Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član Larisa







OD 14.01.2018.



An interesting discourse concerning further 'on-board' matters was passed along by Captain Avalon, of the Floridian Mountains Communication Center, during one of our relaxed conversations:

"The trees on our ship (imagine ... trees!) are artificially cared for, but they are real trees. We also have many grassed areas. The walkways are bordered by grassed areas. You will have a small apartment with a built-in bed about 4 feet wide with storage compartments around it. There is a small shower and sink and facilities. In the remaining space there are two chairs for lounging, and a small table, screens and speakers for communication and entertainment. There are a few shelves and a mirror. The bed is a medium-firm texture with a thin coverlet. The floor covering is sanitary, feels and looks like cloth, but it isn't. We have indirect lighting with intensifying switches for the degree of brightness as desired. You will be called softly at awakening time or from daytime rest periods, which are incorporated into the schedule as well as social relaxation periods. You may bring your toilet articles and care for yourself just as you would at home."

More than a year ago Athena had confided that on her Mother Ship there was a small living area with my name on the door! I had mostly rejected the information at the time, being unable to compute it into my understanding of the moment. But since these new things have come along, I pulled her statement forth from my memory bank for reconsideration. In fact, I have dared to toy with the idea of "why not just leave my possessions in the drawers, etc., since I'll be back at the end of the Evacuation!"

What a home-away-from-home! Rather, perhaps the reverse is true. Captain Avalon interrupted my mental meandering to confirm: "These are the same quarters you will be taken to in the later evacuation action."

In true womanlike reaction, I was also curious about what to wear, what to include in the little suitcase. I was told that the atmosphere on board would be near a comfortable 65° to 70°F, and that there would be no perspiration. Suits and light jackets would be apropos.

"You may dress in your typical casual wear, planning perhaps for one formal attire for dinner. You will all receive a robe-type garment to be worn for certain occasions. You will have social periods, and rest periods. The days will be programmed similar to any of your Earth conventions, with scheduled times for the various activities. You are encouraged to include your tape recorder and notebook and pen and your camera. All of these will be permitted at different times, though not all of the time. The weekends will include banquets which will surprise you. Our culinary skills are quite good!”

* * * * * * * * *

There remained only one further matter concerning life on board their craft on which I sought information. I asked if there would be medical treatments or physical examinations given while on board. Andromeda Rex was in contact at the time:

"Yes. All who enter must undergo a physical examination to determine the exact status of the physical form. This will be for the purpose of personal adjustment when entering into the cubicle in which the Light Body is rejuvenated. Just as many of your own medical profession would require an examination before diagnosis and procedures. Any medical treatment that is necessary will be immediately disposed of by our electronic equipment and technology. Then we will proceed to the body change into Light Force. None will return with less than a perfect body. It is ordained as one of the necessities of Service of this nature. There will be built-in energy responses which will guarantee energy drive at all times, with alertness and above-average abilities in quick mental response and telepathic qualities. Vision will be strengthened and made keen beyond the usual nature of Human vision. This is a most-needed tool. We intend to equip our Representatives with all of the best in every way possible. We also intend to flow to all of you all that is needed in the way of capital for carrying out what must be done. None shall know want or deprivation, but all shall live in what is termed a comfortable manner according to their choice. As they desire, they shall have, in keeping with a dedicated motivation for service."

Without my having asked, the following details were volunteered:

"Newer followers of our Light will be allowed many question and answer periods, and many so-called 'rap-sessions' will be part of the program. Many who come will have earned the right to be with us by virtue of commitment and having passed the qualifying tests, yet they may not be completely learned in the program and purpose of the Confederation. ALL must be thoroughly grounded in this before departure."

I was prompted to ask, "Will we know the identity and whereabouts of only those in our own Council, or perhaps, the entire Command Ground Force?"

Answer: "Certain of you will have access to the knowledge of the entire Ground Force of this new offensive (not those of former ones) while others will be made aware of the full information pertaining to those with whom they will be associated because of the nature of their mission. The amount of information to be retained will be dispensed on a 'need to know' basis. Higher ranking individuals will have access to more detailed information than others."

