Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član Larisa







OD 14.01.2018.




The Three Evacuations

Part II - Chapter 1: Mission of Mercy

We find much assurance and comfort from these words of beloved Kuthumi:

“The Spiritual Hierarchy of the Solar System has concluded that Man has reached that point in his spiritual awakening when a fuller revelation of the closing portion of the Divine Plan for Earth may be revealed to him.

This light is not a new thing. Glimmers have appeared here and there through many at different points in time. Yet broadly speaking, it has not been a known thing either. Or perhaps it has appeared in distorted form. It has not been stressed or particularly emphasized by us until this generation. There are many present, even within the folds of New Age concepts, who will cry that these things must not be spoken of. Yet where will they be when the word is needed to comfort the hearts of millions, when the sky is darkened with spacecraft, come to lift them to safety?

So we must have our nucleus of messengers with the stamina and the courage to dare to get the message to the people of Earth, that this hour will come, and that when it does, there will be help ready in the skies to care for them! We do not involve ourselves with the dogmas of Earth or crystallizations of the doctrines of Men. If our alerting messages or warnings or any portion thereof seems to be at odds with accepted traditional interpretations of things, then let tradition update its information by returning to direct contact with the Celestial Government of this Solar System!

Souls of Divine Illumination will not be overcome with fear because of a foreknowledge of coming events, but will, rather, be filled with a joyous confidence in the Heavenly Father and take refuge in His shadow until these calamities be passed. This, then, is your refuge from the storm, your shadow from the heat. With these revelations we share with you some of the details involved in the Father's Protective Presence and the means with which it will be manifested in the crisis hour for the children of God. It is well to trust in the general principle that, 'come what may, God will take care of me.' It is even more comforting to be apprised of His method and His Plan for doing so. Many have long walked by faith, believing but not seeing. This faith now finds its fruit within this body of practical revelation as it applies to the physical octave.

In the darkest hour that can come for this planet, when its very existence would be destroyed were it not for the intervention of the Father's Hand, the millions who have dared to trust in Him when they had no other evidence other than their own faith, will be rewarded openly by being lifted into His Ark of Safety. As a hen gathereth her chicks under her wings, this Ark provided will be the great armadas of floating cities that orbit the Earth on their MISSION OF MERCY!

All of the units of Heaven have laboured together on this great Plan, counseled together and served earnestly to bring to consummation the greatest rescue of souls, of all time. The beloved sons and daughters of God will be hidden under our wings until the planet Earth is once more habitable. Then that which has been 'plucked up' shall be 'planted again,' and the Earth shall bring forth beautiful fruit in the Father's Name, within the cleansed and purified vibrations of a new Heaven and a New Earth. Do not despair that others are not telling the story. The world has not been ready to hear. Many, at least, are close to the facts, though they know it not. But once again, through this means, we who guard your World now tell unto Man that which is before him. Let him choose wisely his response to the Plan.

I am Kuthumi, World Teacher of this Solar System under the auspices of the Great Central Sun Government.”

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With these beautiful words to strengthen the 'hope that is within us,' we will be considering in this second part of our book, the planetary situation and the solution.

There is much concern throughout the Ashtar Command concerning the fear of Mankind toward the peace-loving and goodwill Ambassadors from Outer Space. Commander Ashtar speaks:

“I speak for the Most High Command of the Guardian Forces. Preparations are now underway for a great Conclave of the Guardian Action. The masses must somehow be reached with an understanding of our true mission and the purpose of our presence in your skies. All fear must be removed from their hearts through teachings that will help them to understand that we surround your planet only in an attitude of love and helpfulness and a desire to serve Mankind. Fear of us makes it impossible for the completion of our Mission when the time is come.

There are too many who fear us, too many who would withdraw and hold back should an invitation be given to come with us for rescue. We recognize the problem. We are dealing with it in every possible way through hundreds of precious willing souls that are Earth-based. We cannot be of help to those who fear us, who do not trust us, and who cannot accept us. The attitude of Humanity must be changed for the great majority, before the hour of crisis. We cannot fulfill the Plan of the Hierarchy or assist Mankind unless the world is enlightened to our purpose and mission.”

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Beloved St. Germain has also contributed a message for sharing here:

“The massive buildup of negative effluvia surrounding the planet is being penetrated by our special cosmic rays to loosen and dissolve it. This will take considerable time, but the process is in action. These great rays have been sent forth from the Great Central Sun and will be in effect for the next three to five years. The Solar System is now being slowly turned toward its new orbit and the Aquarian field of expression. When this is accomplished, the frequencies of Earth will be compatible with the rest of its Solar System.

