and subsequent thought forms which people have created which are the true battle between the Light and Dark forces, or the lower and higher which people have created. The real war is within the souls and hearts of every man on the planet."

* * * * * * * * *

Scientists have spoken of two enormous sunspots on the surface of the Sun - presently dormant - that are the largest ever seen. But if they should flare, they would cause a magnitude of Earth disturbances and earthquakes the like of which has never been known within a recorded time. There has also been much talk concerning a possible collision with Earth from another Heavenly body. I asked my teacher, Kuthumi, concerning this, and he replied:

"This is a time-controlled event. The negative quality of Earth could magnetize it toward its location, but if the cleansing has already occurred for this planet, the other Heavenly body would be diverted from its course. If it comes coincidental with nuclear action, it would be permitted as another form of cleansing."

* * * * * * * * *

This Summer I was greatly moved by an account of the stabilizing action of our beloved Brothers from Space, which appeared in the New Atlantean Journal, and I am sharing it here:

"An acquaintance of Hermann Ilg (contactee) who is employed with a geological institute where also seismologic surveying takes place, informed him that during the months of January and February, 1982, an incredible observation has been made: There was not the slightest geological movement! The apparatuses did not show anything for weeks! This has not been the case as long as the apparatuses are in action, because the Earth crust is in slight movement day after day. She asked for an explanation from the Spheres of Light, and this was the answer:

“The extraterrestrials detected at the end of 1981, an increasing, highly dangerous axial declination impending to evoke a hyperchaotic condition. This is because of the rolling motion. As an immediate counteraction, it was decided to place all available Mother Ships around the whole planet in such a way that this was approximately in keeping with the meridians. Through the emission of their powerful radiant energy, the Earth was taken as into a vise. Thereby, the abnormal rolling motion could be highly reduced, although not completely. Had this not been done, there would not be a pole jump during the coming entry of the Earth into the Monastic vibration, as expected, but there would have been that pole changing which would have led to a total devastation of our planet in 1982. So you see that in late 1981 there was a highly dangerous situation.

In the same issue of the New Atlantean Journal, Allan J. Grise mentioned that "scientists have announced the existence of the Great American Fault Line, a vast mega-crack in the earth's surface, that runs from Seattle all the way to the lower reaches of the Appalachians, some 1700 miles long and 90 miles wide at places, indicating that most of us now live near a major fault line."

* * * * * * * * *

More interesting and vital information concerning future Earth events comes to us in a joint statement from Lytton, St. Germain, and Cassion, through Lyara:

"Heavy releases of the plates of Mother Earth, movement and motions which previously would take many years to accomplish, will begin in vast motion. The triggers beneath the plates in Africa, Southern Europe, Mideast, Australia and the West Coast have been accomplished. Great patterns and flow of energies are occurring now at the subsurface levels of the planet, propelling triggering actions and reactions to each event now, thousands of miles from the source. We can no longer stabilize fault lines, and indeed, it is no longer our position to do so.

In your 'sleep' states many of you can recall working with earthquakes, volcanoes, energy lines, grid patterns and travel to various spots around the world. You are each a part of working groups differentiated by etheric colors (there's that color coordination again!) and are called to come together for service every night now. You are being provided an understanding at the soul level of changes which are occurring. Those on the birth path of Love balance dense emotional energies on the planet by the neutralizer of Love. Just as blocks of emotions prevent the proper flow of life force through the Human body, so do collected thought forms block the flow of the conduit channels of energy flowing through continents and energy lines. Keep the energy in your abodes and activities high and stay tuned, unemotionally, to the channel of Divine Love, and you will always be guided in your activities and your decisions.

The release of energy from nuclear power plants will be one of our biggest concerns. Nuclear energy was definitely an example of giving toys to children. It has only sped up the transition for all the population. What was planned to be more gradual has now become accelerated because of the energies released and imbalances facilitated in both the etheric and physical life' forces. We will not allow the entire planet to be destroyed. If atomic warfare does become activated, that will be the point of immediate mass evacuation by us of the prepared citizens of planet Earth.