I was further advised that certain participants especially well documented as extrovert in manner and social exchange, would be called upon to serve as co-hosts in producing a relaxed atmosphere for all of these strangers to get to know one another. Some of these chosen co-hosts may be lifted a day or two in advance of the others, to assist the Brothers in greeting the guests. These would be toured through quarters and areas for familiarizing them with the facilities. This simple aforehand maneuver will greatly assist the Brothers in settling the great number of guests. It will, it is said, greatly cushion the expectancy of some, to be met by an Earth person along with the Brothers, and contribute to ease of mind. They have said:

"We must be very certain that those we have gathered together are equal in thought, word and deed and of one mind. Therefore, we will require a certain period of orientation at the beginning which is designed to expose all of you to one another and which will break down any rigidness or standoffishness within our gatherings. We must have openness and free interchange of personal feelings and adaptation. Even though certain souls are exceedingly enthusiastic for our cause, and beautifully dedicated to it, they may not necessarily be without personality flaws and social awkwardness. Our co-hosts will be of great assistance to us in opening these withdrawn types of participants.

After this initial visit, which, as you know, is primarily for evidential purposes, you will have many other visits with us, but none will be so important as this one."

Concerning the personnel of these Gatherings, they had this to say:

"There will be legal counselors, medical personnel, technical scientists, public relations persons, persons in the media, persons of great religious convictions, experienced educational majors, political scientists, and law enforcement persons. The arts will be greatly represented and the creative media as well. There will be those who excel in the theatrical fields and entertainment world also, who will win many by their story. There will be represented every kind of ability and leadership, along with a spiritual willingness to cooperate and work as a team toward one goal. This will be stressed greatly, as it is most necessary.

Any who attempt to use these contacts for personal gain or selfish purposes will immediately be dropped from the Forces. There will be other writers and two other publishers also active in the program."

Kuthumi has remarked, "The bringing in of these Earth volunteers to a state of fellowship under these extraordinary circumstances will vitalize all of you to such an intense state of energy and enthusiasm that you will never forget it, never get over it, never lose the vision for it until all things are come to pass! This will be the firing of your personal momentum in a most spectacular way and will bring into all of you, the inner level awakening you need. No one will leave these briefings without all chakras attended to, all physical problems removed, and all obstacles removed from the pathway of your mission. You will be equipped with every kind of gadgetry assistance, as well as spiritual weapons for all challenges to your ministry.”

Chapter 4: Returning to the Battle

"This is Ashtar. I come as an emissary of our Beloved and Radiant One. I am a Light Being who speaks to you in His Name, and I represent the Commands of this hemisphere." With all of this preliminary protocol dispensed with, Ashtar continued:

"We are in intense preparations for these Councils. Our desire is to meet with all of you personally on a face-to-face basis. This will anchor within you an experience that will carry you through anything that will follow. These dedicated ones will enter this experience not only for their own blessing and personal needs for their work, but primarily for a witness to the world. This is the testimony we would have them give to the world, the account of their face-to-face encounter with the Commanders of the Extraterrestrial Forces of the Space Confederation.

You shall be taken into that place where our Etheric Mother-ship Cities are in waiting. Now is the time when the world must know, and believe, and accept these things. This book you are preparing now could very well forestall all atomic war and all geological destruction if the hearts of men would receive our words.

You see, the old revelations no longer grasp the attention of the people. There must be an injection of new material to awaken the urgency within Mankind to think seriously at this crucial time of Earth's evolution. We are constantly in need of new testimonies, new recorded experiences, as souls tend to ignore the old and the past. We must have new voices to keep the vision before the present generation.

We declare to you, our messenger, that physical evidences will be given our Representatives, which will not only sustain them, but which they will bring back to the world for the expansion of Light and Understanding to men of Earth."