We of the Solar Tribunal, who guard and watch over these events, have undertaken to release many from their heavy loads of remaining karma in order to assist them in turning towards the Light in these crucial times. The karmic patterns have been broken up for many through the decrees of the Sons of Light, as well as the power of many Avatars now in embodiment who do have that authority to remove or lessen the karma of a soul.

In the months following our 'First Contact' appearance, we will begin to see a tremendous turning towards the Light and a marked increase of Light activities. These will be blessed and helped in a manner unprecedented. For all that is of the Light is now manifesting abundance of freedom and power, while simultaneously, those activities which are opposed to that Light are being drained of their energies and weakened in influence. Therefore, between the time that these specially trained envoys return to their places and that time when souls must be lifted, there will be a phenomenal growth in understanding and awareness all over the globe.

This will be pressured into being partly by the ministry of these Earth-based Leaders, as it is combined with the incoming rays. The testimonies will be more acceptable than heretofore. Through the great rays the Spiritual Hierarchy will be active in the program. We all work in unison and with one mind and one goal for the uplifting of Humanity. Both incarnate and discarnate Beings of Light will labor side by side in this great ingathering, while 'there is yet day' before 'the night cometh when none can work.'

I leave my electronic presence with all who read these words, and my benediction rests upon them. I am St. Germain, of the Violet Ray. “

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From a book compiled by Winfield Brownell, called “UFOs – Keys to Earth's Destiny”,we include, with his permission, a message received by him from Monka, whose words we are always eager to hear:

“We have many many ships that are going through your atmosphere at all times; and now and then, here and there, we are helping more people to experience sightings of the ships, and some are being taken for trips. There is more of this type of activity, but it is just incidental. We are looking forward to the time when we can land in great numbers. We cannot land as long as too many Earth beings have fear. The condition of your feeling world is our test to tell whether or not we should bring in the ships in large numbers and land, before the serious cataclysmic activities on Earth may come about.

We can test the feeling world of Humankind, and judge exactly the level of its development. At the present time the percentage of your people who have more fear than we would want to cause, is about six percent. Now the question is, how low must that percent register before we could take a chance on landing in large numbers? We feel that if it goes down below three percent, we can land in quite large numbers. We would experiment with it, if the number got down to that point. However, the percentage has not been lowering very much, so we hope there will be an improvement.

There are more people in certain areas who would allow fear, and in this regard, your United States is a little bit lower than some of the other places because of experience and more publicity about UFOs, but you are still not down to three percent.

We have been preventing your Earth from going into a flip on its axis, which would change the positions of your polar regions by displacing your equator. Such a displacement cataclysm would practically wipe out most of the life on Planet Earth; and if we needed to do this, we would just withdraw the help which we have been giving, to hold your World in its orbit. Should it become necessary to withdraw our help, your planet would go into the flip on its axis, which in turn would soon end wars of any kind, and wash and cleanse the whole of Earth and begin its final purification.

If that happened, it would only be a matter of minutes - an hour at the most -during which we can pick up the persons to be saved. There are almost 13,000,000 Space Ships close to your Earth now. Most are still in the finer dimension, so you do not see them. However, we can shift into another dimension which would be closer to your Third Dimension - close enough so we could pick up all of you beloved, precious ones in your physical bodies, and save those of you who would be proper to populate the Earth in the New Age, when you will have 'Heaven on Earth.'

Work on your feeling world so that you are always at peace. Do not become disturbed. A disturbed climate would be dangerous if suddenly this activity of Earth's flip on the axis took place. Do not let anything in to disturb you. If someone started an atomic war, or earthquakes, hurricanes or any violence of that nature appeared, your inner disturbance and fear would endanger you. Without fear, you are protected by the Light which you have drawn about you, and the greater Light which you continue to draw.

Sad to relate, as the energies are stepped up and frequencies increased, the evil forces are more active. They are in their last throes, as it were, and some of them are getting desperate. They feel that they may not be able to accomplish their mission in controlling others to promote undesirable deeds. Their desperation has caused them to step up evil happenings, and the evil is receiving more publicity.”