Earth changes will have far reaching effects upon the nuclear power plants around the world. None are safe from potential leaks if given lethal impacts. Some unfortunately will not be closed in sufficient time to prevent damage to communities. Major earthquakes will cause fissures, with immediate consequences rather than leaks. Spend special attention treating on Divine and Perfect Order concerning these plants.

It will intensify our work in this dimension to redirect the relocation of specific people and officiate all responsibilities without directly interfering with the will and destiny of Mankind. We bombard with high vibrations and wisdom as helpers through the Fourth Dimension. The ultimate acceptance or rejection is an individual soul decision.

Take some time each day to be isolated and know that you are not alone, and listen to those who do surround you then. Allow your bodies to clear all emotional blocks as quickly as your soul is calling you. The clearer the vehicles, the greater the ability to serve. Walk quietly, calmly, and beautifully through the world. Golden will be the touch of Love you will bring to others. Golden Love and Light - Lytton, St. Germain, Cassion."

* * * * * * * * *

Johnny Prochaska, a scientist who serves also as spiritual messenger, has spent many years in nuclear research and air pollution. We have a pungent passage from him concerning Earth events:

"When major quakes rock Los Angeles and California, they will not completely collapse the State until there is a major quake down the fault line of the Mississippi River. This Midwest quake will give a warning quake and in twelve hours, a second devastating quake will divide the continent. After that, major triggers around the world will occur. First, Los Angeles; then New York, then Italy, etc.

Solar flare activities will cause hotter heat, sickness and insanity. Do not overexpose yourself to the sun. These solar flares will tilt the axis more and cause climatic changes.

The last four years there has been a hold up in activities for more internal refinement. Even twenty years ago prayers went out for the final days to be shortened in length and not in winter. There may be a limited nuclear war initiated by Israel-Arab states. The Ark and other valuable spiritual and technical items left in the earth will be lifted by the Space Brothers and returned at reconstruction.

The orbits of the planets are changing because of the energies of the planets. Solar flares are causing high cosmic radiation which is hitting atoms and smashing them. The changes happening to heavy mineral atoms are causing them to throw off reflections which are even now causing unidentified diseases. The combination of Earth's energy plus the negative energies is affecting the Human aura now, which accounts for much migration to clear open spaces."

* * * * * * * * * *

One evening, after dispensing with the required identifications and interdimensional protocol, Commander Anton spoke to me concerning the possible bypass of a large Celestial Body:

"In Earth's closing days there will be much preparation to be made on spiritual levels. A great manifestation of devotion will sweep across the planet as souls become aware of the actual possibilities that hover in the near future. You have read of a collision of comets. It could be more involved than that.

For it is true, there is another Heavenly body which at present is on a straight course for your own position in the atmosphere. This is the true reason for deep concern on the part of such as beloved Soltec and Voltra and astrophysicists here who carefully monitor and register these activities. There is the possibility of a disturbance from the forcefield this Celestial Body coming closer each year. It will not need to actually enter your atmosphere to bring reactions within the electromagnetic field of planet Earth. It can be a great distance away, yet nevertheless make its effects penetrable enough to cause much havoc to Earth's situation. This fact is another cause for extreme planning on our part for perfect coordination in all evacuation procedures. We are now organized to the extent that total evacuation could be completed within fifteen minutes of earth time!

The approach of another body or system within your magnetic field would be known to us long before your scientific community would be aware of it. There are universal satellites and fact-gathering devices upon them that make those of Earth appear as toys. We are prepared for this occurrence completely, along with all other possibilities. I mention this to your readers, in the event that messages concerning this may have reached some and produced fear. This fear is inadvisable and unnecessary, for those who have lived in love and served the Light upon the planet, will not remain to witness any catastrophe! We send you, rather, the comfort and the assurance that your Heavenly Father knoweth all your needs before they are known to you. I thank you. This is Anton, of the Silver Fleet."

