Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član Larisa







OD 14.01.2018.



* * * * * * * * * *

As we think together of a vast army of volunteers to Earth for this crucial time, our understanding is penetrated by these words of Cosmic Being, Lytton, which came to spiritual messenger "Lyara":

"Each of you who is attuned to this material has a Mission of Service to Mankind. Each of you, as Sparks of God, is a Divine and unique ray of the Father. Cosmic family members have already achieved mastery and forms of advancement in other dimensions, realms and/or realities and are reawakening this dormant knowledge. You each agreed, in coming here, to be veiled, that you could adjust and understand the people of this planet to better serve them. Some of you have been here several times - very few more than that. All of you have awakened, or will, to the realization that the home you are most clearly attuned to is not resemblant of Earth. Planets where you have spent the most time and call home are higher vibrating and have all-pervading auras of Christ Love. All of you belong to the Intergalactic Fleet. At debriefing time before embarking on this mission, you realized only to some degree the hazards that you would experience on this planet. The most serious was not preparing yourself to wake up, by getting involved and caught up with Earth's activities and pleasures and forgetting your identity. Many brothers and sisters have not yet awakened sufficiently to fulfill their missions in the remaining time allotted. It has made for many adjustments in plans, and many others of you will be asked to assume greater responsibilities than originally contracted for. We realize it will cause some hardships and extra burdens, but by staying attuned to your guidance, these new assignments which are being asked of you in the Father's name can still be expressions of joy. Allow your spirits to soar while your feet are on the ground for planetary functioning."

* * * * * * * * *

It is my understanding that these veils are to be lifted at the 'gatherings'. Mary Hardy, well known for her family's research on pyramidology, made this interesting statement recently in an article appearing in the New Atlantean Journal: 'When an individual is taken up into a ship, the electromagnetic field (aura) around the body is accelerated. In this field there is no time. An individual can learn of the future or the past. Space craft are designed to accelerate the particles that make up the atom. These particles can travel up to 27 times faster than the known speed of light.

This change of frequency is why ships become invisible. The individual inside the ship can travel time and can look into the future or the past. At the end of the trip these individuals are DE-accelerated, or decelerated. They are placed in a chair or on a light-emitting table and brought back to a stable frequency attuned to the Earth.'

Chapter 2: The Summons to the Secret Councils

During January of 1982 I received a message from Andromeda Rex which clearly shows the groundwork being initiated in preparation for these meetings, stressing the need and importance of 'networking' between the factions of Light on Earth:

"The Commands are sending forth an extra power to those whose vibrations can handle the higher frequencies. We will now be stepping up all of those who are capable, to their highest capacity. The trembling of body you are presently experiencing is an incidental aspect of this accelerated frequency. We are all alerted and geared up for a massive sweep of power to accentuate all Light frequencies upon the planet. A tremendous input of Light through beam radiation is now being undertaken for purposes of quickening the Light bodies of all who can receive it. This action tends to be one of preparation for that which is to come later.

There is also underway a great spiritual urgency toward the integration of Light souls toward each other. We are attempting through these higher frequencies to draw Light Workers closer together in feeling and purpose. The networking objective is going on successfully. We are attempting to create a conscious Network of Light Beings in embodiment, that will be consciously entered into and consciously cooperated with for purposes that will come later. This conscious linking of souls is most important to our objective in preparing for mass intervention if events warrant this action.

The Network, consciously accepted, becomes a great force for the ongoing of our program toward the rescue of, and assistance to, the planet. Even in New Age circles there must be a falling away of technical differences and an emphasis upon things on which there is agreement. Regardless of the particular slant or emphasis of truth, there must be a conscious desire to become a link in the great chain of ground forces rather than to stand alone. It is this conscious desire to be a conscious operating portion of the whole, that will create the proper atmosphere for the uplifting of frequencies I have described.

Therefore, let all of those who serve with us strive toward this holy attitude of oneness with each other, that we might all function together as one great beam of Light upon the Earth. This effort toward united purpose is the present focus of our interaction with our brothers and sisters of Light now in Human embodiment. In this Great Cosmic Light, I salute you all. I am Andromeda Rex."