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Monka's closing paragraph brings to mind further words in the message from Andromeda Rex through messenger Lucy Colson:

“Those of you who are Light Commanders must be brought further into our radiation and thoughts. Now is the time in which we call you to attend to your duties for which you were posted into an early lifetime. Arise, O Eagles, arise and fly that Michael and His Hosts may join you in flushing from the Earth all vestiges of evil and negativity. The planet Earth must return to its rightful place in the Cosmos.”

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A prominent leader of the Intergalactic Fleet, Commander Alphon, speaking through messenger Lyara, of Golden Rays Center in Phoenix, reveals:

“Each soul has already been locked into the coordinates for their unique timing and circumstances. Rest assured that planetary evacuation is quite familiar to us, and each detail has been fully accounted for. Those involved are being prepared at conscious and unconscious levels. The existing energies of the core of this planet will be gradually releasing in vast magnitude, eventually rendering its surface temporarily unusable. It is not only the physical changes, but resulting boomerangs, that will affect the quality and survival of life here. It is still scheduled that an estimated ten percent are scheduled for departure. The remainder will not have a long opportunity to support life at this dimension. The severity will assist souls' release from the Third Dimension quite rapidly.

Earth must karmically fulfill certain destinies and plans. Recognize that just as your destiny is to serve in these final days, others are on different courses of destiny. Be true to the Godself within. Love, Alphon, of the Intergalactic Fleet.”

Another release from Alphon through Lyara continues, “Evacuation plans have already been initiated through natural planetary disasters and disappearances, and will become increasingly evident. Many pickup points coordinated by each sector will make a gradual and peaceful, planned departure of Earth's citizens in addition to those taken through disappearance and natural disaster events.

There are many reasons for this acceleration. First is the inaccuracy of the present day calendar system, which is off by thirteen years. Then, there has been planetary vibrational acceleration caused by several factors, including atomic research testing. And third and the final reason that both the surface and Middle Earth must be evacuated, will be a possible planetary lineup, followed quickly by the bypass of a larger planet.

Approximately ten percent of the planetary population is to be taken aboard the Mother Ships for eventual return to the planet after 5 to 7 years. Some will remain aboard the ships. The boarding pass for all will be 'love in the aura,' for without that, one cannot withstand the higher vibrational frequencies which will be necessary.

Items of spiritual value and advanced technology which have been guarded by the Brotherhoods, will be withdrawn and replaced when the planet is repopulated.”

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My own Commander spokesman has brought to me a Great Commander who comes from a very high-ranking station in the Ashtar Command, a great Leader honored by all. He truly exemplifies the spirit of Love. He is the Record Keeper for the Galaxy and the records are kept on the planet bearing his name. It was my great privilege to welcome HATONN to contribute to this book:

“Fellow citizens of planet Earth, I bring you my thoughts on the plight of your planet. We look down upon it and see within its inner being the record of all of its turmoils throughout all of its history. We see the struggles of the Light to shine forth and the hindering influences of the dark ones. We observe and we wait, knowing that ultimately the Earth will be as a great shining Star, the most beautiful in all the Heavens. Why would you seek to destroy it, O Man? Cannot your differences be reconciled in a peaceful way?

We of the outer worlds have found a way to do this, and have learned that Love is the only way toward peace and enjoyment of our brothers. There were times eons ago when some of our worlds had not yet found this solution. In their torment and thrust for power over others, they did also seek the great weapons of destruction and did cause much havoc within many constellations. Their greed and lust for power and control of other worlds only led to the destruction of themselves. There is an eternal monument to them seen as the stardust fragments across the Heavens. Out of these problems, we of the Galactic Federation of Planets formed the Galactic Pact, which forbids warfare against another and the warlike ones who would not yield were removed from our midst.

Now your world has projected itself into this chaotic time of unrest and threat due to the calculations of a few in your midst who will not yield to the peaceful way or the attitude of peace and love on Earth. This is regrettable, for your entire SSystem is destined to orbit its way into a higher frequency manifestation. This will lift your entire world into vibrations so elevated that only the peaceful man may survive in them. Therefore, it is ordained that before this orbit into the Golden Age is fulfilled, the Earth will be prepared for its advancement by many changes. War will be removed, outlawed, from your planet, and all of the impurities of your way of life will be filtered away by the changing scene due to begin. There will be much turmoil in your midst and much sorrow for those who have sought to instigate bloodshed upon Terra.