* * * * * * * * *

One of the earlier messages received came from Beloved Soltec concerning coastal changes.

"Good evening, Tuella. This is Soltec speaking once again. I greet you in the Great Light. As Commander of the great Phoenix Mother Ship, that monitors all scientific situations for this Northern Hemisphere, I have been invited to speak with you at an early opportunity whenever the door would be opened for me to do so.

As you know, we have monitored the planet for many civilizations. We have scanned our records and perused every detail to gather material that might prove of interest to Humanity concerning their destiny and the destiny of the Planet.

I have personally monitored the West coastlines for many years, as has my father (Monka) before me. Now it would appear that soon the time could come when these labors will prove to be not only vital in all of our undertakings, but important in the saving of many lives. We have organized our forces to such an extent that within one minute of time, or sixty seconds in your time scheme, we can evacuate two-thirds of the Western Coast should that prove necessary. We have organized our communication system providing for a message to be transmitted to each craft simultaneously. Each Commander and lesser leader is totally prepared to do exactly what they are supposed to do in their assigned area. Therefore we do feel fully prepared and ready for whatever takes place.

We are not able to give you details and descriptions of what will take place, or exactly when and where. We must confine ourselves to more general expression because so many variables are present. Even if we did know these things, which we do not, it is doubtful that we would be permitted to spread such facts to the population. However, there is a certain sequence of events that can be scientifically and philosophically projected with reasonable success and accuracy.

For example: It is evident that volcanic action will eventually erupt on the Earth's crust. We have scientifically determined action within subterranean levels. An unrest within the bowels of Earth has indicated to us that many volcanoes will erupt and disturb many areas. This first action will probably come in the Mediterranean area and along the western coastline of America and into Hawaii and that area of the Pacific. There is very little we could do to prevent this action, but we can lessen the depth of the destruction once the eruption has begun. We do have scientific means of deploying such things as will reach within the heart of these eruptions and cool them down. We would be very busy and active in this service.

A reaction throughout the planet to these outer disturbances would follow very shortly in the wake of these occurrences. This reaction is similar to the domino effect. For one occurrence activates and produces another within subterranean levels of Earth. Therefore, it appears that these eruptions would activate earthquakes along the Western Seaboard through the faultlines there.

The possibility is great that some of these earthquake maneuvers will be of great magnitude. At such a time we would urge the children of Light to withdraw from the shores in those places, and to penetrate inland as far as their circumstances permit. During those Western disturbances we would further anticipate a series of tidal waves coming to the southern portion of the Atlantic Seaboard which would create much chaos and destruction in the Bermuda area, the Caribbean and the coastline of Florida.

As Commander of one of the key monitoring spacecraft that patrols the entire Northern Hemisphere for the Ashtar Command, it is my duty to keep in closest contact with all incoming data and the newest information. This possible future sequence has been our conclusion as many of us have sat together in the Higher Councils and looked upon the problems of Terra presently in the making.

In the Eastern Sector, the disturbances below the surface of the ocean would move northward up the Atlantic coast with pockets of heavy storms for both England and the American seaboard. At such a time urge we would urge those of Light along these areas also to withdraw inward away from the water and the lash of winds upon them from these vast storms that will be precipitated by the tidal waves that come first.

As I have patrolled in my Mother Ship, the Phoenix, observing the land from the North to the South on both of the coastlines - North in Canada and South into the coast of South America, it has been a great trial to me to realize that these things might be set into motion upon Earth. It is our desire to send words of helpful warning to all occupying all of the coastlines that theses possible actions of these great bodies of water could be severe; they would lash upon the lands with no respect of persons or property.

On behalf of the Interplanetary Alliance within the Solar System, I am Commander Soltec, of Spacecraft Phoenix, monitoring your world for the Ashtar Command, in the Authority of Jesus the Christ, Our Beloved Commander, and the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Solar System.