* * * * * * * * *

"I am Andromeda Rex, of the Intergalactic Council of the Space Confederation, and your speaker for this hour. All of you will strengthen the testimony of each other. They cannot call it conspiracy if the evidential material is in all of your hands. For were they to remove it from you, it will appear elsewhere. And so, in this manner we protect our work and our witnesses. Many books will come forth from the Gatherings and a fresh input of information and enthusiasm. We realize, along with you, that the input of other generations has cooled and grown too accustomed by most. It no longer electrifies in the manner that is needed. Therefore, we propose to jolt new fire and interest into our program by these representatives who will sojourn with us for this brief exposure to witness to the reality of our existence and purpose. This new program will be all that is needed to carry the momentum into and throughout the cleansing period and the inauguration of the New Age on Earth. All of you who come will be the Initiators of that New Age program.

We send our love and deepest gratitude for all of the assistance rendered to us, without which, we could not accomplish the mission of Hope and Light to planet Earth."

Tuella: “Sir, you have stated that upon returning, we are to become open witnesses to the fact of our representation of your Commands above. Is there not some sort of illegality to be reckoned with in being the Representative of an alien government?”

Answer: “That is a good question, Tuella. Let's discuss the matter. It is true in a certain sense that as an alien from another Earth government this would apply. And of course, considering the hostility of your Earth governments, this would probably also apply in the present. However, I wish to point out to all of you involved that you do not represent an alien helpless government. You will be backed by all of our enabling intervention in any problem that might arise. So often your own CIA personnel are required to enter into missions in which they can do no calling upon those who have sent them. They cannot in any way reveal their identity or their source of authority. In the case of our Representatives, such is not the case. On the contrary, you will have full and open access to all of our abilities to protect you, to work with you in confusing those who would harm you, and convincing them of the truth of your ambassadorship. For remember, this is our only purpose, to get them to listen attentively to the messages being sent to them.

If this same activity is happening in many countries all over the globe simultaneously, there will be much serious thought given to the matter. Further, there will be a protesting uprising against those in office who might seek in any way to do harm to those whom God has sent. This is not the day of the Sanhedrin and Pilate's Court; this is your world, in which people can make themselves heard if they choose to do so.

Your people have read of these things and received and believed the words and the witness of our Commanders and their visit in our midst. They will hasten to stand up and be heard, and that from many high places. Basically that which you will all say and do stems from your personal religious experience and convictions, and under your Constitution, you do have that right to act upon your personal religious principles.

However, if the powers that be indeed wanted to become belligerent and unduly ugly, then they could stress obscure technicalities as grounds for incarceration. But a few visits and occurrences from us would soon end all such. And if necessary, we would simply remove or transport our faithful who were so treated.

Have no fear of any of these Earthly reverberations, for we will have all things in hand. This will be easier to believe and understand once you have seen our equipment in operation with your own eyes. Then fear will be impossible within you."

* * * * * * * * *

I have been given to understand that the returning will be to exactly the spot from which lift-off occurred.

Further, whether or not full consciousness is retained during this removal and return with full recall, will be an individual matter and depend upon the person and the assignment. Full recall is not permitted to all because in that manner the Commands would lose control of their own program. By limiting it to only those who can handle it, they remain in control of their own program. Some will have recall triggered through the system at a certain time, because egos and personalities are involved. To prevent these from interfering with the plan, their recall will have to be triggered later. That is partly where the body crystals play a part.

* * * * * * * * *

We have these words from Commander Jycondria, Assistant to Ashtar, received by spiritual messenger Lyara, of Golden Rays Center, Phoenix:

"The Eagles, 'Missionaries from Space,' who are to receive these messages, will be surprised at both the variety and importance of their final assignments. The leaders of this final work will emerge from those of you who have quietly prepared in this lifetime for the fulfillment of visions and destinies they have known they are working for. Each wave of vibrational tuning up that has been accomplished on this planet has brought forth spiritual leaders who effected and supported these spiritual advancements through writings, teachings, music, arts, drama, inventions, science, etc. Like a surfer emerging on the crest, their voice and influence has been spiritually uplifting to Humanity.

Some must deflect the energies of the darkened ones who throw their darts of destruction, attempting to interfere with this work. Guard well against psychic, etheric and psychological attacks, for subtly working their destructive bends through these vehicles can be more deadly than releasing the atom bomb. Work confidently and wisely in the Light, knowing full well the power of God. Fear not any power as being apart from God, for what you fear, you will be subject to.”

