Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član Larisa







OD 14.01.2018.



* * * * * * * * *

As I speak with many people, I find evidence that the 'Collective Consciousness' of the Human Race knows a purging is being initiated, with a significance deeper than that which can be ascribed by them to conventional wisdom. Cosmic Being Lytton, transmitting through spiritual messenger Lyara, speaks of an early fruition of the Divine Plan:

"Great power and forces will be unleashed this year. Major initiations for some. Cleansing of the bodies, veils being lifted, and survival disks being received for those returning for Evacuation Assignments. Some brothers and sisters will not be receiving these messages. It is not for them to know. Their work is different than yours, and they need to remain on their path. Accelerated energies will be intense. What a few years ago would take years to accomplish will be completed in a day. You will experience continual initiations .... "

* * * * * * * * *

During the period when work was underway compiling this manuscript, I received an urgent summons from Captain Avalon, of the Floridian Mountains Communications Center for the Southwest, which is near my home. He informed me that on the Sunday before full moon, a very crucial Council would be in session there. He requested that I present myself at 7:00 a.m. that Sunday morning to record the words of the major speakers.

On the evening before the designated Sunday, I could not refrain from inspecting the atmosphere surrounding the Floridas. With the predictable certainty, there was the usual heavy dark cloud bank totally hiding the upper portion of the mountains and spanning out all over the area. This phenomenon invariably appears when any kind of council is going on there. The dark mist and clouds hovered as expected, until the great Council was concluded.

Promptly at 7:00 on August 1, I had eluded my devotions, and I called him. We had done this type of work together before on two occasions. His response was crisp and prompt:

"Good morning! This is Avalon, responding for my previous appointment. I will tell you what is happening here. A great Conclave is taking place this weekend in the Great Conference Hall of our installation beneath the Floridian Mountains. All of the important leaders from every sector of this Nation are here, and a few representatives of the Jupiter Command from the other hemisphere, as well. The purpose of this tribunal is to coordinate all of our preparations and to delegate specific assignments that will be delegated within the Commands to each Sector, for completing the secret gatherings. Everyone you ever heard of is here, as far as the Alliance goes. Ashtar will appear later today. By the way, these Conclaves are always held at or near the full moon period. We feel that it is important to include in your manuscript the text of these messages today, so that your readers may actually hear a planning session in which the Gatherings were discussed. You will be in session for about an hour for the first one, and there will be three or four other sessions today. I have just been told nothing will be happening of significance for an hour, so I will release you until that time. Avalon speaking, and closing the contact."

* * * * * * * * *

An hour later, this striking overview began. Because many details were given to me, I will also share them with you.

"Thank you, Tuella. We are gathered in the Great Hall, centrally located within and beneath our Communications Center. What an impressive crowd! As you know, we are here to coordinate and finalize plans and specifics for the coming Gatherings. Everyone is in his place, waiting for the Chairman to appear.

Let me describe the scene to you. Our room is about 150 feet in diameter, round in shape and furnished like an amphitheatre or one of your sports stadiums. The entire circling wall is filled with comfortable seating graduated down in rows, enabling clear vision of the rostrum. The audience chairs are upholstered in red, and the walls give forth radiance everywhere in an overall glow, so that one cannot tell from where it originates. The doors and other openings are not discernible, for they blend into the wall contour, making them invisible until opened. We control these mechanisms with thought, which to you would be the application of crystalline energy: We have a domed ceiling on which beautiful artwork is painted. To you, it would be reminiscent of the ceilings of the Versailles Palace near Paris. However, the subject of our art- work here embraces Universal settings and planetary motions. It is a very beautiful room, and is reserved for only occasions of this level of importance or tribunals of distinction. Soft music of the spheres provides a pleasant background and everyone is watching the area where the speakers will enter.

The center arena has the usual rostrum in the center, surrounded by a circular table with seating for twelve. These chairs are upholstered in a brilliant blue and beyond them are four sets of three chairs, arranged in triangle placement, to the East, the West, the North, and the South. These chairs are yellow. All chairs in the room are placed within a white circle that is part of the floor design, which is otherwise a solid color. The white circle has a magnetic energy emanating from it to energize the one who sits in the chair. An electronic signal light is built within the arm of each chair for letting the leader know a comment is desired by that participant.