* * * * * * * * * *

I received a telephone call from a close friend, Jeanette M., who passed along a dream. In the dream Jeanette saw a tremendous black cloud of colossal size, heading toward Houston, her home. It was moving inland fast, at great speed. A Being appeared beside her and told her, "This hurricane will smash the Gulf Coast. It is like a great wall that will cover the land. The wind is of such an intense nature that people do not realize it contains a wall of water also." Jeanette was told that where she lives the land could be totally covered with water. The Light group there has often diligently worked with impending storms, preventing them from coming in, or redirecting them, but she was told that "in this one, you would not be able to work on it. At such a time we will call you. Do not forget!" Then she awakened.

II – Chapter 4: The Great Exodus I, II, and III

Undoubtedly, the most often asked question concerning these evacuation details is, "When?" This is apparently also one of the most difficult to answer. Kuthumi attempts an explanation for us:

"The situation is greatly related to international affairs. It cannot be dogmatically determined the exact nature of the event that will precipitate these crucial events. Whether a panic button reaction or a polarity that cannot be maintained, when a certain critical point is reached in planetary affairs, the changing of the auric color and magnetic field surrounding the Earth will automatically trigger the plan into action.

The unpredictable element of Human action must be considered. The free will of Humanity prevents any actual knowing of moment and time when these things will occur, for the action and reaction of Humanity to given influences and situations are a key factor. The onset of war on a devastating level would be a crucial incident, which would then precipitate intervention of a cataclysmic nature. Geological factors taking place within the orb itself are an intricate part of triggering action. The combination of both of these events would trigger the First two Phases of evacuation immediately, undertaken in a secret manner. The Third Phase would follow shortly thereafter. For the Third Phase is a public occurrence, while the first two are covert maneuvers, to insure their completion. Time-wise, it is impossible to yet tell precisely how the Nations will go or when they will yield to the crisis situation and blow the world apart.

The Legion of Earth-based Commanders will already have had their training and briefing. It is imperative this be completed while there is time."

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I have been told that while basically most of the Lift-up will be invisible to others, it will not necessarily be, exclusively, for all three Phases. There will be some landings where the people just walk onto the ships. When they cannot land or do not have open areas, then they will resort to other methods. There may be survivors floating in water, from earthquakes, and the land may become jelly-like in many places, making the Levitation Beam a necessary procedure.

Another recurring question is, “Where will the rescued be taken?” Answers that I have received cannot be specific. Destination will depend on age as well as enlightenment level. Some will be put to sleep to lessen the trauma. Some will remain on the Ships, depending on their ability to continue in service. Some will be escorted to other planets where acclimation is possible, while others may be transferred to the tremendous city-like Mother Ships .

Destination depends on the individual survivor, his life patterns and spiritual evolvement. Some who qualify to be lifted up will be in need of treatment. This will be provided. Others will be on the right level, but will require education and training in areas designed for that purpose. The length of time involved in removal will depend on the nature of what has taken place upon Earth. In some cases where Earth devastation is present locally, some may merely be relocated to another area.

Johnnie Prochaska, reader of the Akashic records, has graphically answered the above question. He is quoted here verbatim:

"Much of the domes and dome cities people are visually seeing exist on Uranus. Many evacuees will be sent to there from Earth. Many will arrive in suspended animation. Souls will be stepping into already-prepared cloned bodies, while others will transfer their Third Dimension vehicles to the Fourth Dimensional ones. Women will have 18-yearold bodies and men, 24 to 25. Any older vehicles will be overhauled.

When evacuation does occur, there will be several ways of removal. There will not be as much planned boarding as was originally planned. More will go in the Raptured type and be gone in a second just before or during a major Earth change. In all the confusion, none will suspect. The experiment where this was tried was in a past major quake in China, where 200,000 were secretly removed."


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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