We, therefore, have been authorized by the Spiritual Hierarchy, to intervene in the affairs of Earth in the event of attempted nuclear holocaust. This will not be permitted by the higher intelligences who watch over your affairs. Intervention will come to you in the form of cataclysms of great magnitude. We plead with Mankind, yet this day, to lay aside your arms and dismantle your stockpiles of death, and come to the peace tables to settle your differences. Come in the desire to find another way. Know there is a better way and labor together until you find it. Lean not upon yourmilitary powers, but rather, look to the Most High for your directions. Even in these messages, designed to warn you of the coming Evacuation and what to expect concerning it, I nevertheless plead with Humanity, and I say this can yet be avoided if Man will change and turn his eyes toward God. The Love of God within all men must be allowed to express itself and space must be made in your thinking for its outworking in your international affairs.

Nevertheless, having stated thus, I do now give my attention to the peacemakers among you. Your efforts are carefully recorded and every effort of love to extend love amongst your fellows shall not be forgotten, but your reward shall come to you. Further, you will not be expected to be a participant in the destructions you have labored so faithfully to avert. You will be removed from the chaos and be sheltered in our ships that will come to escort you to safety. I have many times visualized this great event in my mind, marvelling at the efficiency of the Plan and the expertise of those who will bring it to completion.

Many of you who read these words will be assisting us from the ground level in this great undertaking. 'As above, so below'. The teamwork of cooperative effort will prepare souls in advance and acclimate them when the zero hour has come. The primary purpose for sending forth this document by the Ashtar Command is to prepare the minds of those enlightened souls now present upon the planet with at least a veiled description of what to expect at these crucial events, and thus, lessen the presence of fear.

Therefore, I sum up for your consideration some basic statements to hold in your mental storehouse against that hour:

1. Each of your names is written down on the records held in our great computers. Your, Sectors are carefully assigned to certain fleets and Commanders who oversee the needs of your Sector. We know you are there and exactly where you are.

2. Each one of you will without fail receive definite instructions at crisis moment so that you will know where to be at a given time. No one will be missed or overlooked, and your participation is sure.

3. Units of families, separated in the great exodus, will be brought together again on our ships as soon as events make this possible. Do not harbor fear of any kind, but think only in an attitude of thankfulness to Our Father. ;

4. There will be some you know and whom you love who will be remaining behind for reasons built into their own being. You must release them into the hands of the Father, who will receive their spiritual being into His House where there are many mansions. They will be escorted to a place their inner thoughts and life patterns have created for them, to begin again their upward spiral. You must accept that their personal choices have created their personal destiny.

5. There will be a natural missing of accustomed environment, but a brief time with us will bring a forgetfulness, as you settle into the new routines and surrounding atmosphere. Our ships are beautiful places to be, and the atmosphere within them is joy and love and concern for one another. There will be those of your own, already trained to assist you in your adjustment to your new environment. We will have trained these beforehand for the work they are to do.

6. You will recognize and know these Leaders as special Representatives of our Mission, even before the crisis has come. Follow them and heed their instructions, that all may go smoothly for you at the time of great confusion.

I am Hatonn, and I shall personally greet all of you when you are lifted into our midst to remain with us for a little while. When your planet has been healed, you will be returned to it and all of your needs for reconstruction will be given. Higher Intelligences shall walk with you to assist you in a speedy reclaiming of the Earth in Universal Love. I am grateful for your consideration of my words.”

Part II – Chapter 2: The Gathering Storm

Probably one of the most important releases from the Guardians of our planet, relative to nuclear warfare, came in a joint statement by Joshua, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and Andromeda Rex, high in the echelons of Universal Statesmanship and the Space Alliance. The statement deals with 'The Effect of Nuclear Attack upon the Soul,' through the spiritual messengershipof Lucy Colson:

"It is very disruptive to the soul's growth to encounter the full nuclear radiation resulting from global conflict. One tends to believe that the four lower bodies are separated by time and space. This is not true. What happens to the physical body during a nuclear attack affects the non-physical bodies as well.

The soul can most definitely be affected; and any nuclear attack is an attack upon the soul of others - military targets notwithstanding. The nuclear effect affects the auric envelope around a person, and according to how close the person is to the blast area, it can either maim the envelope permanently or destroy it completely. Normally those whose energy fields are thusly affected die in a very short period - not so much from the radiation, which is, of course, poisonous to the Human organism, but because the Light or Life of the person is destroyed. It is this Light - the Very Light of Very Life - which is a person's connection, or Life-Line between dimensions. This Light - or energy - travels along the Golden Cord.