The opening from the East corridor approach has been opened and the twenty-four dignitaries have entered and taken their places. Commander Ashtar is the Chairman, and he is addressing the audience. You can hear him ... please record his words:"

Ashtar: "We are deeply grateful to all of you who have laid aside your busy schedules to answer this call to join this deliberation. We have called up a generous cross section of the leadership from all sectors to blend your thinking with our own on the many problems to be solved. Our Most Beloved Great Commander, Sananda, will be joining us later in the day. The speaker for this morning session is one of the most respected members of our Commands, having served the Confederation in many capacities and many examples of his great concern for the people of Earth. He stands as their protector at this hour, and represents them in our major councils. His words and decisions are of great importance to all of us, and I join with you in earnest attention to his words. I bring forward our friend and brother ... Monka!"

Monka Addresses the Great Council:

(Monka is seated to the right side of Ashtar's chair. As he rises, the Hall bursts with a standing ovation of salutations to Beloved Monka, our great leader).

"Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen of the great Commands that circle the Earth. Our fellowship together at this full moon period has a touch of sadness to it, when we consider the purpose for our meeting. None of us can look upon the events in store for planet Earth without that twinge of regret within our being that it might have been different had Man responded to the Great Light that was given.

Nevertheless, we do rejoice together for the many who have made it, and who will carry on the program of the Kingdom of God on Earth when the Earth is made ready.

I am bringing you this morning, a portion of our findings as we have monitored the Earth population in its ascension toward spiritual unfoldment. There are at least forty million souls now embodied who are our own representatives, or followers of those representatives, who follow our directives and give attention to our words. This group will form the nucleus of the first two phases of evacuation. Within that nucleus, of course, are the Special Volunteers whose missions are detailed in the records for your Sectors.

We have gathered here for the purpose of reconciling all of our efforts toward the unveiling and the training of the Earth leaders, and to bring all of our separate plans in harmony with the whole. I am aware that all of you have labored long, and in the presence of great opposition, to fulfill your scheduling for this event. It is clear that all councils will not occur at one given moment, but within each Sector it is hoped that all candidates will participate at one time. We have now agreed that there will be seven Worldwide Sectors or divisions by area, in which these gatherings will take place.

In our meetings that follow, these seven Sector Commanders will share with you their detailed plans and will receive your comments and counter suggestions concerning them. We ask of you only that in your attention upon these seven leaders, you will take back with you into your varied areas of responsibilities, the vibration of concern and urgency that you feel in our midst today.

These Gatherings are the apex of the wedge in the salvation of a planet. These Elect ones will be our hands and feet and our voices for the time that remains between now and the coming removal of the Lighted Ones from the planet. We have attempted to discern the times in Earth calculations of time, when events will bring on these contingencies. However, it is impossible at this moment to give you or anyone else any distinct date or time reference. The date of each individual council will be determined here today, but the span of time before the first evacuation cannot be determined. Therefore, we must maintain and continue in our total readiness at all times, for the call may reach us at any moment.

Our friends of the Jupiter Command are keeping us posted within seconds of Earth time, on every smallest detail of events before they happen! They are doing an excellent work in monitoring the Secret Government councils of the world nations. They not only register all of the proposed plans, but evaluate each Leader within his emotional and rational being to determine his probable response to any given set of circumstances. So far, they have been one-hundred percent correct in this type of analysis, making it an indispensable source of reference for the entire program. It allows us to be just a little ahead of Mankind in their own access to reports of world events.

Therefore, I share with you the excitement of this moment in getting 'on with it,' so to speak, and bringing all of our preparations and plans into focus and action. As spokesman for the Saturnian Council of this Solar System, I welcome you to these policy decisions and will be enjoying meeting with as many of you as possible at this Conclave. My gratitude is extended to our gracious hosts, Commander Anton, of Cook Mountain; and Captain Avalon, of this great communications center; and to our Chairman, Commander Ashtar. Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you."

* * * * * * * * *

(Avalon once again: "Thank you, Tuella. Following Monka' s sweep of applause, a lesser speaker is directing the participants to the smaller meeting locations .We will return at 10:00 to check on events at that time. Avalon closing the contact.")

