Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član Larisa







OD 14.01.2018.




Chapter 3: The Hosts of Heaven Sponsor a Feast of New Experiences!

Undoubtedly most of you, just as I, have wondered about many of the 'onboard' details of these!


Raymond Fowler tells us, "From the experience I have had on space ships, I can tell you briefly that their crews utilize the higher cosmic frequencies to run their power plants and generate the forcefield which they put about them in a 360 degree sphere in which they can hover or travel at fantastic speeds in any direction in all types of atmospheres. Also, there is an energy field within the ships. These ships can lower their frequencies or accelerate them, according to the direction they wish to go to fulfill their missions."

Ashtar has plainly said, "You will be hosted by us, fed, and housed comfortably in a great mother ship." On another occasion, Andromeda Rex answered my question about the cuisine: "It will be as nearly normal to your accustomed foods as we can arrange it. It will include some drinks and foods that are new to you, but we are attempting a cuisine that will be favorable to all, with personal choices where needed. You will find the food very pleasing." Earlier, Captain Avalon had surprised me with his comment: "You will be impressed with our culinary skills."

To get into more important matters, the remainder of the beautiful message from Andromeda Rex, through messenger Lucy Colson, given especially for this book, continues:

“At the Gathering, there will be a welcoming reception, with the mingling of Beings from all worlds. A truly exciting time, for we introduce the Eartheans to their Galaxy and Universe! The first time in thousands of years that Earth has participated on the scale which she will now. We are grateful that at long last she comes back into the fold. The purpose of the Gathering will be fully explained at that time, with a full discussion of the potential crisis to the planet and its inhabitants; the decisions reached by the Planetary Hierarchy; and the role that you Earth Beings will now play in restoring life to the planet. Assignments of Commanders will be made, and then each Commander will meet with the group under him/her to firm up decisions and make plans.

Since you Earthly Light Commanders will have a closer and even a bodily contact with us over the next few years, or whenever evacuation must be executed (it is absolutely dependent upon Mankind's free will), at this very moment we are preparing for each one of you a pendant. This is no ordinary pendant, but one similar to those worn in Atlantis by those working in the strong electromagnetic fields around the crystals. In the center of the pendant is a small body crystal which we are attuning to the vibrational frequencies of each Commander. Preparation of the crystals is going on at a feverish pace aboard the host Command ship.

As each person is welcomed aboard, he or she will have a pendant slipped around the neck, never to be removed again in bodily form. Upon the body's death, should that happen, the pendant will immediately dissolve. The body crystal attuned to each one's vibrational pattern will help each to tolerate changes in frequencies on the Earth plane as well as when aboard the Command ships. Ships, yes. Each will receive a special assignment and report to that specific Mother Ship involved with a particular area of Command. We need use of caution here, that not all be revealed at this stage.

Communication will also be greatly enhanced through mental telepathy, as by wearing the body crystal, one's vibrations will be stepped up and a more synchronous match can be established between the realms. A matter of vibration is all that defines dimensions. We cannot give anymore information at this time without divulging classified information to the public. Not everyone who will read your forthcoming book, Tuella, will be of the Light. Therefore, we are not permitted to go any further, just as you will not be permitted to give out time, dates and what-not.

To reiterate. First, there will be the Gathering of the Eagles. This Gathering will consist of many of the Lord's Hosts, two or more contingencies from a far galaxy who will arrive in the Earth's atmosphere in time for their participation. Expertly trained for planetary evacuation in time of dire need, these brave Souls of Light have volunteered to assist us as we now reach the crisis point in Earth's destination.

After the meeting and blending of those who come from the Planet Earth itself, a triune Council will be formed - The Ascended Master/Angelic Realm, the Universal, and the Earth - all blended together as one with one common bond, the survival of Man, that he may evolve into MAN. HuMan (Heavenly, Universal, Man).

After that Conclave, then the real Gathering of the Light Commanders takes place. After that event, the real work commences as all Heaven and Light upon the Earth strive to bring the planet Earth into its proper alignment with the Christ potential. I thank you. I am Andromeda Rex."

* * * * * * * * *

As we present the messages coming to several others within this revelation on the various topics covered, it is hoped that the children of Light will realize this is not something coming to just one source, but that the same trend of information is coming to us now through many different space channels, like the rush of a mighty river. I have spoken with too many to quote all of them here, but as I present the same questions for reasons of confirmation, the answers all correlate in a remarkable way.