In times past, in our progressive enlightenment and spiritual perception, we have seen only a part, 'as through a glass darkly;' but now, as the networking expands and the veils are being lifted, we 'know, even as we are known.' The joyful quickening as one soul recognizes another, warmed by the Christ Presence within the other –that quickening is now manifesting even 'face to face' as well as between this and the highest dimensions of reality. There is an unconscious network between us all on the inner level Universe, but Andromeda would have us pull this reality through our Human consciousness, having used the word eight different times to make his point. He describes these things further: "These gatherings represent a highly momentous occasion. There has never yet been anything like this in the history of Mankind's sojourn upon the planet. Similar incidents have fragmentarily taken place in isolated cases far between, in the past and last generation, but nothing on so large a scale, so thoroughly organized as this venture. Neither were the former results that far-reaching, yet there has been a tremendous secret penetration in the past forty years. But following these secret council meetings and the return of the Elect to their octave, there will be an immediate saturation of all the news media and worldwide recognition of those who have thus been honored by this encounter. This will be one of the greatest news stories ever written.

The program will be a very detailed briefing of coming events which will set up and coordinate our ground forces in a very specific manner while outlining levels of authority and responsibilities. Our key Commanders, now incarnate, will be introduced to each other and the fellowship will be a precious experience. The marshalling of all of our forces for this undertaking which is so important to the Hierarchal Program, has been a tremendous challenge and one in which thousands have beautifully cooperated."

* * *

I was visiting in Utah for a week in June. On the day of the June 21st eclipse, it was announced to me that this book was to begin immediately. A typewriter was borrowed and for the four remaining days there, the dictations came at a pace of four a day. Commander Ashtar spoke forcefully on the day of the eclipse:

"We desire to speak to our people. We desire to speak to the Elect of God who have chosen and been chosen to come as volunteers from out of our midst to walk the Earth, to endure the darkness and the challenges and the problems, yea, the temptations; yet to stand and be ready when our call comes to them. As Commander, it is my desire to speak to all of these throughout this hemisphere, as messengers, as teachers, as guidance counselors, as channels of Light and beams of the Love of God to the planet. We have need now to lift you into our presence for a brief moment of time for purposes of special training and many other matters which cannot be handled in any other way. These gatherings shall not be simultaneous throughout the globe, but shall take place in seven various sectors, one at a time. We cannot dispense our forces efficiently by having all of you at once. Therefore, we shall undertake this program in units, by areas, as we have organized other programs in the past.

We are attempting to streamline our program so that the time can be shortened. We have prepared our facilities with great care and outlined our agenda very carefully so that the utmost efficiency in all of these things may be applied.

One of the most important elements within all of this activity is that you would become personally acquainted with each other in a network of sharing the knowledge of the mission of each member. One might call you a 'Secret Army,' so to speak, for you are an army in spiritual warfare, and in most cases, your activity will be in secret. Nevertheless, a vast portion of the program will not be in secret, but rather, deliberately publicized as a part of our strategy, and details concerning that strategy have already been delivered to this messenger to be incorporated into the text of this material.

I am assured by the officers under my Command who represent the various units and areas of this hemisphere for which I am responsible; I am assured by these that almost all of the Earth representatives are now ready in their awareness to be taken into our presence without undue adjustments or misalignments or misunderstanding, and that we may now carryon with our plans to fulfill this enormous project. I am Ashtar, of the star ship upon which our Beloved Commander, Sananda, travels and calls His home away from home, although of course, this great Avatar is capable of being anywhere and everywhere simultaneously.

Within the network of our Commands and the Galactic Confederation, we have an interlocking communications system through which every individual craft may at any given moment receive a certain transmission simultaneously. In many cases when one of you is in an act of service or some victory for the Light is occurring, reports of these are instantaneously sent throughout the hemisphere and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy. It is impossible for you to conceive the speed with which our communications go forth throughout the entire Universe.