At 10:00, Avalon reported that there had been a scurry of activity as assignments for different committee meetings were given. There was a lounging break for fellowship and refreshments which, he assured me, did not include coffee and doughnuts! This was to be the last session until we returned at 2:00 that afternoon, when Beloved Jesus-Sananda would be speaking.

Korton Speaks at the Great Council

A Commander from the Veldor Sector introduced Korton, and he gave this message:

"Highly respected and honorable Lords and Ladies of many worlds, many galaxies and faraway places, it is my privilege to be with you and to bring you some thoughts of our group concerning the purposes for which we have gathered.

During these summer months on Earth, we have all been very active organizing ourselves for these coming special Gatherings. Our work will soon be concluded and these seven Councils with our Earth Leaders can begin. Our many preparations have taken much time, and details have been going on at a feverish pace.

Basically, the communication devices we have proposed are to be fairly identical in all seven divisions. They need not be the same in appearance, but in function they must be the same. As the needs were presented to each group quite some time ago, it has been ingenious the diversity of designs that have been brought forth, yet all do indeed coordinate with all others in the functions performed and the vital needs fulfilled. There will be an identifying crystal of certain color for each, which immediately indicates the group to which that person is assigned, as well as the Sector Commander. This central stone will also be the crystal that is in attunement with the body vibrations of the one who wears it and who is in direct contact with his Commander craft. The device will also have a factor incorporated into its design which will serve as a levitating or a traveling device for any emergency, as well as another built-in deposit of crystalline energy functioning as the means of producing invisibility as needed in times of danger. Of all the equipment with which we will arm our Earthean Eagles, the greatest will be the unveiling of their memories and the revelation of their identities and missions to the planet Earth.

We are also greatly pleased to at last be able to bring about a complete network of acquainting them all with one another so that they may know as we are known and can meet face to face with their co-workers in this plan. There will be a great love between them as they labor together and help one another.

All of us who make up the Commands patrolling the Earth have longed to see this unity and coordinating action take place on physical levels. These great Gatherings will bring this to pass and Heaven and Earth will enjoy a unity of purpose unknown for millions of cycles. In daring to let our Representatives be exposed to the Earth world, we have taken great care in planning how this would be done. By stationing those who are a part of our Mission within the ranks of world media, we will be able to do this in a simultaneous break of the news releases, that will eliminate all opposition, and will at least give us an honest reporting of events. A few large interests will withhold the story, but will later get on the bandwagon as so many consistently begin to come forth. The lives of our Representatives will be intensely protected while their testimony is being given and carrying on. Other Representatives everywhere will join in their defense. It is this daring exposure of those who serve with us that will turn the hearts of the multitudes to consider the words of these few. Total recall will be permitted in their ranks and all will return with a fully operating spiritual opening of their abilities to handle every spiritual need which confronts them. All will become spokesmen for the Commands and teachers of truth. At best, their testimony will be brief, lasting only until the evacuations begin, but vital in their intensity and impact.

This is the program, Ladies and Gentlemen, with which the world will be turned. This is also the method with which evacuation will be carried on from the Earth level. All of these self-sacrificing Leaders will remain until the last moment for directing others, teaching others, and assisting in the creation of an atmosphere free of fear around those clusters of Humanity preparing for their rescue. It is this Special Legion who will be answering questions, teaching the people, and preparing their hearts for that which is to come. Without them, our mission could not proceed in its purpose, for the aura of fear and hostility toward us still prevails on a general scale.

We will be working closely together in our committee meetings to coordinate these many details and prepare ourselves for action as soon as possible. There is not a moment of Earth time to be wasted in this preparation. The sound of war comes ever closer, and the planet within prepares its response! We must make haste in our final proposals and go forth from this Great Conclave with all final decisions agreed upon. We must have unity in our midst and the willingness to surrender our desired suggestions for the benefit of the whole and completion of our work here.

Again, I thank you for this opportunity to speak with all of you and to be a part of this great council for so important a mission. Thank you, my brothers and sisters, on whom the Light of our Radiant One ever shines! I thank you."