After the announcement to begin the book in Utah, and the nature of the earlier dictations, while there I joined with messenger Eve Carney to undertake some in-depth research on the subject. This was several weeks before Andromeda's discourse with Lucy was received, and included in our research was my first inkling of the color-coded concept in the evacuation. We learned that different colored ships will pick up individuals with the different colored auras, or energy fields. Blue-coded ships will pick up blue aura persons, etc. For example, one ship is responsible for lifting all medical personnel, volunteers, with the ship corresponding to the nature of the classification of the workers. For example, a yellow ship under the auspices of the ray of wisdom and knowledge will pick up educators, writers and intelligence persona; pink ships will pick up persons whose calling is to love emanations and mother vibrations and the young children, for whom there has been total preparation on board. The purpose for giving the crystal in color matching the designated ships is to enable that ship to maintain contact with those it has had on board for briefing time.

Almost a year before, I had been informed that at the Commander briefings we would return with "something to wear and something to carry." In researching that statement, we learned the things persons will bring back with them had different colored stones. Some had necklaces; some, brooches; rings; but all set with crystal stones; even something to wear in their hair, just as long as these crystals were upon their form. Apparently the craft would use these devices to zero in on them, as energy devices.

Concerning 'something to carry,' Eve saw some persons given a 'little box comparable In size to the little cereal boxes' which contained what appeared to her to be little scrolls. Some of the key personnel are given these. Some are even given handkerchiefs that are monogrammed in the corner with the scroll. What they are given was evidently determined by the particular Mother Ship that housed them for the council. Eve said, "The people will be categorized, so to speak, and leaders in each category will be chosen, and they are the ones who will be given these small gold parchment scrolls which are contained in the small boxes."

A few weeks following, when I was privileged to report the addresses given at the final planning Council for the Gatherings, and I heard Korton alluding to the "diversity of designs" of these devices that had been submitted from the several sectors, yet "coordinate with all others in functions performed," I understood why there has been some discrepancy in description of these devices from various sources. If a spiritual messenger is from one Sector, they may see the design that one will use, while a messenger from another Sector may see an object different in appearance. Korton did also confirm that "there will be an identifying crystal of certain color for each which immediately indicates the group to which that person is assigned, as well as the Sector Commander. " All are agreed on this fact of this body crystal and its function.

We also tuned in to some very interesting information regarding the missions of a few very elderly women, who have donated their lifetime simply toward building up the Light within them. These will be picked up for the Gatherings and be given the handkerchiefs within the different groups, which are monogrammed in the corner accordingly. The special assignment of these elderly ladies has been just to stay alive (some are in nursing establishments and will only be taken out of body so as not to be missed) and hold the Light and prayer for the volunteers of their specific group. Thus each group will have its Leader, its Love person, its teacher, writer, reporter, healers, scientists, and so forth. These elderly channels of Light will wear their handkerchiefs to be visible to the people of their group on the spacecraft. They will be given so much energy that wherever the others of her group are, in their night sleep they will be able to 'plug into' this Love Person for their energy needs. This will be their sole contribution to their overall program.

* * * * * * * * *

At one time in the past, I had asked Ashtar to discuss the Human forcefield, and he replied:

"The magnetics of the Human aura are a forcefield. The heart is the central atom around which neutrons, cells and electrons gravitate. Blood goes out from the heart, makes its circle and returns again, enabling the physical form to give off energy in framework as force. Force continues in an ovoid shape which you call the auric field, but it is more than that. This force represents a magnetism to other magnetic force of like frequency. So like attracts like, it is said. Now, when the field is of high frequency, color disappears into white Light. When the Human orbit or magnetic field is white Light, we then say that one has transmuted the physical form of density to a Lightbody. This Light body or forcefield is that which makes contact and exposure to our magnetic field possible. You would suffer no discomfort in our presence. The forcefield of Light pulls and is pulled ever higher. Your constant exposure to our frequencies greatly infuses your, own with higher frequencies."

While preparing this text, he said that, "while within our great Mother Ship of my own Command fleet and hosted by our staff, you will be subjected to many different kinds of experiences designed to correlate your physical with your spiritual attainment. The physical form will take on great beauty and an essence of Light will radiate to those with eyes to see. The entire being will become changed into that which you once were, yet when you return those who know you not will simply continue to see that outward appearance. But spiritually aware persons will see the difference in the eyes, the magnetism and the glow of the person, and the radiance of the countenance."

I asked if this change would take place within all who attended?