* * * * * * * * *

As we approach the conclusion of the message directed to the Intergalactic Legion of Special Volunteers from the Ashtar Command, it seems a proper place to present Kuthumi's summary of it all:

"In my Office of World Teacher, which I share with the Beloved Jesus-Sananda, we have often spoken together concerning the great darkness that fills the minds of men. Our work is sometimes discouraging, as we seek to penetrate the thought world of souls on Earth with shafts of Divine Light. The intuitive spiritual portion of the mind is so often overpowered and overshadowed by the preponderance of the intellect and the thinking processes. Yet there is a flame within Man that brings knowing as an instinctive function and spiritual in nature.

As events unfold in the discussions within this manuscript, it is our hope that spiritual intuition within the souls of men will respond, rather than intellectual reaction and debate. There are, as one has said, 'reasons which reason cannot understand.' The progress of civilization has brought Humanity to a place of crisis and dangers to come. Now must come that day of separation so often spoken of by those Teachers who have attempted to shed Light on Terra. Now the wheat is to be separated from the chaff and be gathered by the Father, and the chaff tied in bundles to be burned. Who can speak of these things without the presence of sadness within his heart? Certainly not I. Yet I must speak, for the very words carry with them the emanations of love and hope that is shed upon those who read wisely.

Because of the release of atomic power, because of the heaviness of planetary vibrations, because of the release of the energies of the seven eclipses and the alignments of the planets, these are not ordinary times. These are times that will speak the end of the old order and the beginning of the new. This is the day of the new beginning. This is the day of the new Earth, and it must be made ready for its mission.

I speak on behalf of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy when I plead with you to realize that 'time is short,' and whatever thou wouldst do toward spiritual expansion had best be done quickly. The coming onslaught will bring with it the end of materialistic dreams and objectionable goals.

The inner planetary expulsions will soon be felt and be seen in an outward manifestation upon the surface of the land. As these things come to pass, many voices will be raised, and many great works will be seen, such as have never been seen. These will be the works of these who have been lifted into our midst, from whom the veils have been removed, and whose chakras have been fully opened. Souls who see them and hear them will know that these annointed ones have truly been with us and returned with a witness and the evidence that cannot be denied. For a 'brief moment of time' their ministries will be blessed and protected, and they shall no longer be secluded away without freedom of service. They shall stand boldly in many places, witnessing to the experiences that came to them in higher realms, where they were given a full insight to the events that are just before the world.

When they have been raised in your midst, listen to these voices! These are the chosen and Elect Leaders, placed upon the planet by orders of the Spiritual Hierarchy and through collaboration of our beloved brothers from other dimensions and other worlds. These witnesses will return to you with the strength of authority upon their words and their deeds, that will convince and prepare many for the evacuation that is to follow.

Their words shall remove fear and heal unbelief and expose the reality of that great invisible army of the Legions of Light that surround you. Every moment of the day, they monitor thoughts, words and deeds, and planetary responses, conditions and affairs. But a time will come when they are no longer able to contain the planetary action destined to come to pass. When those hours are upon you, many of you shall be prepared in your hearts, by these who return to you to give you our message. They have come as Volunteers to serve the Earth in her hour of trial. They shall be the spokesmen on the physical octave for those who remain in the higher dimensions. You shall know them by their fruits and by the evidence which they bring with them.

We give warning to the world that ye seek not to destroy them, for that is not possible, and such an intention will precipitate grave results in your own lives. This inner circle of incarnated ones will walk amongst you when we have returned them to you. You will be electrified by their words and the story they have to tell the world. Since the creation of time, there has never been a time such as this, when the chosen and Elect Volunteers to Earth shall be gathered together to receive their credentials and their authority and sent back to bring these things before Humanity. Hear my words, O beloved ones; take heed that you touch not a hair of their heads, for they also are Emissaries of the Golden Light from other worlds. I am Kuthumi, and I bring you my blessing, my Love to all of you. My Light shines upon each and everyone of you who read these words."


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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