What is the Golden Cord? In the interior of the Silver Cord, which is the higher-dimension life-cord connection between the Physical Body and the Etheric Body, is a Golden Cord filled with a golden vital energy, vital to the person because it is this Light energy descending through the cord which keeps the person alive. Once the physical is destroyed, the problem has only begun. The Spirit is normally released from the Physical Body and travels to the higher dimension through the Silver Cord, but in a nuclear death, the cord is preemptly snapped and withdrawn from the person.

Life is energy, regardless of what dimension the person is in. Energy can become distorted as various factors play upon it. It is this distortion, brought about by the nuclear blast and subsequent radiation, which concerns us now. The distortion causes the soul to suffer inordinately. There is a warping of the life energy at several planes of consciousness which must be dealt with. It takes a great deal of care and patience to realign a soul once it has been subjected to this ordeal. While most of our methods are not understandable to the Earth plane at this time, you might say that we have to polarize the energy fields of the soul before it can go on to its rightful domain.

We have had to deal with this several times upon your planet. Unfortunately, these destructive rays are not unique to your planet and the effects have been felt elsewhere in the Solar System at various times. However, once a ban was proclaimed, all other planetary systems abided by the conditions set forth in the agreement, realizing the terrible damage that is done to the soul. Your planet is now the only one not in accordance with the Galactic agreement on the use of so-called nuclear energies. We fear for your peoples. As we have mentioned, we cannot interfere unless there is total nuclear destruction indicated – and then we interfere because the soul's purpose warrants interruption of the life form on the planet. We cannot interfere for anything less than a soul-threatening event, unless specifically advised to do so by your own Planetary Hierarchy.”

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The following bold statement was made by Space Master Monka in his message through Winfield Brownell:

"We have promised that we will not allow an atom bomb war to gain any momentum sufficient to cause severe radioactivity on your Planet. . You have enough already, from the bombs dropped experimentally and otherwise, which is sad to relate. This is the great crime against Humanity! All atomic activity should cease upon the Earth. There is no safe way of taking care of the waste material from the nuclear plants which are creating so much of it, using plutonium and other radioactive substances. Expansion of these nuclear plants is in error, and very undesirable. Also, there is no safe way in which radioactive materials can be used. If you carried on with an all-out atom bomb war to the detriment of other planets, we can prevent the war from continuing. Under certain circumstances we could even prevent an individual from ever pushing the button to start an atomic war!"

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That was a striking statement to me, for I now dare to share with you information which is evidential of this type of intervention. This account was allegedly obtained by an unnamed aerospace engineer from a participant in the events related. For very obvious reasons, the Engineer must remain anonymous. The account is repeated verbatim:

"The incident took place a few years ago at a tactical Atomic Missile Battery in Europe near the Eastern border. An unidentified target appeared at extreme range on the radar sonar net: initially exhibiting the electronic characteristics of a ferret, a spy mission to seek out and study enemy radar, radio, and other electromagnetic emissions. As if realizing that it had been detected, the unknown blip quickly began to respond in imitation of friendly aircraft. After routine correlation of data, the evaluation center serving the Missile Battery initiated a red alert. Missile #1 was raised from its stowed position and readied for launch. Missile #2 was alerted to back up status. Missile #3 was alerted to standby status. At the point in missile #l's countdown where the system dictated a built-in hold to prevent unauthorized launch, the system failed.

It was a Human failure. The firing officer on missile #1 was known among his fellow soldiers as a hot-headed right winger whose personal formula for World Peace was complete destruction of all Communists, the sooner the better. Evidently feeling that he would never be confronted with a better excuse, he pushed the firing button that would start World War III. However, instead of a missile lift-off, he got a red malfunction on his display console, followed immediately by a bullet through his brain, fired by a security officer posted behind him to prevent such things.

The missile automatically lowered to its stowed position in its launcher, missile #2 was alerted from back-up status to launch ready status, missile #3 was alerted to backup status from standby. Before missile #2 had proceeded half way from its alert towards its built-in hold in the countdown, it, too, displayed a red malfunction light and lowered to its stowed position. Missile #3 had barely started its countdown when the red light appeared on the display panel. The UNIDENTIFIED cause of it all reversed its course and departed out of range.