"Yes, but with some who have not started this process at all, the workings will only have begun, so the immediate change will not be so noticeable as with those in whom the process began some time ago. Those who are just beginning will sense youthful energy so that they feel exhilarated; with others, it will be completed. Minds also will be quickened by the Rays in which you will sit, and the emotional body will be brought under total control and instructions and directives given. Youthfulness of action and appearance accompanies the presence of the Light body. Generally speaking, those who know not your inner qualities will see your appearance the same, yet there will be that different quality about you somehow. They will say you're 'looking good,' and that sort of thing. But to those spiritually aware of your Light, you will appear much younger, youthful of energy and movement. The presence of Light itself within the physical form tends to rejuvenate and reactivate all the cells of the body; thus, no illness can enter this teeming life action, and the energy that enters find no impediments to its flow. Therefore, the change into the Light Body brings these outward changes as a result of the inner workings of the Light. It is a natural as well as scientific action, actually. In the completion of this action one has desire for a lesser quantity of food and tends toward drinking of more liquids."

I wondered how the transposition to the Light Body would affect concentration, telepathy and clairvoyance? Andromeda Rex was answering questions at this time: "This will differ with some according to their needs and to their mission. All do not need all of these abilities; however, most do. Where necessary. some will have a full opening of the chakras take place, under our surveillance while you are with us. This action can be speeded up as long as you are under careful examination. It would be harmful to some in the present to open them so suddenly. Others will be quickened in the area of their need, for that which they are commissioned to accomplish. But all will have telepathic abilities induced, for this is most necessary that you be able to communicate with one another efficiently and with us at all times."

* * * * * * * * *

Another problem that needed clarification in my own thinking was the concept of compressed time. In the research with Eve Carney, we learned much about the difference in time in the different dimensions. Once beyond the atmosphere of the Earth, there is no 'time' as we understand it. Weeks there can be as moments here, depending on the longitude and latitude of area from which departure is made.

For these secret Gatherings, some will be merely taken out of body, and seem to be away only a 'twinkling of an eye,' when the time gone will be almost unnoticeable, and only be absent three to five minutes. Different ones will be gone different periods of time. Some will be taken in the physical form and will actually be physically absent for two to three weeks Earth time. It seems that a day of Earth time can be as two weeks with them. While some will indeed be absent up to nearly 21 days, others will only be away three to four days. Eve explained: "They are saying 'twinkling of an eye,' and I'm feeling three to five minutes. A husband could walk outside to pull a few weeds and come back in and his wife will have been gone for two to three weeks, and to him, she may have seemed to have gone elsewhere in the home for three to five minutes or so. Some of those who go will be away much longer than others. The highest ranking Leaders of the project will be gone longer than the others, much longer."

These answers greatly assisted in reconciling some of the seemingly inconsistent details that had been received. Nevertheless, many really stupid questions chased one another through my inquisitive mind. For example, many Humans prefer to sleep in the nude, and if they are taken off into other worlds at that time, what are they wearing? (I said they were stupid!) One afternoon when Kuthumi was on the 'Cosmic Telephone', I asked him (he tolerates me quite well). He offered these details:

"The spiritual essence of one who sleeps is automatically woven a covering by those who serve as Escorts, for one never travels or journeys into other worlds alone! By thought, Escorts create a garment of white to be worn at all times out of body wherever one goes. There are times when the occasion calls for a greater finery, and it is provided - including your crown!"

Many months previous to this particular research, I had been told that the participants of these Secret Councils would be permitted to bring cameras and tape recorders for purposes of returning with more exclusive evidence. I had problems trying to understand how a person out of body could carry with him camera and recording supplies as instructed, and return with them as well. Dear Kuthumi obliged again:

"Another interesting question! The items that will be brought back are to be dematerialized and then materialized again in your dimension when that one awakens. This is an easy thing for us (!) and our brothers. As for the things to have been taken, the same process would be reversed, but the participant would be in an etheric body."

Many years ago at my home deep in the woods of southern Pennsylvania, my two daughters and I had been in a meditative moment together, when three Space Brothers appeared in the front yard. They preferred to remain outside when invited in, because of their height and my normal sized doors and ceilings. We were asked if we would enjoy visiting their ship, and we responded with a joyous affirmative. The appointment was made for the following evening at 8:00, and we were instructed to relax in a reclining position on the floor for meditation and an escort would come for us. We thanked our visitors and rushed outside. My daughters were able to see the ship up above, for they both have the gift of psychic sight .