I can absolutely assure you that your reception of our message when the alert has come, will be received. We are capable of entering the thought patterns of any individual upon the planet and implanting there our impressions in keeping with Universal Law, clearly and decisively. Each and everyone of you who is on Earth assignment to be a part of this program will receive clear signals and a message that cannot be mistaken nor misunderstood.

Whatever your past experiences in telepathic communication have been, or your progress in conscious awareness of these revelations, you will receive our message loud and clear. You will be personally approached either by one of us, or be told by one who represents us. Do not make any moves or changes or hesitate when this is received. By the same token, do not take any action along these lines if these or one of these is not received. Do not be concerned nor unduly upset if you do not participate in this first temporary lift-up of souls who serve with us. This merely means that your action in the plan is elsewhere, and you will be taken for your instructions or will receive them in some other manner. Do not take any personal affront if you are not alerted or are not a participant in this first phase of our plan. Your time will come later, and these instructions are not necessary for you at this time.

We are bringing together those of high leadership status whose responsibilities are far-reaching, and of such a nature that special instructions and training must be given if they are to fulfill their portion of the mission. These have long been in accord with us on inner levels and have spent much time in coordinating necessary discussions relating to their missions while out of body in their night visits with our councils. All of these have sat in on our council meetings while their bodies have slept. Each of you who are to be lifted up in this special gathering have all participated in intergalactic and interplanetary council meetings and listened to preparedness programs. This meeting, in our presence, will take place upon a conscious level. You will retain your full consciousness at every moment and at all times. On this visit you will take with you when you return to Earth situations, a full recall of all that has transpired, along with many evidences of where you have been. Each one of you will be able to prove your sojourn with us, for each will receive undeniable proof to combine with the testimony of many others throughout the globe, presenting accounts consistent with your own. You will be given two objects - one to wear, and one to hold - that will anchor you to that moment for the rest of this embodiment.

You will return to your earthly situations with a quiet spiritual authority that will never be taken from you and will never forsake you. You will be annointed with spiritual credentials and spiritual abilities representing your badge of initiation and mission. At first, your words will be scoffed at and your reports will bring laughter to the multitudes. But allover the world you will stand together, united in your story, consistent in your report, agreeing in your details, and you will cause them to remove the smiles from their countenances when your credentials are activated. You are the representatives of the Highest Celestial Government and the Highest Council of this Solar System, as well as the Highest Tribunal of the Interplanetary Councils.

All of us will reinforce each and everyone of you, and you will be convinced of this before you leave our midst to return.

There are so many of you presently to be lifted, trained and prepared. It is a project of such magnitude that words can scarcely describe not only the effort thus far invested into it over many centuries, but also, the great labor and the millions of volunteers that make it possible.

Therefore, my closing words to my beloved brothers and sisters of Light in this message is a salute to you in the sign of the Solar Cross. I hold forth my right hand of blessing upon each of you. You know who you are. You know where you stand in your places and your inner guidance. Unfortunately, our words and messages will confuse many, but those who must hear will hear; and those who must see will see. To him that hath ears to hear, let him hear; to him that hath eyes to see, let him see. So be ready, my brethren. Be alert. Be listening, for your call shall come. I am Ashtar, one who commands millions of men in this hemisphere for our Beloved Commander in Chief, Jesus the Christ and the World Saviour."

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On my return to New Mexico, the pressure continued to mount to get into the book, even to a grand upheaval in my personal affairs within a matter of days. When I 'came up for breath' from a greatly accelerated and disturbing chain of events, I grumbled to one of my venerable Brothers, "You guys play kind of rough!" Ignoring my vernacular, his counter comment is memorable:

"You have given us permission to act and to create for and with you in the events of your life. It is correct that we do not involve ourselves in the smaller details in the life of an Earthly volunteer, knowing full well that they have the discernment and the ability to arrange their lives and their affairs for the best. But it is also true that all of the details of Earth-based Commanders' lives touch their mission, as they touch their lives. So consider these things within the framework of permission previously given for intervention. You see, Tuella, many aeons ago, you gave us that permission to direct the circumstances of your life in that manner which would best facilitate the mission for which you have come."