* * * * * * * * *

As requested, I returned to the typewriter a little before 2:00 p.m., and was then given the privilege of hearing the Great Beloved Commander in Chief, Jesus the Christ, and recording His message for this volume.

Beloved JESUS-SANANDA addresses The Great Council

"Courageous, loyal and devoted Lords and Ladies of this and many great galaxies, you have given me a very pleasant chore this afternoon, in speaking and meeting with all of our dedicated Leaders and Directors of our great Intergalactic program for Peace. I am the honored one in beholding your beautiful countenances and responding to the love that flows through each one of your beings and outward toward me.

I have come to join with all of you in this final preparation for that great event which we have planned together for so long. It is a great moment for my own heart, as it is for yours. We have not only labored in the planning for the event, we have likewise labored in the effort to prevent its necessity. Now we must secure our decisions and go forward with our Plan.

In the beginning of our active programming we will have the assistance of the entire Angel Kingdom, under the supervision of Michael and His Legions. EI Morya will exercise his administration of the Blue Flame of protection and build a wall of Blue Fire around each chela who is destined to be taken into your midst and to be returned again for the final stages of their service to Humanity. Each one, I am assured, will be surrounded in the circle of Blue Flame from the first divine ray of manifestation, and Michael's Angels will be bodyguards to them all. All of this attention, plus your own beams upon them directly from your craft, should well protect them and their mission from all harm and interference.

We have brought all of you together in this conference for a feeling of encouragement as well as for practical reasons. Let us join in Love to one another as we realize that the long battle soon will end, that our efforts for the planet Earth shall soon see fruition and the joyful reunion of all of us with our brothers and sisters in service there.

We have great things and great surprises in store for them, and words cannot describe the joy with which we anticipate this great reunion. We must realize and understand that both the leadership meetings and the evacuation stages may be a great shock to some of them. Their Human reactions may be unprepared for these events. It is for this reason that a book is now being prepared through the coordinated efforts of Kuthumi and the Ashtar Command, in which most of these details wi11 be revealed to all the souls of Light. I have requested that this very Conclave be included in its contents. We have had to proceed with great caution in revealing our strategy and plans for this new touch with Mankind. We have had to consider his binding theological prejudices, his apathy, his indifference, his general close-mindedness in most of these things, but most of all, his outright hostility to those whom the Father has sent to reason with him. Because of this militancy, our progress for the World Plan has been delayed for twenty-five years. Many have wearied that it would ever come to pass, not only of your group, but our Earth contactees as well.

We are trusting that the witness of these Special Leaders and their campaign outlining the Divine Program of rescue by those whom the Father will send to them, will in that dark hour of Earth's evacuation, proceed with a minimum of interference from man.

I send a special dispensation of annointing for this task upon all of these whom you will take into your midst. They shall carry within their inner being great power and perseverance in this ongoing battle for the minds of men. They shall not be left unequipped without the proper spiritual weapons with which to carry forward this encounter. All shall be filled with spiritual power and annointed to meet every need from the overflow of their inward blessings.

They will have constant attunement with those of you who guard them and guide their ministries. The mystical objects you have prepared for them represent a great contribution for their behalf, and this will secure for them all of the remaining protection that is necessary. When the days of evacuation are upon us, these will be the ones to whom you will turn for the help that is needed upon Terra. Those few moments of feverish action will bring about the gathering of the wheat into my barn for the Eternal Harvest.

I convey to you, Ladies and Gentlemen, the total gratitude of the Celestial Government of this Solar System for your long participation in the Divine Plan for planet Earth. Yours is the supreme example of that kind of life that has been held out to Mankind through many aeons of time. As you fellowship with them, they will see and absorb the Love that abounds within you and will be drawn to your governing philosophies of freedom and respect for the Divine image within all of the Father's creation. My blessings radiate to each one of you and overshadow you with the emanations of my own Light as you have so beautifully earned the 'well done' of Our Father. Friends of the highest purity and worthiness, I thank you."

Thus spoke Our Lord Jesus, or, as He is known to them, Beloved Great Commander Sananda - the Radiant One - to all of these great Ones in attendance at this vital Tribunal.


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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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