The following evening we relaxed as instructed, and set out upon our three separate meditation experiences. I left my body and rested my hands upon the forearms of my two escorts, and experienced the tremendous motion as we ascended at incredible speed upward to the waiting ship. I was immediately standing in the great Map and Control room looking at Athena, with tears streaming down my face. She also wept, and we embraced. Athena (a lady Commander) began showing me the various maps. I sensed that one daughter had gone down a long corridor, though I hadn't seen her, but knew she was elsewhere on the ship. We did walk by a great glass wall through which I could see my other daughter reclining on a medical examination type table, and someone with her. This was the extent of my recall - very very brief and fragmentary.

In just a few minutes - not more than fifteen - all three of us were 'back' to this consciousness and we began comparing our recalls. The one daughter had been down a long corridor which was lined with garment lockers. She had opened one, and they were filled with golden jumpsuits. She pulled one out, and it had her name embossed on it across the left chest area. She was grounded in shock, and put it back.

She also had seen her sister on a medical table. The other daughter recalled only that she was "getting some kind of a treatment." She knew it was good, and the attendant was her Spiritual Lady Doctor, a member of her guidance group. That was all that any of us could recall. At least the invitation had been kept, and we were satisfied enough with the excursion.

Nine years later, when the research into this compressed time concept was unfolding at Utah this summer, I pounced in excitedly with my question: "Well, then, would you please tell me how long my daughters and I were really on that Mother Ship during our fifteen minutes of meditation"? The answer came fast and startling: Eight hours!” Some explanation was forthcoming. First of all, we were being acclimatized, acclimated on inner levels for future on-board experiences. We had been permitted just enough fragments of recall to be consistent with each other's accounts and memories of having seen each other in instances that were correct. Further, the 'treatment' being administered to the daughter on the medical table was a process administered for the opening of a chakra. I had only been able to recall being in the Control Room looking at maps with Athena. Actually I had been shown the large scanning screens with flashes of scenes from lesser ships over other countries and seas. I had observed the groups in the mountains and their works. It had been a bit like a general briefing on communications.

I asked, and was informed, that no implants had been placed in any of us. It was further explained, interestingly enough, that implants are never used by the extraterrestrials who serve the Light except within those who are not of our evolution. For those on special service direct from the ships, not born of Earth woman, but materialized on Earth as special envoys on special missions, out of necessity, do have implants within them for purposes of survival in our atmosphere and close contact with their Command. But the Legions of Light never place implants within Humanity without their knowledge or consent, for this would violate Universal Law.

Kuthumi explained: "The dark souls often become wired during their vulnerable periods because of wrong living - for example, while intoxicated or on drugs. This means they are totally out of control of their vehicles and mind, and have become, unknowingly, practically Human robots. Children of the Light cannot be placed in this situation because they have placed their will in Higher Hands for safekeeping, by placing God's will first in all the details of their lives . "

The other daughter, who had seen the golden jumpsuit uniform bearing her name, was being activated at that time, we were told. They had stimulated her psychic centers. We were told that my daughters have since then been upon the ships frequently. One of them had been with them once for a very long time while her body slept. I was told that my own excursions while out of body have mainly involved participation within the mountain-base installations. I have recounted this entire incident specifically that those who read this account will realize that when you return to wakefulness or from meditation, with some small fragment of recall of a ship's surroundings or an Extraterrestrial's conversation, or some other Heavenly scene, it is highly likely that you have actually not only been there, but have been there for an extended period of time.

That which we do not or are not permitted to recall is nevertheless, programmed into our inner being to be triggered at a later date when needed. Total recall will flash its intrusion into your Human consciousness when events warrant this action.

To conclude our thoughts on compressed time, I quote another portion of the message received by Lucy Colson from Andromeda Rex for inclusion in this text:

"Depending on the openings into your dimension at the time of your Gathering, you will either be beamed aboard physically, or it will of necessity be an out-of-body experience. In either event, time can be compressed for those who must not leave their areas for more than one night in the physical body, so what would normally be a two-week meeting would be an eight-hour expanse of Earth time for that person. Each will return consciously aware of their orders and all aspects of the meetings."

Andromeda Rex continues, "To return to the above statement about the openings into the Third Dimension, with all of the acute electromagnetic activity from the planetary events in your heavens, dimensional warping is taking place. Certain doors which are normally open-paths between realms are closing temporarily during certain planetary configurations - most important to note is the Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions. When Mars is heavily aspected, we also find the narrowing of the dimensional passageways. This is not a reference to the Ley Lines, but a passageway between them."

This new concept of dimensional warping certainly gears the mind toward further investigation, but I did not have the time at this writing to pursue the matter.

* * * * * * * * *


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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