* * * * * * * * *

Immediately following the conclusion of the July semi-annual Conclave of the Fleets of the southwestern sector of America, Captain Avalon reported to me, advising that the Floridian Command Communications Center had been host for their meeting there, as well as beneath Cook Mountain. All states and areas of the Southwest were represented by their Officers and persons of great responsibilities. The subject receiving the most attention and longest detailed discussion had to do with lift-up and evacuation details of our section. (Attention, reader: these quarterly conclaves take place at all sectors of the globe.) There is to be one more large final meeting to tie all the loose ends of the plan, but it will involve the entire higher echelon of the Commands. It seems they were concerned to make one important distinction. So much material had now piled up, I was having a bit of confusion from it all regarding the various lift-offs and phases, etc.:

"We wish to clarify these matters. Your confusion has ensued in classifying the briefing withdrawal as a phase of the Global Evacuation. During this training withdrawal, there are not likely to be any global disturbances present. These gatherings are designed as training programs for our Earth-based Commanders. One large element of their responsibilities will be the education of Light workers and their followers. Special Programs for reaching and educating the masses have now ceased. Concentration is directed toward specialized training for the changes ahead.

Please make this distinction. The very first action will be the lifting of these ground Leaders - the Elect, who bear tremendous responsibilities in their assignments. This is a temporary withdrawal for a short period of time, and is not a lift-off phase of the Global Evacuation. It is not necessarily a lift-off, since all councils will remain in your atmosphere and locations. This withdrawal does not constitute the 'twinkling of an eye' lift-up of Light Workers which is, in essence, Phase I of the planetary evacuation.

Therefore, the time sequence calls first for the Commander gatherings to take place as a preparation for the Global Evacuation steps which will occur quickly or later in the future. The Commander councils may involve some landings in secluded areas."

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With this clarification of the sequence of events, a very informative body of information from Andromeda Rex was received by spiritual messenger Lucy Colson and submitted for this focus. Parts of it are scattered in various sections of the text. Andromeda states:

"The Gatherings will take place under the deepest secrecy imaginable. The 'Gathering of Eagles' will come first. This meeting will consist of the advanced echelon of Commanders, a group of highly trained Beings, skilled in planetary affairs. They will contact world governments, groups of Light students, preparing them for an eventual lift-off while the planet is made new. The people must be advised that this is imminent. Those who will remain behind to pass through the fire and water must know the reasons why they will not be lifted off. For out of this trial will come new leaders and new hope for Humanity. They must know that they are never really alone.

The Earthean Eagles will bring back with them from the meeting, concrete, indisputable proof! The Eagles are the ones who will be needed immediately in the days ahead; and who will be beamed up last during evacuation. The Earthean Eagles will be contacted and expected to be at their destined positions in as little time as twelve hours from the time of the Call to Gather. The Eagles will also remain for the regular Gathering, to be briefed with everyone else, and will then brief the Light Commanders under them."


Pregled najnovijih komentara Osobne stranice svih članova kluba
MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član iridairida

    I tebi sretaaaan...-:)))

    08.03.2025. 13:17h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Drage žene, sretan vam vaš dan: obavezno ga proslavite i posvetite sebi. Lp

    08.03.2025. 07:45h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro magicusi. Sretnu nedjelju vam želim. Lp

    02.03.2025. 08:01h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Proslavili smo 17. rođendan magicusa. Danas pogledam broj posjeta, a ono 67. 019.704 milijona. Lijepo zar ne?

    01.03.2025. 07:31h
  • Član iridairida

    i meni je od svih zimskih radosti najdraža topla soba...-:)))

    16.02.2025. 11:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Pozdrav Edin. Kod nas u Varaždinu jučer je padao snijeg, a danas je sunčano vrijeme. Suprotnost koja nas baš i ne veseli. Lp

    15.02.2025. 08:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Dobar dan svim Magicusima. Kod nas pada snijeg, ali je u sobi toplo.

    14.02.2025. 13:34h
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