All three missiles, their launchers, and associated equipment, controls and displays, were completely dismantled and inspected, to find the three separate malfunctions that had been indicated. There were none! The equipment was new and in perfect condition. Army Intelligence was called in and interviewed all personnel thoroughly. It was noticed that the investigators did not seem to think that the incident was at all unusual or warranted any skepticism. It was as if it had all happened many times before! It might be expected that in an event with such profound implications concerning the history of the Human race, the prospects for peace, and the degree to which the Human race controls its destiny, would have its effects on the outlook of the participants, even if they were not allowed to divulge the facts.

Indeed, the effects on the second Missile Firing Officer seemed most beneficial. His intelligence seemed to increase markedly. He became outgoing, cheerful, and much happier than before. When promised anonymity, he divulged the reason behind his transformation. The unknown target was a UFO, so-called. On board the Alien craft was a sophisticated energy and data-storing system, far beyond any computer Earth has yet envisioned. Its function is to store the extremely complex intelligent energy entity people incompletely refer to by such terms as 'consciousness,' 'ego,' or 'soul.' This is done when the entity's physical body dies. During the encounter between the Missile Battery and the UFO, contact was established between the entity in the UFO and the second Missile Firing Officer. Permission to take over control and occupancy of the Officer's body was negotiated, requested and granted. The Alien entity was then transmitted into the officer by a directed energy beam. In this case of visitation, the Alien left virtually all of his own memories behind, which are functioning with the Officer's memories, and at a tremendously high level of awareness, capability and intelligence. The Officer has since left the military, but is employed by one of the nation's largest aerospace contractors."

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The following discourse was one of those received from a greatly beloved Commander, named Korton, of the Communications Network of this Solar System.

"We of the communications system headquarters located on Mars, constantly monitor all communications that are transmitted throughout the Ashtar Command as well as all communications received or sent forth to or from our representatives, channels and messengers present on Earth. It gives me great pleasure once again to administer to you a few thoughts which may be a somewhat worthy contribution to this coming effort.

In the beginning of this decade, as the Great Council convened to discuss planetary affairs, much heaviness filled our hearts. The situation existing in and around and upon the planet was crucial, because of the evil ministrations and the dark intentions of certain ones embodied in your midst. These dark ones [The Illuminati / Secret Government] desire to instigate world situations which would produce chaos and disorder within the Earth family and result in tremendous unnecessary loss of life from this platform of evolution. Growth and evolvement would be disrupted for many souls, as well as ultimately defeating the Glory of God intended to fill Earth with Love and Grace.

We have known the utmost effort to this end would be extended by this group of whom I speak, during the period of 1982 extending into 1984. The ultimate goal is nuclear war and destruction of the present prevailing economic system. The final idea of enslavery of Mankind and total subjection of Humanity to the ruling few would result in total extinction of freedom of will and Man's right of choice to determine his pathway. As embodied sparks of the Divine, this choice is their inherent right, ordained at creation. The tenets of Universal Law prevail in all of the solar systems and galaxies of this Universe. We have therefore been given the authority to intervene and to interrupt, disrupt and destroy these plans to enslave souls. The Spiritual Hierarchy has ordained total freedom to us in these matters. We have considered the hostilities internationally, the threats of escalation that appear almost constantly and the issues as we see them. It is evident that a Master diabolical hand prepares these ever recurring incidents, skirmishes of lesser scale, military hostile actions and the repeated disturbances in one small nation after another.

We are alert to the 'Beast' and the Plan and the purpose of the Plan. We are united in our love for your world, with freedom to choose your own pathway within your own guidance system. Presently, many karmic debts remain upon nations which must be reconciled. However, we continue aloof to those situations where karmic debt is a factor, until that point in circumstances when the Great Law is fulfilled. Beyond that point, intervention by the Intergalactic Confederation forces will be forthcoming, and men shall be told their acts of aggression shall proceed this far and no farther. The destiny of this Planet may not be destroyed.

Military offenses of whatever nature are monitored by our Commands, and close discernment of karmic patterns is faithfully examined. When national situations reach a boiling point, some nuclear activity can be expected within the karmic concept, but wanton uncontrolled destruction will precipitate our intervention under Universal Law. At the point of national and personal accountability, all nuclear action will cease, by use of our technology.

The capability of Mankind to make right choices is in a continual changing pattern, and in many areas greatly changing for the better. Consequently, we cannot offer dates and times and specifics involved. The element of constant change affects prophecy of the past, from or through any source, including your scriptures. These which deal with international affairs are subject to the Will of Man and his desire to find solutions in love.

In our assessment of Earth's affairs, it seems unlikely that world evacuation would be precipitated by warfare. World evacuation has primarily been planned because of threats from other sources. I refer to the spiritual evolvement of Humanity or the lack of it, and the influence it brings to bear upon the Life Force of the entity Earth. The aspirations of its inhabitants determine its destiny, as well as their own. Disharmony brings destruction. Displacement of spiritual values effects displacement of matter within and upon the globe of Terra. Earth changes will be the primary factor in mass evacuation of this planet. We will be standing by while the entity Earth's efforts to protect itself, shakes off its irritants and destructive elements.

There is no place for fear of any kind relating to these matters. Everyone whose understanding has this awareness of our constant vigil on your behalf, who understands that the Heavenly Father knoweth the whereabouts of each of His Own and that the very hairs of your heads are numbered, should feel secure. We speak of the children of Light. The Planet entity will enter a period of cleansing to prepare itself for its Golden Age. You are a part of that heritage and you shall inherit the Earth and its glory. This is Korton, of Mars, speaking for the Ashtar Command."

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Masters who can read the Akashic Records have stated that China would soon have enough atomic and hydrogen bombs to start a war for the subjugation, under them, of everyone else on Earth. Perhaps so, but the insight that has made its way throughout New Age circles has it that the cause for the comparatively recent unprecedented earthquake in China was the massive secret underground military installation there, covertly concealing the housing of untold thousands of troops geared for offensive action.

'They boast of tomorrow' like that one who proposed to 'build many new barns,' totally unaware of the true state of things as they are and as they will be! The brotherhood of Man is a reality, for Our Father has 'made of one blood all nations ... on Earth ... and determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.' (Acts 17: 26) No other commandment has been given that is greater than the admonition to love our neighbors as we love ourselves! Love is the circumspection and the completion of all Universal Law. For 'being rooted and grounded in love,' we can comprehend the 'breadth, length, and depth and height' of the inner divinity, or splendor, within every man!

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Into the heaviness of my thought at this point, beloved J.W., of Jupiter, came bounding in like the clean gust of a fresh wind:

"Many years ago according to your Earth's time, it was my privilege to give to the world a small volume entirely dictated by me, through a channel called Gloria Lee. Essentially my message then contained descriptions and details dealing with the identical subject of this book. The former book was withdrawn out of print with the transition/death of my channel, and I have not attempted another like discourse since that time. However, the book remained to fulfill its ministry in triggering the awakening of many of the Special Volunteers upon the Earth. So it did serve its purpose to the few to whom it was sent.

Now it is a great joy to me to learn of this project of the Ashtar Command in producing this volume so necessary in this day. Again I realize, it is read by the few, just as mine was in its day. Nevertheless, this outreach is of great importance to the Commands. The fleets of Jupiter and many others are occupied in their assignment on the other side of your world, but we desire to bring you this word to assure you that we shall assist in distribution of these words throughout Europe, the Orient and all points surrounding them. This will be our contributing effort and every fleet in my charge hails this mission of beloved Kuthumi and Commander Ashtar.

I desire to leave a brief message to those souls into whose hands this volume will be placed. Now is the hour! Now is the time! Look not for another decade or even the completion of this one. We have in our responsibility the presence of many nations who are not content to live in peace, but whose appetites for world power would destroy all that lies in their pathway if that were possible. Our constant vigilance above them has been a saving grace in many threatening situations over here, but that does not insure that at any given moment a wrong button will not be pushed, or despair of solution instigate the first strike. There are those with diabolical plots to make it so. These we must watch with great concern. For it is not the people of these nations who act in this way, but the small cluster of certain ones in whose hands control is placed, who have the authority and the power to manipulate their circumstances which would lead to greater conflict.

We are the silent watchers and we are the Guards! But it is like unto the lid of the pressure cooker which is about to burst forth its steam. Be not unbelieving of these pages, but know they are the truth; these are urgent things the Enlightened ones must know and be prepared for. Mankind cannot count upon time. We join with all of the Ashtar Command in admonishing those who have started upon the pathway of illumination to grasp the garment of truth and adorn thy being. Be love! Be light! Be in tune with the Universe and its thrust for Light upon the planet Earth. All else is the way of the fool.

Again I thank you for this opportunity to speak, and all of our help will be forthcoming to spread these messages. I am ever at your service, J.W. of Jupiter."


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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